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Who is Mister Mayhem?

hooligan x

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A big part of my GM style (oh,yes, I have skillz!) is on-the-fly exposition of trivial details in my game world. Since I run a scratch-built universe, I need a lot of off-screen heros to populate it. One dude I threw out there in a news broadcast was Mister Mayhem, leader of the New Challengers, a major supergroup. When pressed for info on his powers, I told the player who had rolled a 6 for his KS:Superheros skill that Mister Mayhem had the power to contol and wield chaos! Another player suggested I name him Oxymoron.


Now the PCs are gonna pick a fight with this guy and I got nuttin'. I sort of picture him being able to create weird random events that happen to go his way and against the black hats. I don't want to spent 450 pts on luck. Any power ideas?


PS: Don't ask what happened to the old Challengers. It ain't pretty. And I don't know.

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Re: Who is Mister Mayhem?


Check out BLACKJACKS character sheet from the Millenial Men game thats being run on Hero Central. I give props the the creator(s) of this character. Its has several ingenius ideas for the Luck based superhero....


Click here for the Character Sheet....



Another idea you may want to incorporate is to build a super with any abilities you want him to have, just with varying special effects. The EB appears as pipes bursting from out of the ground, the extra Forcefield is nothing more than the debris of the broken building, crumbling and falling all around the heroes, making him hard to hit....Luck and Chaos can be more of a special effect than anything.


Also remember Longshot...a bit faster, a bit stronger...definately a heavy hitter at times, who just happened to be lucky as all heck...


I hope this helps a bit....


SIDE NOTE: Ohh..comander of chaos huh..I just thought of something...How about a Summon or Altered Duplicate of the player characters, all brought forth from the Chaos Dimension (Like Chaos Duplicate Beam, or something). Meh..just ideas....

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Just an idea but...


Instead of just luck, you could have him be a walking disruption of our universe's laws. Give him Explosive Telekentic effects to show sudden shifts in what 'Down' is. Grant him tunneling with the special effect that walls and other obstacles just break down on a molecular level around him. Grant him flight at the same rate as his running as he ignores gravity. Maybe he has missile deflection so attacks on him no longer go on straight lines because inertial planes are all out of whack etc.


And if you really want to get weird, give him lots of summoning that even he doesn't have full control over, as he brings forth things from side dimensions as his very presence weakens those dimensional barriers.

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Re: Who is Mister Mayhem?


A neat luck power would be to give him like, +8 overall levels, to simulate being so incredibly lucky...


Also, you could give him a big EB vs PD, Indirect (+1/2) simulating things collapsing/falling on the PCs.


And don't forget all the PCs hunteds who all happen to show up at the same time...

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Re: Who is Mister Mayhem?


Give the guy lots of adjustment powers. Characters that can normally do backflips in their sleep suddenly have trouble doing basic things because he has Drained their DEX and so on. Look at Power Crusher for ideas. In a previous campaign I played in, a slightly souped up version of Power Crusher drove us all NUTS!


Also, consider giving him a few some low level AOE powers that don't necessarily affect supers a lot but that can hit LOTS of normals. After all, if all of the locals suddenly flip out and riot, then you have a whole different situation since the PCs now have to not only beat up the bad guy, but perform riot control. "Okay Mr./Ms Hero. You have two choices. You can punch the bad guy, or you can stop that guy from stomping a mudhole in that old lady over there." Not necessarily a ton of points, but it definitely adds to the difficulty of the situation and to the chaotic feel. Even better, if any of the heroes cheated on their mental defenses, then you might affect one of the players too.

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Re: Who is Mister Mayhem?


Just wanted to elaborate on the "Who made BlackJack?" comment.


Killer Shrike created the character. It was/is Dan Simmon's character. He had the initial inspiration for it and gave over his original draft to Killer Shrike who after some suggestions from OddHat, Dan, and maybe one suggestion from me created that version of BlackJack. He is a difficult character to play because everything is subtle about him but I'll tell you he is a major addition to the group. Killer Shrike has a knack for taking players characters and tweaking them into monsters. I think he has a tranform power :20D6 Major Transform any PC design into monsterously effective PC. You should see some of his villains on his website http://www.killershrike.com.

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