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Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


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Here's a setting for a Dark Champions campaign I posted a while back. I've made a few changes, so I'll repost it here as the first of three posts.





The campaign is a cinematic genre for Ninja Hero and Dark Champions. It is based loosely on the movies Kill Bill and the Maltese Falcon.


EDIT: Sin City also works well here.



The player characters are somewhat important. They are not major players on the grand scheme of things, but they have powerful enemies who will stop at nothing to see them dead.



Morality: Morality is almost always in shades of gray. Corruption is everywhere, and even “good†people have hidden agendas. The player characters themselves occasionally do things that are morally ambiguous.


Realism: The campaign is cinematic. The characters are encouraged to perform cinematic stunts, but not all wuxia-style powers are available. Chi powers are very rare, but they do exist. The players are allowed to pick any armed or unarmed style presented in The Ultimate Martial Artist and Fantasy HERO.


Outlook: Some things work out; others do not. Nothing is guaranteed, although the characters should always have a good chance to escape any given dilemma.


Seriousness: The campaign is more serious than lighthearted. The world is often a dangerous place, and enemies often lurk in the shadows.


Continuity: There are some long stories and some episodic ones. However, the characters’ actions will always have consequences, be they benevolent or otherwise.



Physical World: The world is almost like our world in the early 21st century, except that the battles between the heroes and the villains are fought with martial arts and melee weapons rather than firearms. The setting will be post-modern, with noir undertones.


Scope: Any city can serve as the backdrop of the campaign. The actual extent of the characters’ travels depends on their decisions.


Technology Level: The technology is the same as today’s technology.


Character Building Guidelines

* Starting Points for PCs: 100

* Maximum Disadvantage Points for PCs: 100

* Maximum Points for any One Disadvantage: 25

* All characters have normal characteristic maxima at no cost.

* All characters must be hunted by a more powerful enemy.

* Characters can have normal items without paying any points.

* Characters are not allowed to use firearms (see below).


Power Levels

OCV/DCV: Starting Range 5-8, Maximum 10

Speed: Starting Range 3-4, Maximum 4

DEF: Starting Range 0-2, Maximum 4

Skill Rolls: Starting Range 11- to 14-, Maximum 16



Guns are essentially useless in the campaign and will only be used for flavor. Nobody will have WF: firearms. Likewise, no dice will be rolled for attack or damage. NPCs that are mere window dressing will be killed. PCs and major NPCs will never get hit by gunfire. When the heroes and villains engage in combat, they will fight unarmed or with melee weapons.


Characters should buy maneuvers with an unarmed style and an armed style. Acrobatics and Breakfall are highly recommended skill. Adding to a character’s running and leaping abilities is also recommended. A Multipower can be used to build a martial arts style.


Chi exists in the campaign, but all the effects are subtle. A character may glide across the water, but he cannot fly. He may use his chi to enhance his abilities or heal himself, but he cannot use it to directly cause damage (i.e. no fireballs or energy blasts). However, chi can be used to indirectly cause damage (e.g. increasing STR).


Knockdown rules will be used in place of Knockback. Hit locations and Bleeding rules will also be used.



This section outlines the powers that are available to the characters in the campaign. Note that mundane items that can duplicate these and other powers are bought with money.


Aid: This power is available through training. Aid can only be used to enhance the following characteristics: STR, CON, BODY, PRE, and END. The PCs can buy up to 20 points (2d6) of Aid. It must be bought with the Self Only (-1/2) Limitation.


Clinging: This power is available through training, representing a high skill in climbing.


Damage Resistance: This power is available through training.


Drain: This power is available through training. Drain can only be used against the following characteristics: STR, CON, BODY, PRE, and END. The PCs can buy up to 20 points (2d6) of Drain.


Endurance Reserve: This power is available through training.


Energy Blast: Energy Blast can represent an improvised projectile being thrown at an opponent. It should be taken with OIF: Weapon of opportunity (-1/2 Limitation), and it can do a maximum of 5d6 damage.


Enhanced Senses: A maximum bonus of +2 to the Perception roll is allowed.


Flash: Flash can represent blinding an opponent by throwing sand or reflecting light from a sword. It should be taken with OIF: Weapon of opportunity (-1/2 Limitation), and it can do a maximum of 5d6 damage.


Find Weakness: This power is available through training.


Hand-to-hand Attack: This can represent a weapon strike or martial arts maneuver. It should have a maximum of 5d6.


Killing Attack, Hand-to-hand: This can represent a weapon strike or martial arts maneuver. It should have a maximum of 2d6.


Killing Attack, Ranged: This can represent a weapon strike or martial arts maneuver. It should have a maximum of 2d6.


Lack of Weakness: This power is available through training.


Leaping: Leaping can be purchased up to a maximum of 3â€.


Luck: Only one level of Luck can be purchased. Fate is not necessarily on the heroes’ side in this setting.


Running: Running can be purchased up to a maximum of 3â€.


Swimming: Swimming can be purchased up to a maximum of 3â€.

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Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


This is part 2 of the campaign, which is about the appropriate perks, talents, and disadvantages.


Recommended Perks, Talents and Disadvantages




Access: Allow only up a maximum of two points, and the PCs shouldn’t be able to gain access to places that are too useful.


Anonymity: This Perk works well as written up in the rulebook.


Computer Link: This Perk is not allowed.


Contact: A roll of up to 11- is allowed. The contact can have very useful (but not extremely useful) skills, and should never be slavishly loyal to the PC.


Deep Cover: This Perk works well as written up in the rulebook.


Favor: Allow only up a maximum of two points, and they shouldn’t be too useful.


Follower: This Perk is not allowed.


Fringe Benefit: Appropriate benefits include International driver’s license, professional license, passport, press pass, PI license, weapon permit (not concealed), local police powers.


Reputation: A roll of up to 11- for a small to medium-size group is allowed.


Vehicles and Bases: This Perk works well as written up in the rulebook.





Absolute Range Sense: This Talent is allowed, but it may not be very useful in the campaign.


Absolute Time Sense: This Talent works well as written up in the rulebook.


Bump of Direction: This Talent is allowed, but it may not be very useful in the campaign.


Combat Luck: This can only be bought once.


Combat Sense: Allow the PCs to buy only up to the base roll.


Danger Sense: Allow the PCs to buy only up to the base roll, and it must be intuitional. It can be used out of combat.


Double Jointed: This Talent works well as written up in the rulebook.


Eidetic Memory: This Talent works well as written up in the rulebook.


Environmental Movement: This Talent is not allowed.


Lightning Calculator: This Talent is allowed, but it may not be very useful in the campaign.


Lightning Reflexes: Allow the PCs to buy only up to three points.


Lightsleep: This Talent works well as written up in the rulebook.


Perfect Pitch: This Talent is allowed, but it may not be very useful in the campaign.


Resistance: Allow the PCs to buy only up to a maximum of +3 to EGO rolls.


Simulate Death: This should only be available through training or certain drugs.


Speed Reading: This Talent is allowed, but it may not be very useful in the campaign.


Universal Translator: This Talent is not allowed.





Accidental Change: This Disadvantage is not allowed.


Age: This Disadvantage is allowed but is not recommended.


Dependence: This Disadvantage works well as written up in the rulebook.


Dependent NPC: This Disadvantage works well as written up in the rulebook.


Distinctive Features: This Disadvantage works well as written up in the rulebook.


Enraged/Berserk: This Disadvantage works well as written up in the rulebook.


Hunted: This Disadvantage works well as written up in the rulebook.


Physical Limitation: This Disadvantage is allowed but is not recommended.


Psychological Limitation: This Disadvantage works well as written up in the rulebook.


Social Limitation: This Disadvantage works well as written up in the rulebook.


Susceptibility: This Disadvantage is not allowed.


Unluck: Allow up to a maximum of three levels.


Vulnerability: This Disadvantage is allowed but is not recommended.

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Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


Finally, here are a few adventures you can use for the setting, as well as a list of books I used for inspiration.




1. The Coin Collection

A friend of the heroes contacts them and is assaulted by a group of thugs just prior to meeting the heroes. Before he dies, he sends them to a beautiful woman who sings in a nightclub. She tells the heroes their friend was murdered by a wealthy businessman, whom she claims has stolen a collection of valuable coins from a museum. Their friend was killed because he had proof of the businessman’s guilt and was planning to turn him in. However, the businessman has many connections. She asks them instead to retrieve coins from the businessman’s home while he is out of town and return them to the museum. If the heroes agree, they succeed, but they soon find out the businessman has returned and kidnapped the woman. He will kill her if the coins are not returned.


2. Extortion

A local syndicate is extorting money from a restaurant owner, who is a friend of the heroes. Wishing to avoid trouble, she agrees to pay, but the syndicate sends some local thugs to “steal†the money. The syndicate offers to defer the payments in exchange for turning the restaurant into a front for drug deals. The desperate restaurant owner turns to the heroes for help.


3. A Friend in Deed

The heroes stumble upon an illegal casino run by a man who has aided them in the past. Do they keep his secret, or do they turn him in to the authorities?


4. The Scoop

A reporter takes notice of the heroes’ vigilante activities. She will do anything to get her story and expose the heroes, including seducing one of them. However, she may be persuaded to join their crusade as a contact.


5. To Serve and Protect

A corrupt police detective is after the heroes. He is not above planting evidence (or suppressing it) in order to frame the heroes for a felony. He plans to kill the heroes when he goes to arrest them.


6. Caught in the Middle

A shooting war erupts between rival gangs. The reporter from Adventure #4 asks the heroes to save her brother, who is in one of the gangs.


7. R&R

The heroes rest from their labors and recover from their wounds. However, their neighbors seem to be acting strangely around them. Are the neighbors hiding a secret, or are the heroes not as adept as they thought at keeping their vigilante activities secret?


8. The Fugitive

An old friend of a hero is wanted for murder. He is guilty of the crime, but he killed in self-defense. He had borrowed money from a loan-shark to pay off his debts, and when he was unable to repay the money, the loan-shark sent his thugs after the man. The friend killed the thugs. Unfortunately, the loan-shark has connections in the local government, and he has persuaded the police that the man’s use of lethal force was unjustified.


9. A Woman Scorned

A hero’s former lover contacts him. She claims she is running from her abusive husband, who is pursuing her. She asks the hero to help her. In truth, she is not an abused wife. She married for money and status, and is tired of living with her spouse. She has also borne a grudge against the hero for leaving her. She hopes she can persuade the hero to kill her husband. She will then turn him in to the police and claim a large inheritance.


10. Long Time No See

An old enemy resurfaces, seeking revenge. He has acquired many resources, which he intends to use against the heroes.


11. Home Turf

The shooting war that began in Adventure #6 escalates. The heroes’ friends and families are endangered as the area of the conflict expands into their neighborhoods.


12. We Meet at Last

The heroes have made many powerful enemies. One of them sends a group of assassins led by one of his top enforcers to deal with the heroes once and for all.



Blades: Immortal Steel by Brandon and Susan Blackmoor.

Noir by Christopher L. McGlothlin

The Triad Sourcebook by Allan T. Grothe Jr., John R. Phython Jr., Matthew D. Harrop, and David Brandon Sturm.

To Live and Die in HK by Gareth-Michael Skarka, David Brandon Sturm, John R. Phython Jr., Aaron Sturm, Matthew D. Harrop, and F. S. Kessler.

Cyber HERO by Michael Fine, Michael McAfee, and Curtis Scott.

Dark Champions: Heroes of Vengeance, 4th Edition by Steven S. Long.


Many thanks to these fine authors for their inspiration.

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Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


Dark Champions: Heroes of Vengeance, 4th Edition by Stephen S. Long


Clearly, you have the first printing of the book, which has my name mis-spelled on the cover. ;)


There was a time when it seemed like the first thing I wrote for any company, they ended up mis-spelling my name. At least now I don't have that problem. ;)

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Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


Thanks. I haven't gamed in a long time, so I posted my ideas here so that maybe someone else can use them. My old gaming group is intrigued though. I just have to figure out how to find the time to rejoin the group.

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Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


Clearly, you have the first printing of the book, which has my name mis-spelled on the cover. ;)


There was a time when it seemed like the first thing I wrote for any company, they ended up mis-spelling my name. At least now I don't have that problem. ;)


Well, for my first published work, on the table of contents, Steve left out my middel initinal (which I always include in any legal paper I sign, just because I can, darn it).


But no problem...the initinal reapered for my artical in Digital Hero itself.


Stanley R. Teriaca.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


Just wanted to weigh in with my own opinion here. I co-wrote To Live and Die in H.K. (Hong Kong Action Theatre! suppliment) for the late Event Horizon Productions. Besides a few rules addendums, I wrote 4 of the 6 adventures featured in the book, as well as all the sample adventures for G.O.O.'s HKAT!2.


Now that my credentials have been established, I just wanted to let you all know what I kick I've gotten out of the Martial Arts/Noir Hero system suppliment offered here. Very cool stuff. It's too bad that HKAT never took off the way I hoped it would, but it's nice to know that someone is still getting use out of the material.



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  • 1 month later...

Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


If you're willing to use guns, one of the obvious resources for a campaign like this is anime series such as Noir and Madlax, in which the characters are young, apparently helpless, but actually not only capable but incredibly so.


This is also a great sort of campaign for the "assassin with a consscience" type of character, someone who has no compunctions about committing murder (even cold-blooded murder) but has standards concering who he or she kills. A hit man who only kills crime figures or those connected to them willingly (such as cops or poltiicans who are int he pocket of the mob) would be one such example.


The "noble criminal" is another archetype that would work in this style of campaign -- someone who is a criminal or associates with criminals but whose own personal belifs or code of honor puts him in conflict with his peers. Walter Hill's controversial masterpiece The Warriors is a perfect example -- the gang at the center of the story may be ruthless and brutal, but they defend their own, take care of each other, and seem to have some sense of worth beyond their own petty interests. This especially true in environemnts that are so grim and poverty-ridden that breaking the law is the only way for a person to obtain a decent life for themselves 9such as the Coney island of The Warriors).

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Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


I was also thinking about the music for this genre. I like old music, so I play CDs of Lena Horne, Dave Brubeck, Nat King Cole. Some anime music like the score from Big O works well. I watched Bladerunner the other day, and I thought I need to get that musical score too.


As for the look of the campaign, I like to use a mix of old and new. Most of the time, you'll see modern skyscrapers and vehicles, but I'll throw in the occasional Victorian house or vintage automobile for flavor.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

Re: Martial Arts/Film Noir Campaign


Thanks. I haven't gamed in a long time' date=' so I posted my ideas here so that maybe someone else can use them. My old gaming group is intrigued though. I just have to figure out how to find the time to rejoin the group.[/quote']


Stop posting here and go play. =) Then post in your spare time after that! Oh, and quit your job... dump your girlfriend... gain about 100 pounds and grow a beard... and live at home with your mother. All done. See? I can solve your problems... maybe not well, or in a good way, or even a respectable way... but its solved! And, and for being obese, apply for disability...

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