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[Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Champions of Vancouver - Episode 26: "The Truth Unveiled"


Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader?)

Archangel Gabriel - Incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator

Lucky - Well he just is yah know!



Mount Garibaldi Secret Headquarters




The Story Continues...

- The VIPER Database Files reveal VOICE Operations in Vancouver. Connections with the Chinatown Golden Harvest Society.

- Duchess Industries, CEO Andrea Van Droit(?) aquires CREO Industires (Whose VIP had ties to VIPER) Currently local offices are being visited by Dedra Van Droit (Andrea's Niece).

- The RCMP Asian Crimes Unit had a case against The Golden Harvest Society, but their two inside informers disappeared and the lead investigative Officer retired and now heads a Personal Protective Services Company in Miami. Providing Anti Bugging, Personal Protection, and Security Services.

- The Cargo Ship "Benejesurit" was damage at the Port of Vancouver by a large LASER weapon and elements of VOICE's JAWS. Several large "artificial diamonds" and some heavy machinary.

- Jame Kuok, CEO of the Kuok Group is soon to complete the Hotel Shangrila Vancouver.

- Dragon Dance Festival (The Golden Harvet Festival Kung Fu School is participating at the Hotel Shangrila Vancouver Grand (Re)Opening.

- Blitz has arranged for Sgt Williamson of Personal Protective Services has arrived to provide Security Services for a buisness aquaintence. To ambush him upon arrival and interrogate him.

- Windsurfer used his computer skills to decrypt the VIPER Files and was lead investigator.

- Prye Archer continues his Thaumaturgical Studies, made up with his girl friend, and returned to work.

- More later...




Loose Threads:

Too numberous to list here. (At least until the Heroes have cleaned up a few. ;)


The Good:

The Heroes may not be trained investigators, but there did extremely well. I may have to work on my Clues.


The Bad:



The Ugly:

The Puns, god(s) save us the puns were horrible.


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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Just a quick thought as we proceed to our next adventure. Is it a bad thing that we have absolutely no plan, or for that matter even an idea as to what is going to go down. We know where and when it is going to happen...just not who is behind it or what is going to happen. Sounds like a disaster in the making. Oh well good thing the champions of Vancouver are around as we can handle anything...right???

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Or at least get horribly maimed in the process ;)


Well, FWIW, hero teams frequently charge into situations with little to no preplanning. In the real world, we'd be dead. In superheroic RPG worlds...well, the chances are tipped slightly in our favour...



-Still, I'd feel better with some backup. Say, Genesic GaoGaiGar....

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Wow, what a fight.


Good thing I drew that yellow chit again! :rockon:


Though the battle is not quite over, and we need to get that key out of there ASAP... and probably question the Dragon Lord guy about it. I would think he's probably ok with us having it, being that we defeated Hung to get it, and he couldn't... Hopefully he's an honourable guy.


Overall way to go guys, a great session, a great fight, heck even Lucky stayed conscious!!!


[now we just gotta get you guys to buy TEAMWORK!]

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Champions of Vancouver - Episode 27: "The Return of VOICE"


Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader?)

Gabriel. The White Monk - Incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator

Lucky - Well he just is yah know!




Hotel Shangrila Vancouver. (See Episode 1 & 2)



The Story Continues...

- Dragon Dance Festival

- Dragon Master

- Goshawk, Steel Raven, Lung Hung, 60 VOICE Agents and more +++

- It was a grand brawl in the grand brawl room of the Hotel Shangrila Vancouver.

- The Golden Key to the Forbidden City

- James Kuok is a descendant of the Royal Families of China.

- More Later



Loose Threads:



The Good:

"MORTAL COMBAT!!!" Their was plenty of Agents and Supervillains to challenge the PCs and the Luck Chits really came into their own. As PCs and NPCs alike spent them like water. radioKAOS drew the Yellow (Gold) Chit... AGAIN!!! And spent it at the very end of the session which ran late, but surprised all the PCs. A good sign of a great session.



The Bad:

I think Lung Hung may be more than they can handle ;). 2 weeks until we know for sure.


The Ugly:

I needed better preperation for the Agents, but in the end the PCs made "short" work of them.




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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Last session was very investigation heavy, and we didn’t feel like we’d gotten a lot of information. We knew that VOICE was involved, that there was some possibility they were making another try to kidnap James Kuok (local magnate, building the Shangri-La building downtown -- a previous attempt had been made in conjunction with VOICE and mentalist Dreamer in an earlier adventure). We knew there might be a connection to a local “cultural social club” called the “Golden Harvest.” There were lots of side items including a former RCMP Sergeant Williams now working for a Florida-based security firm owned (through a major French security conglomerate) by Duchess Industries, which interests Blitz.


There was also a previous (VOICE?) operation in the Port of Vancouver involving the Bene Gesserit, a Dutch-flagged vessel shipping heavy industrial parts and artificial diamonds. Blitz & Orion found a hole burned in the side of the vessel and artificial diamonds (presumably from the ship) were later found in the possession of a VP of Creo Industries (who were involved in that unfortunate laser drill episode).


We visited the Golden Harvest club and discovered they were heavily involved in preparations for the grand opening of the Shangri-la, which was to include a major “Dragon Festival” event: a martial arts exhibition and contest.



This session began on the day of the grand opening. Blitz, PyreArcher and Windsurfer had invites (as members of the CoV, which saved James Kuok from the previous kidnapping attempt). Lucky pretended to be from the catering agency and disguised himself as a server. Gabriel, who had just awakened in the local church as the White Monk, came as Blitz’s guest.


We distributed ourselves around the three major floors of the grand opening and waited for something to happen.


Our first real hint of trouble was the sudden appearance of about 60 VOICE agents with AKs, evenly distributed over the floors. The glass windows shattered in the volley of AK fire and Goshawk and Steel Raven entered opposite sides of the top floor.


The distribution of heroes was fortuitous and the dispersion of villains was not :-).


Gabriel used his “Army of One” power to attack all 20 agents on the top floor, hitting all but one of them for significant damage, since they were basically normals. Goshawk fired a burst of wing blades at Gabriel and drew blood from both the hero and the crowd around him. Gabriel took a couple more attacks to take down all the agents on his floor, receiving a single bullet wound in return.


Blitz does a passing attack on several agents on the lowest floor, knocking them out and bowling over three others who are also knocked out. After taking out several more, he engaged a newly arrived villain in armor who tried to grab James Kuok. Blitz’s various attacks kept this new villain busy, knocked back, or stunned. The gong-like sounds of fists hitting armor and armor hitting concrete echo through the arena. The armored man drops, unconscious.


Enraged (“friends take BODY”), Windsurfer hits Goshawk with his “Sandblast” RKA, doing damage but not enough put him down. Switching to Steel Raven next, Windsurfer’s "WindShear" knocked her out cold and out of the building, bringing an enraged Goshawk’s attack in response. Luckily, Windsurfer just barely switched to his "WindWalking" (desolid) form, foiling all Goshawk’s attacks.


PyreArcher uses his selective Area Effect Archery attack on the middle floor agents, absolutely wiping out one guy and damaging the rest. While Goshawk concentrates on Windsurfer, PyreArcher stuns him and knocks him back out of the building. We hear Steel Raven shriek and dive to save him.


Lucky wades into the agents, first with fists and then with his “beatin’ stick.” They drop like flies.


Out in the middle of the martial arts demonstration (where most of the players have gone to ground as the echos of gunfire ring through the room), one man leaps three stories up and grabs the prize, a golden key, off the central pole. Windsurfer recognizes him as “Dragon Master.”


After Gabriel drops the last agent on his floor, several of the civilians get up and seem inclined to attack him. Suspecting mind control, he decides to change floors.


Lung Hung, a small masked Chinese man, uses some kind of ranged (mental?) attack on Dragon Master and drops him, screaming. Gabriel leaps down between Dragon Master (and the key) and Lung Hung, who draws a sword. Windsurfer nails the stunned and unconscious armored man with another "WindShear", making sure he’s out for the count.


PyreArcher uses flash on Lung Hung, who appears unaffected and snatches the key from the air with the tip of his sword. Lucky nails Lung Hung’s foot to the floor with a thrown knife, but Lung Hung simply steps back off the blade. Windsurfer’s "WindShear" strikes Lung Hung but does no visible damage. PyreArcher fires and the sword deflects his flaming arrow.


Blitz attempts a passing disarm on Lung Hung and ends up wrapped up in a one-handed wrestling match for the key. Gabriel tries the same on the sword and gets the same result. With the key in Lung Hung’s hand, the building begins to vibrate and a low humming sound fills the room.


Blitz spins Lung Hung as Gabriel lets go. Windsurfer removes the air from Lung Hung’s lungs, but he just stares at the hero with “eyes older than time.”


Lucky leaps down to join the fray, Pyre Archer fires again and this time knocks Lung Hung back and over the edge of the outside balcony. Lucky dives for the key in Lung Hung’s hand and goes over the edge with him.


As they fall from the 45th floor, Lucky nerve strikes to open his opponent’s hand and takes the key. Pyre Archer dives for Lucky, side-by-side with Steel Raven, who snatches the key from Lucky as Goshawk power dives past to catch Lung Hung. All six are at or above terminal velocity when they hit the "WindWall" a trailing Windsurfer places at the 28th floor. Lucky, Goshawk, and Steel Raven are all (luckily!) knocked out by the sudden surprising impact, and the key flies free into Windsurfer’s hand as Gabriel and Blitz watch from the upper balcony.



Remaining Threads:

Finishing the combat and wrapping up the villains.

PyreArcher's books.

Jefferson Gable (employed by Impala) is trying to take over Windsurfer’s business.

Reporters have asked Windsurfer’s normal ID for an interview on his activities as a hero.

Where are the VOICE agents and Jaws coming from, and why are they interested in the Key to the Forbidden City? For that matter, why keep trying to kidnap James Kuok (above, Eddie notes that he's descended from Chinese royalty!)?


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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Yeah, Lucky really came into his own here. Especially when the 'Beatin' Stick' came out :D


As for me...I am continually impressed and a little horrified at how much Knockback I keep doing with my attacks. Skuld help everyone if I ever manage to put an Impact arrow into my MP. That'd be one heck of a respec, though.


Time went fast, once combat started.




This keeps up, I might start thinking that I'm actually -useful- in a fight ;)

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver



2 weeks until total destruction... Muhuwahahahaha!!!



*Sigh* why is it always total destruction with you lot? Never partial destruction, limited destruction, or just kicking over a few buildings 'cause you're in a mood. I swear, it's like having Gojira GM'ing us...;)

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Last session was very investigation heavy, and we didn’t feel like we’d gotten a lot of information.


All six are at or above terminal velocity when they hit the "WindWall" a trailing Windsurfer places at the 28th floor. Lucky, Goshawk, and Steel Raven are all (luckily!) knocked out by the sudden surprising impact, and the key flies free into Windsurfer’s hand as Gabriel and Blitz watch from the upper balcony.


Very, very well done. I salute you all. Out of curiousity, at what point did the yellow luck chit come into it? Given the combination of good tactics, the right mix of powers, and favorable dice, all this stuff could reasonably have happened without it.

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Very' date=' very well done. I salute you all. Out of curiousity, at what point did the yellow luck chit come into it? Given the combination of good tactics, the right mix of powers, and favorable dice, all this stuff could reasonably have happened without it.[/quote']

It was the end of the session, creating a 'use it or lose it' situation. So, instead of letting the bad guys get away, they get conveniently KO'd, if I remember right.


That night went -fast-

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Very' date=' very well done. I salute you all. Out of curiousity, at what point did the yellow luck chit come into it? Given the combination of good tactics, the right mix of powers, and favorable dice, all this stuff could reasonably have happened without it.[/quote']


Nice to see you're still checking in on us!


Yeah, I used it to basically pump up the effect of the Force Wall, knocking out the bad guys and getting the Key into Windsurfer's hands. It was a rather selfless use, even if I do say so myself... I didn't use it to grab any spotlight at all, but only to create a plausible event which left us in a more favourable position. ;)

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


WARNING! WARNING! Champions of Vancouver Campaign in Danger!!!


Good day Gentlemen, I have news. I was transfered off my site . So my schedule is totally up in the air. I am good for this Monday, but after that I am in uncharatered waters.


Cross you fingers and I WILL see you this Monday.



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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Champions of Vancouver - Episode 28: "Free Fall"


Cast of Characters:

Blitz - Speedster/Martial Artist (Current Team Leader?)

Gabriel. The White Monk - Incarnation of the Archangel Gabriel

Pyre Archer - Pyrokinetic Winged Archer

Windsurfer - Mutant Wind Manipulator

Lucky - Well he just is yah know!



- Goshawk, Steel Raven, Lung Hung, 60 VOICE Agents and more +++

- The Golden Key to the Forbidden City

- James Kuok, CEO of the Kuok Group

- Guardian II



Hotel Shangrila Vancouver (In free fall somewhere between the 45th and 30th floors)

KAL's is the name of an S&M Club in North Vancouver, where nobody looks twice at someone in a costume, spandex, or tight leather. There is a second level that is my campaigns Super Bar.


The Story Continues...

1. Windsurfer's Wind Wall (Force Wall, Stunning Lucky, Goshawk, Black Raven, and Lung Hung) also slowed their fall and he manages to snag to grab (Grab By) the Gold Key.


2. Blitz (who is terrified of heights) races down the fire stairwells towards street level ahead of them.


3. Windsurfer hits Lung Hung with a Wind Blast (Energy Blast) accelerating him faster than terminal velocity (+16" added to current velocity of 20".


4. Pyre Archer power dives and catches Lucky (Grab By).


5. Lung Hung, Goshawk, and Black Raven recover (From Stun). Black Raven barely pulls out and Goshawk power dives and catches Lung Hung.


6. Meanwhile of the 45th floor The White Monk battles desperately to hold back the tide of innocent who are Mind Controlled and trying to throw themselves out the broken windows... Some make it passed him. (Lemmings)


7. Blitz looks up and sees Pyre Archer and Lucky heading the the street at lethal speeds. He judges it right and (Spend a Blue Luck Chit "Flexing his Speedster Powers") races foreword. He catches them and redirects their inertia and expending it by moving horizontally and they all tumble to the ground in an undignified, but unhurt pile.


8. Goshawk and Lung Hung do manage to pull out of it, but Lung Hung is dragged about 20 meters before they gain altitude.


9. The Police try to bring them down, but have to find cover when Black Raven strafes them with a hail of deadly javelins.


10. Windsurfer sees the jumpers falling from the 45th floor and races back to put Wind Walls up to stop any more.


11. Blitz races back upstairs with Lucky to help stop more innocents from jumping. Pyre Archer manages to catch two more.


12. And then an Energy Field (Telekinesis AER) catches the last jumpers. Guardian (II) has arrived just in the nick of time.


13. The Heroes manage to stop the mind controlled innocents from jumping to there deaths. Blitz rearranges the furniture into barriers and combines with the others to contain them. Finally its over. The innocents are free the mental domination return to normal.


14. But, the Armoured Man, Dragon Master, and James Kuok are missing.


15. Emergency services arrive later to take over and that's when James Kuok and Dragon Master walk back through the Halls doors. He thanks the Heroes and expresses his sincere thanks and offer to help them any time they need. Then he politely asks for and they give him back the key.


16. Dragon Master, never left the door way smiles and bows a salute to them and vanishes from sight.


17. At last the Media arrive and Blitz basks in the lime light as the Champions of Vancouver's current leader.


18. Guardian (II) meanwhile is making time with on young lady and they fly off together.


19. Biff Naked meanwhile hits on Blitz.



20. They all decide to celebrate their victory and head off to KAL's for drinks, music, dancing, and fun.


21. Fade to Black.




Loose Threads:

The Golden Key to the Forbidden City. What is it? What does it do?

What's the Connection between James Kuok and VOICE?


The Good:

The Players seemed to enjoy themselves and have fun. They really got into the spirit of it and managed to Flex their Powers creatively using the Luck Chits.


Evan Robinson (aka Windsurfer) is planning to GM the Champions of Vancouver for a while and borrowed my UNTIL and VIPER source books. YAY!!!


The Bad:

I should have prepared more, but the Heroes managed to avoid the VIPER Ambush on the ground by flying or racing away after the fight. Gamers and best laid plans yah know.


The Ugly:

My work schedule is currently up in the air. When it settles down I'll know more.






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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Wow...We managed to wrap up this session, after leaving it literally "up in the air", without a single injured bystander, seriously wounded hero, trouble with the law or "oops where did the crowns of krim go?" Although I am still not aloud to talk on the phone yet Blitz does have a date with Bif!

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Well, it was a fun wrap to my first Champions campaign in...years. The Crowns have been Fed-X'd back to the Happy Hunting Grounds/Valhalla/Nirvana/Bosstones/what have you. Blitz managed to hook up with a rock star, earning him the emnity of every Bif Naked stalker in the land. And Lucky and I managed to avoid being reduced to...Kuoc-amole outside the Hotel Shangri-La. Not to mention saving a small horde of society's upperish crusts from following through on an ill-worded Mind Control.


("Follow me". Then I kinda knocked the controller (I think) in question off the side of the building. Gotta watch that knockback. Yeesh.)


Even if that's not how it happened, it's still too silly an idea not to use somewhere else.


We saved lives, and had fun doing it. Always a sign of a good campaign. My only regret is feeling kind of spaced out the last few sessions. Sorry all.


And what did I learn?

-Knockback is your friend. You will learn to love it, and you will love it before you learn to. Until it's applied to you.

-You really can do anything in Champions. Just set the brain to Moderate Math mode, and you're set.

-If you want to screw up an ambush, fly. They'll never catch you :-) So does that mean there's a horde of Viper agents just wandering around, waiting for us to show up?


I had a fun time. And now, it's time for a new adventure, a new setting (possibly), and a new GM. one sec; I have 'Rascal King' video cued up now.


(Hits 'play')


Yeah. That's the stuff.


See everyone later!

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Campaign Meta Plots:

1. James Kuok and VOICE - the PCs never really pursued this one so I moved on.

2. VIPER and the Champions of Vancouver - VIPER was evaluating the PCs from day one. These new Heroes really became a serious threat after they took down the Mechanon, the Crowns of Krim, and interfeared with VIPER Operations. The VIPER Nest Leader Redstone set up a series of tests using the VIPER Database "Plant" to observe, analyze, and test them. Once complete VIPER prepared to attack the PCs in Public with Agents attack their weaknesses. The Heroes public defeat would boost VIPERs Rep and put the world on notice.

3. DEMON & the Crown of Krim ended somewhat surpirsingly fast. Who Knew???


Campaign Loose Threads:

1. Super Drugs was another VIPER bit, but the PCs failed to pursue it further.

2. Scorpio the Mentalist/Temporal Gadgeteer faded away from this reality after one of the PCs left, but he left them all guessing.

3. The Egyption Pantheon died in still birth following Orion's retirement.



Future Conciderations:

1. Next time I GM there will be more focus on PC Disadvantages. Especially Hunteds and Watchers.

2. Battleground Maps and Locations.

3. Temporal Shifts/Time Quakes - Medieval Versions of themselves (Star Trek's "Men in Tights" Episode, etc... etc...)




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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Future Conciderations:

1. Next time I GM there will be more focus on PC Disadvantages. Especially Hunteds and Watchers.



This one's always a devil to GM.


I hope you get to enjoy your friend's turn in the GM chair. Rotating GMs is a good way to keep a campaign fresh, as long as they're on the same page. :-)

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Re: [Campaign] Champions of Vancouver


Future Conciderations:

1. Next time I GM there will be more focus on PC Disadvantages. Especially Hunteds and Watchers.

2. Battleground Maps and Locations.

3. Temporal Shifts/Time Quakes - Medieval Versions of themselves (Star Trek's "Men in Tights" Episode, etc... etc...)


I don't know; I got a good bit of grief from my DNPC girlfriend in a few episodes.


As for timeshifts...not without a TARDIS.:)

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