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Villain creation question

J. Chamberlin

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Hiya again.


I'm trying to make a villain for my campaign, and I got a little stuck; figured I'd ask the pros.


She's a villain named Ragdoll, acrobat/contortionist-turned-criminal. She wears a really baggy costume of loosely stitched together rags thats really easy for her to move in and also makes her basically impossible to hit on account of you can never really see where exactly her limbs are in the mess of rags, and shes super dodgy.


Okay, here's where you guys come in:

How do I simulate her dodgy-ness? She doesn't need the suit to be dodgy, but it does help her. Should I buy her Armour? Resistant DEF? Can I just raise her DCV through the roof somehow, and if so, how? What would you guys do in my place?


And if that particular problem sounds lame, maybe can ya give me some suggestions for Powers that'd be cool for a villain like this? Shes low powered (150 + 100 disads), so keep that in mind.


Thanks for the help folks.



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Re: Villain creation question


DCV Skill levels due to the suit. ==== 10 +3 DCV (OIF Ragdoll suit)


Then add in the rules for Dive for Cover, Defensive Strike, and Martial Dodge. A decent Speed Score would mean she could try to stay out of harm's way most of the time and be "ultra dodgy".


Powers for me she would use a sap for extra Hand to Hand damage. You might also give her some CE (Telekinetic effects +5-10STR) for whipping rags and cloth around to hide behind, and or some Darkness (not totally dark according to SFX just impossible to see with all the craziness.




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Re: Villain creation question


Giving a small bonus to DCV (say two levels) based on OIF sounds ok. It's a bit of an edge that the costume gives her. To represent her general dodgeness, I'd advise looking at the Champions Genre book which notes that a good way to represent characters who are really good at dodging, without having a silly DCV (which can also give a character a glass jaw if they DO get hit) is Armor (6PD/6ED as an example) defined as "combat luck."


A unique martial art with lots of dodges, escapes, and grapples might work as well. To make the character not so lame, consider using a str drain linked to grab to represent how effective her hold is on a character. A PD drain or NND attack linked to grab (defined as her contortionist abilities) can also make a relatively normal strength level deadly to many supers.

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Re: Villain creation question


I'd be inclined to use a small suite of abilities for her dodgy-ness (love that:D)

Extra DCV levels with Requires a skill roll:Acrobatics (usable all the time)

Additional DCV levels bought on a focus for her ragsuit.

Combat luck "Nyah nyah... nice shot hero boy...too bad ya missed the meat!"

And probably missile deflection, with the SFX "Dodgy"


Or, if you want her to be nigh un-hittable while in her rag suit, use Desolid , only to avoid attacks (No moving through walls etc.), RSR: Acrobatics (so she can be hit if she flubs her dodgy-ness roll), OIF Ragsuit, inherently vunerable to AOE and explosion attacks


Edit: Other powers... hmm missed that. I tend to agree with the martial arts approaches mentioned above. in addition to chokes, dodges, ecapes, etc... well, letsee... Garotte type attacks with the rags, Flashes from obscuring the opponents sight, an Entangle or perhaps limited streching from whipping out with the suit... pretty typical cloak tricks really. Based on personal experience too (I had a wicked Ragman costume for Hallowe'en a few years back) some levels with concealment or similar stealth effects wouldn't be amiss, especailly at night (a pile of varicolored rags can do an amazing imitation of a boulder in the shadows, even on a fairly bright day)

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Re: Villain creation question


Thanks guys, mighty helpful.


Especially some of the power recomendations; she got the Change Environment to obscure sight (-3 PER) in 2" radius all around her - I call it "Rag Chaos"; I'm just begging for the PCs to pun her to death.


I can't wait to release this b***h on the Heroes...



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Re: Villain creation question


Thanks guys, mighty helpful.


Especially some of the power recomendations; she got the Change Environment to obscure sight (-3 PER) in 2" radius all around her - I call it "Rag Chaos"; I'm just begging for the PCs to pun her to death.


I can't wait to release this b***h on the Heroes...



If her "Dodgy" is more absolute vs her opponents, you can do a more odd application of Darkness (with Personal Immunity) centered on her own hex only.


This represents someone who is so hard to hit that opponents will start resorting to area effect attacks.


- Christopher Mullins

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Re: Villain creation question


[quote=JShe's a villain named Ragdoll, acrobat/contortionist-turned-criminal. She wears a really baggy costume of loosely stitched together rags thats really easy for her to move in and also makes her basically impossible to hit on account of you can never really see where exactly her limbs are in the mess of rags, and shes super dodgy.


Okay, here's where you guys come in:

How do I simulate her dodgy-ness? She doesn't need the suit to be dodgy, but it does help her. Should I buy her Armour? Resistant DEF? Can I just raise her DCV through the roof somehow, and if so, how? What would you guys do in my place?


And if that particular problem sounds lame, maybe can ya give me some suggestions for Powers that'd be cool for a villain like this? Shes low powered (150 + 100 disads), so keep that in mind.


Sounds like you've got quite a few ideas already. But I'll throw in my two cents.


Defensive powers: Bonuses to DCV, a Martial Arts suite (Martial Dodge, Martial Block, Flying Dodge) and CVs with those manuevers, Combat Luck, Missile Defection (and Reflection if she can grab physical missile out of the air and whip them back at her opponents), Damage Reduction (if she can get her rags in the way), and Desolidification (to make her real expensive, buy some attacks that are usable while she's Desolid).


Other powers: HAs of various advantages, Stretching (a must), Entangles (also a must; maybe with a bonus for creating walls), Flashes (with physical SFX), TK for grabbing objects, Extra Limbs (lots of sleeves), Swinging (give her lots of movement and keep her moving around the battlefield), enhanced Strength with grab or similar manuevers, Force Wall (throwing up a stretch of rags), Images (she flows through a long length of rags, making it hard to tell which bit of movement is the real her)....and I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.


Sounds like what you want to create is a Martial Artist/Stretching character. Just give her whatever tricks you might give a Plastic Man style character and redefine it as her flexibility and wierd rag costume.


Good luck with her.



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Re: Villain creation question


How about something like this:

Cost Power END
Raggedy Powers
8 1) Raggedy Absorption: Armor (8 PD/0 ED) (12 Active Points); Ablative BODY Only (-1/2) 0
15 2) Raggedy Body: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
15 3) Raggedy Bounce: Leaping +15" (17" forward, 8 1/2" upward) 1
24 4) Raggedy Reflexes: +6 with DCV (30 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 3
25 5) Raggedy Limbs I: Stretching 5" 2
12 6) Raggedy Limbs II: +6 with Contortonist
Powers Cost: 99
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Re: Villain creation question


Hiya again.


I'm trying to make a villain for my campaign, and I got a little stuck; figured I'd ask the pros.


She's a villain named Ragdoll, acrobat/contortionist-turned-criminal. She wears a really baggy costume of loosely stitched together rags thats really easy for her to move in and also makes her basically impossible to hit on account of you can never really see where exactly her limbs are in the mess of rags, and shes super dodgy.


Okay, here's where you guys come in:

How do I simulate her dodgy-ness? She doesn't need the suit to be dodgy, but it does help her.

I'd say first buy her a couple generic 5 pt DCV levels. After that, buy a couple 5 pt DCV OIF levels "rag costume." Additionally, buy her some combat luck. It might not be a bad idea to give her martial arts with not just Martial Dodge, but Flying Dodge as well (along with some throws).


I like the idea of adding the "restrainable" limitation to some of her powers (even DCVs), but make sure you don't confuse "defense" with DCV, otherwise, you'll sacrifice her seeming inability to be hit with ability to "shake it off."


I hope this helps.

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Re: Villain creation question


I don't have a power constuct so much as an idea. ;)

It would be cool if she could do the trick where a hero thinks he has her, and is pounding the stuffing out of her, only to find that he is only holding a rag-stuffed dummy.

What is the best way to do this?


I was thinking of something like Duplication so that there really is a physical presence there to hit rather than just some kind of mental-illusion thing.


Perhaps a multiform?


She could actually turn into some type of 'rag automaton' that was basically non-sentient, and then when the Heroes throw her away in disgust, thinking it is just a dummy, she turns back to normal.


In the Rag form she would be basically indestructible, but would have no offensive powers.


Just an idea,




By the way, to make her really annoying, make this her theme song:


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Re: Villain creation question


I was thinking Aerosmith...



Rag Doll, livin' in a movie

Hot tramp, daddy's little cutie

So fine, they'll never see ya

Leavin' by the back door, yeah

Hot time, get it while it's easy

Don't mind, come on up and see me

Rag Doll, baby won't you do me

Like you done before


I'm feelin' like a bad boy

Mmm, just like a bad boy

I'm rippin' up a Rag Doll

Like throwing away an old toy

Some babe's talkin' real loud

Talkin' all about the new crowd

Try and sell me on an old dream

A new version of the old scene

Speak easy on the grape vine

Keep shufflin' the shoe shine

Old tin lizzy, do it till you're dizzy

Give it all ya got until you're put out of your misery




Yes, I'm movin', Yes I'm movin'

get ready for the big time

Tap dancing on a land mine

Yes I'm movin', Yes I'm movin'

Old tin lizzy, do it till you're dizzy

Give it all ya got until you're put out of your misery



Baby won't you do me, baby won't you do me....

Like you done before (huh huh)


Yes, I'm movin', Yes I'm movin'

Get ready for the big time

Get crazy on the moonshine

Yes, I'm movin', I'm really movin'


Sloe gin fizzy

Do it till you're dizzy

Give it all you got until you're put out of your misery


(Repeat Chorus)


Yes the song was written by people not me, I got no time for proper attribution.



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Re: Villain creation question


hehe, dudes!


You guys rule, thanks for all these ideas! This b*tch has gone thru 3 different versions already and I'm still getting new and groovy ideas. When I get her all sorted out (and if I can figure it out) I'll post her up on this thread and see what you think.


I was kinda shy about this at first, but 'm starting to think I should just start throwing my ideas at you guys and see what sticks - two heads are better than one, but this is access to, what, hundreds? And they're all into superheroes! HAHAHAHAHAHA, JACKPOT!


mmm... pot... gotta go, workday all done now.




I dunno about the themesongs though... I'd prolly end up getting it stuck in my head....

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Re: Villain creation question


I don't have a power constuct so much as an idea. ;)

It would be cool if she could do the trick where a hero thinks he has her, and is pounding the stuffing out of her, only to find that he is only holding a rag-stuffed dummy.

What is the best way to do this?


I was thinking of something like Duplication so that there really is a physical presence there to hit rather than just some kind of mental-illusion thing.


Perhaps a multiform?


She could actually turn into some type of 'rag automaton' that was basically non-sentient, and then when the Heroes throw her away in disgust, thinking it is just a dummy, she turns back to normal.


In the Rag form she would be basically indestructible, but would have no offensive powers.


Just an idea


That's an awesome idea ... I'd do it as duplication and make the effect almost like she was shedding her skin ;)

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Re: Villain creation question


Actually, I really liked that Duplication/Multiform idea, and I have a lot of points left over so I could totally do it.


And I think she needs it.


But for the love of God, I can't figure out how to put it together!

I want it to be an actual straw dummy, not just her playing possum. So I guess Duplication is the way to go, but every way I read Duplication it seems like the Duplicate has to be alive in some way-shape-or-form. All I need is for her to somehow replace herself with a bundle of inanimate rags - her other powers can totally handle the actual escape part.


Boys, I really want this power; it's just too cool not to have it! Like a supervillain spin on the old ninja vanish trick. How am I gonna put this one together?



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Re: Villain creation question


But for the love of God, I can't figure out how to put it together!

I want it to be an actual straw dummy, not just her playing possum. So I guess Duplication is the way to go, but every way I read Duplication it seems like the Duplicate has to be alive in some way-shape-or-form. All I need is for her to somehow replace herself with a bundle of inanimate rags - her other powers can totally handle the actual escape part.


Boys, I really want this power; it's just too cool not to have it! Like a supervillain spin on the old ninja vanish trick. How am I gonna put this one together?

Yeah, I don't like the duplication for the same reasons, but it is the first to come to mind. Maybe you can give her some more DCVs and make it an OAF that's recoverable? Perhaps a -1/4 limitation "removed with successful grab." The only other thing I can think of off-hand is giving her the Illusions ability, but I've never had a character with it, so I wouldn't know how to apply it properly without deep reading.

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Re: Villain creation question


Actually, I really liked that Duplication/Multiform idea, and I have a lot of points left over so I could totally do it.


And I think she needs it.


But for the love of God, I can't figure out how to put it together!

I want it to be an actual straw dummy, not just her playing possum. So I guess Duplication is the way to go, but every way I read Duplication it seems like the Duplicate has to be alive in some way-shape-or-form. All I need is for her to somehow replace herself with a bundle of inanimate rags - her other powers can totally handle the actual escape part.


Boys, I really want this power; it's just too cool not to have it! Like a supervillain spin on the old ninja vanish trick. How am I gonna put this one together?




I actually think this would work better as a Summon, as you could write up a slavishly loyal "punching bag" for quite cheap.


And another idea that occurred to me... lots of neat suggestions for kinda mystical abilities, but your original description sounded more skill based.

What about the idea of a magically summoned Tatterdaemalion type creature running around your campaign, summoned by one of your magical Big Bads, using all the "Made of stuffing, ain't human, nigh indestructible" powers, who is following some sort of plot for the magical big bad and is intended to throw suspicion onto your poor human Ragdoll villian. It could take a LONG time for the players to figure out that there are actually multiple villians, with completely differenet agendas but virtually ideantical appearances. It's the kind of plot twist I love springing on players.

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Re: Villain creation question


I actually think this would work better as a Summon' date=' as you could write up a slavishly loyal "punching bag" for quite cheap.[/quote']

Ooh, even better. Perhaps a Summon with a trigger and maybe one charge? That way, the PC's grab Ragdoll, which sets off the trigger of the Summon and the PC is now grabbing the Summon (though I don't know how many points you'd spend on it). Perhaps link this to a 1" teleport simulating Ragdoll jumping out of the hex, but since a hex is 6'7", that may not be necessary.


Hmm, maybe the Summon (her extra, outer-costume layer) has a wired in bomb that goes off when it's no longer receives a pulse (something she'd turn off when she's at home getting changed) and so a phase after the PCs grab her outer layer, it goes boom (maybe a small NND blast, just for fun).

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