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Usagi Yojimbo HERO


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I've just finished UY Book 19 Fathers and Sons and have decided to get back to my UY character sheets for HERO. First, I want to revise Zato-Ino and Jei (which I originally wrote up some time ago) and make them more in-line with material published in FH and DC (adding things like "Deadly Blow" for example). Then I intend to start on the rest of the UY cast. Aside from Usagi himself, who else do you think is important enough to warrant a character sheet? (or... who would you want to see?) I know I want to do some generic ninja character sheets, as well as a generic hannya (female demon) character sheet, as Sakai uses them quite often.


Here is my current list of possible characters:


  • Gennosuke
  • Inazuma
  • Jei
  • Kitsune
  • Miyamoto Usagi
  • Sasuke the Demon Queller
  • Stray Dog
  • Tomoe Ame
  • Yagi (and Gorogoro)
  • Zato-ino
  • Generic Komori Ninja
  • Generic Mogura Ninja
  • Generic Neko Ninja

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


* Generic Bandit/Yakuza

* Generic Ronin

* Generic Shugoshin/Student Warrior

* Generic Demon/Oni

* Generic Nobleman

* Generic Thief

* Generic Duelist

* Generic Priests/ of Various Sects


Generic to me meaning "PACKAGE DEALS!!!"


Ahem... Yes I would very much like to see Usagi Yojimbo Series



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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


* Generic Bandit/Yakuza

* Generic Ronin

* Generic Shugoshin/Student Warrior

* Generic Demon/Oni

* Generic Nobleman

* Generic Thief

* Generic Duelist

* Generic Priests/ of Various Sects


Generic to me meaning "PACKAGE DEALS!!!"


In truth? Buy the Fuzion version of SENGOKU from Gold Rush Games. It has all of what you're asking for. In addition, NINJA HERO has packages for a ninja, samurai, kenshi, and buddhist monk. GURPS JAPAN is also a good source.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


Sensei Katsuichi

Lord Noriyuki

Lord Hebi


The detective (whose name I can't recall)

The Neko Ninja chick (whose name I also can't recall)


Detective Ishida? I think his name is Ishida.


Edit II: Yes! Correct again! Inspector Ishida! Hah!


The Neko Ninja leader's name starts with a "C" that much I am sure... (I think...).


Edit: Hah! I was right, it's Chizu!


Sanshobo is a great addition. Noriyuki and Hebi are (IMO) peripheral characters... but then, Lord Hebi is around 15-20' of snake, so there is that to go with... Say? Does Hebi get the Phys Lim of "No arms" or do you define his tail as an Extra Limb (he can use it to open and close doors and carry a candle!).

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


For the record, I hope to start with an introduction to Usagi's world much like the intros I did to Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Outlaw Star, and Blade of the Immortal. Hmm... anyone have any suggestions for a cool name for the world guide?


Anyway, I want to touch on such things as magic, monsters, and humans, as well as the general setting. I also want to have a section where I discuss my design work, and explain how I went about doing the character sheets. I know I'm going to drop Zato-Ino and Jei to SPD 4, and keep virtually everyone at either 3 or 4. On the other hand, I'm going to be generous with Naked Advantages on HKAs, giving out various AOE Advantages to reflect the highly cinematic chambara style of fighting seen in Usagi Yojimbo.


For example -- Yagi (the Lone Goat) fights (and kills) 40 veteran samurai in one sequence, Jei takes on an entire lord's processional (and wins), and Usagi has been seen to tackle upwards of two dozen or so bandits, ronin, and/or ninja and escape virtually unscathed (so yes, the DEXs of 20-24 will stay). Also, the one-hit, one-kill style of fighting seen in UY will call for a generous allotment of Deadly Blow Talents among the main cast (which is OK, since the world of UY is much like Leone's Westerns -- you have a small sampling of unstoppable sword gods -- who can only really duel each other, and you have everyone else). Also, Levels versus Hit Locations, so our heroes can do things like always strike the torso or aim for (and hit) limbs and/or necks with reasonable accuracy. Granted, UY is a story and the character sheets are for a game (which does have the random element of dice), but I'd rather overpower the characters and thus make it easier for a GM to remove powers, then underpower them.


As a final note, I fully expect the power levels of most of the main cast to be comparable to Cinematic Samurai Toji Shin, found on pages 119-121 of Ninja Hero, who totaled 222 points, sans equipment! (which the UY characters will purchase).


My sources will be the Usagi Yojimbo RPG from Gold Rush Games (although I just found out the Jadeclaw/Ironclaw people are releasing a new RPG this month), Books 1-19 of Usagi Yojimbo trades, the Art of Usagi Yojimbo, Ninja Hero, The Ultimate Martial Artist, and Sengoku (also from Gold Rush Games).


Any comments and/or suggestions?

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


:D More ninja please!


Seriously, anything (and everything) UY you could do would be great... providing it in no way, shape, or form distracts you from Asian Bestiary. I mean it, I want that book, and I want it sometime last year.


The Asian Bestiary is done. :)

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


But not yet in my grubby li'l paws' date=' now is it? Does it have to go through playtest, or will the PtB simply give it a proof-read and send it off to be bluelined?[/quote']


It requires playtest, proofing, and all that. I figure Steve will ask for it sometime after GenCon.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


I believe you'll also want the Monsters! suppliment (which I have riiight here! :D )


Also, aren't you infringing on my territory, since I'm doing Eight Sages? For shame! :nya: I'll still help you, however. Sword Saints aren't exactly uncommon, but UY is what I'd call a Historical Furry Cinematic with a Mystic background. So take that statement with a grain of salt, and consider the centerlight characters to be an exception even compared to their mundane counterparts.


At the beginning, I'd set a hard point value for racial packages--no more than 15, IMO. (Mine needs to be higher so I can apply their racial Gifts.) The bulk of the UY universe seems to be roughly feline, perhaps generic Cats. (There are Lions and Tigers in there, of course.)


(Oh, and FYI, there is a monstrous beast called a Hebi--I consider Counsellor Hebi to be a smaller non-poisonous version of the one defined in the Monsters! sourcebook.)

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


I believe you'll also want the Monsters! suppliment (which I have riiight here! :D )


Own it.


Also' date=' aren't you infringing on my territory, since I'm doing [i']Eight Sages[/i]? For shame! :nya: I'll still help you, however. Sword Saints aren't exactly uncommon, but UY is what I'd call a Historical Furry Cinematic with a Mystic background. So take that statement with a grain of salt, and consider the centerlight characters to be an exception even compared to their mundane counterparts.


At the beginning, I'd set a hard point value for racial packages--no more than 15, IMO. (Mine needs to be higher so I can apply their racial Gifts.) The bulk of the UY universe seems to be roughly feline, perhaps generic Cats. (There are Lions and Tigers in there, of course.)


I'm not sure how far I'm going to go with things like Racial Package, or if I'll even bother with them.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


I need to start writing, before my mind and energy are distracted elsewhere... I do know that writing the introduction to the universe will be a big help in setting everything else up. Anyway, here's some rough notes on the process for people to look over. Remember -- I intend to design the characters as if this was a Wuxia-level Martial Arts campaign.


I did some tinkering with GRG's USAGI YOJIMBO RPG material and decided to create a comparison chart for people to look over. GRG's UY RPG used Fuzion as the base, compressing it down into three basic stats: Physical, Mental, Combat; as well as Move, DEF, and Hits. Expanded this into full Fuzion (and thus HERO) we get: Physical = STR, CON, BODY; Mental = INT, EGO, PRE; and Combat = DEX. Move = Running, Swimming, Leaping; DEF = PD & ED; and Hits = ... nothing really (but makes a good basis for STUN). USAGI YOJIMBO stats convert to HERO stats using a simple x3 multiplier. Thus, a Physical of 3 = a 9 STR, CON, and BODY, and so on.


Now, here is the chart. Values given are for the RPG, I have added my Jei character sheet as well.


	Usagi	Tomoe		Zato	Gen	Kitsune		Yagi	Jei
STR		15	12		15	18	12 		15	15
DEX		24	18		24	21	12 		24	23
CON		15	12		15	18	12		15	20
BODY		15	12		15	18	12		15	18
INT		12	12		10	10	18		12	13
EGO		12	12		10	10	18		12	20
PRE		12	12		10	10	18		12	30
COM										10
PD		8	8		10	12	8		10	9
ED		8	8		10	12	8		10	8
SPD		4	4		4	4	4		4	5
REC										8
END										40
STUN		(25)	(20)		(30)	(30)	(20)		(25)	36

Running:	7"	6"		7"	6"	7"		7"	6"
Kenjutsu:	8	8		9	8	4		8	NA


Here are my suggestions & corrections:


	Usagi	Tomoe		Zato	Gen	Kitsune		Yagi	Jei
STR		15	13		15	18	8-10		15	15
DEX		24	18		24	21	14-15		24	23
CON		15-18	13-15		16	18	11		15-18	20
BODY		12-13	12		13	15	9		13-14	18
INT		13-15	13+		13	10	18		13-15	13
EGO		15-18	12-14		10	11-12	16		15-18	20
PRE		18-20	18		13	15	13		15-18	30
COM		good	good		8	10	high		10	8?
PD		8	7		8	9	fig		8	8
ED		8	7		8	8	fig		8	8
SPD		4	4		4	4	3		4	4
REC		fig	fig		fig	fig	fig		fig	8
END		fig	fig		fig	fig	fig		fig	40
STUN		fig	fig		fig	fig	fig		fig	36


PD & ED will probably be x2 figured with one level of Combat Luck. This should help capture the feel of the series. I


Here is a rough scale of fighting skill as I see it (good for statting everyone else):



Katsuichi/Koji Nakamura

Usagi Miyamoto/Yagi


Chizu Kashira/Gennosuke Murakami/Stray Dog

Sanshobo/Tomoe Ame





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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


Hrmm... I would adjust the ED/PDs appropriately--we're talking about feudal-era Japan with Magic being a reality but not overwelming the setting. So the majority of combat will be against normal mooks up to sword saints. You want the PCs to be wary of mysical influences, since not many of them will have training/knowledge/defense of those estoric arts. Besides, most of what they do are primarily physical/EGO based--I'd have to comb through the source material for anything that might need PD to defend against.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


Hrmm... I would adjust the ED/PDs appropriately--we're talking about feudal-era Japan with Magic being a reality but not overwelming the setting. So the majority of combat will be against normal mooks up to sword saints. You want the PCs to be wary of mysical influences' date=' since not many of them will have training/knowledge/defense of those estoric arts. Besides, most of what they do are primarily physical/EGO based--I'd have to comb through the source material for anything that might need PD to defend against.[/quote']


The x2 Figured gives PDs of around 6 for most people. One level of Combat Luck adds in +3 DEF, meaning they have a PD of 9. This does sound a bit high, so base PD of x1.5 Figured may work better.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


Anyone seen Sanguine's new Usagi Yojimbo RPG yet? Converting stuff from the "Claw" system to HERo is tricky (modeling the stats would be much better) but I have been looking forward to this book.


Ironclaw and Jadeclaw are two of the most under-played games I've seen.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


Anyone seen Sanguine's new Usagi Yojimbo RPG yet? Converting stuff from the "Claw" system to HERo is tricky (modeling the stats would be much better) but I have been looking forward to this book.


Heard about it, haven't seen it yet. I'll probably get it, if it looks like a good guide to the UY universe.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


They're doing a UY book? Huh, will have to buy it along with the Mondreclive supplments. Ironclaw/Jadeclaw has its potentials--I just don't see anyone suggesting a game unless it's at a furry con.


Translating the Claw system into HERO can be confusing, but once you create a framework for deciphering the abilities (a fair number are primarily repeats, such as the Heaven Sword and Earth Sword techniques.) You'll want to keep to the source, and not the rules, of course--I can completly handwave Ads/Disads and use general HERO methods, as it gives me more to play with.


One point of contention--I'm trying hard not to use too many ideas from Jadeclaw/UY when writing Eight Sages.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


They're doing a UY book? Huh' date=' will have to buy it along with the Mondreclive supplments. Ironclaw/Jadeclaw has its potentials--I just don't see anyone suggesting a game unless it's at a furry con.[/quote']

There are a lot of people who see the Claw series as njiche "furry" games, and thus disdain them because they want to look cooler than the one fan clique considered less cool than gamers by the geenral public.


The reality, of course, is that the Claw series is actually a well-thought-out fanatsy game and setting, emphasizing social and poltical intrigue. Unfortunately, the cover of ironclaw leads you to expect a furry Slayers-style RPG, which is the polar opposite of what Ironclaw really is.


And Jadeclaw has a superb pseudo-Asian setting, ceneterd on China rather than the usual Japan. I wish it were more popular (and easier to find).


Sanguine seems to be exploring the furry niche very strongly with Albedo and Usagi Yojimbo. I keep hoping they'll create a Starclaw original space game -- that would be cool.

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Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO


Unfortunately' date=' the cover of ironclaw leads you to expect a furry [i']Slayers[/i]-style RPG, which is the polar opposite of what Ironclaw really is.


Yeah, I saw the cover and thought about a subtle as a sledgehammer to the brainpan.


The artist has stated that's what the company wanted and didn't draw the Naga & Linna like-a-looks on purpose. Er... well, she did, but only because of what the art director wanted.

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