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Re: Millennium City


Um, okay, I see:

Sai/Burleson (GBG): A brick that looks like a minotaur

Taurus/Burleson (GBG): A brick that looks like a minotaur


For those of us who aren't familiar with Sai, what's she supposed to be? A sai weilding martial artist? (Generic guess.)

Sai is in Teen Champions. She left Ravenswood in 2002 after the troubles there which forced the school to close for one semester. She's a martial artist who uses the sai, but she also is a teleporter and have several teleportation tricks up her sleave. Her younger sister, Flicker, is still in Ravenswood Academy.

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Re: Millennium City


List of abbreviations

AA = Arcane Adversaries
CB = Champions: Battlegrounds
CH = The Champions Genre Book
CKC = Write-up is published in Conquerors, Killers & Crooks
CU = Champions Universe
DHxx = Digital Hero #xx
GBG = The Genre By Genre Document (or 5ER)
MC = Millennium City
MW = The Mystic World
TC = Teen Champions


The Champions

Millennium City's official protectors


Defender/James Harmon IV (CH): Hero using a powered armor, the team's leader

Ironclad/Drogen Lar (CH): Alien man of steel

Nighthawk/Mark Whitaker (CH): Millennium City's dark knight

Sapphire/Corazon Valenzuela (CH): Energy projector and music celeb.

Witchcraft/Bethany Duquesne (CH): Powerful mage with a dark past


The Champions - Resources

Champions' HQ and the staff running it


Denise Dumont (CH): The Champions' DOSPA liason

Homestead (CH): The Champions' HQ

Jeanine McGillicuddy (CH): The Champions' receptionist

Socrates (CH): The Homestead's AI

Sunshine (CH): Witchcraft's black cat familiar

Wendy Brooks (CH): The Champions' housekeeper


The Champions - Reserves

Independent heroes that often join forces with the Champions


Dr. Silverback (MC): Mountain gorilla, famous inventor

Kinetik/Brendan Grant (CU): One of the fastest men alive, Sapphire's friend

Nightwind/Steve Chase (MC): Skilled martial artist, on the verge of being a vigilante


The Millennium City 8

Independent heroes that often join forces with each other


Commando Rubberbando/Roger Allcomb (DH13): A stretching civil rights activist

El Aquijon/Alejandro Montez (DH13): A shrinking bug-controlling scientist

Lady Liberty/Lisa Bellucci (DH13): A police officer with magic weapons

Megaera/Metis Georghiou (DH13): Athena incarnate

Psiphon/David Royster (DH13): A former PSI mental leech

Raaktor/Trax (DH13): A prehistoric Eskimo totem

Stalker II/George Palante (DH13): A vengeful inherited gadgeteer

Steadfast/Edmund Brooks (DH13): A mighty fortress choir minister


The Furies

See also Megaera in the MC8


Tisiphone/Thekla Georghiou (DH13): Hera incarnate

Alecto/Adara Georghiou (DH13): Aphrodite incarnate


The Motor City Defenders

Teen hero defender's of North Detroit


Barnstormer/Jonathan Wesley (TC): Has the power of flight, longs to be a real hero

Cantrip/Cindy Smithers (TC): A Witchcraft sidekick wannabe

Kid Samson/Elijah Anderson (TC): Boxing brick, Sahdowboxer fan

Miss Crone/Sylvia Timmons (TC): Minor time powers


The Ravenswood Cadets

Teen heroes in training


Chain Lightning/Teddy Jolsen (TC): Energy projector

Flicker/Sophany "Sofie" Jefferson (TC): Teleporter, martial artist, sai's younger sister

Impact/Robert Ashton (TC): Physical energy absorber, the leader of the group

Putty/James Puttermeyer (TC): Metamorph

Trance (TC): Weak mentalist powers


Independant Heroes


Binary Man/Thomas Dupree (CU): BCI's official hero, duplicator

Cavalier/Eric Trammell (MC): Mercenary hero, media sensation

Eagle-Eye/Patrick Penhurst (GBG): Martial artist with super-senses, wanted by MCPD

Hydro (MC): Aquatic hero

Sai/Sok "Susie" Jefferson (TC): Telporter, martial artist, used to be called "Blink"

Taurus/Mark Burleson (GBG): A brick that looks like a minotaur


Mind, Incorporated

The local branch of PSI


Bodyjacker/Rufino Magantino (MC): Can possess others' bodies

Deuce/Angela Baker (MC): Shadow-self projector

Edward Cummings (MC): PSI's third in command

Hypnos/Brian Van Der Schaaf (CKC): Mentalist, brawler

Inquisitor/Philip Townsend (MC): Menalist interrogater

Lancer/Charyle Zuidema (CKC): Psi-warrior

Medusa/Madeline Bruner (CKC): Mentlist, leader of PSI

Mind Slayer/Stacy Turner (MC): Psychokinetic

Psimon/Simon Bell (CKC): Powerful mentlist, leader of PSI

Soulfire/Harlod Gripp (MC): Pyromancer

Trace/Joseph Trench (MC): Mentalist finder


Generation VIPER

Teen villains in training


The Headmistress/Mrs. Garter (TC): Manipulative, sadistic, leader of the group

Dogfight/Larry Lizard (TC): 8' tall reptilian humanoid

Jeepers Creepers/Ingrid Tannhauser (TC): Fear powers

Spoilsport/Jack Fallows (TC): Luck manipulation

Trashmouth/james Koch (TC): Brickish brawler

Turnabout/Samantha Drier (TC): Psychokinetic


The New Purple Gang

Local criminal gang


Kevin Poe (MC): Mentalist gang leader


The Circle Of The Scarlet Moon


Martika Duquesne (AA): Talisman's and Witchcraft's mother

Roger Duquesne (AA): Talisman's and Witchcraft's father


The Playpals


The Babysitter/3434-XC (TC): AI created by Mechanon

General Billy/Billy Jameson (TC): Spoiled kid with hi-tech toys

Little Wonder/Jill Vogel (TC): Spoiled kid with hi-tech toys

Pistol Pete/Pete Williamson (TC): Spoiled kid with hi-tech toys




Dr. Victor Hopewell (MC): Gifted physicist

Lucinda Sandler (MC): Administrator




Bloodknight/Jacob Gibbs (MC): Morbane, chairman for Fitzarthur publishing

Gryphon (DE): Super-villain

Lady Crow (DE): Super-villain

Monica Knowlton (MC): Morbane

Sebastian Sarrazene (DE): Morbane, necromancer




Dr. Lorelei Tannhauser (MC): Major general and Director of VIPER's Technical Division, Jeepers Creeper's mother

Blackbeard (MC): Hi-tech pirate, VIPER nest leader


Independant Villains


Albert Tudberry (MC): Henchman agent

Anubis/Ethan Neritski (CKC): Servant to an Egyptian god, MCU professor (egyptology)

Black Harlequin/Rinaldo Maretti (CKC): Evil clown

Brainchild/Harold Jenkins (CKC): Mentalist mercenary

Devestator/Richard Wittgenstein (CH): Cat burglar, has a powered armor

Foxbat/Frederick "Freddy" Foswell (CKC): Lunatic, nemesis of Nighthawk

Foxbatboy (CB): Foxbat's sidekick

Foxbatgirl (CB): Foxbat's sidekick

Freakshow/Jacob Sacco (MC): Horror movie fan, fear powers

Green Dragon/Chow Deng (CH): Martial artist mercenary

Hazard/David Weinstein (MC): Supernaturally lucky mercenary, nemesis of Nighthawk

Howler/Susan Sonderheim (CKC): Egyptian god incarnate, MCU professor (archaeology)

Icicle/Christine Saunders (CH): Thief with ice powers

Interface (CB): Cyborg mastermind

Jade Phoenix/Cong Feng (MC): Martial artist mercenary

Lodestone/William Huang (CKC): Supervilain mercenary, magnetism powers

Mechanon (CH): Robotic master-villain

Pulsar/Frank Costen (CH): Energy projector, thief, Morgan Fairchild fan

Red Elk/Pa Nat (DH13): Homo Erctus warrior

Signal Ghost/Lisa Sutherland (MC): Hi-Tech thief

Tachyon/Steve Maxwell (CH): Teleporter, MCU professor (astronomy)

Talisman/Pamela Duquesne (CH): Witchcraft's evil twin sister

Thorn/Lawrence Lloyd (CKC): Plant powers, MCU professor (biology)

Wayland Tylos (MC): Tech supplier for superhero haters


The Government


Calvin Biselle (MC): Millennium City's mayor

Kodiak/John Cowens (MC): FBI super, brick

Ruth Arnold (MC): Millennium City's police commissioner

Silver Avenger Mayte Sanchez (MC): PRIMUS Silver Avennger in Millennium City

Technique/Leah Reece (MC): FBI super, cyberkinetic


The Academic World

See also Anubis, Howler and Tachyon.


Dr. Elena Georghiou (DH13): An educational sciences scholar

Dr. Kate Harding (DH13): MCU professor (anthropology), Willis Harding’s daughter

Dr. Nikolos Georghiou (DH13): MCU professor (archaeology)

Dr. Willis Harding (DH13): MCU professor (archaeology), friend and mentor of Raaktor


The Business World

See also Defender.


Franklin Stone (CU): CEO of ACI


The Martial World

See also Green Dragon, Jade Phoenix and Nightwind.


Zhu Hsaio (MC): Nightwind's aged mentor


The Media World

See also Sapphire.


Julie Morgan (CH, MC): Crime-reporter and Nighthawk's girl-friend

Miranda Chen (CU): Reporter for WRJK, covers superhuman affairs


The Mystic World

See also DEMON, The Circle Of The Scarlet Moon, Talisman and Witchcraft


Alicia Blackmun (MC): Trismegistus Council member, bookstore keeper

David Lovette (MC): Ghost at the Harmon estate

Kara Brenner (MC): Ghost at the Barlowe hotel

Stalker I/Tony Palante (DH13): Guardian angel over Stalker II


The Scientific World

See also ARGENT, Defender, Dr. Silverback, El Aquijon and Tachyon.


Dr. Allen Dale (DH13): A scientist working on insect behavior, rivalry with El Aquijon

Luther Beckett (CU): Brilliant chemist at Dew Chemicals, Kinetik's friend




Al Wesley (TC): Barnstormer's sick father

Anthony Bellucci (DH13): Lady Liberty's father

Belinda Huang (CKC): Lodestone's wife

Billy Burleson (GBG): Taurus' younger brother

Donel, Jacquelyn, and Shaniqua Allcomb (DH13): Commando Rubberbando's kids

Javier Montez (DH13): El Aquijon's younger brother, compulsive gambler

Jessica Palante (DH13): The late Stalker I’s love

Joyce, Ronnie, and Phillip Grant (CU): Kinetik's siblings

Lila Wilborn (GBG): Eagle-Eye's girl-friend

Lin Chow (CH): Green Dragon's younger sister

Margerie Allcomb (DH13): Commando Rubberbando's ex-wife

Marisa Montez (DH13): El Aquijon's ex-wife

Rich Barlinson (DH13): Police officer, Lady Liberty's partner

Steve Short (MC): Brillint comic book writer

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Re: Millennium City


OK, I have a question. There is a recurring picure of a meta throughout the Champions sourcebooks who I have yet to identify. She's a female character in a white bodysuit with a cape whose only apparent power is Flight. Specifically, she is pictured one pages 22, 50, and 135 in _Millenium City_ and page 158 in Champions.


As often as she shows up, she must be a significant character at least in Millenium City, so who is she?



Not sure if anyone still wants to know, but this was Storn's response to this very same question.
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Re: Millennium City


There's the Millennium City 8: Commando Rubberbando, El Aquijon, Lady Liberty, Megaera, Psiphon, Raaktor, Stalker, and Steadfast.


There's the Ravenswood Cadets: Chain Lightning, Flicker, Impact, Putty, and Trance.


The Government's: Technique and Kodiak from the FBI and Silver Avenger Sanchez.


As far as independents there's: Binary Man, Cavalier, and Hydro.


I don't believe Hardpoint is really part of MC. He's just a rewrite of Defender for Sidekick.


As far as MC dedicated villains you have:

PSI, Lodestone, Thorn, and Wayland Talos.

Hardpoint and Maelstrom appear in 5ed Revised too...

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Re: Millennium City


List of abbreviations

AA = Arcane Adversaries
CB = Champions: Battlegrounds
CH = The Champions Genre Book
CKC = Write-up is published in Conquerors, Killers & Crooks
CU = Champions Universe
DHxx = Digital Hero #xx
GBG = The Genre By Genre Document (or 5ER)
MC = Millennium City
MW = The Mystic World
TC = Teen Champions


The Champions

Millennium City's official protectors


Defender/James Harmon IV (CH): Hero using a powered armor, the team's leader

Ironclad/Drogen Lar (CH): Alien man of steel

Nighthawk/Mark Whitaker (CH): Millennium City's dark knight

Sapphire/Corazon Valenzuela (CH): Energy projector and music celeb.

Witchcraft/Bethany Duquesne (CH): Powerful mage with a dark past


The Champions - Resources

Champions' HQ and the staff running it


Denise Dumont (CH): The Champions' DOSPA liason

Homestead (CH): The Champions' HQ

Jeanine McGillicuddy (CH): The Champions' receptionist

Socrates (CH): The Homestead's AI

Sunshine (CH): Witchcraft's black cat familiar

Wendy Brooks (CH): The Champions' housekeeper


The Champions - Reserves

Independent heroes that often join forces with the Champions


Dr. Silverback (MC): Mountain gorilla, famous inventor

Kinetik/Brendan Grant (CU): One of the fastest men alive, Sapphire's friend

Nightwind/Steve Chase (MC): Skilled martial artist, on the verge of being a vigilante


The Millennium City 8

Independent heroes that often join forces with each other


Commando Rubberbando/Roger Allcomb (DH13): A stretching civil rights activist

El Aquijon/Alejandro Montez (DH13): A shrinking bug-controlling scientist

Lady Liberty/Lisa Bellucci (DH13): A police officer with magic weapons

Megaera/Metis Georghiou (DH13): Athena incarnate

Psiphon/David Royster (DH13): A former PSI mental leech

Raaktor/Trax (DH13): A prehistoric Eskimo totem

Stalker II/George Palante (DH13): A vengeful inherited gadgeteer

Steadfast/Edmund Brooks (DH13): A mighty fortress choir minister


The Furies

See also Megaera in the MC8


Tisiphone/Thekla Georghiou (DH13): Hera incarnate

Alecto/Adara Georghiou (DH13): Aphrodite incarnate


The Motor City Defenders

Teen hero defender's of North Detroit


Barnstormer/Jonathan Wesley (TC): Has the power of flight, longs to be a real hero

Cantrip/Cindy Smithers (TC): A Witchcraft sidekick wannabe

Kid Samson/Elijah Anderson (TC): Boxing brick, Sahdowboxer fan

Miss Crone/Sylvia Timmons (TC): Minor time powers


The Ravenswood Cadets

Teen heroes in training


Chain Lightning/Teddy Jolsen (TC): Energy projector

Flicker/Sophany "Sofie" Jefferson (TC): Teleporter, martial artist, sai's younger sister

Impact/Robert Ashton (TC): Physical energy absorber, the leader of the group

Putty/James Puttermeyer (TC): Metamorph

Trance (TC): Weak mentalist powers


Independant Heroes


Binary Man/Thomas Dupree (CU): BCI's official hero, duplicator

Cavalier/Eric Trammell (MC): Mercenary hero, media sensation

Eagle-Eye/Patrick Penhurst (GBG): Martial artist with super-senses, wanted by MCPD

Hardpoint/Mark Tanagawa (GBG): Anime inspired Defender wannabe

Hydro (MC): Aquatic hero

Network/Alexander Kildair (DH23): Mentalist, member of the Temporal League

Sai/Sok "Susie" Jefferson (TC): Telporter, martial artist, used to be called "Blink"

Taurus/Mark Burleson (GBG): A brick that looks like a minotaur


Mind, Incorporated

The local branch of PSI


Bodyjacker/Rufino Magantino (MC): Can possess others' bodies

Deuce/Angela Baker (MC): Shadow-self projector

Edward Cummings (MC): PSI's third in command

Hypnos/Brian Van Der Schaaf (CKC): Mentalist, brawler

Inquisitor/Philip Townsend (MC): Menalist interrogater

Lancer/Charyle Zuidema (CKC): Psi-warrior

Medusa/Madeline Bruner (CKC): Mentlist, leader of PSI

Mind Slayer/Stacy Turner (MC): Psychokinetic

Psimon/Simon Bell (CKC): Powerful mentlist, leader of PSI

Soulfire/Harlod Gripp (MC): Pyromancer

Trace/Joseph Trench (MC): Mentalist finder


Generation VIPER

Teen villains in training


The Headmistress/Mrs. Garter (TC): Manipulative, sadistic, leader of the group

Dogfight/Larry Lizard (TC): 8' tall reptilian humanoid

Jeepers Creepers/Ingrid Tannhauser (TC): Fear powers

Spoilsport/Jack Fallows (TC): Luck manipulation

Trashmouth/james Koch (TC): Brickish brawler

Turnabout/Samantha Drier (TC): Psychokinetic


The New Purple Gang

Local criminal gang


Kevin Poe (MC): Mentalist gang leader


The Circle Of The Scarlet Moon


Martika Duquesne (AA): Talisman's and Witchcraft's mother

Roger Duquesne (AA): Talisman's and Witchcraft's father


The Playpals


The Babysitter/3434-XC (TC): AI created by Mechanon

General Billy/Billy Jameson (TC): Spoiled kid with hi-tech toys

Little Wonder/Jill Vogel (TC): Spoiled kid with hi-tech toys

Pistol Pete/Pete Williamson (TC): Spoiled kid with hi-tech toys


The Choir

The MC8 hero Stalker's main enemies


Bridge/Bruce Youngblood (DH24): Powered armor, getaway vehicle for the team

Caterwaul/Matthew "Matt" Thompson (DH24): Feline powers, used to be called "Tomcat", Witchcraft's nemesis

Crescendo/Tyrone Greene (DH24): Sonic power absorber

Dirge (DH24): Necromancer, archlich wannabe

Duet/MIchelle Stevens (DH24): Duplicator, currently in jail

Songbird (DH24): Cybernetic, bird powers, Virtuoso's bodyguard

Soprano/Adriana Tabacchi (DH24): Sonic powers

Virtuoso/Harrison Raymond (DH24): Gadgeteer, martial artist, the group's leader




Dr. Victor Hopewell (MC): Gifted physicist

Lucinda Sandler (MC): Administrator




Bloodknight/Jacob Gibbs (MC): Morbane, chairman for Fitzarthur publishing

Gryphon (DE): Super-villain

Lady Crow (DE): Super-villain

Monica Knowlton (MC): Morbane

Sebastian Sarrazene (DE): Morbane, necromancer




Dr. Lorelei Tannhauser (MC): Major general and Director of VIPER's Technical Division, Jeepers Creeper's mother

Blackbeard (MC): Hi-tech pirate, VIPER nest leader


Independant Villains


Albert Tudberry (MC): Henchman agent

Anubis/Ethan Neritski (CKC): Servant to an Egyptian god, MCU professor (egyptology)

Black Harlequin/Rinaldo Maretti (CKC): Evil clown

Brainchild/Harold Jenkins (CKC): Mentalist mercenary

Devestator/Richard Wittgenstein (CH): Cat burglar, has a powered armor

Foxbat/Frederick "Freddy" Foswell (CKC): Lunatic, nemesis of Nighthawk

Foxbatboy (CB): Foxbat's sidekick

Foxbatgirl (CB): Foxbat's sidekick

Freakshow/Jacob Sacco (MC): Horror movie fan, fear powers

Green Dragon/Chow Deng (CH): Martial artist mercenary

Hazard/David Weinstein (MC): Supernaturally lucky, mercenary, nemesis of Nighthawk

Howler/Susan Sonderheim (CKC): Egyptian god incarnate, MCU professor (archaeology)

Icicle/Christine Saunders (CH): Thief with ice powers

Interface (CB): Cyborg mastermind

Jade Phoenix/Cong Feng (MC): Martial artist, mercenary

Jared Lackless (DH12): Occult themed henchman, possessed by Rotterkin

Lodestone/William Huang (CKC): Mercenary, magnetism powers

Lyle Sparks (DH12): Henchman, want to avenge fathers death

Maelstrom/Emilio Fraconi (GBG): Energy projector, mercenary

Mechanon (CH): Robotic master-villain

Pulsar/Frank Costen (CH): Energy projector, thief, Morgan Fairchild fan

Red Elk/Pa Nat (DH13): Homo Erctus warrior

Signal Ghost/Lisa Sutherland (MC): Hi-Tech thief

Sonny Young (DH12): Up and coming henchman

Tachyon/Steve Maxwell (CH): Teleporter, MCU professor (astronomy)

Talisman/Pamela Duquesne (CH): Witchcraft's evil twin sister

Thorn/Lawrence Lloyd (CKC): Plant powers, MCU professor (biology)

Wayland Tylos (MC): Tech supplier for superhero haters


The Government


Calvin Biselle (MC): Millennium City's mayor

Kodiak/John Cowens (MC): FBI super, brick

Ruth Arnold (MC): Millennium City's police commissioner

Silver Avenger Mayte Sanchez (MC): PRIMUS Silver Avennger in Millennium City

Technique/Leah Reece (MC): FBI super, cyberkinetic


The Academic World

See also Anubis, Howler and Tachyon.


Dr. Elena Georghiou (DH13): An educational sciences scholar

Dr. Janet Harmon (DH23): Scientist, related to Defender, member of the Temporal League

Dr. Kate Harding (DH13): MCU professor (anthropology), Willis Harding’s daughter

Dr. Nikolos Georghiou (DH13): MCU professor (archaeology)

Dr. Willis Harding (DH13): MCU professor (archaeology), friend and mentor of Raaktor


The Business World

See also Defender.


Franklin Stone (CU): CEO of ACI


The Martial World

See also Green Dragon, Jade Phoenix and Nightwind.


Zhu Hsaio (MC): Nightwind's aged mentor


The Media World

See also Sapphire.


Julie Morgan (CH, MC): Crime-reporter and Nighthawk's girl-friend

Miranda Chen (CU): Reporter for WRJK, covers superhuman affairs


The Mystic World

See also DEMON, The Circle Of The Scarlet Moon, Talisman and Witchcraft


Alicia Blackmun (MC): Trismegistus Council member, bookstore keeper

David Lovette (MC): Ghost at the Harmon estate

Kara Brenner (MC): Ghost at the Barlowe hotel

Rotterkin (DH12): Demonling possessing the henchman Jared Lackless

Stalker I/Anthony "Tony" Palante (DH13): Guardian angel over Stalker II


The Scientific World

See also ARGENT, Defender, Dr. Silverback, El Aquijon and Tachyon.


Dr. Allen Dale (DH13): A scientist working on insect behavior, rivalry with El Aquijon

Luther Beckett (CU): Brilliant chemist at Dew Chemicals, Kinetik's friend




Al Wesley (TC): Barnstormer's sick father

Anthony Bellucci (DH13): Lady Liberty's father

Belinda Huang (CKC): Lodestone's wife

Billy Burleson (GBG): Taurus' younger brother

Donel, Jacquelyn, and Shaniqua Allcomb (DH13): Commando Rubberbando's kids

Javier Montez (DH13): El Aquijon's younger brother, compulsive gambler

Jessica Palante (DH13): The late Stalker I’s love

Joe Paluka (DH12): Retired henchman

Joyce, Ronnie, and Phillip Grant (CU): Kinetik's siblings

Lila Wilborn (GBG): Eagle-Eye's girl-friend

Lin Chow (CH): Green Dragon's younger sister

Margerie Allcomb (DH13): Commando Rubberbando's ex-wife

Marisa Montez (DH13): El Aquijon's ex-wife

Rich Barlinson (DH13): Police officer, Lady Liberty's partner

Steve Short (MC): Brillint comic book writer

Teresa Youngblood (DH24): Bridge's daughter

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Re: Millennium City


This town is getting crowded, and we still haven't add the players. If this were my town (read, a new campaign) I would probably remove the NPC heores that were most similar to the players.


I suppose you can add Hardcase' date=' though I would shy away from adding a third powered-armored character to the city. There's nothing in Maelstrom's origin to indicate him being based in Millennium City though.[/quote']

Look at Hardpoint's quote. It's either both, or none.

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Re: Millennium City


This town is getting crowded' date=' and we still haven't add the players. If this were my town (read, a new campaign) I would probably remove the NPC heores that were most similar to the players.[/quote']

Over-population of superheroes is a big problem in the city. I'd be the most inclined to drop the MC8 from the list [as they're only there due to a cover snafu] and I would not include Hardpoint. I'm not that worried about the Ravenswood cadets as I don't expect them to be in the city too often.


Look at Hardpoint's quote. It's either both, or none.

I'm not exactly sure a quote is the best indicator of continual presence, especially since neither one is hunted by the other. :)

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Re: Millennium City


Over-population of superheroes is a big problem in the city. I'd be the most inclined to drop the MC8 from the list [as they're only there due to a cover snafu] and I would not include Hardpoint. I'm not that worried about the Ravenswood cadets as I don't expect them to be in the city too often.

I would probably try to do as DC and Marvel, and keep most of the NPCs. The majority will never be used more than as media broadcast NPCs ("Today Defender saved a bridge!"), a few will be NPCs that show up occassionally and an even smaller group will be used heavily.


Naturally the tone of the campign will matter too. Thunderbird and Eagle-Eye are more likely to show up in a vigilante campaign, than Cantrip and Foxbat. I guess you get the idea.


I'm not exactly sure a quote is the best indicator of continual presence' date=' especially since neither one is hunted by the other. :)[/quote']

I guess you got me there! :lol:


I'll remove Maelstrom when I send the next updated list. Do you see anyone missing?

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Re: Millennium City


I will soon continue with the list, but before that I want to discuss a related topic:


How do you make Millennium City come to life?


It’s always interesting to see exactly how your Millennium City is built ruleswise, that isn’t what I’m after. Even if you’re naturally free to tell me that too.


What I’m asking for are does small things that make your city feel like someone actually could be living there. Which neighbourhood has Eagle-Eye as its guardian? Which is Sapphire’s newest hit? Has there been any current criminal trend (like jewellery thefts). Which major players are currently in town? Who are the up and comings?


How does Mr. Smith look at the town, with all its supernatural happenings? What does a normal day in their life look like?

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Re: Millennium City


Yes, these are all the types of topics I'm usually talking about when I say the setting needs more "cream." It's all the little details which bring the city to life; not the numbers and statistics. It's important to know where the heroes like to patrol and all those other little details. This is why I think the setting needs an article in Digital Hero every month.


I loved the opening sequence in Millennium City with the news blurbs unfortunately the rest of the book just turned into numbers. I think a big part of the reason why the Champions aren't more interesting to players is due to the fact that there is no personality expansion of them. Cream is what brings a setting to life. Numbers are just how you keep score.

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  • 4 years later...

Re: Millennium City


Sorry for the thread-necormancy, just wanted to thank fredrik_nilsson and all involved, I was starting to make my own list like this, when my poor search-fu uncovered this. Thanks! :thumbup:


BTW, in the five years since this list was updated, have there been any changes (departures, additions, deaths) other than Kinetic and Nighthawk?

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