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China Sourcebook


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While pondering matters Champions, it occured to me a China Sourcebook could be a good idea. Its the logical place to put Tiger Squad, Dr Yin Wu, the Cult of the Red Banner, and the Tournament of the Dragon, and those alone would provide fodder enough for a sourcebook, never mind info on the various Worlds in China.



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Re: China Sourcebook


I'd buy it if it was produced, but then I have one of everything that Hero has published.


Actually I do like the martials stuff and I find far eastern history and legends to be facinating. So there is another reason I be up for it.

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Re: China Sourcebook


I wouldn't go for a China source book, but, a city setting book be it Hong Kong, or on a fictional setting LIKE Hong Kong might perk my interest. An adventure that takes the characters through China might also be doable, but for the most part, I guess I'm too anglo oriented (hah, I made a punny :D ).


It's my hope that Champions World Wide will cover the basics and then some

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Re: China Sourcebook


Now if I win the lottery and thus have a large amount of disposable income, this is what I would do....


Samurai and School Girls

A source book for Modern Japan


Chapter 1: Modern Japan

Covering the basics of modern Japan including;

--A Price List

--Short History

--Japanese Culture and Law

--Glossary of common terms to throw into your cmapaign

Chapter 2: Anime Japan

Hopefully this section I will hire out to Mr. Surbrook to write and would include how to for both Shonen and Shoujo Anime

Chapter 3: Horror Japan

Hey I am big fan of Ringu and other Japanese horror and this section will cover this and how to run it.

Chapter 4: Action Japan

Dealing with running straight action campains in Japan.

Chapter 5: Locations, NPCs and Vehicles

Sample of three types including a school, a hostess bar and a bosozoku's revved up ride.

And of course a great Bibliography and Index.


Oh sweet Lottery come my way........ Because I will hire out the writing to experts and work hard at collecting information and buying art from Japan for the book.

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Re: China Sourcebook


I'd rather see China and Japan eventually get their own separate sourcebooks.


Right now, I think a Japan sourcebook would be a big-seller.


If Hero wanted to hedge their bets, they could do it as a generic sourcebook with different sections for each genre (supers, mecha, martial-arts, etc.), although personally, I'm not a big fan of this approach, as in previous Hero books, it seems to lead to a lot of redundant material and "padding".

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Re: China Sourcebook


I'd much rather see a 200+ page Champions of the Orient book myself. Trying to write 150 pages for both China and Japan in separate books might be pushing the boundries of the CU too far. A combined book also covering Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, etc could devote 50 pages to each area and fill in the missing characters from Worldwide without getting too bogged down in detail.


I also wouldn't mind seeing a Champions of North America which could cover from Canada to Mexico and fill in missing/undeveloped areas within the US.

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Re: China Sourcebook


I'd buy a Mysyeries of the Orient sourcebook. I'd want a section on Japan, one on China, and a brief overview of a Madripoor-like fictional setting. Heck, if done right, it could be both a Champs and Pulp Hero supliment.


Samurai and School Girls

A source book for Modern Japan


Chapter 1: Modern Japan

Covering the basics of modern Japan including;

--A Price List

--Short History

--Japanese Culture and Law

--Glossary of common terms to throw into your campaign


Sounds like your first Digital Hero article. Get to work, kiddo!

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