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WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


I'm sure we've all helped as our means allow. Now let's relax and play a little. Sometimes it can flesh out our characters in our minds to imagine them doing other things rather than "Bash the Bad Guys."


Its just like comics using 9/11 as a real event. Marvel did this didnt they? If its a big enough event (Volcano, Tidal Wave, Earthquake) and all of us are adult enough. Why not have it as part of our imagination.

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


Well, I don't *have* a campaign now, but considering the heroes I've written up for my own amusement...


Hilal -- a powered armor character/inventor. She'd probably use her family connnections to try and speed up official response & her corporate resources to aid in both rescue work and reconstruction. That, and airlift people out with her suit-enhanced strength and ability to generate force walls.


Battleaxe -- a weaponsmaster, a defender of women, she'd definitely be cutting down (possibly literally) on the looters and rapists.


Worldwalker -- a brick/dimensional manipulator, his super-strength and ability to open dimensional gates (Teleport) would probably keep him hopping all through the next few weeks. The Superdome would have been emptied rather more quickly between him and Hilal (and whatever other fliers and teleporters who went in).


Doctor Adrenaline -- a biokinetic and healer. If he wasn't working an aid station (and with his Hippocratic Oath, it's hard to see what else he'd be doing), he'd be using his Karate and Bo staff to smack some sense into the looters.


Fenris Ulf -- he'd /want/ to go after looters and the like, but with his enhanced senses he'd be of much better use trying to find people who were stranded in collapsed buildings. Being a brick, he'd also be best suited to getting them out.


I also imagine the team would have their hands full dealing with whatever VIPER agents robbing shattered banks and hi-tech industries, DEMON Brothers looting mystic artifacts from drowned museums, and assorted supervillains looking for loot/good times/lost relations, who showed up. (And considering the fact that NO's banks, museums, and jewelry stores are now just lying there unguarded, I'd be surprised if no one tried to get to them.)

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


Snapdragon Breathe underwater, Check. Hydrokenisis, Check. Some superstrength, Check. Rescue worker, Check.


Quantum Would spend time spread out between saving civilians, saving rescue workers and helping with anything technical that comes up. Given his powerlevel he might end up doing things like TK'ing a small apartment block and moving it to higher ground to act as emergency shelter. Also might end up transforming the current levies into molecularly alligned steel or somethig similar.

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


Cyrande would have been better off stopping the hurricane(She could likely disperse most of it over time, her power is energy control). If it was after, she'd likely be helping clean up, creating food and clean water, and putting out the fires, horrified all the while.


Nox would be doing rescue and evacuations(teleporter and claravoince would help a lot with that). She'd be horrified, work herself to exhaustion every night, and pray her evil self doesn't take over.

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


When I was playing around with high-level concepts for a secret org, Poseidon Force, one of the few things I considered was hurricane control.


A possible approach would be 'popping' the eye (or around it) with a concussive force large/long enough to reduce it down to at least tropical storm level. Granted, this is prolly not as effective, but the idea was to disperse the bulk of the storm long enough to not reform as strongly as it was before.


A second one I considered was somehow litteraly removing/seperating the pressure zones--perhaps a large enough teleport within the eye to, say, the middle of Anartica. A possible method could be channeling/envloping the storm through a Gate--again, dispersing it by taking it completly out of the area that sustains it.


A third method could be more damaging to the enviroment as a whole, but if you messed around with the temprature of the air/sea to the point of equibrium in stragetic areas, it'll kill the force of the storm quite nicely.

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


This is a very, very, very bad thread.


Its just like comics using 9/11 as a real event. Marvel did this didnt they?


All of the 9-11 comics (that I'm aware of) that were tied into comics continuities, were as creepy and godawful as they were well-intentioned. I think the artists involved in those stories meant well, but just couldn't pull it off.


Personally, I wouldn't be offended by the GM incorporating Katrina in a game, but I'd be very surprised at his/her timing considering that the effects of this disaster are still being felt.


There's a perception that RPGers are socially maladjusted and stuff like this don't help.

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


Personally, I wouldn't be offended by the GM incorporating Katrina in a game, but I'd be very surprised at his/her timing considering that the effects of this disaster are still being felt.


There's a perception that RPGers are socially maladjusted and stuff like this don't help.


I made a similar complaint when someone on another RPGs board created a thread about an Evil Mastermind with a Tsunami machine only a week after Boxing Day. His response is that sometimes people like to imagine they could have done something, and if thety can't that at least the fictional character's they play could. Kind of Cathasis. I told him to stuff off.


Still there is a precedent in comics (since 9/11) of trying to determine what the 'favorite heroes' would do when faced with the situation. I'm not sure how long it was after 9/11, but a number of people wrote WWMCD posts about what their character would do in the same situation.


I gotto agree about the timing though. Maybe we want to lay off this thread for a few weeks.

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


Natural disasters are a great way to challenge a group of heroes.


Even man-made disasters can be a challenge... I remember as a teen running a Champions adventure where all the heroes had to do was stop a runaway locomotive that had hundreds of passengers on-board. It wasn't all that easy! It took a whole game session, and by the end of the night, the players felt pretty darn good about themselves.

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


Dead Head: Has Enraged: When witnesses others suffering cruel and unusual punishment, and PsychLim: Protective of Children, and PsychLim: Seeks to punish those that defile the dead (graverobbers, necrophiliacs, and the like). He'd be alternating between beating the looters and rioters down (especially the ones who are robbing the dead), and working to protect the childrens.


Doktor Archeville: Would be teleporting in and carrying others out (subduing them if need be), then work to rebuild the levees and pump the water out. Or, if he's in a "Mad Scientist" phase, introduce a viral agent into the waters that would mutate the people and animals still there into disease-resistant amphibians.

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


What would he do about parents 'looting' food and water for their children?


Any character I have would vary between 'pretend not to see anything' and 'help them carry it out'. Although most of them would also put in a strong 'the food and water are at the relief center over there, I just delivered it, here's directions.'

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Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina


What would he do about parents 'looting' food and water for their children?

A fair question. Those, he'd let go, as they're obviously taking what's needed to live. Those he sees looting, say, DVD players or jewelry stores -- people being unrepentantly selfish bastards -- he'll KO.

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