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Everything posted by vitruvian23

  1. Re: Adult Entertainment Would be even funnier if the metamorph needed a genetic sample of some sort... even if a cheek swab or hair sample or whatever would work, people would always wonder just how he/she acquired certain forms.
  2. Re: Adult Entertainment My world has at least one such company, with such 'stars' as Kid Titanic (former teenage sidekick to the growing hero Titanic Man), a projector called Electric Blue, a permanently invisible (unless covered by body paint or some equivalent) woman called The Figure, and so on.
  3. Re: Guide to Street Supers Rather than Crimefighters, you could always say Crimebusters, or for a retro feel, Mystery Men. Or if you wanted to get in trouble over song lyrics rather than game licenses, there's always Streetwise Hercules.
  4. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! How far does this go? To the extent of turning Anne Frank in to the police?
  5. Re: Campaign Damage Caps, Code vs. Killing & Pulling a Punch Question - I'm about 2 editions behind, in addition to the Pulling a Punch option, can most characters not just choose to use fewer dice in their attacks? True, you'll do less STUN and it will take longer to subdue 'crunchy' or 'squishy' targets, but I always saw that as exactly the reason Spider-Man ever needed to punch a common thug more than once - he was using at most 4-6 DC of his potential damage.
  6. Re: Dr Hank Pym (Marvel) Wouldn't that make Wiccan a pedophile still, though?
  7. Re: Campaign Concept Source: "No Ordinary Family" Of course, with their past history, if Benz's character ends up having to kill Balfour's (maybe by using her speed aggressively for the first time and ramming him into something, or something into him), I wonder if he'll be able to resist the temptation to flub a few takes and say, "Crap, not again!"
  8. Re: '70s TV Supers Wonder Woman might be a bit stronger than that, though reluctant to use her STR to full effect on most foes; I recall her stopping a tank cold in one episode.
  9. Re: 350 Point Project Is overhead lift (ala cover of Action Comics #1) generally assumed to be the same as bench press and therefore 1/2 the listed STR capacity, or is it even less than that?
  10. Re: Supers vs. Military It's been a while and at least an edition or two since I've played Hero/Champions, honestly, but I thought I remembered that tank armor and weaponry didn't used to be so overwhelming. Maybe it's been pushed *too* high in recent years, and should be scaled so it's always possible for a brick to get through at least the side armor of something the brick can lift with a pushed Haymaker or the like?
  11. Re: Supers vs. Military Fair enough, but given the stats presented by the OP for a single Abrams, even taking out a moderate sized unit with some tanks and fighter jets and such is going to require more powerful attacks and defenses than usually given to these sorts of characters in writeups.
  12. Re: Supers vs. Military The contractors who build the carrier and the congresscritters who got the appropriations for building it in their state would probably not agree. ;-) Sometimes the weapons that get built have very little to do with what will be most useful.
  13. Re: Supers vs. Military Oh, you can have a whole campaign where the PCs start off thinking they're the first superheroes ever, but eventually find out there's a rich superhero history going back decades or even centuries, until somebody accomplished a nice big mindwipe however long ago.
  14. Re: Supers vs. Military The Hulk, routinely. Thor, easily. The Fantastic Four, with a little more difficulty and coordination. Iron Man, with about the same ease that he takes out tanks in the current movies. Spider-Man, not so much.
  15. Re: Special Report: The End of Superheroes! So, one imagines a governmental coup is planned, otherwise there'd be no chance of getting the Liberty Party congresscritters in line behind the bill with 75% public opposition; they'd all be too scared of getting voted out in short order.
  16. Re: Special Report: The End of Superheroes! How does Congress feel about it?
  17. Re: The Greatest American Hero I'd restrict it to those whose shows aired by 1983, then have them team up for the first time to fight the aliens from the original V miniseries. So the team would be: Ralph, the Greatest American Hero Manimal Automan Wonder Woman Bionic Man and Woman Incredible Hulk Man from Atlantis Isis (I'd skip Captain Marvel so as not to steal Ralph's thunder - maybe Billy Batson is already in a food pod and requires rescue?) Michael Knight and KITT Electra Woman and Dynagirl (I'd probably say that Batman and Robin, having already been active for some time in 1966, had retired in the 1970s) Not sure if the Nicholas Hammond Spider-Man somehow in possession of the Marveler/Leopardon would fit in well with the team or not...
  18. Re: Character: Daredevil (rough draft) While DD may not display swinging based on his billy club in this particular story arc, he may still need some level of acrobatic-based Flight to simulate the incredible speed with which he gets around on the rooftops of New York. Maybe only slightly limited Flight (-1/4 or so?), in order to include rooftop running, fast scaling of buildings, etc. For the rest, I think it's a very good job of statting up this particular version, although I might keep the STR at 15 and compensate with a Damage Class in the Martial Arts package. He can still push to 25 if he needs to do something more impressive than usual.
  19. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency) The UN as it exists in RL is not a body you would want to see with a well-funded covert/special operations agency independent of national governments, as opposed to perhaps consisting of personnel 'seconded' from certain national agencies. However, the UN as it exists in many Champions campaigns is not necessarily much like the RL UN, down to the charter and history of effectiveness (or lack thereof). At the same time, even in RL the UN, or at least the UN Security Council, would be the logical body for a global or would-be global superteam to go to for political backing and approval if they wanted to be able to operate pretty freely in all member nations. This would avoid the issues DC is currently having all 'American' superheroes face when crossing over the borders of lots of other countries. When it gets to the point that even Green Lantern, who technically gets any authority he can rightly claim from the Guardians and whose jurisdiction covers the entire region of space we're in, gets shot at when crossing into Russian airspace, you can see the appeal in getting a resolution from both the General Assembly and the Security Council that you can go after supervillains anywhere you want. Actually, I kind of wonder, how do they know Green Lantern's secret identity isn't Russian? And, of course, once a truly world-class superteam goes to the UN for approval and gets it, that immediately gives the UN itself more legitimacy and potentially a much easier path to intervention. For example, if there was a Justice League-level team that got permission to operate in all member countries and promised to at least listen to UN requests for action, it would have been very tempting to resolve that they should be the ones to inspect for and if necessary remove any weapons of mass destruction from certain countries. They would ipso facto be giving the UN the means to enforce its own resolutions, providing those resolutions were tailored to seem reasonable to the team membership.
  20. Re: 1930s Superboy and the 21st Century LSH Well, you could make it unlikely for there to be *too* many survivals simply by making it a hard 100 year separation, much like the later Legion stories were usually considered to be set an even 1000 years ahead. So, not much chance of Clark and friends still being around, unless this version of Superboy/Superman has enhanced longevity *and* doesn't mysteriously vanish saving Metropolis/Earth one day... You could even go with a Byrne 'Generations' theme on this, having Superboy's adventures be in the late 20s and early 30s, the move to Metropolis and change of name to Superman in 1938, further changes in the succeeding decades, with the 'classic Legion' era being still in the future, roughly 2030-2038. Of course, in order to have all the mutated human descendants from other planets, it needs to either be: 1) a truly alternate future, with extensive space colonization starting in the 50s or so, 2) set after some event that has human mutants resettled (whether willingly or forcefully) in space, or 3) in a setting where humans or at least hominids have *already* been spread around the universe by some precursor race, whether the Guardians, the Ancients and Go'auld from Stargate, or any combination thereof you like. The latter has a certain appeal, explaining why Kryptonians can breed with humans and offering the opportunity to go back to the 'more evolved human' origin for Kryptonian superpowers. If combining with the MU to any extent, you've got the option of making Kryptonians essentially Eternal equivalents (up to you if there are still Earth-bound Eternals in the setting), Saturn Girl can be a Titanian Eternal whose power development has focused on telepathy (possibly a daughter or granddaughter of Captain Mar-vell - or maybe she just grew up on Titan, but is the offspring of Mar-vell and Moondragon), and so on. Okay, so it's not quite the present day, per se, but it wouldn't really be *our* present day even if the date for the Legion was 2006, would it? Of course, if you have the Legion coming back to 2006, it would only be one generation back and they would potentially encounter their parents, teachers, mentors, and possibly infant selves if they don't hold too fast to the teenager rule...
  21. Re: Would Stargate SG-1 work in a Marvel Universe? Well, it's a major change to the Marvel Universe, since part of the point of Stargate is that contact with other worlds and visits by alien lifeforms is a big honking secret. So, no Skrulls, Kree, , Shi'ar, etc., unless their contact with Earth's costumed hero set is a lot more covert than in the comics, and even then you need to address how they interact with the races from Stargate. And the NID is totally behind the Weapon X program and all manner of experimentation on anyone with powers, especially but not only mutants.
  22. Re: CU - Wold Newton If going by the principles that characters have their adventures before they appear in print, and that their background is usually the same as when they first appear, you should probably push back the birth dates for both Reed Richards and Benjamin Grimm, given that it was an established part of their background in the 60s that both had served in WWII.
  23. Re: Law & Order: Spandex Vigilante Unit Of course, the victim could certainly still testify against the purse snatcher...
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