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DT once snuck aboard the ISS and actually managed to live up there for most of a year before they realized they had a stowaway.


Then they vented his ass out the airlock. His re-entry would have gone unnoticed had he not farted part way down.


And that, friends and neighbors, was the truth behind the Chelyabinsk Meteor.

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It's not a Claymore, it's a Zweihänder, you Highland hick!


BlueCloud2k2 was kicked out of the army of William Wallace because he repeatedly mistook and misnamed the weaponry he brought to the battle.


And he came without a kilt and tried to form a "Hang Loose with a Full Moon"-Berserker Band with the battle name "The Big Blue Balls" (it's cold in the Highlands without a kilt).


The only ones who showed up for that with "claymores" (a club with nails and a hammer) were BC and a guy who called himself "Bruce MacDick".


Ha, ha - very funny. Mr. Wallace sure found the idea ... lacking.

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And who is responsible for the fact that each and every health insurance turned BC down so that he still ha sto pay off his debts for the hospitals stays and all the surgery? And that he did not get a new hand, not even a hook but only a nail through a piece of wood and no glass-eye but just an eye-patch made of an old diaper?


Yep, the name staers with a "D" and ends with "eath Tribble"!

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The Federal Republic of Canceria rebukes the demand that it needs a national anthem.

On the National Holiday (1st of April) all Canceristas are instead required by law to push the flush, exactly at 1.13 pm.


This is officially referred to as "The Ode to Stool" and shall reminded every citizens what a shitty place Canceria really is.

Yes, Canceristas have a very low self esteem and are quite depressive but still proud of their country.


And even if not the huge wall around the border, ditches full of snakes and crocodiles and anti-plane rocket systems keep them inside.

Hey, it is a shitty place after all!

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Roter Baron tried to steal a time machine to go back and kill Hitler, only to discover Hitler was really an alien robot sent to undermine the German people and prepare Earth for the Invasion.


So Roter Baron killed mecha-Hitler.


Unfortunately after he traveled back to the future, the aliens sent another Mecha-Hitler.


Luckily the replacement Mecha-Hitler was slightly insane and failed to function at 100%.


So even though he failed in his mission to stop Hitler, Roter Baron saved the Earth and Humanity from Evil Alien Overlords TM

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