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Proditor's workbench (More Champs miniature stuff)


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So I got asked by a couple of folks if I had stopped making minis for Champions. Nope. Some of you may remember the post I had suggesting some alternatives for vehicles, and my assertion that 1/48th armor should be "close enough" for most of your needs. Well, I believe in putting my money where my mouth is, so I purchased 5, 1/48th scale tanks. The first pic below is a comparison with several superhero style/scale ministures. From left to right in front of the Challenger tank, are Forward commander Sorcha from Warmachine, Kreusritter from SAS, and a massively overscaled Heroclix. ;)




As you can see, close enough is pretty much on the mark here. Finding uniformity of scale with even mini makers can be nigh impossible, but these look "right" next to a tank. Only Johnny Alpha (The Heroclix) looks like he might be about 7-8 feet tall standing up, and it's close enough.


I've also been gathering figs to make 3 teams. The New Knights of the Round Table, Kreigsturm, and the Soviet Super Soldiers.


From left to right: Stalwart, The Clansman, Union Jack, Spitfire, and Silver Shadow. I still need a good Gurkha figure, so the search continues!




Next up, Kriegsturm. Left to right: Juggernaut Battlesuit, Guurda the Valkyr, Stuka, Mirror Man, and Master Man. Still need a Krystalnacht.




Lastly, the Soviet Super Soldiers. Left to right: Katyusha Rockets 1 & 2, The Siberian, Sickle, Hammer, Iron Solidarity, Falcon, T-34, and Katyusha Rockets 3-5. No one else needed for these guys, they have enough already!




In addition, I'm making figs for Giant from the old Champs team, two more figs from my War of the Worlds: Champions setting, and several Marvel specific figures like Son of Satan and Darkstar. Unfortunately, the digital drained its batteries before I could grab those, so I'll save them for later. Enjoy the rest and feel free to plunder for your own campaigns. :D

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Re: Proditor's workbench (More Champs miniature stuff)


Its been too long since we've seen your work. You've been busy.


Is the Krystal Nacht chr the one from Gurps IST? If so, the Emerald Alien Super Figs mini makes a great set of hands and head.



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Re: Proditor's workbench (More Champs miniature stuff)


Its been too long since we've seen your work. You've been busy.


Is the Krystal Nacht chr the one from Gurps IST? If so, the Emerald Alien Super Figs mini makes a great set of hands and head.



Oooooo, good call! Yes, that's who Krystalnacht is, I have no problem with lifting characters when called for of course. ;) Mirror Man and Stuka are from V&V, Gruuda is adapted from "The Blood and Dr. McQuark", Union Jack, Spitfire, and Master Man are all from Marvel Comics and the Juggernaut suit is from Enemies 3 for Champs 3e.


The Soviet group is sort of a new idea for me, finding minis I like and then making sheets afterwards. I figure it'll be a little easier to extrapolate sheets from the figs as opposed to modding a fig off of a sheet description.


And btw, that "been too long since we've seen your stuff" cuts both ways. After all, you've been a constant influence for me along with our other resident master, Bill Keyes. So...post some pics or something. ;)

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Re: Proditor's workbench (More Champs miniature stuff)


Great work, naturally. And the tank looks perfectly suited.


I've mostly been painting fantasy and vampire minis lately. Haven't done anything Champions-ish in a while. If I had a sense I'd be playing again sometime soon, I'd probably get back on it.

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Re: Proditor's workbench (More Champs miniature stuff)


is that a Johnny alpha figure your using for the clansman?

Ayup. I figure he'll require the least modification to get a reasonable copy of his costume as I updated it from 4th to 5th ed.


And thanks for all the kind feedback guys, but really the only finished guy there is Union Jack (Who I admittedly adore). Heck, Spitfire still needs putty and sanding before we even get to primer. ;)

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