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Introducing Scott Free Press!

Kevin B. Madiso

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What is Scott Free Press?


Scott Free Press is a small publishing company with big ambitions. It was founded in 2005 by me, Kevin B. Madison, with two goals in mind.

The first was to provide the highest quality of gaming product for the sophisticated and savvy gamer. Sounds pretentious eh? Well, that’s not my intention. I’m not trying to argue that the fine consumers who purchase the products of Scott Free Press are any better or more intelligent than the customers of any other gaming company (although they certainly have good taste). What I am instead positing, is that ALL gamers are sophisticated and savvy. We will satisfy your need for sophistication with intelligent and groundbreaking products that you will not want to put down. We will satisfy the savvy customer in you by packing as much useful and, more importantly USEABLE, material in each product that we can. I want you to be as thrilled to be reading and playing our games as we are to be producing them. Scott Free Press was founded as a labour of love and I want that love of the work to show through in every product we offer for you. That was my first goal with Scott Free Press.


The second goal I had in founding Scott Free Press was to show that even someone as lowly as the publisher of a tiny gaming company can, with the help of his loyal customers, help the change the world. To that end, Scott Free Press has launched the All Kids Should Have Games campaign. As part of this campaign, Scott Free Press will be donating a percentage of its proceeds to SOS Children International, a charity which strives to help children orphaned by war and civil strife. You will be able to visit the Scott Free Press website and check up on where the money is going and how it is being spent. The feeling at Scott Free Press is that one of the most important things that we can do to change the world, is to give a child a childhood. SOS Children International helps to ensure that this happens. That was my second goal with Scott Free Press.


"That's all good and well Kev, but what products are Scott Free Press producing?"


Glad you asked mate!


The flagship line for Scott Free Press is our Change the World line. The Change the World products are published under the M&M Superlink and they are designed to bring the sophistication and drama of international politics to your game in an exciting and accessible way. The first major products of the Change the World line is a trilogy of adventures entitled the World in Crisis series that can be played as self-contained adventures or together as an epic saga. The first two adventures are scheduled to be 64 pages and the final chapter of this epic is set to be 92 pages.


The first of these adventures is entitled Darkest Hearts. In this adventure, the PCs are confronted with a challenging situation when six superpowered criminals are hired as mercenaries by the government of Cote d’Ivoire (the Ivory Coast) for use against the rebel forces that have seized control of the Northern half of the country. The situation is volatile for a number of reasons (not the least of which is the precedent this may set for the rest of the world) and the PCs must find a solution to this problem while acting in a country hostile to foreigners, a continent sensitive to the meddling of Western powers in their politics and the rest of the world watching to see the outcome. In this way, Darkest Hearts is a perfect introduction to the Change the World line which explores the question: “if you had the power, how would you change the world?â€


In the second adventure, the PCs see more of the world, going from Houston, Texas, to San Salvador, El Salvador and then deep into the jungles of Brazil where they face a threat that has been growing there, hidden from the rest of the world for over six decades.


In the final act of this trilogy, the PCs go racing to Europe when news reaches them that the city of Berlin has been devastated by a surprise attack from an invasion force hailing from another world. In this final chapter of the World in Crisis trilogy, the PCs find themselves standing shoulder to shoulder with superhumans from around the world and facing an adversary of astounding power and organization. This epic is structured in such a way that it will capture the spirit of the best comic book maxi-series (Crisis on Infinite Earths, House of M, Infinite Crisis) while still keeping dramatic focus on the PCs, giving them pivotal roles in events as they unfold. By the end of this trilogy the PCs’ world will be a changed place, shaped by the decisions and actions of the players during the course of the adventures and opening up many doors for future adventure.

As mentioned previously, each of the World in Crisis adventures is completely playable on its own, but there are threads of continuity between them which, when used together, make for a sweeping and cohesive saga that will leave players talking for years to come.


The next product after the initial trilogy is tentatively entitled Flashfires and it is a 92 page product featuring a series of short adventures for use in your M&M Superlink campaigns. Each of the adventures within is a self-contained story, intended either as a one-shot adventure or as inspiration for an ongoing campaign. Like the initial trilogy, this book incorporates the principles of the Change the World line (fun and accessible ways of incorporating sophisticated political issues into your superpowered campaign).

After that, we’ll be offering the first sourcebook in the Change the World line, tentatively entitled Tarnished Silver: The Change the World Sourcebook to the 1960s. This book will have all the information you’d need to run a superpowered campaign set in time of the Silver Age of Comics. Instead of focusing on the world of Silver Age comics, this book will give you all the information you’d need to run a game featuring the geopolitics, the ideologies and the espionage of the 1960s. In addition, you’ll find a plethora of characters and organizations inspired by sources such as James Bond, Nick Fury: Agent of SHIELD, Planetary, The Ultimates, and the works of Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum and John Le Carre. This sourcebook opens up a world of clashing ideologies, political assassinations, cold warriors and nuclear showdown. This monster is scheduled to be 128 pages but it will likely get bigger once work starts on it.


Whew! And that’s what we’ve got planned for the first batch of books for the Change the World line. With all these books, the intention is to release them first as electronic versions in order to bankroll a printed version at a later date.


"That's all good and fine Kev, but I play Champions. Why should I care about this?"


Every two weeks we’ll be profiling a character, complete with background and full-colour portrait, on our website for use in your superpowered campaigns. In addition, every two months we’ll be posting a new Country Brief, giving GMs and Players a crash course in the politics and society of another country. In addition to useful information like history, languages spoken, maps and flags, these briefs give a rundown of major issues facing the country (for use as inspiration for your own campaigns) and a list of resources you can access for further information. While the character stats are not presented in Hero stats, the background, adventure ideas, Country Briefs and character pics are usable in any superpowered campaign!


To find further details on Scott Free Press and to check out the first Country Brief, featuring four superhuman characters as well as lots of other fun goodies, head over to www.scottfreepress.com now!

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


Howdy all!


I just wanted to drop a line to the moderators:

If this isn't the proper board for this sort of thread, please relocate it to a more appropriate board.


As for you Champions players:

Take a look at our site and let me know what you think of what you find there!



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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!



What is there to report? It's a site about a superhero world and the guy is talking about his upcoming adventures that can be purchased. Just because the adventures use the M&M system doesn't mean they can't be useful and interesting for Champions players. Some of my favorite adventures have been from V&V and DC modules over the years. Superhero genre players are always asking for more adventures. Well there some are. The ideas are there for the purchasing.

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!



I see nothing wrong with a bit of advertisement for a website. After all, he ties it in nicely with the following...

"That's all good and fine Kev, but I play Champions. Why should I care about this?"


Every two weeks we’ll be profiling a character, complete with background and full-colour portrait, on our website for use in your superpowered campaigns. In addition, every two months we’ll be posting a new Country Brief, giving GMs and Players a crash course in the politics and society of another country. In addition to useful information like history, languages spoken, maps and flags, these briefs give a rundown of major issues facing the country (for use as inspiration for your own campaigns) and a list of resources you can access for further information. While the character stats are not presented in Hero stats, the background, adventure ideas, Country Briefs and character pics are usable in any superpowered campaign!

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


Howdy Champions Folks!


I apologize if the post seemed a bit too 'shilling a product' for a Hero Games forum.


While there is obviously some commercial appeal in posting here, my intention by posting here was to make Champions gamers aware of the free material available on the Scott Free Press site (in particular the Country Briefs and the free characters). I'm more interested in gamers making use of the material than I am with turning a buck (hence the amount of free material on the site).


The Champions community is one of the largest and most active online gaming communities and I was hoping to get some quality feedback on the material featured on our site from that community.


That said, I understand completely if this thread is deemed inappropriate by the moderators (but hope they'll see it in the light it was intended). :)



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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


Howdy Champions Folks!


I apologize if the post seemed a bit too 'shilling a product' for a Hero Games forum.

It was the fact that it was your first post that rubbed me the wrong way. I like to think that we're all friends here, it was jaring to see someone metaphorically walk into the room and start shilling.


Probably just me. Forgiven, forgotten, welcome!

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


It was the fact that it was your first post that rubbed me the wrong way. I like to think that we're all friends here, it was jaring to see someone metaphorically walk into the room and start shilling.


Probably just me. Forgiven, forgotten, welcome!


Agreed...myself I'd have probably asked a mod if this was appropriate before posting.


Supposedly the thread's been reported so the mods will decide now...no need to make a big deal about it I suppose.


If the site is interesting, it'd be nice to be able to include HERO stats with characters like we've seen with some M&M characters and such. :)

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


For the record:


The reason I reported is that the person had 1 post and it was an advert.


We regularly (well, we, as in the mods) regularly remove posts from people with 1 post that is an advert, when the advert is for signing up to win a 60" TV or to win a date with a pornstar.


Simply because the advert was something that we all may find cool does not mean its not spam. Do we all not watch at least some TV and would like to have a nice 60" TV? Would we all not like to spend at least a little time with a porn star?


We either remove ALL the blatant adverts or we don't remove any of them. It's the only way to be fair. If Simon is into Australian Football and a 1 post poster posts an advert for AustralianFootball.com goes through is that any more fair?


I'm just saying...an even playing field.

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


Howdy Folks,


Just wanted to let you know there's a new State of the World up at the Scott Free Press website discussing Special Forces-style superhuman teams.


In addition, we have an announcement posted there regarding HERO System versions of our Change the World products.


Until next time I remain,

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


"Me fail English? That's unpossible!"


Howdy all,


Just read over my State of the World post from last night and it's got a few glaring typos, grammatical errors and otherwise awkward phrasings. I'll clear those up as soon as I get home from work.




Until next time I remain,

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


Okay, if all six of your posts are on this one thread and all six are simply advertising, then I am not thrilled with helping you out. There are other people on this board that work for other gaming companies and they don't solely do 'buy from us' posts. Why don't you try talking to people or join other thread discussions?

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


OK, a few things Kirby.


First off, with the exception of the first post (which I apologized for) none of my posts have been about anything I have for sale (with the exception of the HERO announcement, but that can be considered a response to inquiries people have made about us posting HERO versions of our characters).


As for 'buy from us' posts, have you been to the Scott Free Press site Kirby? There isn't anything on the site that I charge for. All the State of the World columns I refer to in my posts are not game system specific, making them as useful to a HERO gamer as an M&M Superlink gamer (or GURPS or DC Heroes or Marvel Super Heroes or any other superhuman RPG for that matter). Furthermore, they're free every week.


As for talking to other people on the boards, I honestly don't have the time to post to other threads. I used to post on these boards (and the GURPS, RPG.net and Atomic Think Tank boards) as Badmudderfugger. When I started promoting Scott Free Press online I decided it would be better to put my name behind it, rather than an online pseudonym. While I couldn't be considered a regular here, it's not like I've never posted here (check out my old Advent Rising Space Hero thread).


When people have responded to this thread (either by posting or PMing me) I've responded as soon as humanly possible. In addition, I've got threads going on several other forums in addition to the correspondence I get through Scott Free Press. On top of that, I'm writing a weekly column for the site, drawing and providing stats and backstory for a new character every two weeks, compiling a Country Brief every two months and working on Scott Free Press' actual for-profit products. All of this is while I'm working full-time as well.


While it would be nice to make some money from this, the primary focus I've had is to make sure that the free stuff I've promised on the site is always up there on time. Furthermore, all of the information on the website that has been posted there free will remain free, published or not.


It should be clear by now that I'm not doing this for the money. If I was I would have released the Country Briefs for sale, rather than for free on the site and just to clarify, even when the PDF versions of the Country Briefs are up for sale, all the information contained within (including characters) will remain free on the site. The reason I'm charging for the Country Brief PDFs is to partially offset the cost of hosting the site (which isn't free) and to be able to donate a greater percentage to SOS Children Villages (50% as opposed to the usual 10% we have planned).


Anyhoo, what I'd ask, Kirby, is that you take a look at the Scott Free Press site first and judge for yourself whether what I'm doing here is leaving 'buy from us' posts or just telling the HERO community about a free resource and hoping to get feedback from this active (and vocal) community (in particular in light of the fact we'll be providing HERO System versions of our characters there in the near future).


As for getting involved in other threads, I would love to if I had the time but at the present all I have time to do is look over the thread names and poke in on the ones that interest me. I'm hoping to pick up Pulp Hero this weekend (today's review on RPG.net sold me on it) so you may see more of me on the Pulp boards soon. However, if I am absent from other threads on this board, I ask that you consider the circumstances I mentioned above.


Thanks for you comments Kirby and I hope to hear from you again soon.


Until next time I remain,

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


Hmm... I'll consider looking into it later. The first impression I have isn't coming off that well (though I'm sure the same could be said about me). You'll have to pardon my skepticism though if you say you don't have time for other posts, but respond promptly (and in length) to this thread.


However, later this week I will give your site a try to give myself a second impresssion.

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


Howdy folks,


Lots of fun stuff to report on this week!


First up: there's a new Country Brief featuring Canada up on the site now, along with the first of four new characters related to Canada. The Country Brief gives you all you'll need to have your campaign head to the Great White North.


The first Canadian character is a superhuman who was first active in the 1960s, but has subsequently become a Canadian Senator. In addition to her full history and stats, you'll get some sneak peeks at other characters of the Change the World setting.


Also up at the site is a new State of the World discussing how state sovereignty relates to superhuman characters who are heads of state. So if you've got a Doctor Doom wannabe in your campaign, this week's column will be up your alley.


In addition, we've got a detailed schedule for future Change the World characters and Country Briefs up.


Finally, all this week we'll be working to get the HERO System versions of the Change the World characters finished and posted so you can use them in your own campaigns.


There's lots to see, so swing by the site and take a peek!


Until next time I remain,

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Re: Introducing Scott Free Press!


Just wanted to let y'all know the first HERO System character is up for you viewing please at the Scott Free Press website.

Did you use Hero Designer for this, and if so, what version?


Using HD 2.42, I've found several flaws:


STUN: Figured Characteristics give him 48, so it should only cost 2 points, not 3 to bring him to 50.


RUNNING: 19 doubled is 38, not 28


COST: I show his characteristics costing 255, not 260

(Aside, why if he has 19" of running and 20" of leaping, does he only have 2" (default) of swimming?


ASSAULT RIFLE: Once the charges become an advantage instead of a disad, you receive 2x the # of clips (thus, 4, not 2).


CONTACT TNI: This needs to be expanded/detailed. Is it merely a 13- for a group? (If so, does it not have any useful skills?)


WF: This should only cost 5 points, not 10. Assault Rifles/LMGs are part of the "Small Arms" catagory, it doesn't need to be purchased/listed twice.


REPUTATION: This should be given "Extreme" to make it worth 15 points, otherwise, it's just 10.


POINT COST: The character has 125 pts in disads, +250 in base (are you sure 250? Not 200?) +83 in XP = 458, but I'm showing the charcter only costs 450 (unless the 250 base is changed to 200 [standard Superhero] in which case, there are 42 points missing).


The biggest weakness of the character is NO Resitant Defense! The Powers and Tactics states "Ariswanto prefers to eliminate targets before they are aware of him (usually through the use of explosives or stealth and silenced handguns)." However, he has neither an explosive nor a silenced weapon.


It says his weapon is an M-16A (is this A1 or A2?) If an A2, the autofire should be reduced to 3 shots.


I would personally change the flashlight to "Change Environment" instead of Images.

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