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Having a painful movement

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Re: Having a painful movement


Would a Naked Power Modifier help this out any?


- Christopher Mullins



Yes, we could all point at it and laugh at its discomfort and embarassment, which would at least take our minds off this problem :)


Which one were you thinking of, mate?

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Re: Having a painful movement


Okay, if TP is usable as-is, then why not simply create a Linked Damage Shield NND (defense is Teleportation or Extradimensional powers)? You could get a 5d6 NND for 29 pts., or an 8d6 attack for 47 pts. Inside a framework it should be cheap enough to make it effective. Assuming they're not both in frameworks, that is.

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Re: Having a painful movement


I think I fall into the camp of buying TPort with room for two, linked somehow with the NND EB (both with similar Act Pts). The Grab would just be a Special Effect of the TPort. After BAMPHing, the target would be released (ie not affected by the 'Grab'), Which could get hostile if you teleported straight up, stunned the guy, and let him go...


Follow the rules for teleporting an unwilling victim (require a single attack roll for the No Rnage NND and the teleport) and I'd call that pretty fair.


It's probably not the most comprehensive solution, but it's simple and it follows the spirit of what you're trying to accomplish.





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Re: Having a painful movement


Yes, we could all point at it and laugh at its discomfort and embarassment, which would at least take our minds off this problem :)


Which one were you thinking of, mate?

Well, if you make the UAA a Naked Power Advantage for Teleportation, it would become a power unto itself that additional modifiers could then be applied.


Don't know if that would help, but just an idea.


- Christopher Mullins

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Re: Having a painful movement


Hrm. Just read the UAA rules again, and the second-to-last sentence is:

A UAA attack is only usable as an attack -- the character cannot use it himself for its normal purpose.

Ah, but if you buy a UAA Teleport and ride along by Grabbing the target, you are not using it for its normal purpose. You cannot just Teleport yourself without the target. True if this character is a general teleporter you might have to buy another TP for use at times other than the attack, though.

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Re: Having a painful movement


If you check the TP power description you can TP an unwilling tagrget if you go along with them - you only need UAA if you are sending them off on their own :) (Took me a while to work out why; TP is just a movement power and you can move with someone you have grabbed and controlled normally)

Again, though, you will officially need mutliple Phases and multiple attack rolls. Teleport is Movement Power so you technically cannot use it in a Multiple Power Attack or after you Grab someone. The GM can make exceptions, sure, but going the UAA TP with extra mass route should provide a completely (or so close that almost any GM will likely accept it) legal way to do this according to the official rules. One Attack Action, one attack roll (for the Multiple Power Attack with Grab, UAA TP, and the NND attack), and even possible to make a full Teleport after a normal Half Move (see Steve's recent ruling about UAA Movement Powers; answer #1).

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Re: Having a painful movement


My answer depends on whether you want to damage the opponent, or move them somewhere and damage them.


If you just want to damage them, why not just buy whatever attack you want with No Range (NND, EB, HTH).


Half-move Teleport to them, and use your attack.


If you hit, then the SFX are that you 'grabbed them and Teleported with them', back to the same place they were originally standing.


If you want them to 'move', you could just choose an attack that Does Knockback (either normally or by buying that Advantage for the NND) and the SFX of the knockback would be 'that is where they landed' when I let go.


If you want to say you Teleport with them a bunch of times, buy the attack with Autofire.



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Re: Having a painful movement


If you want them to 'move'' date=' you could just choose an attack that Does Knockback (either normally or by buying that Advantage for the NND) and the SFX of the knockback would be 'that is where they landed' when I let go.[/quote']

Weird...interesting...at teleport option might actually be a Limitation on Knockback, as the KB itself wouldn't cause damage (no velocity). It might plunge the target past physical obstacles, which could be either a bonus or a penalty. :think:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Having a painful movement


I didn't want to start a whole new topic and this is sort of in the same vein. I have a player who has a teleportation attack:


Banishment: Teleportation 1",x4 Mass, Megascale (1"=1km), Ranged, Usable as an attack


Obviously this can be severly abused. Since you've all thought about the repurcussions of teleporting someone somplace they don't want to go, give me some ideas on keeping this power under control. I've yet to have him select which "common defenses" need apply, but I'm thinking Power Defense and Teleportation and would like 1 more. It hasn't even come up in game yet, but I don't necessarily want to veto it without taking a little time to make it reasonable.

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Re: Having a painful movement


Here's a way of "doing it" (not sure at this point in the thread exactly what we're "doing", though, but anyway :)) that should be "fixed":


Teleport, AOE 1 Hex (everything in the Hex goes automatically, no attack roll).


Of course, this just means you can use it to rip out a chunk of hull from the middle of a submarine . . .

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Re: Having a painful movement


Here's a way of "doing it" (not sure at this point in the thread exactly what we're "doing", though, but anyway :)) that should be "fixed":


Teleport, AOE 1 Hex (everything in the Hex goes automatically, no attack roll).


Of course, this just means you can use it to rip out a chunk of hull from the middle of a submarine . . .


No, objects larger than the affected area surely wouldn't move.

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Re: Having a painful movement


No' date=' objects larger than the affected area surely wouldn't move.[/quote']


So I can't teleport someone's heart to me and eat it right in front of them, then? Darn ;)


But hey, what if I'm teleporting an object from their pocket? It isn't part of them, right?

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Re: Having a painful movement


I could see something like "Violent Aportation", where you teleport pieces of somebody away from them as a KA. USPD has some stuff like that. *looks*

Oof, yeah. There's some really nasty ones there. Blinding somebody by teleporting their eyes from their sockets, teleporting things into the enemy's body (KA), Energy Blast NND's defined as repetitive aportation.

I'd say for your maneuver, do the NND Energy Blast, no range(-1/2), only works on targets that you have in a grab (-1/4).

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Re: Having a painful movement


If you check the TP power description you can TP an unwilling tagrget if you go along with them - you only need UAA if you are sending them off on their own :) (Took me a while to work out why; TP is just a movement power and you can move with someone you have grabbed and controlled normally)


Page 149 says "If he wishes to Teleport other people (or inanimate objects) without going along with them himself, he must buy his Teleportation with the Usable As Attack Advantage." Page 150 (Increased Mass) says "If the additional mass is additional persons, those persons have to want to be Teleported; involuntarily Teleporting someone requires the Usable As Attack Advantage."


Looks to me like you mistook one of the times you gotta have Usable As Attack for the only time you gotta. ;)


I'd do it:

#1 Teleport ___"

#2 Teleport ___", UAA, Linked to #1, Side Effect (Major: _d6 EB NND, Side Effect only affects recipient of power, Side Effect always happens; -1/2)

#3 Naked Adv.: Trigger, only for #1 and #2, triggered by successful Grab and intention to "BAMF" the Grabbed person.



#1 Teleport ___"

#2 Teleport ___", x2 mass, UAA, Side Effect (Major: _d6 EB NND, Side Effect only affects recipient of power, Side Effect always happens; -1/2), Trigger, triggered by successful Grab and intention to "BAMF" the Grabbed person.


The second way, there's no connection between the two Teleports. #1 is so he can go, #2 is only for taking and hurting.


Your GM might not like the "intention to BAMF" part of the Trigger. The first way that's no prob cause it's a seperate power so you can not use it if you want to only Grab. The second way it's a prob. cause being Triggered it'll happen with every Grab.

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Re: Having a painful movement


Here's a way of "doing it" (not sure at this point in the thread exactly what we're "doing", though, but anyway :)) that should be "fixed":


Teleport, AOE 1 Hex (everything in the Hex goes automatically, no attack roll).


Of course, this just means you can use it to rip out a chunk of hull from the middle of a submarine . . .


Page 149 says "When teleporting other persons and objects, the Teleporter must Teleport the whole person or object; he cannot, for example, Teleport a person but not his armor, or only half a dragon."


So your plan to (mis)use a Power to do another Power's work fails. :thumbdown

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Re: Having a painful movement


Page 149 says "When teleporting other persons and objects, the Teleporter must Teleport the whole person or object; he cannot, for example, Teleport a person but not his armor, or only half a dragon."


So your plan to (mis)use a Power to do another Power's work fails. :thumbdown


We can't do this but there's nothing to stop us from Transforming an entire bay into steam and letting all the little boats with their little people fall down?


:nonp: Something seems terribly wrong with all that.

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Re: Having a painful movement


I didn't want to start a whole new topic and this is sort of in the same vein. I have a player who has a teleportation attack:


Banishment: Teleportation 1",x4 Mass, Megascale (1"=1km), Ranged, Usable as an attack


Obviously this can be severly abused. Since you've all thought about the repurcussions of teleporting someone somplace they don't want to go, give me some ideas on keeping this power under control. I've yet to have him select which "common defenses" need apply, but I'm thinking Power Defense and Teleportation and would like 1 more. It hasn't even come up in game yet, but I don't necessarily want to veto it without taking a little time to make it reasonable.


Other "common defense": Mental Defense? Extra-D Move? Both?


Limit to 1 or 2 Charges so he doesn't use it on every enemy.


Give it a Fixed Location (city jail, lockup back at the Base, etc.), with "Only to Fixed Location." Needs more inches of Teleport, or up the MegaScale to 10km. This is aka "Go Directly To Jail." :winkgrin:


If it has to follow a Grab and isn't Triggered, he's gotta hang onto the enemy for a Phase.

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Re: Having a painful movement


Hmm. I just read a couple of days ago an answer in the FAQ under Teleport where Steve mentions that Full Move maneuvers may be possible with Teleport at the GM's discretion, but there would never be any velocity damage added. So maybe this can be handled with just a Grab By. It just may not work with all GMs (I'll still assert that the, "UAA with increased Teleport mass and a Linked/Multiple Power Attack," solution I first mentioned is a perfectly legal and portable way to do it, though ;) ).

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Re: Having a painful movement


Give it a Fixed Location (city jail' date=' lockup back at the Base, etc.), with "Only to Fixed Location." Needs more inches of Teleport, or up the MegaScale to 10km. This is aka "Go Directly To Jail." :winkgrin:[/quote']


So what happens if/when the villains take over police headquarters as their new lair?

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Re: Having a painful movement


Hmm. I just read a couple of days ago an answer in the FAQ under Teleport where Steve mentions that Full Move maneuvers may be possible with Teleport at the GM's discretion' date=' but there would never be any velocity damage added. So maybe this [i']can[/i] be handled with just a Grab By. It just may not work with all GMs (I'll still assert that the, "UAA with increased Teleport mass and a Linked/Multiple Power Attack," solution I first mentioned is a perfectly legal and portable way to do it, though ;) ).


Actually I was just thinking... couldn't we just make this as a martial arts maneuver? I don't have UMA in front of me though...


Grab, FMove, Damage... should be able to do it for 5pts, no? Of course to make it NND might cause issues...


Just a thought

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Re: Having a painful movement


Considering that all of the Full Move manuevers give bonus damage based on relative velocity I see no problem with allowing a character with Teleportation to use it to move to the hex in front of an already moving character to use the moving character's velocity to add to the damage done by the Teleporters moveby/movethrough. The inches of actual Teleport would not affect the damage done but any relative velocity from another form of movement like being thrown as part of a fastball special would apply.

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Re: Having a painful movement


We can't do this but there's nothing to stop us from Transforming an entire bay into steam and letting all the little boats with their little people fall down?


:nonp: Something seems terribly wrong with all that.

You're not content with throwing up your Straw Man/Red Herring stuff here and here? Did you figure you didn't get enough respect so you're going to insult (using "cutesy" talk to belittle) and harrass (spreading to other unrelated threads) me?


I'm reporting it to Ben.

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