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Tuala Morn


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I know the book is still a good 3-6 months out at least, but I was wondering if we could get some more juicy tibits of information on Tuala Morn (i.e. a distincitve characteristic of the setting, how magic works, etc.) I remember before The Valdorian Age was released that there was an interesting thread on how sorcery worked in the setting and how it contributed to the swords and sorcery feel. Any little bit of info on the world of Tuala Morn like that would be cool.


Another question I have (if Steve is comfortable answering it), is what game system was the book originally written for. It has been stated a couple of times that Steve already had most of it done for another publisher. I am just curious if it was GURPS, D&D, Rolemaster, HARP, Palladium or what.

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Re: Tuala Morn


Back when Obsidian Studios was still in existence I wrote it up for their "Shards Of The Stone" project. One of the reasons that I can't fully answer your question is that because the setting was originally attached to a given rules set, I didn't have to come up with a full-blown magic system -- just some supplementary stuff. One of the bigger tasks with getting TM ready for publication is to rework the magic system into what I wanted to do with it in the first place. I've got plenty of ideas. ;)


I think the (unusually lengthy) blurb on the "Our Products" page for the book sums it up reasonably well, though of course it doesn't go into ultra-detail. Is there something in particular you have in mind as a "distinctive characteristic" that you'd like to know about?

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Re: Tuala Morn


Well, here was one question I had: Not only is the blurb unusually long, but it also seems to indicate a more story based setting. Both The Turakian Age and The Valdorian Age have metaplots as far as the history of the Hero Universe. Kal-Turak conquers Ambrethel and later conquers it again as Takofanes. There is the central tension between the decent of man as represented by Elweir and the ascent of man as represented by Valdor. But, I wouldn't really say that these aren't as strong metaplots in their respective settings as the one suggested by the Tuala Morn blurb. Will the book feature a much stronger focus on the metaplot of the setting compared to the other setting books DOJ has published in the past?

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Re: Tuala Morn


It's hard to say until I finish writing the book, but at this point I'd say probably not. There are important things going on, some of which will get a lot of mention because they can be pretty crucial to how the PCs perceive the world and what they can do to save it, but that's certainly not the only thing going on. Ultimately a setting book, to be useful to the largest number of gamers, has to be about the setting itself, not about any specific event or series of events.

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Re: Tuala Morn


Is Tuala Morn part of the CU? If so, when does it fall into the timeline? After the Valdorian Age? And if it is based off of Celtic Myth, does this mean it will be a high-powered setting? Where the PCs are virtual superheroes (running along ridge poles, lifting houses, running across water, leaping trees and homes, hurling spears though a dozen foes at a time, riding hurled spears, single-handedly holding off whole armies...)?

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Re: Tuala Morn


Is Tuala Morn part of the CU? If so' date=' when does it fall into the timeline? After the Valdorian Age? And if it is based off of Celtic Myth, does this mean it will be a high-powered setting? Where the PCs are virtual superheroes (running along ridge poles, lifting houses, running across water, leaping trees and homes, hurling spears though a dozen foes at a time, riding hurled spears, single-handedly holding off whole armies...)?[/quote']

Post Atlantean.



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Re: Tuala Morn


Is Tuala Morn part of the CU? If so, when does it fall into the timeline? After the Valdorian Age? And if it is based off of Celtic Myth, does this mean it will be a high-powered setting? Where the PCs are virtual superheroes (running along ridge poles, lifting houses, running across water, leaping trees and homes, hurling spears though a dozen foes at a time, riding hurled spears, single-handedly holding off whole armies...)?


Question of the first part already answered by Super Squirrel. ;)


Question of the second part -- TM is influenced by or if you will "flavored by" Irish/Celtic legend, myth, history, culture, and so on. To say it's "based on" such things is perhaps putting it a bit too strongly. For example, there are spear-wielding warriors capable of many of feats depicted in Irish legend... but it's not as if they're all Cuchulains running around, and I don't want to get too ridiculous with layering that sort of thing on. (In part, too, that will depend on how the GM wants to run his campaign; one run in a more "mythic" style might have scads of Cuchulain-like warriors running around on spearpoints.)


OTOH, there's also a knightly type of warrior riding around in light plate-type armor, and there are rulers with the title of "Duke" -- neither of which make any sense if I TM were literally "based on" Celtic myths and such. It's all about the flavor and the feel and what makes for fun gaming. ;)


And of course all this is preliminary ideas based on what's already written. You never know what else I may think up, or may decide doesn't work, or what have you as I write. ;)

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Re: Tuala Morn


Steve, will this book give us more info about Samhain? His origins, motivations, using him in the Tualan era? Maybe stats geared more for a fantasy setting?


(I thought that Samhain's writeup in Champions Universe was a little spare, and would welcome something to flesh him out with. I have plans for him in my current CU campaign.) :eg:

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Re: Tuala Morn


Am I wrong, or would this also be the period in Champs Universe history when various other 'preview' cultures (i.e., proto-Mesoamerica, proto-Africa, proto-Vikings...) are around? It does sound very cool, and I second Lord Liaden in wanting to see more about Samhain even if it's non-gaming background and such. Maybe especially if it's non-gaming material. To me, that's often more fun that all the numbers.

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Re: Tuala Morn


Am I wrong, or would this also be the period in Champs Universe history when various other 'preview' cultures (i.e., proto-Mesoamerica, proto-Africa, proto-Vikings...) are around?


Yes, that'd be a reasonably accurate way to put it. While TM itself won't really discuss much beyond a fictitious northern Europe (and really only touch on that), if the setting is successful enough I'd be pleased as punch to do other books covering other parts of the world. :hex:

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Re: Tuala Morn


Is Tuala Morn part of the CU? If so' date=' when does it fall into the timeline? After the Valdorian Age? And if it is based off of Celtic Myth, does this mean it will be a high-powered setting? Where the PCs are virtual superheroes (running along ridge poles, lifting houses, running across water, leaping trees and homes, hurling spears though a dozen foes at a time, riding hurled spears, single-handedly holding off whole armies...)?[/quote']

Well, If Tuala Morn doens't end up with a whole grab bag of Celtic Myth style War Feats then I'll probably convert a bunch from my 4th Edition Epic Celts campaign and post 'em on here.


Heck, we'll get a nice thread going for it ;)




OTOH, there's also a knightly type of warrior riding around in light plate-type armor, and there are rulers with the title of "Duke" -- neither of which make any sense if I TM were literally "based on" Celtic myths and such. It's all about the flavor and the feel and what makes for fun gaming. ;)


And of course all this is preliminary ideas based on what's already written. You never know what else I may think up, or may decide doesn't work, or what have you as I write. ;)


For me, this bodes not well.

Serious Boding, in fact.

bode, bode, bode


Seriously... You are a GREAT gaming author. WHY, oh why do you feel the need to drop a bunch of classic & generic fedual fantasy genre tropes on a setting that could be richly built without them? One of the great appeals of a fantasy setting based on Celtic Myth & legend is the abilty to play in a setting that tracks as slightly off kilter from most games because the social dynamics are quite different from the feudal model everyone defaults to. Sticking with a tribal/clan social architecture with heavy religious and customary influences on society will lead to a far more celtic feel than if you dilute it with elements from a feudal system (The rich interlocking tapestry of celtic culture wouldn't have developed the same, IMHO, under feudalism... Strongbow bringing feudalisim to Ireland was the beginning of the end of the golden/mythic age of Ireland)


BTW.. this was a reference to the whole "Duke" thing. The armor is just tech. Celtic myth and history both featured a class roughly equal to Knights, though properly not refered to as such, and while I'd prefer to see more chariots and less cavalry, I can deal. That's a setting decision, and not without precedent (Just off the topic of my head I'll point to Ferdiad's horn plate armor from the Tain)

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Re: Tuala Morn


At the risk of sounding snarky (which isn't my intent, but it's hard to convey that in writing), please don't start crying until you've been bit. ;) If, when you see the final work as a whole (as opposed to one- or two-sentence blurbs), you don't like what I've done, by all means say so with your money and don't buy TM. But since, as you so accurately and wisely observe, I am a great gaming author :D , give me a little bit of the benefit of the doubt right now. I think in the end you'll be pleased with what results. :hex:

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Re: Tuala Morn


At the risk of sounding snarky (which isn't my intent' date=' but it's hard to convey that in writing), please don't start crying until you've been bit. ;) If, when you see the final work as a whole (as opposed to one- or two-sentence blurbs), you don't like what I've done, by all means say so with your money and don't buy TM. But since, as you so accurately and wisely observe, I am a great gaming author :D , give me a little bit of the benefit of the doubt right now. I think in the end you'll be pleased with what results. :hex:[/quote']

No worries.

Right now I'm just amped that you're doing anything of the sort.


I'll save any actual gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair till it comes out :D

I do know how extensively you research your work, and I trust that you'll do a good job in capturing the feel of a pseudo celtic setting, I just wanted to hop in and make a quick but vehement note not to stray too far into generic fantasy land just to increase the broad appeal of the overall package.

It doesn't need it.

As you may have figured lo these several years I've been posting, this setting will be far and away the one that attracts comment from me, because its a topic I've invested TONS of time into over the last 18 years. Most folk playing in such a setting won't have invested the kind of research that I've done for academic reasons and that you're doing for design reasons. Thus, I'd tend to err on the side of making the setting almost sterotypically celtic, to help steer less fanatically educated gamers towards the unique feel of such a setting.


Obviously I'm looking forward to this one.

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Re: Tuala Morn


Oh, trust me, I don't want to stray too far into "generic Fantasy" -- if I did, I'd just do another setting like Turakian Age. Since we've got such a setting, there's not much point in doin' another. But I don't want pure Celtic/Irish myth, either; that's not what I have in mind. I want the proper proportions of both, seasoned as need be with a northern European sort of spice. ;)


I'll save any actual gnashing of teeth and tearing of hair till it comes out


Heck, that's all we ever ask for. That, and world power. ;)

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Re: Tuala Morn


For some reason' date=' the term "proto-Goth" sounds totally hilarious.[/quote']

Stragely enough, it's not an uncommon phrase for me.

But then again, I hang out at a lot of Goth events, and don't look like one. I started listening to early "goth" music back when it was still considered sort of a sub-genre of punk & new wave. Never got into the whole painting yourself up like the crow and angstfully reflecting on how romantic it'd be to be undead thing.

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Re: Tuala Morn


For my Epic Celtic game I cast the Formorians as a combonation of proto-norsemen and their Jotun allies. There are enough paralells between celtic and norse mythologies to suggest an earlier combative meeting of the two cultures than is currently in the archeological record. Essentially the paralells I drew were:


Tuatha De Danna(Henceforth called the Sidhe for bervity) = The Vanir

War between the Sidhe & the Formorians = War between the Aesir & Vanir

Balor of the Evil Eye = Odin

Lugh = Frey

Formorians Crystal Island fortress home = Iceland

Deformed, monstrous and half beast formorians = Norse animal cult warriors, warriors with old maiming injuries, and unusual wargear


I can go on with paralells forever, but suffice to say it worked well.

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