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Thinking about a campagine with a twist.


Characters are either four generations of legacy heroes, or have at least two points of LS: longevity.


First characters are in 1942. WW II has just started. The Justice Society has been together for over a year, and are keeping things safe on the homefront, and secretly the Invaders are being organized to operate inside Fortress Europa. Characters are built on 50 pts, with up to another 50 pts in disads. These sessions will have a Golden Age tone.


Second characters are legacies of the first, or same character longlived. 1963, the Justice League and Fantastic Four are fighting crime for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. The Cold War has gotten warmer following the Cuban Missile crisis, and Communist and their sympathizers might be behind every crime. The characters have no idea how things will change after this November. Characters built on 100 points, with up to 100 in disads, CKV required. Silver age tone.


Third characters in 1984. Following the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, who was wounded when a bullet bounced off a metahuman trying to capture the would-be assassin, the metahuman powers registration act passed Congress. The government is more closely monitoring heroes, vigilantes are strongly discouraged. Legacies are being taken more seriously, and teams of young metahumans like the Teen Titans are appearing. There are also open and secret schools to help young metahumans control their powers. Giant robots have been sighted. Characters built on 150 points, with 125 in disads. may register or not, if not no police powers or LE contacts, if so no LE hunteds. This is going Bronze.


Finally 2005. US at war again, racial unrest on the rise. Politicians campagine on law and order, while defunding local police departments and sending first responders to fight overseas. Racial unrest is on the rise again. Characters are built on 200 points with up to 150 in disads. Resistant Defenses required, healing or regen encouraged. Iron.


Rotate time periods each session.


Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions? Warnings?


Anyone ever try anything like this?

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Re: brainstorming


Two comments:


First characters are in 1942. WW II has just started.







Characters are built on 50 pts, with up to another 50 pts in disads.


This seems a bit too limiting. These characters won't really be able to afford superpowers, and won't even be particularly impressive normals.


I suggest something along the following lines:


1942. 100 points, with up to 100 in disads.

1963. 125 points, with up to 125 in disads.

1984. 150 points, with up to 150 in disads.

2005. 200 points, with up to 150 in disads.

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Re: brainstorming


Maybe you should start WWII in 1939. :D


I would think that you would have to game awfully often to keep the concept humming along. Too much intervening time between returning to an era would be unpleasant. Concurrent stories, a la Eisner, would be a lot of fun though.


You could have some fun stuff like the trans-generational shenanigans of Watchmen also.

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Re: brainstorming


How about:

First characters are in 1942. The USA has just entered WWII...

You're right.


Humm, I was thinking that Golden Age a single nonfocused power and you were a hero. Let's change that one to 75+75. Check the math, yep, +50 each generation, nice smooth progression.

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Re: brainstorming


I've done something like this a few times, not quite in this way. It can be fun.


My own approach on my most recent run-through was to vary acceptable powers and power levels, including limitations, rather than point totals. Flavor was "Steel" throughout (Science Fiction sensibilities, optimistic and with an understanding that most people are doing their best, consequences of failure are serious).


The Pulp Era PCs were limited to powers that could be explained as amazing physical or mental training, or highly limited EGO powers without visible effects (NPCs did not have these limits, due to the demographics of the campaign in that period). Characters were built on 250 points. DCs ranged from 3-10. No points paid for up to 60 points of commonly available real world equipment, mad science and signature equipment had to be paid for.


An earlier Pulp campaign without limits on powers didn't have the right flavor; the above worked (imo) well.


WWII era characters were built on 350 points (the lowest point total at which I can build a Golden Age Superman that feels like the character without min-maxing to get the effect). OIFs and OAFs encouraged, no VPPs, Power Skill permitted, frameworks other than ECs discouraged, the 60 point Common Real World Equipment allowance remains. True Superpowers are now possible. Stop Sign powers must be the character's only schtick. Thus, the Johnny Thunder tribute can Summon his Thunderbolt, but remains a normal, unprotected Human. A Specter tribute was never suggested; I might have tried to work something out. DCs 6-14, defenses up to 35 if that is the character's primary schtick. Claims that this is too high powered for the era do not match my perception of what the characters of the period actually managed to do.


Modern Era characters are built on 350 points + a 50 point perk and skill package, and still get the equipment allowance. A relaxed approach is taken to design. 10-24DC. If they were meant to be a JSA or Avengers level team, I'd allow them to be built on 700 points.


I do like the approach you're taking; the above is just the way I did something similar.

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Re: brainstorming


Two issues I see here.


First, for the players who choose the "slow aging" alternative, you need to prevent the character's death in any of the first three timelines. Maybe not a big deal, if you don't intend character deaths to be frequent, or even likely.


Second, how do you award xp to those characters in the three earlier time periods? The characters can't earn more than 50 xp without becoming more experienced than their later selves. Their powers/skills atrophy in the intervening period? This could be reduced if you create a bigger point spread between eras, but that will make for more powerful characters in the later ages.


Still a cool idea, though.

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Re: brainstorming


This is a cool idea, but I would almsot be inclined to force Legacy. Immortal and Long Lived characters could have some odd implications as a character may want to learn one skill at an earlier character date and suddenly has to retro his "newer" characters for it...

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Re: brainstorming


OK, for the 80's, if registered take Hunted: Metahuman Registration Agency 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Watching), no Law Enforcement hunteds allowed.


If not registered take Hunted: Metahuman Registration Agency 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish), no Police Powers or Security Clearence perks allowed.

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Re: brainstorming


Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions? Warnings?


Just the same idea as when I asked you about playing a much older PC who could "train" the others and would want to guide the group away from combat:


Allow the PC's to take additional Combat Levels only with the "Accidental Activation" limitation; they can buy this off only in peaceful areas, over time. In other areas, their companions know better than to touch them.

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  • 9 months later...

Re: brainstorming


I preform the Dark Rites and sacrifice a troll that this thread may rise from the dead!


I am getting some interest in trying this on Hero Central, so I wanted to try brainstorming character guidelines here.


First, Hugh Neilson and ghost-angel are right, the "Wolverine" slow-aging option is off the table. Must be four seperate characters.


First, the 1942, Golden Age character.


Yes, this era saw the origin of Superman and the Spectre. But far more common were The Crimson Avenger, Vigilante, star-Spangled Kid, and the original Red Tornado. Ordinary man and women, not even human optimum (that was Batman, Mr. Terrific, and Doc Savage), but ordinary people determined to make an extrordinary effort. Power level is set at the "Standard hero" level, 75 base points with up to 75 points in disads.


Many of the Golden Age heroes were gadget or focused intensive, such as Green Arrow and Green Lantern, had a single nonfocued power, like The Thin Man, or some combination, like Dr. Mid-Nite. Given that, the Normal Characteristic Maxima disad is encouraged, but not required. Required Limitations for this period are Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major) (15 pts) and Psychological Limitation: Code of the Hero (Very Common, Strong) (20 pts.)


"Code of the Hero" embraces several minor psych crocks, including Fighting fair ("Only J*ps, Nazis, or crooks would use sneak attacks!"), responding to every request for help to the best of your ability ("Come on Mister Wiskers, you know me, this is the third time I've gotten you out of this same tree!"), and treating everyone with respect, especally women, elected officials (unless proven crooks or traitors), and everyone in uniform from Cub Scouts to General Eisenhower, but especally police and firefighters. Can be high concepted as "What Would Superman Do?" The specific Superman in this case being the 1950's television one portraied by George Reeves.


Note this is not "Code vs Killing." Golden Age Heros are not casual killers, they prefer to "Bring 'em back alive!" But they can carry guns, and will kill (for example) a fleeing spy if that is the only way to keep military secrets from falling into Enemy hands. Characters may take "Code vs Killing" as well, but it is not required.


Two sensitive subjects about the period need to be addressed.


One is Kid Sidekicks. While by today's standards this seems like child endangerment, in the 30's and 40's the transition between child and adult was not as abrupt as it is today. One did not become a full adult until the age of 21 (and any character under 21 can take a social limitation to reflect this), it was not unusual for 15 and 16 year olds to be financially independent, holding down full time jobs, married, raising their own families, and even lying about their age to join the Armed Forces. The youngest person known to have participated as a uniformed combatant in the United States Armed Forces in WWII was 12-year-old Calvin Leon Graham, who participated in the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, while serving aboard the USS South Dakota. Characters may, if they wish, have sidekicks. There will be fuller discussion on sidekicks if a player wants one.


The other thing is that Society was not as Integrated as it is now. If your character is a Negro, Indigenous American, or Hispanic, you may take a five point social limitation. If your character has a German or Italian accent, you may take a five point social limitation over and above the Dinstinctive feature. If your character is Japanese, Japanese-American (Issei or Nisei), non-Christian, homosexual, or a woman, you may take a ten point social limitation.


A few events that may have had a bearing on Character background.


9 January 1920 Thousands of onlookers watch as "The Human Fly" George Polley climbs the New York Woolworth Building. He has reached the 30th floor when a policeman arrests him for climbing without a permit


16 January 1920 Prohibition begins in the United States with the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution coming into effect.


29 February 1920 Kal-L born on Krypton; planet explodes; Kryptonite drawn into Solar System by starship warp engine


1920 Dr. Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha killed after seeing the movie The Mark of Zorro; their son Bruce is the only witness


March 1933 Clark Savage Sr, dies. Clark Jr visits the Valley Of The Vanished for the first time. "Doc" Savage becomes celiberty adventurer soon after.


1935 Bruce Wayne travels to Orient, becomes first Western master of the art of Ninjitsu


5 December 1935 21st Amendment to the U.S Constitution is ratified, Prohibition ends


February 1936 Kip Walker becomes the XXI Phantom


18 June 1936 Spanish Civil War begins


1 August 1936 Opening ceremonies of Olympics held in Berlin. US wins most gold medals, but Germany wins most medals total. There are some reports of an 18 foot tall blond man in a toga at the awards ceremonies, but if so he did not appear on any photograph or wire recording.


18 November 1936 Germany and Italy recognize the Franco regime while France and the USSR continue to support the Republican government of Spain.



1936 First public apperance of The Green Hornet


6 May 1937 The dirigible Hindenberg explodes at Lakehurst NJ killing 36 people.


4 July 1937 The first successful helicopter called the FW-61 and designed by Heinrich Focke is flown by Hanna Reitsch at Bremen


29 November 1937 Britain and France trade colonies to Germany for peace


6 December 1937 Werner von Braun begins test firing of the A3 at Peenemunde leading to the development of the V-2 rocket for use on England He also envisions a rocket that could reach the US the A-10


1937 American and German researchers begin experimenting with a glowing green substance that one researcher dubs Crypto-ite, which is found to have a number of unique properties. The glow seems harmless to living tissue, but sometimes catalyses metahuman abilities in humans and apes


June 1938 First public appearance of Superman


October 1938 "Martian" tripod machine lands near Grover's Mill, New Jersey


11 March 1938 Germany annexes Austria


1 October 1938 The Germans occupy the section of Czechoslovakia known as the Sudetenland without opposition from the Czechs


10 November 1938 The assassination of the German Envoy in Paris is used as an excuse to make the Jews a scapegoat for German troubles This results in retaliation against those in Germany and they are herded into camps and collectively fined four hundred million dollars


December 1938 Franco launches a final offensive to gain the control of Spain



April 1939 First appearance of Batman


18 February 1939 The Golden Gate International Exposition opens in San Francisco


27 February 1939 Franco’s government is recognized by England and France


26 March 1939 Poland refuses to give the Danzig Corridor to the Germans


31 March 1939 Britain and France guarantee Poland’s integrity


1 April 1939 The Spanish Civil War ends and the US recognizes Franco’s government


30 April 1939 The New York World’s Fair opens Attendance tops half a million


22 May 1939 Germany and Italy become allies


1 September 1939 Germany invades Poland


3 September 1939 England and France declare war on Germany


5 September 1939 Roosevelt declares the US neutral


6 September 1939 The first German air raid on England takes place


17 September 1939 Russians invade Eastern Poland


24 September 1939 The US starts Cash and Carry program permitting trade with warring nations


27 September 1939 Warsaw surrenders and the war ends in Poland


28 September 1939 The German/Russian alliance divides Poland


12 January 1940 The first German air raid on London.


13 January 1940 Operation Paukenschlag: The Germans place 5 U-boats in US costal waters with special orders to sink American shipping and mine major harbors


January 1940 First public apperance of the Flash


February 1940 First public apperance of Captain Marvel


April 1940 First public apperance of Catwoman


April 1940 Robin makes first public appearance First superhero sidekick


11 May 1940 English Prime Minister Chamberlain resigns and is replaced by Churchill


13 May 1940 Igor Sikorsky makes the first US helicopter free flight with his VS-300 at Stratford CT


4 June 1940 The Germans occupy Dunkirk following a British evacuation of three hundred thirty eight thousand men


10 June 1940 Italy enters the war as an Axis power


14 June 1940 The Germans occupy Paris French government moves to Bordeaux


16 June 1940 Marshal Petain forms a new French government in order to achieve an armistice with Germany


18 June 1940 General de Gaulle forms the Free French Government in exile in London


22 June 1940 The French/German armistice is signed and the Germans occupy three-fifths of France


24 June 1940 Marshal Petain places his government headquarters at Vichy


26 June 1940 Rumania is forced to give the Russians Bessarabia


July 1940 First public apperance of the Green Lantern


3 July 1940 The British destroy France’s strongest Naval squadron at Oran to prevent it from falling into German hands


3 July 1940 The Vichy government severs diplomatic ties with England


16 July 1940 Hitler orders preparations for Operation Sea Lion, the invasion of England German air power begins to soften resistance to the invasion starting the Battle of Britain


25 August 1940 The British begin massive bombing attacks over Berlin


3 September 1940 US trades fifty destroyers to England in exchange for Naval bases in Central America


27 September 1940 The German/Italian/Japanese Axis is formed


12 October 1940 Operation Sea Lion called off


November 1940 First public apperance of the Red Tornado, first woman "Mystery Man."


November 1940 Roosevelt is re-elected for his third term, defeating Republican Wendell L Wilkie


December 1940 First meeting of the Justice Society of America; Atom, Dr. Fate, Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Hourman, Johnny Thunder, Red Tornado, Sandman, & Spectre.


1940 Tenzin Gyatso proclaimed the tulku (rebirth) of the thirteenth Dalai Lama


March 1941 First public apperance of Captain America


August 1941 Patrick "Eel" O'Brian, carrer criminal, falls into a vat of chemicals, becomes Plastic Man, reforms.

November 1941 Aquaman makes first appearance in the "surface world"


December 1941 Princess Diana of Themescara comes to "man's world"


December 1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, United States enters WW II

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Re: brainstorming


To clarify, you're going to try to run each time period alternating story arcs? (Run GA adventure, then SA, then BA, then IA, then back again)


Wow. That would be well beyond my meager GM powers to keep straight. :P


Does your meta-plot require that kind of setup? Could it work with a more organic flow? ie players do Golden Age characters for a while, then wrap up the Golden Age era, get Silver Age legacy characters together, play Silver Age for awhile, wrap up, repeat with Bronze/Iron. With the unfortunate drop-out rates that can happen with PBEM games, I'd definitely recommend that method if possible. That way don't have to scrap or change much, just have new players come in at the era changes and build a legacy of the departed player. :) If it's all tied in and running at the same time, have four characters to write out or have someone take over the old characters which IME rarely works well.

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Re: brainstorming


So, if one were interested in this game, are they required to build all four characters up-front? Would you like to hear concepts, or only want finished characters?


Do you know when you might plan on putting the page up on Hero Central? How many players are you looking for and what will posting requirements be?

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Re: brainstorming


To clarify' date=' you're going to try to run each time period alternating story arcs? (Run GA adventure, then SA, then BA, then IA, then back again) [/quote']

That was my original FTF plan. But on Hero central, can run all in parallel, seperate threads for each time period.

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Re: brainstorming


So, if one were interested in this game, are they required to build all four characters up-front? Would you like to hear concepts, or only want finished characters?


Do you know when you might plan on putting the page up on Hero Central? How many players are you looking for and what will posting requirements be?

Yes, I'd like all four characters before we start. Willing to start with concepts. Hope to have page on Hero Central by EOM, in any event as soon as I get character creation guidelines finalized.


I would like at least half a dozen characters, maybe start with 9 so will still have a good group if we have dropouts?


Posting? Maybe a once-a-week minimum?

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