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Mental Defense, Always On

Guest lucky

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Guest lucky

One of my players is creating a character and he's tentatively built the following Power:


Psychic Block: Mental Defense (5 Points + (EGO/5)); Always On (-1/2)


I initially balked at allowing the Limitation, but he suggests that "Always On" would prevent beneficial Mental Powers from affecting his character as well (Mind Link, for example). Additionally, part of the character's background explains that this Psychic Block was placed by someone else and the PC is unaware of its existence -- hence, he shouldn't have any control over it. Finally, the player wants to simulate the effect of an "insensitive" defense: if someone attacks him with a Mental Power and the Mental defense completely blocks it, the character won't ever be aware there was ever an attack.



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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


I would only allow it if I other people in the campagn (PC or NPC) had benificial mental powers. I would not allow in in a game were he was the only person with mental powers.


(If you read the Ambria series their is a character like this, that had some magial defenses placed on him without his knowledge to protect him from his own misery.)

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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


I'm not sure blocking a Mind Link (when an OAF Radio is probably about the same number of points as saved with the Always On) is worth a point-savings.


I could see, maybe, a Phys Lim preventing him from knowing he was attacked by an ineffective Mental Attack, but I don't think I'd go with that Always On.

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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


I have always considered Mental Defense, indeed Power Defense, Flash Defense and Lack of Weakness as 'always on' in that you do not have to activate them. You can, in fact, lower those defenses if you would like so in this case I would say the "Always On" would mean it is NOT possilbe to lower Mental Defense for any reason. Now as to how regularly one would wish to lower those defenses . . . therein lies the rub. GM call. In my games, I'd give the full -1/2 but I use a lot of beneficial Mental powers on both sides. If you use them but not often, drop it to -1/4. If never gonna happen, -0.

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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


Most "beneficial" mental effects wouldn't be affected by Mental Defense. They don't do damage and they don't have an effect roll to compare against the target's ego. So... not being able to lower your mental defense isn't a limitation, and I wouldn't give it any points. Only in very specific campaigns would I consider it to be worth points as a limitation.



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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


Assuming there are numerous uses of "benificial" Mental Powers that this character can't take full part of because he can't lower his Mental Defense, and if the an attack fails to affect the character he is automatically unaware there was an attempt (thus negating the automatic knowlege that he was attack and by whom), then I can see it being worth a -1/2. As a note, Mental Defense doesn't block Mind Link, the only requirement, if I'm not mistaken, is that the target must be at 0ECV and willing. Though if it was judged that an Always On Mental Defense always block this, then that is fair.


If there are little benificial uses of Mental Powers, which is already limited to communication and location anyway, then at most it's a -1/4 because the character might not be aware he's under attack by mentalists.

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Guest lucky

Re: Mental Defense, Always On


Thanks for the opinions, everyone.


Although this is a supers campaign, I don't foresee an especially high number of friendly mentalists hanging around. Also, in the event of an ally using some beneficial power on the PC, the mentalist only has to overcome 5 Points of Mental Defense (more of a speed bump than an obstacle). The argument that the power will prevent friendly mentalists from affecting the character doesn't carry a lot of weight for me, but it could be an inconvenience.


For the same reason, the other argument (that the "Always On" Limitation would prevent the character from being aware of unsuccessful mental attacks) doesn't really wash: with only 5 points of Mental Defense, pretty much everything will get through -- and so the PC will know about it.

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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


5 points? That's it? Give the man his Limitation and let him enjoy his 1 free point (I'm assuming he's only buying +3 points, for a total of 5, otherwise he'll have 2 free points). Then just don't make him the target of many mentalists.

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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


Remember that when a character is being affected by an ememy's Mental Power, a friendly mentalist can try to target the character with another Mental Power to break him free. Although the rules say the character cannot volutarily lower his Ego, it does not say the character cannot lower their Mental Defense; Always On would obviously keep that from happening. Just another small restriction it might provide.

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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


Remember that when a character is being affected by an ememy's Mental Power' date=' a friendly mentalist can try to target the character with another Mental Power to break him free. Although the rules say the character cannot volutarily lower his [i']Ego[/i], it does not say the character cannot lower their Mental Defense; Always On would obviously keep that from happening. Just another small restriction it might provide.


I've always assumed the character can't lower their Mental Defense for those cases as well, but I suppose there'd be nothing wrong with it if the character was convinced he was under the effect of a mental power (which if it was successful, they would't be aware of it).

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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


I think we're providing the best sort of advice for situations like this. The question shouldn't so much be "can the character buy this," but rather, "what are ways in which the GM can make this worth a -1/2 limit?" And I think the posters so far have done a pretty good job of that. Great job, board! :thumbup:

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Re: Mental Defense, Always On


Remember that when a character is being affected by an ememy's Mental Power' date=' a friendly mentalist can try to target the character with another Mental Power to break him free. Although the rules say the character cannot volutarily lower his [i']Ego[/i], it does not say the character cannot lower their Mental Defense; Always On would obviously keep that from happening. Just another small restriction it might provide.


This would make a good topic for the Ultimate Mentalist, actually. Will Mental Defense automatically act to defend againts assistance from a friendly mentalist, will it automatically be lowered to allow such assistance or does it depend on the situation and/or SFX?


I like the idea of ruling that, normally, mental defense can voluntarily/subconsciously be lowered to allow such assistance, just as the mind continues fighting this influence, by way of breakout rolls, even if the character consciously doesn't know he's affected or wish to break out. This character would have no such drop in mental defense as it's imposed upon him by an outside source.


hmmm...now that makes MD UAA an interesting power for a mentalist. First exert your influence, then apply the MD to make it tougher for another mentalist to break your target out...

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Guest lucky

Re: Mental Defense, Always On


I think we're providing the best sort of advice for situations like this. The question shouldn't so much be "can the character buy this' date='" but rather, "what are ways in which the GM can make this worth a -1/2 limit?" And I think the posters so far have done a pretty good job of that. Great job, board! :thumbup:[/quote']

That's exactly how I feel. :) I have no issue with the use of this Limitation (in fact, I've since allowed the player to take it); I just want to make sure I can exploit it appropriately.

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