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[Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game

Snake Gandhi

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game



You realize that Echo is the son of Genis and Songbird? He was raised on Titan by the Eternals... Check out his costume.


Of course he was in an alternate dimension and only returned to this after Genis thought he killed him... :)

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game




History. The coughing was getting worse. Elizabeth was glad to be distracted by the knock on the apartment door. “I’ll be right back,†she assured her father. His chest jerked as he tried to hold back another cough. She wheeled slowly toward the door. “I’m coming,†she said much too weakly for anyone else to hear. A tall well dressed man stood on the other side. He was thin in the face highlighted by the fact that his navy blue suit was too large for him.


“Good to see you, Betty.†He asked in a friendly though raspy voice “How’s the arm doing?â€


She flexed the hook on her left arm. “It’s good…it’s still good.†She wheeled backwards a step or two to let him in.


He entered and gingerly closed the door. He could hear the sporadic coughing from here. Without asking he stepped behind her wheelchair pushed her toward the coughs. “How, how is he?†Elizabeth didn’t answer. Her head bowed forward slightly. Once again, her bravery impressed him. “Let’s go say hi to the old bastard.â€


The bedroom stank of medicine and rubbing alcohol. There was plenty of room for the wheelchair to move in here. The dying man had made sure of that when he built it years ago. The well dressed man left her chair and approached the bed where his friend was dying. He wanted to say something, but it had been a long time and he was shocked but how far gone Wilbur seemed to be. He reached down and grabbed his old friend’s hand. Wilbur smiled weakly up at him. “Thank you *cough* you, for, coming, Abe…*cough*.â€


The man nodded slightly not quite knowing what to say. After a pause he told Wilbur “There’s a group in New York trying to build a statue of old horn-head.†A grin started to appear on his lips. “Mayor’s opposed to it, of course. He doesn’t want to, umm, glorify vigilantism.â€


Wilbur laughed and hacked harshly. Elizabeth sat up, ever alert, and grabbed a glass of water for her father. He drank a little and his chest eased. As he sat back he told Abe “Put me down for one hundred dollars.†Abe laughed and Wilber only smiled, afraid to start laughing again.


There was another knock, a heavy handed banging. “That’ll be Uncle Mel,†Elizabeth noted. Before she could wheel around Abe walked past her. He told her to stay here with her father.


He wasn’t really her father. Not biologically, anyway. He adopted her after the accident. She looked into his fading eyes and a tear crawled down her own. The accident took her real parents and it almost killed her. She was left without legs or a left arm, but he had rescued her. Without him she would surely have died, too. He promised to take care of her, and he did just that. Wilbur was a wonderful father to her. She didn’t know what she was going to do without him.


A very large man came back with Abe. He was a football player in the old days and he had the scars to prove it. He had a gray sweatshirt stretched tight over his still very strong chest. He leaned over and hugged Elizabeth tightly. “Oooh, that’s my girl!†Standing, he tussled her hair. She hated that. He banged on the bed and grabbed a chair, sitting backwards. “Hey there, Will. I brought you that package you asked for.†Melvin pulled a plainly wrapped bundle from under his sweatshirt and tossed it lightly on the bed. He paused uncomfortably. “You don’t need it, you know. You’re not going to die. I mean, you’ve already died, what, three times now?â€


Elizabeth stared at him. Her confusion came not from the words, he was always saying weird things, but from the fact that he said it all. She was hurt that someone could be taking this so well when she couldn’t. Jokes seemed so far away.


Wilbur shook his head. “This is it, man. This is the real thing. *cough* Cancer doesn’t let you get away…†Once again his chest heaved as he half coughed half laughed.


“I have something that will help,†Abe stated. “It will give you some strength, at least temporarily.â€


“Wait until Vinnie gets here, please,†He fell back onto his pillow and Betty gave him some water.


Melvin and Abe shared a quick, subtle glance as Wilbur drank. They knew what was coming, and they dreaded it. Wilbur had adopted Elizabeth, but they had all raised her. Abe built the prosthetic device for her left hand. Melvin used to work with her father doing construction, but he retired a few years ago. He spent most of his time these days helping Betty out around the apartment. Vinnie was Wilbur’s oldest and dearest friend. The four of them were companions before Betty entered their lives, but she drew them tighter and formed them into a real family.


Vinnie appeared in the hallway. Sweat was dripping from his face. He panted heavily. “Hey…big man…†he wheezed at Melvin. “The box…in the hall…all yours…†Vinnie was short and chubby with a big wide mouth. He says that he used to be quite an athlete, but Betty was pretty sure he was lying. “Hi there…Betts…old man…men…†He uncapped a bottle of water and drank half, then poured the rest over his curly gray hair.


“You wimp,†taunted Melvin as he hauled the huge crate into the bedroom. Clearly, though, the ex football player was struggling with the box, too. Betty looked at it curiously.


“Happy Birthday, Betty Boo,†rasped the man on the bed. He squeezed her hand. “Happy sixteenth!â€


She looked around at the four men as they grinned at her. “But…but my birthday isn’t for-“


“I know,†interrupted her father. “I know, but I wanted you to have this, and, and *cough* well… *cough*.†Nobody wanted to verbalize what he was trying to say, but she understood. The odds were against him making it to her sixteenth birthday. Her throat clenched. “No,†he told her as sternly as he could. “No tears, Boo *cough*. This is a birthday party. You’re *cough* coming of *cough* of age…it’s time for you to have this…â€


Betty blinked hard to force the tears away. “It doesn’t look like a car,†she tried weakly to make a joke. The trio of almost uncles laughed anyway.


Her father’s voice took on an odd tone as he whispered “This is much better. Open it. Abe, please…â€


Abe walked to his side as Melvin handed Betty a crowbar to pry the crate open. It was difficult for her to get the leverage she needed. Abe opened the dying man’s shirt and laid a slightly curved metal plate of his chest. Betty pounded at the box and for a moment got so caught up in getting it open—without any help—that she forgot about the others in the room. Abe tapped on some buttons and lights flickered on the metal plate. Wood creaked as Betty finally found the opening she was searching for. Air rushed into Wilbur’s chest even as the stale air of the crate rushed out through the open panel. Styrofoam popcorn washed into the room. Light glinted off of the thing inside.


Two metal columns were inside crate. Her excitement turned into confusion. It definitely wasn’t a car. “That’s not a boy,†she joked, more confidently than before. The laughter in the room was loud and real. For a second Betty felt very guilty. She had dared to joke, and worse, she was disappointed in the gift. Misery hit her and she put her head back down. “What are these?â€


“Legs,†came the confident reply from the bed. There was no coughing. She turned in surprise. Her father was sitting up comfortably. “They’re legs, Betty Boo. For you.†She still hadn’t heard him.


“Daddy? Are you ok? I mean, are you…†She looked concerned. He shouldn’t be pushing himself like this.


“I’m fine, little girl. I’m fine for now. Don’t you like your present?â€


It was only then that she realized what he had said. It couldn’t be… “Legs?â€


“They’re prosthetic legs. Probably the most expensive legs in the world.†He chuckled easily without hacking. Melvin was taking the silver columns out of the crate and attaching a cross piece. “Abe helped me fit them for you, and they’re all going to help you learn to use them. Listen to them, especially Vinnie. Once upon a time he had better balance than even me.†She was still in shock when Melvin lifted her gently and he and Vinnie placed her into the shining silver pants. “They will take some getting used to, but I know you. It won’t take long. Abe, could you…?†Betty’s well dressed uncle came over to her and ran his thin fingers over some controls on the belt.


An electric tingle ran through the stumps that used to be her legs. “I…I feel like I’m so high off the ground!â€


Wilbur grinned and the others laughed. “Betty,†he told her quietly, “you have no idea…â€


“You can be taller, if you wish,†noted Abe.


Wilbur glared at him. “That’s not what we agreed on.†His mood seemed to turn dark very quickly.


Abe clucked his tongue. “Only to seven feet, old man. Don’t be such a worrier.â€


The air drained from Wilbur and his mood was light again. “Oh, heh. I see. Ok, no harm done I suppose. Please get her other present, too. I believe she is ready.â€


Betty barely noticed the exchange. She was trying to take step. Melvin was steadying her shoulders and Vinnie was telling her to lean over more. When Abe asked for her left arm she held it out to him absently. He was always fiddling with it. She took two steps, two tentative steps, and froze. A new electric tingle run through the upper arm she had left. She looked down and saw an arm. Not a hook, but a whole arm. Gleaming in silver like her new legs, her arm looked just like her real arm. She didn’t want to cry, but she couldn’t stop herself. It was all so much to take. “I’m…oh, I’m so…sorry, excuse me,†she sobbed.


“Happy Birthday,†Abe whispered as he hugged the teary teenager. Then Melvin hugged her with all of his might and followed with the mandatory hair tussle, which she didn’t mind at all. Vinnie hugged her and kissed her forehead. He seemed to be crying, too.


“Now,†her father chastised sweetly. “You need to walk over here and give your father a hug.†It took several minutes, but that is exactly what she did. And she sobbed tears of joy the whole way. “How about we order some pizza?†She nodded her eager approval. “Then you go practice some more while we wait for it.â€


* * *


By the time they ate dinner, Betty was walking awkwardly around the entire apartment. Several Bambi jokes were made. She couldn’t bend down to the floor without falling, but they assured her that it would come.


“You need to take them off now, Boo,†said her father at last. “They take getting used to, and you’re using more muscle power than you realize. She protested, but she realized the truth to his words as she sank exhausted into her wheelchair. “Besides, we have some very important business to talk about.â€


Vinnie tried to stall him. “Are you really sure about this? Maybe tomorrow…â€


“No, no it has to be now, and yes I’m sure. I thought we all agreed?†They men nodded grimly.


He turned to his daughter. She was the reason that he had made it this far, he knew. She was his life, his love, his redemption. She meant everything to him and he would never hurt her. Now, though, he had no choice. It was time for her to know the truth.


“Elizabeth,†he began. She stiffened slightly. When he called her Elizabeth it usually meant she was in trouble. “I need to tell you some things…things that you probably won’t want to hear. But I need to say them. You’re a big girl now, and I won’t be around much longer. We both know it.†He paused. He didn’t look in her eyes. If he did, he might not be able to continue. “I’m…I’m not who you think I am. I have a past. I…†His throat tightened. If it weren’t for the artificial strength from Abe’s contraption he wouldn’t be able to make it. “I did some very bad things. In fact,†He gestured feebly to the other men. “We all did. We were criminals, Elizabeth.â€


Elizabeth was stunned. She thought for sure he was joking, but she knew, somehow she knew he was telling the truth. She imagined her uncles in ski masks holding bulging bags marked with a “$†and spilling money. Betty almost giggled.


“We were called super villains,†he continued. “We had the fancy costumes and everything, and we got our butts kicked. A lot.â€


“We weren’t very good criminals,†joked Vinnie. “Daredevil made a career out of humiliating us.â€


“Speak for yourself,†grunted Melvin.


Daredevil? She had heard stories about him, but she thought he was mostly a legend. “You…you fought Daredevil?â€


Wincing just a bit, they all nodded. “Some of us,†noted Melvin, “even came real close to beating him.â€


Abe shook his head. “Not close enough, though.†There was general agreement on that.


Betty jumped. “Oh my god! Are the cops after you?â€


“Oh, no, Betty, no. We paid our dues a long time ago. In fact, Abe here turned hero. Vinnie and Mel tried the hero thing for a while, too.â€


“And you, daddy?â€


He sighed. “No, I...I never did anything like that. I’m afraid that, well, I was afraid.†He cracked his knuckles. “It’s hard for me to say this, honey, but I was, well, I was a real loser.†He stopped.


Vinnie was the first to speak. “Betty, your dad wasn’t really a loser. If anyone here is a loser it’s me.†He smirked. “But your dad, he was always, well, he never had a chance to make good. We all at least got to do that, but because of who your dad was he never really got that chance. In the super hero game, we were all pretty unsuccessful, but your dad and I chose costumes that made us into laughingstocks.†His unexpected smile beamed. “They seemed like good idea at the time!†Wilbur couldn’t help but laugh when he heard that. “Betty, he’s afraid that you’re going to be ashamed of him.â€


Her eyes grew wide. This man saved her life, he did everything for her—how could she be ashamed of him? “Daddy? I couldn’t…â€


“I was,†Wilbur found the strength. “I was called the Stilt-Man.†He looked at her. He was embarrassed, but unafraid. “I doubt very much if you heard of me. I had a full battlesuit that made me very strong and very hard to hurt. Those,†he gestured toward the legs “were a part of my suit. They used to expand to 250 feet long.†He was gaining momentum. “They could hit harder than jackhammers!†Underneath, his pride was obviously still there. “I could walk entire blocks in a single step!†His gaze wandered off for a second as he remembered the rush that used to come to him. “I needed to tell you. You were going to find out some day, and I…I just…†He barely whispered. “Forgive me.â€


Abe interrupted the awkward silence. “Your legs, Betty, they won’t do the thing he described. I’ve altered them and made them harmless. But, if you want to, you can be just a bit taller than everyone else. And I’m sure you’re curious, so I’ll tell you: I was once known as the Beetle. Later I became Mach IV and carried on as a hero. Melvin here was the Gladiator and Vinnie-“


“I called myself the Leap Frog, kid. Can you believe it? I had a big frog suit and everything. Look, the thing of it is, we’re good people. We made some mistakes, but that part of our lives is long past. You’re family, kid, and you should know…you shouldn’t be angry…†Suddenly Vinnie stood up and walked out of the room.


Wilbur held Elizabeth’s hand. “There are several reasons I needed to tell you about this. One is that, well, Vinnie’s got a kid. Eugene. When he found out about his dad he flipped out. He tried to become a super villain, too, but, well, he’s still in prison, Betty Boo. I want to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. You’re a smart kid, but, well, things happen sometimes. I want you to promise me you won’t do anything dumb like that. No super villain crap, you got it?â€


She nodded. It was all she could do. This was going so fast and it didn’t make any sense. She wasn’t exactly sure what she just promised to do…or to not do...but her father was very serious, much more than she could remember seeing him before.


“There’s more.†He handed her the plain package that Melvin, the Gladiator, had brought in. Inside were numerous papers, legal documents and such, and a scrapbook. “Your adoption papers are there…and they’re fake.â€


She stared at him. “What? Why?â€


He shrugged helplessly. “They don’t let ex-cons like me adopt kids. I had to, Boo. They were going to take you away, and I couldn’t stand that. I don’t know why God put you in my hands that day, I don’t know he killed your real parents or why he tried to kill you, but I swore that if you lived I would take care of you. I was never going to let you out of my sight, kid. I love you, I love you like you were my own. I swear I do.†This was the hardest thing for him to say, that she wasn’t legally his, but it was the easiest for her to hear, because she didn’t care. Whoever he was in the past, however they came together, he was her father and she loved him. Nothing else mattered. She hugged him for a very long time, and he hugged her back. “You’re such a good kid!†he whispered. “You make me so proud. I thank God every minute for you.â€


He coughed.


* * *


Betty insisted on walking to the funeral even though the effort exhausted her. She found herself scrutinizing the people there, wondering how they knew her father and who they might have been in their criminal careers. Who was that guy with the white hair? What kind of villain could the blind guy have been? What about that woman with the scar? Wasn’t she his secretary? Eventually everyone left and Betty was alone standing at her father’s grave. His headstone bore two words: “My hero.†She walked slowly, steadily to the car where her uncles waited for her.


“What do I do now?†She asked.


“You’re so strong,†her uncle Abe admired. “You can do whatever you want, little girl.â€


“I want to help him,†she said.


“You already have,†her uncle Melvin assured her. “You gave him the one thing all us scoundrels crave. You redeemed him.â€


“I don’t want people to laugh at him anymore.â€


Her uncle Vinnie stiffened. “Betty, please, you made a promise…â€


“No,†she smiled. “I don’t want revenge or anything like that, silly. I want people to remember him the way I do; as my dad, as my hero.


“And I can think of one way to do that…â€

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Not quite done, but a preliminary view, I found it to be an interesting exercise... Nearly everything in the VPP was just maximized to show possibilities, most likely would not be used at those levels in game - would want to keep some points in the FF for example... Kudos to Haven Walkur for the concept... Also, I have not made Mayhem yet... Dancer could use some more STUN perhaps, got 9pts to play with at the moment still...


Harmony Summers, aka Dancer, aka Mayhem Lady of Chaos



Val Char Cost Roll Notes

25 STR 15 14- Lift 800.0kg; 5d6 [2]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

23 CON 26 14-

12 BODY 4 11-

23 INT 13 14- PER Roll 14-

23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

30 COM 10 15-


15+5 PD 10 Total: 15/20 PD (10/15 rPD)

15+5 ED 10 Total: 15/20 ED (10/15 rED)

6 SPD 27 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

10 REC 0

46 END 0

37 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 190


Movement: Running: 10"/40"

Flight: 35"/140"

Leaping: 10"/20"

Swimming: 2"/4"

Teleportation: 20"/40"


Cost Powers END

24 Mayhem, The Lady of Chaos: Multiform (600 Character Points in the most expensive form), Reversion (Mayhem will revert to Dancer if she is KO'ed; +0) (120 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Transformation can only be triggered by Mojo; -2), Full Personality Loss (Mayhem will not relinquish control to Dancer; -2) 0


Mojoverse Physiology

5 1) Four Armed Girl, Daughter of Spiral: Extra Limbs (2) 0

10 2) Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED) 0

22 3) Life Support: (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) 0

5 4) Mental Defense (10 points total) 0

10 5) Power Defense (10 points) 0

5 6) Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) 0

13 7) Running +4" (10" total), x4 Noncombat 1

5 8) Leaping +5" (10" forward, 5" upward) 1

5 9) Lack Of Weakness (-5) for Normal Defense 0

22 10) Healing 1 BODY, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (60 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 ¼), Self Only (-½) 0



13 1) Bracers of Defense: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); OIF (Bracers of Defense; -½)

7 2) Bracers of Defense II: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) (15 Active Points); OIF (-½), Linked (Bracers of Defense; -½) 0

35 3) Magick Reserve: Endurance Reserve (200 END, 15 REC) (35 Active Points) 0

1 4) Back to Base!: Teleportation: Fixed Location (1 Locations) 0

7 5) She can See Magic: Magesight, Sense 0


134 Magicks: Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool), 75 base + 59 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (149 Active Points); Limited Class Of Powers Available Slightly Limited (Magic Only; -¼)

0 1) Dance of Knives: HA +5d6, Autofire (5 shots; +½), Armor Piercing (+½) (50 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½) Real Cost: 33 5

Notes: 10D6 w/STR

0 2) Dance of Protection: FF (15 PD/15 ED/10 Power Defense) (40 Active Points) Real Cost: 40 4

0 3) The Song of Swords: HKA 3d6 (4d6 w/STR), Autofire (3 shots; +¼), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+¼) (67 Active Points) Real Cost: 67 7

0 4) Blades on the Wind: RKA 5d6 (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 5) Song of Destruction: EB 15d6 (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 6) Dance of Misdirection: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 60 Real Cost) Missile Deflection (Any Ranged Attack), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target (Real Cost: 50) plus +5 with Missile Deflection (Real Cost: 10) Real Cost: 60 0

0 7) Dance of Delight: Mind Control 5d6 (Human class of minds), Telepathic (+¼), Personal Immunity (+¼), Area Of Effect (8" Radius; +1 ¼), Selective (+¼) (75 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; Complex; -¾), Set Effect (Stop what you are doing and Watch Me Dance; -½), No Range (-½) Real Cost: 27 7

0 8) Song of Mental Decay: Ego Attack 7 ½d6 (Human class of minds) (75 Active Points); Visible (-¼) Real Cost: 60 7

0 9) Dance of Visions: Clairsentience (Sight Group, Normal Hearing, Normal Smell, Normal Touch And Magesight), Discriminatory, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 24" per Phase), Targeting (75 Active Points); Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires both hands; Complex; -1 ½), Blackout (-½) Real Cost: 25 7

0 10) Dance of Darkness: Darkness to Sight Group and Normal Hearing 5" radius, Personal Immunity (+¼) (66 Active Points) Real Cost: 66 7

0 11) The Dance of Distance: Teleportation 7", Costs END Only To Activate (+¼), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½), MegaScale (1" = 100 km; +¾), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+¼), Continuous (+1), Usable Simultaneously (up to 16 people at once; +1 ¼) (70 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; Complex; -¾) Real Cost: 40 7

0 12) Dance of Magical Disruption: Dispel Magic 20d6, any Magic power one at a time (+¼) (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 13) Song of Sickness: Drain EGO 7d6 (70 Active Points) Real Cost: 70 7

0 14) Dance of Revealing: N-Ray Perception (Sight Group) (10 Active Points) Real Cost: 10 0

0 15) Song of Ensnarement: Entangle 7d6, 8 DEF (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 16) Dance of Dimensions: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +½), Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people at once; +1), Continuous (+1) (70 Active Points); Gestures (Requires both hands; Complex; -¾), Gate (-½) Real Cost: 31 7

0 17) Song of the Sightless: Sight Group Flash 15d6 (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 18) Song of Soaring: Flight 35", x4 Noncombat (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 19) Song of Succor: Healing BODY 7d6, Can Heal Limbs (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 20) Dance of Deception: Sight, Hearing, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups Images Increased Size (8" radius; +¾), +/-6 to PER Rolls (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 21) Song of Shrouding: Invisibility to Sight and Hearing Groups, Danger Sense and Combat Sense , No Fringe (41 Active Points) Real Cost: 41 4

0 22) Song of Seeking: Mind Scan 15d6 (Human class of minds) (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 23) Song of Strength: Aid Strength 7 ½d6 (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 0

0 24) Song of Strength 2: Succor 15d6 (75 Active Points) Real Cost: 75 7

0 25) Dance of Diminished Distances: Teleportation 20" (40 Active Points) Real Cost: 40 4



8 Dr. Strange: Contact (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 8-



20 Universal Translator 14-



0 Acting 8-

0 Climbing 8-

0 Concealment 8-

0 Conversation 8-

0 Deduction 8-

0 Paramedics 8-

0 Persuasion 8-

0 PS: Mage 11-

0 Shadowing 8-

0 Stealth 8-

0 AK: Campaign City 8-

3 Acrobatics 14-

21 Magic: Power 23-

15 Well Studied: +5 with Magic VPP

3 Scholar

2 1) KS: Arcane And Occult Lore (3 Active Points) 14-

2 2) KS: Magic (3 Active Points) 14-

2 3) KS: Magical Artifacts (3 Active Points) 14-

2 4) KS: The Superhuman World (3 Active Points) 14-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 401

Total Cost: 591


450+ Disadvantages

5 Accidental Change to Mayhem, Lady of Chaos: When Mojo Attacks 8- (Uncommon)

5 Distinctive Features: Four Arms (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

5 Distinctive Features: Not of this realm (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort)

5 Distinctive Features: Inhumanly Beautiful (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: Mojo 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

25 Watched: Dr. Strange 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

15 Hunted: Spiral 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

10 Psychological Limitation: Refuses to be held to 'Order' (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Strives to make Dr. Strange proud (Very Common, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Curious about anything Magical (Uncommon, Strong)

5 Psychological Limitation: Wants to prove to Scott Summers that he is her father (Uncommon, Moderate)

10 Psychological Limitation: Overconfident (Common, Moderate)

5 Reputation: Unruly and Chaotic, 8-

15 Social Limitation: Secret ID: Harmony Summers/Dancer (Frequently, Major)


Total Disadvantage Points: 591


Background/History: Dancer -- the 4-armed daughter of Spiral and Cyclops (Scott Summers), conceived as part of a plan by Mojo to create his own versions of the X-Men for the Mojoverse.


Mojo had Cyclops captured and brought to the Mojoverse, where Mojo compelled him to mate with Spiral, in an episode of Mojovision that sent the ratings through the roof -- even though the episode could only be shown after nine in the evening. Even while Cyclops and Spiral were together, Mojo was already looking up at his screens. Suddenly he crowed to the cameras, "Congratulations, ladies and germs, it's a grrrrl!".


Cyclops was then stripped of his memories of the incident and returned to Earth, leaving a fiercely resentful Spiral carrying his daughter.


The child was born four-armed, quick-witted and unruly -- and the Mojoverse viewers loved her! Mojo was delighted with the odd-looking child and named her "Mayhem." Spiral, however, detested the child she'd been forced to bear and was jealous of her, so she arranged to "misplace" her. Banished to Earth, Mayhem was found by Dr. Strange, who took her in as his ward and named her "Harmony."


Harmony's mother had originally been a human woman, transformed by Mojo's chaos magic. Harmony herself had been conceived and born in the heart of the Mojoverse. Not surprisingly, Harmony's body and soul were saturated with both chaos and magic, as Dr. Strange quickly learned. He resolved to educate the girl about magic, the better to protect her and those around her, and he and Clea devoted particular attention to teaching Harmony control of the chaos energies inside her.


Harmony proved to be a gifted student in all things magical. However, she was a lively, distractable girl, strong-willed, strong-minded and always thinking about a hundred things at once, and studying anything other than magic quickly bored her.


Harmony Summers eventually became an enchantress in her own right. Calling herself "Dancer", she uses her powerful magic to fight the mundane evils of the big American cities. Unfortunately Mojo is still interested in her -- or at least the ratings she represents -- and continues to meddle with her life. The last time, he unleashed the chaos magic within Harmony and transformed her into Mayhem, the Lady of Chaos.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


You realize that Echo is the son of Genis and Songbird? He was raised on Titan by the Eternals... Check out his costume.


Of course he was in an alternate dimension and only returned to this after Genis thought he killed him... :)




Sorry. I haddn't seen that. And the costume you put up looks similar to what I had in mind. Hmmm.... Have you been precognitivly telepathically stealing my ideas?


If the GM is interested in both characters I can change that part of his background (Maybe he was raised by Kree and Inhumans in the Blue Area), or both characters could keep their backgrounds and may or may not have a rivalry.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game




Sorry. I haddn't seen that. And the costume you put up looks similar to what I had in mind. Hmmm.... Have you been precognitivly telepathically stealing my ideas?

Oh no. I was here first. That makes YOU the intellectal larcenist. ;) Maybe you have Cosmic Awareness and you just can't keep the ideas out? :doi:


If the GM is interested in both characters I can change that part of his background (Maybe he was raised by Kree and Inhumans in the Blue Area)' date=' or both characters could keep their backgrounds and may or may not have a rivalry.[/quote']

Unfortunately, Echo is pretty much stuck on Titan... But remember, it's an alternate reality.


I'd be up for the rivalry idea. Stuff like that always adds spice to a game.



As the son of Zemo and Moonstone I'm not sure that I understand the connection with the Titan Eternals. Why would Zemo give up the chance to mold this powerful child in his own image? Or better yet, groom him as a tool to be used in another of his grand schemes?

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Oh no. I was here first. That makes YOU the intellectal larcenist. ;) Maybe you have Cosmic Awareness and you just can't keep the ideas out? :doi:


That is why I said precognitively . . .


In all honsty I did not read the Echo character. I looked at the names and archetypes and went from there. I figured Echo was Songbird related, but did not make the CM connection form the name.



Unfortunately, Echo is pretty much stuck on Titan... But remember, it's an alternate reality.


I'd be up for the rivalry idea. Stuff like that always adds spice to a game.


I agree. And sets up more potential for space adventures too.



As the son of Zemo and Moonstone I'm not sure that I understand the connection with the Titan Eternals. Why would Zemo give up the chance to mold this powerful child in his own image? Or better yet, groom him as a tool to be used in another of his grand schemes?


Singularity is the son of Graviton and Moonstone. The Titan connection is from ISSAC and Mentor’s interest in the Moonstone, which apparently is a Kree artifact and weapon of champions (Thunderbolts #46-47). That was how Captain Marvel got involved with the Thunderbolts. He was assigned to watch over Moonstone and the moonstone. Zemo had nothing to do with the child, he simply messed the mother up once the child was born.


On the other hand Moonstone had likewise talked with the Supreme Intelligence about the moonstone (Thunderbolts #45), so that could be the link to the Blue Area.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


That was how Captain Marvel got involved with the Thunderbolts. He was assigned to watch over Moonstone and the moonstone.

Q: And what did we learn from this?


A: NEVER send Genis on a mission of importance!


Not only did Zemo attain 1 moonstone... he got TWO! And what happened to the new Captain Marvel??? Well, he got his body torn asunder and scattered through time in the Darkforce Dimension. :eek:



Heh, I never did like Genis. :D


NOTE: Of course I'm talking about incidents within actual comic book continuity. We, of course, have been gifted the ability to warp such events to our own machinations (at least a little bit). ;)

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


On the other hand Moonstone had likewise talked with the Supreme Intelligence about the moonstone (Thunderbolts #45)' date=' so that could be the link to the Blue Area.[/quote']

Since it's a Kree artifact why not have the Supreme Intelligence send STARFORCE (http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/starforce.htm) to abduct the child?


Or maybe SENTRY #459 (http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix/sentry459.htm)?


Or even better... Ronan The Acuser! (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronan_the_Accuser)


ULTIMUS (of Starforce) is also rumored to be an Eternal/Kree mix. (http://www.tfz.net/affiche_fiche.php?id=1006)

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Oh, that. My brain edited out that particular bit of retcon. :D


If Eugene is in prison, who'll stop White Rabbit and Walrus? :(




now I have an intense desire to scrap Journeyman for Frogman. ...Sigh. I once upgraded Eugene to the Salamander. It was a nice battlesuit it was.

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Re: [Online Game]New 'Marvel: Next Generation' game


Because you dared me to do it (well, not really -- but I live in my own private Idaho so just humor me) ;)

(IDHMBIFOM so I have no idea what maneuvers Savate contains -- I just set aside 35 points for it; I figure that should be enough).



18 STR 8 Lift: 600 kg; 3 1/2d6; [2]

22 DEX 36 OCV 7 DCV 7

20 CON 20

13 BODY 6

18 INT 8 PER Roll: 13-

18 EGO 16 ECV: 6

20 PRE 10 PRE Attack: 4d6

20 COM 5

8 PD 4 Total: 21/13 PD (0/13 rPD)

8 ED 4 Total: 21/13 ED (0/13 rED)

5 SPD 18 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12

10 REC 4

60 END 10

35 STUN 3 Total Characteristic Cost: 152

Cost Powers END


35 Savate:

Maneuver OCV DCV Notes


10 A Great Leapaire!: Leaping +10" 2

14 A Great Runnaire!: Running: +7" 1

10 I Bounce Like ze Ball!: Knockback Resistance -5"; Does Not Prevent Knockback, Only Prevents Damage (-0) 0

20 Unlike My Fazaire, I Am Very Lucky!: Luck 4d6 0

35 I See A Vulnerable Spot, Monsieur!: Find Weakness 12- with All Attacks

Many Helpful Gadgets


20 Advanced Body Armor: Armor (10 PD/10 ED); OIF (Armor; -1/2)

9 Stealth Suit: Invisibility (Sight Group); Bright Fringe (-1/4), Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), OIF (Armor; -1/2)

5 Lighter-Than-Air Wings: Gliding 10"; OIF (Armor; -1/2), Restrainable (-1/2)

3 Nightvision Goggles: Nightvision; OIF (Goggles; -1/2)

6 Telescopic Lenses: Telescopic +6 (Sight Group); OIF (Goggles; -1/2)

3 Polarized Lenses: Flash Defense +5 (Sight Group); OIF (Goggles; -1/2)

7 Radio Comm-Link: High-Range Radio Perception (Radio Group); OIF (Comm Unit; -1/2); Affected as Radio and Hearing Groups (-1/4)

6 Parabolic Ear: Telescopic +6 (Hearing Group); OIF (Mask; -1/2)

4 Listening Device: Microscopic x100 (Hearing Group); OIF (Mask; -1/2)

33 Where Does She Keep All Those Weapons?: Multipower, 50-point reserve; All Slots OIF (-1/2)


1 Collapsible Adamantium Baton: Hand-to-Hand Attack +6d6; Hand-to-Hand Attack (-1/2), OIF (Baton; -1/2)

2 Tangle Net: Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF; 8 Charges (-1/2), OIF (Nets; -1/2)

1 Smoke Grenades: Darkness 2" (Sight Group), Personal Immunity (+1/4); 8 Charges (-1/2), OIF (Smoke Grenades; -1/2)

2 Flare Bombs: Flash 4d6 (Sight Group), Area of Effect (2" Radius; +1), Personal Immunity (+1/4); 8 Charges (-1/2), OIF (Flare Bombs; -1/2)

2 Choking Powder: Flash 6d6 (Sight Group, Smell/Taste Group), Area of Effect (1 Hex; +1/2), 8 Charges (-1/2), OIF (Choking Powder; -1/2)

2 Caltrops: Change Environment 2" (-4" Running), Permanent; 8 Charges (-1/2), OIF (Caltrops; -1/2)

1 Swing Line: Swinging 20"; OIF (Swing Line; -1/2)

42 I May Have Anozaire Gizmo In Zere Somewhere…: Variable Power Pool (Gadget Pool), 30 Base + 12 control cost; all slots must be at least -1/4 Gadgets (-1/4)



5 Money: Wealthy



6 Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)

4 Double Jointed

9 Lightning Reflexes (+6 All Actions)



20 +2 Overall Levels

32 +4 with All Combat

3 Acrobatics 13-

3 Acting 13-

3 Analyze: Combat 13-

3 Breakfall 13-

3 Climbing 13-

3 Combat Driving 13-

3 Combat Piloting 13-

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Concealment 13-

3 Contortionist 13-

3 Conversation 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Disguise 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Gambling 13-

3 High Society 13-

2 KS: Superheroes & Supervillains 11-

2 KS: The World's Wealthy & Elite 11-

2 KS: Great Criminal Heists 11-

3 Linguist

2 Language: English (fluent)

2 Language: German (fluent)

2 Language: Japanese (fluent)

2 Language: Russian (fluent)

2 Language: Spanish (fluent)

3 Lockpicking 13-

3 Oratory 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

3 Security Systems 13-

3 Seduction 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Sleight of Hand 13-

3 Stealth 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Trading 13-

Total Powers & Skill Cost: 448

Total Cost: 600

450+ Disadvantages

10 Dependent NPC: Georges Batroc 8- (Normal)

5 Distinctive Features: Martial Arts Style (Not Concealable, Detectable Only By A Small Group)

15 Hunted: Interpol 8- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)

20 Psychological Limitation: Thrillseeking Show-Off (Very Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Loves Humiliating Her Enemies (Very Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code Against Killing (Common, Total)

10 Psychological Limitation: Code of Chivalry (Uncommon, Strong)

10 Reputation: "The Great Batroc? Pshyeah, Right!", 11-

5 Rivalry: Other Martial Artists (As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival)

5 Rivalry: Other Cat Burglars (As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival)

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Georgette Batroc) (Frequently, Major)

15 Social Limitation: Secret (Cat Burglar Wanted by the Police) (Frequently, Major)

Total Disadvantage Points: 600


Background/History: Georgette Batroc grew up her entire life listening to her father blather on about his stupid life. "I fought Captain America!" "I held up the United Nations!" "I was the greatest super-criminal who ever lived!" and so forth. But for all his talk, he never answered Georgette's one question: If you were so great, why did you never win?

Yes, despite the fact that her father spent years and years training her in all of his skills (as well as hiring the best tutors and instructors for her to learn the things he could not teach her), she despised him. In spite of all his big talk, he was a failure at everything he ever tried; how could she look up to this man?

It was unfortunate that she could never hide her feelings from him. He could see it every time he looked in her eyes -- he knew he disgusted her. He tried hard to be a good father, to help her succeed where he failed, but every moment of every day, he knew he was failing at that, too. She did not love him, and that was far worse than any beating or jail time he had ever received.

When Georgette turned 18, she left her home without a backward glance. She would make it on her own; she would do what her father never could – she would succeed. She would be the criminal he always dreamed of being. And she was – she was good at everything she tried. Something her father never intentionally taught her, but which she had quickly learned – a good thief steals a lot, but a great thief never gets caught.

And she was a great thief. She was so good, in fact, that most of her victims didn't even know they had been robbed; even those who learned of their misfortune had no idea who had stolen from them. Though wanted by the law, she was a mystery, a cipher, a ghost; unpredictable and unstoppable.

She became quite rich in a relatively short time. But soon enough, she grew tired of being a cat-burglar. Some part of her – perhaps some leftover chromosome from her father's genes – made her want to be out in the public spotlight, reveling in the attention of the adoring masses. But she knew that criminals who make a big show of their criminality (like her father and his many cohorts) tend to get caught and thrown in jail.

The answer was obvious. She created a new identity for herself and became a hero – all the glory, none of the risk! And how easy it was! Simply stop a bank robbery or capture a stupid supervillain, and the world proclaims you to be a good guy!

She became Batroc the Fighter, after the moniker and costume of her foolish father. She did not do so to redeem his name, or out of some sense of familial loyalty (though that's what she tells the newspapers), but rather because his reputation as an idiot and a screw-up makes her enemies underestimate her.

And today, when Georges Batroc looks at the television and sees his daughter's smiling face – successful, heroic, proud – he cannot help but feel the shame of a lifetime of failures cut even deeper.

Personality/Motivation: Daring, reckless, and bold! Georgette feels that a life without adventure is a life not worth living, and she intends to take full advantage of hers. She loves being in the spotlight, and she loves humiliating her enemies – just as her father's enemies once humiliated him.

She especially loves capturing thieves (it proves that she was a much better thief than they are), and beating other martial artists (which proves Savate is the superior style). But no matter what she does, she is guaranteed to do it with style.

Of course, as much as she may publicly deny it (and as much as she may deny it to herself), she is really, deep down, looking to redeem her family's good name; to prove to the world that "Batroc" is not synonymous with "Screw Up."

Quote: "Mon Dieu, I love my work!"

Powers/Tactics: Like her father, Georgette has no real powers, but she is highly trained and very experienced in espionage, burglary, and fisticuffs. She will use her many gadgets (where does she keep getting those from, anyway?) to give her the advantage in a fight – blinding or entangling her foe, then beating him mercilessly – taunting him with her quick wit and sharp tongue the whole time.

Campaign Use: Batroc is a straight-up martial artist with a whole bunch of tricks and gadgets (mostly stolen from other super criminals and underground organizations). She's a jack of many trades and a master of none, but she can easily branch out into any number of directions.

Appearance: Georgette is a beautiful 24-year-old woman with dark shoulder-length hair, deep green eyes, and pale skin. She is tall, slender, athletic, and very curvaceous, and she speaks with an exotic French accent. She is outgoing, friendly, and flirtatious. She dresses fashionably and doesn't mind showing a little skin. It is a pity that she must hide her good looks under her helmet, but even she understands that practicality must sometimes take precedence over vanity. She wears bronze-colored armor over a dark maroon bodysuit, much like her father (but she makes her outfit look so much better than he ever did).

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