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Re: x3


I enjoyed the movie but the whole franchise has me somewhat miffed. I was an X-Men fan back in the Silver and Bronze Ages.


My favorite X-Man = Cyclops

My least favorite X-Man = Wolverine


Based upon that you can probably see why I am a little miffed.




Apparently I am in the minority of the "un-cool" because I have yet to figure out why Wolverine became so popular. He was a barely control psycho w/claws when he first appeared. I remember Cyclops backhanding him and knocking him to the ground (issue involving Erik the Red). Now he is the uber-warrior.

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Re: x3


A Magneto film without the X-Men might be an interesting psychlogical drama' date=' but I don't see the attraction to a mainstream audience. Ian McKellen made that part. Even if he was playing the part, I still couldn't see a feature film about the character. Another actor would probably be laughable.[/quote']

It's evidently a younger Magneto. Xavier will be in the film as well. McKellen is associated with the project but it's still in production so who knows where that might go. It doesn't sound like they intend it as a villain movie. Rather Magneto before he's a villain, going after escaped Nazis. I think some characters like Magneto have enough recognition from the movies that this can work.


Personally I'd love to see a Mystique movie.:)

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Re: x3


I enjoyed the movie but the whole franchise has me somewhat miffed. I was an X-Men fan back in the Silver and Bronze Ages.


My favorite X-Man = Cyclops

My least favorite X-Man = Wolverine


Based upon that you can probably see why I am a little miffed.

Ditto. One of my biggest problems with the movies is that, in order to make Wolverine so "cool," they had to go out of their way to make Cyclops the opposite of that. Cyke gets his bike stolen, his car stolen, his team stolen, his place at the mansion stolen, and his girl stolen. Who does all the stealing? Well, supercool Wolverine, of course! He's the new big brother to all the kids, the driver of Scott's personal vehicles, the guy ignoring orders in the field, and the one hittin' second or third base with Scott's gal!


One of my favorite things, conversely, with the Ultimates universe is that -- last I checked, I'm a little behind on the Ultimate X-Men -- they managed to create friction in the team without cutting the nuts off Cyclops to do it. Where he's been completely emasculated in the movies, he always holds his own (at the least) in the Ultimates series. Wolverine shows up, there's some alpha-male sniffing and nipping going on, things come to a head...and Cyke eventually ends up top dog, but with Wolvie still a valued and dangerous member of the pack. Neither one looked womanly, neither one was neutered by popular opinion: there was friction, and conflict, and both characters came out looking human and three dimensional by the end of it.


Win/win, as far as I'm concerned... and the more I read the Ultimates line, the less I like the movies.

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Re: x3


I think part of what happened in the movies was due to James Marsters and Hugh Jackman - just how they appeared on screen. In X-Men 1, Cyclops held his own, but they scaled him back in 2, as Jackman was just more fun to watch on screen.


I understand what happened in 3 was due to some behind-the-scenes stuff, though.

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Re: x3


I personally don't think they should make another X-Men movie ever.


The story is over as far as I'm, concerned. The world carries on for sure, but the story they wanted to tell is now told. Anything more would be jumping the shark.


So you don't think 40+ years of comics could give them any other ideas? They're done after 3 films? Wow.

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Re: x3


I think they've hit the highest spots the X-Men has to offer from its 30 year history - God Loves Man Kills, Dark Phoenix, Days of Future Past... They've done, or at least touched, each of those. I can't think of much else that you would think "Wow, I'd so want to see a movie of that!"


Not that they did the Dark Phoenix bit very well - or well at all. To be honest, it needed its own movie, with the attendant setup, as opposed to being tacked onto X3 as it was.


A well-done "Days of Future Past" (as they teased in the opening segment of X3) could be worth doing, I suppose, although now it would just look like "The opening bit of X3 done as a full movie".

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Re: x3


Ditto. One of my biggest problems with the movies is that' date=' in order to make Wolverine so "cool," they had to go out of their way to make Cyclops [i']the opposite of that[/i]. Cyke gets his bike stolen, his car stolen, his team stolen, his place at the mansion stolen, and his girl stolen. Who does all the stealing? Well, supercool Wolverine, of course! He's the new big brother to all the kids, the driver of Scott's personal vehicles, the guy ignoring orders in the field, and the one hittin' second or third base with Scott's gal!


One of my favorite things, conversely, with the Ultimates universe is that -- last I checked, I'm a little behind on the Ultimate X-Men -- they managed to create friction in the team without cutting the nuts off Cyclops to do it. Where he's been completely emasculated in the movies, he always holds his own (at the least) in the Ultimates series. Wolverine shows up, there's some alpha-male sniffing and nipping going on, things come to a head...and Cyke eventually ends up top dog, but with Wolvie still a valued and dangerous member of the pack. Neither one looked womanly, neither one was neutered by popular opinion: there was friction, and conflict, and both characters came out looking human and three dimensional by the end of it.


Win/win, as far as I'm concerned... and the more I read the Ultimates line, the less I like the movies.


Whedon is doing something similar in his Astonishing X-Men run as well. This is also where "The Cure" storyline used in X3 comes from.


I also agree that my fave X-Man is Scott (or Hank with many close seconds) and the least tolerable X-Man is Wolverine (by a landslide).


Speaking of Hank, I really liked the way Kelsey Grammer portrayed him in the movie. In the scene where he and Wolverine double team Magneto (I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen it), I loved the way Kelsey shows the anguish/disgust over what he's just done. Even though the camera isn't focused on him at the time, his performance shows through. If you don't see this movie in Widescreen or in a theater, you may not see it as it will probably be cut to fit a TV screen.

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Re: x3


That sounds like it might be interesting. I haven't read any of the Ultimates titles. Of course I haven't bought a comic book (other than manga) since sometime in the early 1990s.
I'd highly recommend the Ultimates. It's my favorite of the Ultimate titles by far. Two TPB's out so far.


Ultiamte X-Men is also fun. Very different from the originals but generally in ways I can live with. Wolverine is much more of a pure bad guy, sometimes trying to go good. And more of a womanizer, which is an interesting touch.


I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought X2 with them showing Cyclop's CD player blasting out Backstreet Boys was another shot at Cyke.;)

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