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Super Hero Names

VR Dragon

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I have been tinkering with a power armored hero with a large array of force field powers and force blasts.


I have been thinking of a name for his Hero ID. But the only good one I can think if Defender. I don't think that would go over to well in a champs game.


So what names can you come up with for a FF/FW power armored non-lethal hero? He has a Psy Lim of Protects the Innocent.


Nothing really comes to me.

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Re: Super Hero Names


Well, synonyms for Defender (Protector, etc.) are always an option.


If he's got some particular reason for it, foreign language translations of words can work too (Defenseur, French, or Protezione, Italian?)


Alternately, look for his general function. Depending on campaign flavor/your own taste, some things like 'Last Line' (of defense) or 'Iron Guard' (though that might sound a smidge like you were on the wrong side of either WWII or the Berlin Wall) could work.

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Re: Super Hero Names


Also consider his origins. Might be possibilities there.


Could also be some aspects of his armour that come into it - have the colour as part of the name (eg. the Blue _____ ).


The armour might even have some styllistic aspect to it that emulates a particular myth or creature or trait or whatever.


Otherwise: Guardian? Shield? Barrier? Maybe putting a colour in front of one of these names (or the others) would work for your Character.

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Re: Super Hero Names


Paladin, Guardsman, Crusader, StarShield, The Warder, or The Warden, Blok, Tower (a type of shield), ForceGuard, or go with a name that has nothing to do with the power/theme - Triumph, Captain Ultra, Mr. Wonderful, Steele, Rainbow Avenger

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Re: Super Hero Names


What color is the armor? Or the force field, for that matter? In my own campaign, I have a very similar character named Gold Guardian. Scarlet Sentinel, Blue Knight, or Shining Crusader could all work for someone like that. Maybe all he needs is a descriptive :)

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Re: Super Hero Names


Defensor Innocentium (Latin for Defender of the Innocent), if you want a touch of class. ;)


Let's look through the thesaurus:

Defender, Protector, Guard, Guardian, Bodyguard, Champion, Kight-errant, Paladin, Garrison, Ward, Resistor, Safeguard, Screen, Bulwark, Fortification, Moat, Rampart, Parapet, Battlement, Bastion, Buttress, Wall, Palisade, Stockade, Barrier, Barricade, Stronghold, Fastness, Citadel, Castle, Tower, Fortress, Fort, Buffer, Armor, Shield, Buckler, Fence, Hold, Panoply

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Re: Super Hero Names


My first thought was Barrier, and it looks like a few other posters went that way too. That's what I'd go with. Since your character has the whole FF/FW thing going on, and since FF's and FW's are nothing if not barriers, there ya go.

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Re: Super Hero Names


Defensor Innocentium (Latin for Defender of the Innocent), if you want a touch of class. ;)


Let's look through the thesaurus:

Defender, Protector, Guard, Guardian, Bodyguard, Champion, Kight-errant, Paladin, Garrison, Ward, Resistor, Safeguard, Screen, Bulwark, Fortification, Moat, Rampart, Parapet, Battlement, Bastion, Buttress, Wall, Palisade, Stockade, Barrier, Barricade, Stronghold, Fastness, Citadel, Castle, Tower, Fortress, Fort, Buffer, Armor, Shield, Buckler, Fence, Hold, Panoply



What I've done is look through a thesarus and then go to an online language dictionary (I'm currently using Welsh and Japanese) and cross translating. Say get a Japanese translation for a word, then find all the meanings for that word, and then run a different meaning through the Welsh translator.


(of course i've been working heavily on a fantasy campaign setting).

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