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I am hot!


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Hi Hi Guyz,


This is my first post so go easy on me. k? LOL


I want to make a special entangle, so that like sirens of old could mezmerize a male. Can I use entangle and drain speed?


So 1d6 would take away that many actions? Help me out how can I make that work.


thanks all!



OK being new here I didn't realize a few things. So, this post is about the character I am creating!

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Re: I am hot!


Hi Hi Guyz,


This is my first post so go easy on me. k? LOL


I want to make a special entangle, so that like sirens of old could mezmerize a male. Can I use entangle and drain speed?


So 1d6 would take away that many actions? Help me out how can I make that work.


thanks all!


Hi Siren!


Welcome to the board and Hero. Likely you will get several replies as the board is pretty active. Hopefully you will also find it pretty friendly. ;)


As you will soon find there are a bunch of ways to build things in Hero. That is a strength of the system not a weakness IMHO.


You could build a siren song with entangle and/or speed drain or with other powers as well. Entangle will already make the player spend phases breaking out. Drain would cause the effects to linger after breaking out of it. Just to get you thinking you could also do something like this with mind control too. :)


What about this...


Entangle (Cannot Be Escaped With Teleport +1/4, Takes No Damage From Attacks +1/2)


That would work on one person. Add it area affect or explosion to get more than one person. You could get really fancy and add personal immunity and explosion with no range to get everyone that can hear it. ;)

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Re: I am hot!


I think I would probably go Mental Entangle.


I'm trying to recall and iirc, men were just mesmerised so that they couldn't steer the boat and ended up crashing against the rocks.


Mind Control is more of a "Do what I tell you to do," and that's not what I remember of the Sirens.

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Re: I am hot!


You could also do this with Ego Blast and Transform, although I think Transform would be a little awkward. I like Ego Blast because it is pretty straight forward. Remember the SFX do not dictate that the target go prone. 0 STUN means they are out of the fight.

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Re: I am hot!


WOW you guyz are so nice!!!! Hugz!


Ok Mental Entangle sounds perfect. So do they break free of a mental entangle? Like do they use their ECV?




I am looking for ideas for other powers too. While I am a hero, I do have a dark side that takes over my character that I have no idea about. So any ideas would be wonderful.

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Re: I am hot!


WOW you guyz are so nice!!!! Hugz!


Ok Mental Entangle sounds perfect. So do they break free of a mental entangle? Like do they use their ECV?


You use your EGO just like STR. If you have a 15 EGO you get 3d6 to try to break out just like you were using STR.

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Re: I am hot!


Another method for the Siren's Call is Mind Control.


This reminds me of the thread where we discussed what would happen if you were Mind Controlled into forgetting one of your powers.


Would it be any different from being Mind Controlled into thinking that you couldn't use one of your powers - say, the basic power of Walking?

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Re: I am hot!


Welcome to the boards! Always nice to have a new, friendly person come along :)


In order to determine how the siren song should be written....um...what does it do?


I mean, does it make the targets drool on themselves and stare glassy-eyed? (Mental Entangle)? Or does it make them feel compelled to move towards the sirens (Mind Control)?

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Re: I am hot!


Well I have a given her a force wall, ego attack, Seduction, Animal friendship and talk (with water creatures only), & Mental Entangle (new) because of her sexy voice. I might also like to add something like stunning looks (always on) that men only may stop a phase to look. But not sure how to build that.


I would LOVE any other suggestions for powers!!!!!


Also her dark side: She is related to the Sirens of old. When she is in hero from if she comes across an especially handsome male there is a chance she will try to seduce him and drown him after making love. She will have no recollection of doing that.


She is also hunted by Posiden.



@input.jack - Yeah I guess I am making the song just turn the Men into drooling mindless drons. Sort of like when I go clubbing in a mini-skirt. LOL

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Re: I am hot!


Welcome to the boards, Siren.


It sounds like you already have some good suggestions for the Entangle.


For the 'Dark Side' you could probably work out something with either a Psychological Limitation or a form of Berserk/Enraged.

Berserk is basically the idea that under certain conditions your character could end up harming someone without really meaning to.

You would have to talk to your GM about exactly how they wanted you to buy it.


If you don't mind my asking, how did you get started playing Hero?


Also, you might want to let us know what edition/version your group uses, because there are a few things that have changed a bit over the years and we wouldn't want to make suggestions that won't work in your group.



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Re: I am hot!


We are playing version 4 and thinking about moving to verisn 5.


How I started? Well my ex-BF was very into all kinds of RPGs. I had to wait for him so much before going out, I just joined in a few times. Hey it was just like talking. Besides pretty grils get away with murder in these games LOL.


Long story short the BF is history, and I guess I am still playing. I like the story aspect of the game, much more than the combat. My group is not the best at stories *pout*, but I am chatting wiht a game group on-line that has some really great plots. I work a lot of hours and it is also fun to de-stress with an RPG.

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Re: I am hot!


I think I would probably go Mental Entangle.


I'm trying to recall and iirc, men were just mesmerised so that they couldn't steer the boat and ended up crashing against the rocks.


Mind Control is more of a "Do what I tell you to do," and that's not what I remember of the Sirens.

Well, you can set it up as "Fixed command" "Stand there obsessing about my hotness!" or use the emotion controll version fixed to "Lust" (though That might have very bad side effects...)

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Re: I am hot!


Well' date=' you can set it up as "Fixed command" "Stand there obsessing about my hotness!" or use the emotion controll version fixed to "Lust" (though That might have very bad side effects...)[/quote']


ARGH! I despise fixed command Mind Control. It's a kludge.

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Re: I am hot!


ARGH! I despise fixed command Mind Control. It's a kludge.

ermmm? I guess I just don't see that.


Mind Control Power is forcing another character to do your bidding. If you can only give one command Fixed Command Limitation is an excellent model of that.

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Re: I am hot!


ermmm? I guess I just don't see that.


Mind Control Power is forcing another character to do your bidding. If you can only give one command Fixed Command Limitation is an excellent model of that.

You beat me to it...you fast typing son of a gun....I guess thats why the world is a big place...so we can all fit in it...

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Re: I am hot!


Sorry you guys are too advanced for me. I have to go read about fixed. Is that in v4? And would that take the place of the mind entangle?


What I really would like to figure out, is a way for all Men teen and up to find me VERY attractive and it distracts them. Like giving them a -1 to actions. But not totially take control of them. Area effect or something?


I am learning so much from all of you, thank you so much!!!!!!

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Re: I am hot!


Sorry you guys are too advanced for me. I have to go read about fixed. Is that in v4? And would that take the place of the mind entangle?


What I really would like to figure out, is a way for all Men teen and up to find me VERY attractive and it distracts them. Like giving them a -1 to actions. But not totially take control of them. Area effect or something?


I am learning so much from all of you, thank you so much!!!!!!

I can't remember if it's spelled out in 4E or not.


As for a "-1" to "actions" --- that isn't a concept that translates. You have to decide what action you want to affect.


Just distracting people is probably best modeled as a PREsence Attack.

Or possible Change Environment, but that has a defined area and may not be the best model for this paritcular effet.


Another, possibly expensive, thought is going back to the BOECV Entangle: 0END, Peristant, Trigger (resets automatically, takes no time; condition: looking at hte character), Automatically breaks after target has 1 Phase.

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Re: I am hot!


I can't do expensive *POUT* This charicter burns up the point for not a super tough hero. She is more of a color / story based character which in my opinion is the best type. She will be so much fun to play

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Re: I am hot!


Try this:


Beauty that stops you in your tracks: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks Limited Group (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +3/4), Based On EGO Combat Value (Mental Defense applies; +1) (120 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Entangle automatically breaks after target has 1 Phase, Target is not affected again for 1 Turn (-1), Limited Power Power Only Works On Men (-1), No Range (-1/2)

Real Points: 22


Some of the Limitation values you'd have to discuss with your GM.

Whenever a man gazes upon the Siren's beauty they become awestruck and stop in their tracks to admire her for a moment before coming to their senses again.

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Re: I am hot!


Try this:


Beauty that stops you in your tracks


There's a related build here.


You could also try Comeliness, UAA (usable as attack), and define the effects as "staring in awe until concentration is broken". Your GM would have to allow it, but that doesn't seem problematic for a game that can already accomodate "color/story" characters. This build would also interact properly with people who, for reasons of being eunuchs or unattracted to your character's gender, would not be lustful towards her (fascination for sheer beauty does not necessarily connotate lust, especially in cerebrally-minded folk).

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