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Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


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Well hello there!

This is a message for the board guests.(members please jump on this and help).

I've always noticed that there are way more guests on the boards than members, and thats fine. I was a guest for months before I took the plunge and joined. Let me tell you I'm glad I did. these boards are home to some of the greatest people I've come across in A long time! So if you are a guest of our little playground often, I urge you to join. You will not regret it. Hero fans don't bite(unless you ask!).

Anyhow, that's my plea to you. join today Hero is the best place to come and "get your geek on" .:D:thumbup::sneaky:

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


OOOOOOOOOO. good answer ghost angel.

yeah I know that most guests are web crawlers but I want them to play our game too. I want to do my part to make sure Hero is the most successful product line out there. I also took the step and sold all my polyhedral dice. looks like i'm buying star hero monday!!!(sweeeeeeeeet)

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


Don't forget, though, that other systems have their place. While I'm all about being hard core, I'm not going to sell my d20 collection (I play it, for one, that, and I'm rather attached too it).


Not to say you SHOULDN'T sell stuff to buy more HERO stuff, just saying that other systems have merits. I don't want you to be like that guy in KIDS who has the one lucid moment at the end of the film, saying "Oh my G-d, what did we do?" HERO is a great system, no doubt, but all of us (well - almost all of us. GHOST ANGEL) are gamers first, and enjoy all games of all stripes. Don't shoot yourself in the foot, s'all I'm saying.


But if you're content, hey, worst case scenario, you buy another copy of the book. How many VGs have I bought, sold back, rebought, sold back again, bought again out of curiosity, sold back once more...


Oh, and to all you people watching at home. I am the Lord Captain Thia Halmades.


And I do bite. :D

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


No, that's Cpl., not Cpt. And LCpt. is a fantasy designation I created when I built my own rank & file structure for the campaign. If I weren't so attached to my ice cream cone, I'd explain all this in my sig. :P


And oh yeah. 2000. You've gained a level! You've gained Faction (Hero Board Lords), You've gained Faction (Hero Staff & Owners), You've Lost Faction (Wizards of the Coast), You've Lost Faction (WotC Fanclubs)

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


I love it when the lone voice of reason gets drowned out. :rolleyes: that's what I get for being moderate, I suppose. But who am I to judge? Most of my disposable income goes to Steve one way or another. I still need to buy that freaking mug. I've been staring at it for months now.

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


I love it when the lone voice of reason gets drowned out. :rolleyes: that's what I get for being moderate' date=' I suppose. But who am I to judge? Most of my disposable income goes to Steve one way or another. I still need to buy that freaking mug. I've been staring at it for months now.[/quote']


I received one of those mugs as a present, and I must say it is pretty cool, especially its HERO stat writeup on the side. :cool:


More to the point of the thread, I've lost track of how many HEROphiles mention that they purchase other game books for cool ideas to adapt to their HERO games. (Many players of other games say exactly the same thing about Hero publications, particularly the genre books.) With all the conversions of other games to HERO on the Internet, you can still get quite a bit of use out of the other guys' stuff.

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


On the other hand,


if you don't join, you can still read all the good stuff that folks have posted, you can't get sucked into an argument you didn't want any part of, you can still shop the company, and you can't get banned.


So it's even.


But if you don't join, you can't tell us how your group handles things.


Makes it seem worthwhile, doesn't it?

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


S'alright' date=' WarCry. I only bite if you're a hot lesbian couple.[/quote']


That's kewl. I knew there were benefits to being an invisible shaved goat.


Insert John Cena quote here - YOU CAN'T SEE ME!

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


*blink blink*


Yep. Me not biting you. That's ah... that's a benefit alright.


*looks over at the director, waits, signals... waits some more*


LINE! Can I get some HELP here?! Invisible shaved goat?! THIS ISN'T IN MY COPY OF THE FREAKING SCRIPT!

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


Well Monster I agree with you on trying to make Hero the No1 system out there. But none the less I think I'll keep my books from other RPG systems. I agree with Thia on that one, once in a while it is fun toi take a short break from Hero and play something different.

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Re: Something for all you guests!!!, and members.


Well Monster I agree with you on trying to make Hero the No1 system out there. But none the less I think I'll keep my books from other RPG systems. I agree with Thia on that one' date=' once in a while it is fun toi take a short break from Hero and play something different.[/quote']


Yeah I have agree, sometimes you need a change of pace and just play something different.


Oh BTW, I like the Avatar.

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