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Help with a power: look like a statue


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Hi all,


I have a character who is a golem...I was thinking it would be cool for him to be able to stand so still, that he appeared to be nothing more than a statue...any suggestions on how I would build this?


I initially was thinking of Images with perception minuses...





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Re: Help with a power: look like a statue


Yes, that does work. A few other ideas off the top of my head:


Stealth, or other "Sneaking" skill, with a limitation Only in Grey, Rocky or Cement Areas (-1/2). (Or what ever colors or formations you desire.)


Invisibility, with the same lim.


Shapeshifting, only for disguising features, only with the lim above.


Oh, and the lim May Not Move (-1/2). Essential for being a statue.


Also don't forget: not everything has to be a power or a skill. If you are described as rocky and grey to begin with, try just standing still and see if people think you're a statue. The GM might let you have it just for good role play.


(All limitation values guessed at.)

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Re: Help with a power: look like a statue


There was a character in a game I ran years ago who was effectively an animated stone gargoyle. If he stood completely motionless, it could often be confused from a truly inanimate statue. He didn't buy this as a Power or Skill or anything, it was just a feature of his character not really worth any points (in this campaign anyway).


I think how looking like a statue should be handled will depend heavily upon the campaign setting and the nature of the character within it as well as his appearance. It may be something as simple as I did (costs nothing in an ordinary Champions setting), or it could be built as a form of Invisibility or Shape Shift for other settings (such as for a character who looked like any given statue in a setting full of such ordinary statues that look a lot like the character).

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Re: Help with a power: look like a statue


Bah. You don't make robo-hoovers or vehicles pay for the ability to "stand" perfectly still, do you? And you can look like whatever you want, if it fits your abilities. You can look exactly like a pimento loaf, for free, if that's all you ever look like. I say just give it to him, gratis.

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