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Moreau Techniques

L. Marcus

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. . . In other words: Uplift, giving animals sentience. Has anyone done anything like this in their Hard-ish SF campaigns? I did a write-up af a Moreau Chimp package deal, basing it on the Uplift Universe Neo-Chimps and using the Hero Bestiary Chimpanzee as a base . . .

Moreau Chimp Package Deal

Cost	Ability

5	+5 STR
6	+3 CON
-4	-2 BODY
-2	-2 INT
-4	-2 EGO
5	Bite: HKA 1 point (1/2d6 with STR)
-4	Slow: Running -2" (4" total)
-2	Poor Swimmer: Swimming -2" (0" total)
6	Agile Feet: Extra Limbs (feet and legs can function almost as well as hands and arms), Inherent (+1/4)
3	Climbing (DEX Roll)


5	Stress Atavism: Accidental Change 8- (receives the PhysLim Disads Near-Human Intelligence and No Speech in extremely stressful situations; Common)

Total Cost Of Package: 4 points

I'm thinking of doing additional write-ups of Gorillas and Orangs, and maybe Dolphins too . . . And maybe a Carribbean Reef Squid -- there was one in Stephen Baxter's novel Time . . .

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Re: Moreau Techniques


Right, here's my Moreau-ed Gorilla.


Something went . . . Not exactly to plan when the 'Rilla was given Human-level intelligence: The species received a tendency to go berserk when really stressed out -- an unwanted trait in a species that can kill a grown man with a single blow of a fist. Since long-duration transport seems to pe particularly traumatic and upsetting, 'Rillas on trains, planes and spacecraft are usually doped up to their eyeballs.


No, they're not based on B. A. Baracus -- I just realized the similarity just now. Mea culpa. :o

Moreau 'Rilla Package Deal

Cost	Ability

10	+10 STR
16	+8 CON
6	+3 BODY
-2	-2 INT
-4	-2 EGO
3	+3 PRE
7	Arm Swing: HA +2d6; Hand-to-Hand Attack (-1/2)
8	Bite: HKA 1/2d6; Reduced Penetration (-1/4)
4	Roar: +10 PRE; Only For Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1); Incantations (must roar; -1/4)
1	Thick Skin: Damage Resistance (1 PD/1 ED)
3	Ape Senses: +1 PER with all Sense Groups
-2	Slow: Running -1"
-2	Poor Swimmer: -2"

5	Stress Atavism: Accidental Change 8- (receives the PhysLim Disads Near-Human Intelligence and No Speech in extremely stressful situations; Common)

20	Aggressive Tendencies: Enraged when under Stress Atavism (Common), go 8-, recover 8-

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Re: Moreau Techniques


I took that from the Uplift Universe. Plus' date=' if that would be the thing you're modelling there should be a PsychLim: Must Obey Patron Race (major, inf).[/quote']


"The Uplift Universe"? Brin's shlock? I thought we discussed The Island of Dr. Moreau! :eek: At the least, books with a similar premise. :confused:

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Re: Moreau Techniques


Not exactly "uplifting" (had to do a google to get an explanation on that one. Sorry-- now I just feel kinda dim.... :oops:),


but our far-future sci-fi is peopled with about a half dozen races of anthropormorphic animals.


The premise here is that when we actually found 'settleable' worlds, the earliest colonies failed, as humans simply couldn't thrive in the conditions on these worlds, or at least, they couldn't thrive beyond the goods they took with them.


A second-generation attempt at colonizing these worlds was attempted by a conglomeration of Asian nations who, in our 'future history,' had lead the world in genetic engineering.


They created tailored settlers, using human and various animal DNA to bring forth certain traits considered favorable for the specific worlds in question. The idea was that these settlers would be better able to thrive, and to begin the work of terraforming for future settlers.


Over seventy species were created and sent to space to settle a dozen worlds. After ten generations, only a dozen or so remained viable.


World War 4 (or SW1, the first of four "System Wars") took earth away from deep space concerns, and the projects were completely abandoned.


Ten thousand generations after those colonies (like I said, far-future), six of these races still remain viable, and have thrived and developed cultures of their own. They even continued to evolve a just a bit, refining themselves genetically.


Like I said, they aren't exaclt "uplift," as they aren't exactly just smart, humanoid earth critters (with the exception of the Ursine and the "Frog Bats"), but they aren't exaclty 'human', either. They are a new thing, formed from the two.


Now for the 'metagaming' of that:


In the early stages, we had a lot of new players in and out. For some reason, we attracted a lot of Kzinti fans-- a lot of 'funny animals as aliens' fans, I guess would be more fair. And given the choice to play aliens, invariably, these folks would want a tiger man, or a dog man, or a hawk man, or anything else that might look appropriate in a Bugs Bunny short.


This sort of alien bugged most of the players (me too, but perhaps not quite as much), and we usually just gave a solid 'no.'


But in an effort to accomodate this wierd urge on the part of so many players, we crafted this piece of our 'ancient history,' and set a limit of how many such races there would be-- EVER!-- and specific rules on how cartoony they were going to be. Never had too much trouble with it after that.


Anything you can use?

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Re: Moreau Techniques


Have you considered doing canines' date=' and felines?[/quote']No, not yet. I've planned on using all animals in the Bestiary with the Near-Human Intelligence disad. It might turn up that some private party of catlovers has turned their hands at this, in great secrecy . . . And wolf space pirates are just too good to pass up -- those might turn up in my Space Opera setting, but then I'll prob'ly just use the Canine package outta Star Hero.
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Re: Moreau Techniques


Not exactly "uplifting" (had to do a google to get an explanation on that one. Sorry-- now I just feel kinda dim.... :oops:),


but our far-future sci-fi is peopled with about a half dozen races of anthropormorphic animals.


[. . .]


Anything you can use?

Hmmm . . . Mmmaybe . . . :think: My setting will have no aliens -- at first. The beasties I'll use will all be pre-defined by me, but if the players have any special requests, and they're not too outrageous, then why not build something?

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Re: Moreau Techniques


The premise here is that when we actually found 'settleable' worlds, the earliest colonies failed, as humans simply couldn't thrive in the conditions on these worlds, or at least, they couldn't thrive beyond the goods they took with them.


A second-generation attempt at colonizing these worlds was attempted by a conglomeration of Asian nations who, in our 'future history,' had lead the world in genetic engineering.


They created tailored settlers, using human and various animal DNA to bring forth certain traits considered favorable for the specific worlds in question. The idea was that these settlers would be better able to thrive, and to begin the work of terraforming for future settlers.


Over seventy species were created and sent to space to settle a dozen worlds.


Very rubbery.


An animal genetically tailored to fit a non-terrestrial environment will not look anything like any terrestrial animal. So your "furry" loving players won't have any of their dubious "fun."


All to the good, IMO. :eg:

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Re: Moreau Techniques


Very rubbery.






Like FTL?


Or a space program with goals of getting humans permanently into space?


Or a government granting funding for such?


Or living starships?




Yes. Very rubbery.


Hence the "fiction" part.


all in good fun, of course :D; I just needed to get that out there. Something about the idea of taking a piece of fiction designed to enable another piece of fiction and then pointing out that the first piece is, well-- a fiction---


it sets my teeth on edge, and a bit of friendly sparring helps to settle the nerves.


Forgive me if the humor doesn't come across as intended; I'm currently suffering insomnia (second night with no sleep) and my faculties are suffereing....


On a serious note, if I'd wanted to play just Science, I'd have pursued it as a career. Science Fiction, however, is tons of fun.


An animal genetically tailored to fit a non-terrestrial environment will not look anything like any terrestrial animal.


Yeah, I thought I mentioned that. Two exceptions, but only because they suggest terrestrial origins. Not what they actually came from (the ones that looked like a frog/bat mix had nothing to do wit either; it's the result of breeding for an environment). And the Ursines are hairy with snouts. Interpretation can go in here as to what they do or don't favor.


So your "furry" loving players won't have any of their dubious "fun."


That _was_ the idea, originally. A meeting at a halfway point:

something animal-like, but without having to watch Tony the Tiger suit up for battle against Sylvester the cat.....




All to the good, IMO. :eg:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Moreau Techniques


Have you read S. Andrew Swann's "moreau" books ??


Forests of the Night..........1993....ISBN 0-88677-565-5

Emperors of the Twilight....1994....ISBN 0-88677-589-2

Specters of the Dawn.......1994....ISBN 0-88677-613-9 (yes, it's spelled right)


Fearful Symmetries...........1999....ISBN 0-88677-834-4


I really like them and am currently rereading them for about the fourth time. The year is the copyright date. They were all originally published by DAW Books.


EDIT: The first three books are also available as the Moreau Omnibus from DAW's website.

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