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Re: Distances


Can someone help me out with getting a grasp on megascale? I'm having a hard time seeing how big a kilometer is. What is the conversion equation from meters to miles? What is a comparable distance for km? I'm reading the FRED but is a km really the distance covering a city? 100 km a state? help me out here.


Why is the country that celebrates its declaration of independence from the UK every year the klast one to convert away from a measurement system based on a British king's appendages?


A kilometer is 1,000 meters. It's about 60% to 2/3 of a mile.

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Re: Distances


Three kilometers is two miles. The size comparisons in the book aren't for one hex of that size, but several of that size are comparable. So a city isn't 2/3 of mile, but a city would be measured in units of that size. If you're moving 10 one kilometer hexes per phase, you'll be across town in no time flat.

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Re: Distances


Well, if we Americans wanted to switch to metric, we'd have to pay to have all our road signs replaced, not to mention replace, move and add to the number of markers we have along our roads. Do to that, each of our state representitives would probably have to not vote to get a pay raise for themselvers for a few terms. :eek:


God bless America (we could use the help).

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Re: Distances


Actually, a kilometer is almost exactly 5/8ths of a mile.






100 miles (statute) is equal to 160.93 kilometers.


800 kilometers is equal to 497.10 miles (statute).


Also, from the same main site regarding speed:

10 meters per second is equal to 22.37 miles (statute) per hour.


So a character with SPD 6 and Running 10" can almost do 45 mph non-combat.

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