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Campaign Maxima for Characteristics


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I've been toying with the idea of imposing a campaign characteristic maxima in addition to using NCM. The limits would be different for different races based on the characteristic adjustments in their racial packages. The idea works as follows:


1) NCM is in effect, requiring double cost for characteristics after reaching NCM maxima numbers, but the campaign maxima would be 25 (or maybe 23) for Humans. Figured characteristics would have a NCM+25% campaign maxima as well (5 SPD, etc).


2) Other races would extend that maxima by the points they have to spend increasing the average characteristic. For example, a race gets a +2 STR modifier, so their campaign maxima for STR is 27. They still pay double cost after the NCM cap is reached, but they can go a little higher on the top end.


Has anyone else tried anything like this?


I was hoping to encourage non-humans a little without skewing things too much in favor of them.

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Re: Campaign Maxima for Characteristics


Has anyone else tried anything like this?


I was hoping to encourage non-humans a little without skewing things too much in favor of them.


I did a long time ago and didn't like it. For the most part, it encouraged min maxing. People were playing half giants because they got the STR bonus, rather than because they wanted to play overly large misfit of society. What I ended up doing, and what I suggest, is scrap NCM altogether and stick with GM limits only. If you want to play an elf, you can have a higher DEX because it's justified by concept, but not the STR of a half giant unless you play a half giant instead of the elf.

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Re: Campaign Maxima for Characteristics


I've never tried this, but I've seen other people use it:


1) NCM: +0 to +5, normal cost. +6 to +10, double cost. +11 to +15, quadruple cost. Campaign limits set by GM (but normally around 25 to 30). So, for example, a human with STR 15 (10 +5) pays 5 Character Points. If the human wants a STR of 20, he pays 5 CP for the first +5, and 10 CP for the second +5, for a total of 15 CP. If the human wants a STR of 25, he pays 5 for the first +5, 10 for the second +5, and 20 for the third +5, for a total of 35 CP for 25 STR.


2) Racial bonuses work as you describe. If a half-orc gets +2 to STR, the it costs 5 points for him to get 17 STR, and 15 points for 22 STR.



I think I agree with Dust Raven, however. This sort of scheme would encourage me to min-max somewhat, or maybe even a lot.

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Re: Campaign Maxima for Characteristics


I used a similar method for my current FH campaign. It very much encourages min-maxxing. It would be nice to somehow make those characteristic bonuses/penalties matter for the racial packages but I don't really have any ideas. I see nothing wrong with a very strong elf or a very dextrous half-giant. They may be outside the norm, but as heroes, the whole party should be anyway.

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Re: Campaign Maxima for Characteristics


I used a similar method for my current FH campaign. It very much encourages min-maxxing. It would be nice to somehow make those characteristic bonuses/penalties matter for the racial packages but I don't really have any ideas. I see nothing wrong with a very strong elf or a very dextrous half-giant. They may be outside the norm' date=' but as heroes, the whole party should be anyway.[/quote']


That's one of the reasons I don't use NCM anymore. If it's within concept, all is good, and one concept should cost more or less just because one is called "elf" and one is called "half-giant". If a concept is an unusually strong elf, or an unusually dextrous half-giant, then cool. It shouldn't cost more just because the character is unusual, unless for some reason the unusuallness has an advantage all it's own. In those cases, such an advantage would probably be represented by something other than a Characteristic (perhaps a Perk).

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Re: Campaign Maxima for Characteristics


I set a hard limit for characteristics in grittier heroic games, which is what I generally run, but allow character's to exceed it in one or two stats if suits their shtick, or if some measure of cinematic play is called for. The average character in my games is normally competent, but has one area they really shine in. It gives everyone different moments they can impact play and plot at, and generally leads to a group that, if they think and work together, can successfully overcome the challenges thrown at them.

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Re: Campaign Maxima for Characteristics


I do what others describe on my Star Hero campaign. Here is how I defined it. I called it a power to make it clear. I then created Hero Designer templates with the changes for the various races in my game. ;) Hero Designer rocks... Starting/Maximum Change


If a characteristic or movement starting value and maximum value are raised the cost is 1 point per point that is raised. If the starting and maximum value for Dexterity is raised by 2 this costs 6 points. In this case the new starting/maximum value for the character is 12/22. The same logic is applied for lowered values. If a race is particularly unhealthy they might suffer –3 to their starting and maximum Constitution. This would be worth –6 points. The race would end up with a starting/maximum value of 7/17. On each package this is denoted with an entry using the name “Starting/Maximum Change”.

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