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Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


C3PO "Threepio"


A fussy and worry-prone protocol droid, C-3PO Threepio (and Artoo) would become the property of the Royal House of Alderaan, an influential family of nobles with ties to the growing Rebel Alliance. The two droids were aboard Princess Leia Organa's consular vessel when it was attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer due to suspected complicity in Rebel actions. The vessel crippled, Leia stored vital Rebel information in Artoo's memory systems -- unbeknownst to Threepio. Artoo then took it upon himself to complete Leia's failed mission, though Threepio knew nothing of its details.


Artoo commandeered an escape pod, and rocketed away from the captured craft, crashlanding on the barren desert world of Tatooine. There, the droids were taken captive by Jawa traders, and sold to moisture farmer Owen Lars and his nephew Luke Skywalker. Determined to complete his mission of finding famed war hero General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Artoo ran away in the middle of the night, leaving Threepio and Luke to search for him the next morning.


Threepio and Luke eventually found Artoo, as well as Obi-Wan Kenobi. This started an incredible chain of events that saw Threepio catapulted into an adventure beyond his imagination. Threepio and Artoo were crucial in assisting Luke spearhead a rescue mission to free Princess Leia from the heart of the gargantuan Imperial space station, the Death Star. Both droids navigated the complex Imperial computer system to provide the rescuers with timely assistance and status updates.


Having returned to the Alliance base with Princess Leia, Threepio and Artoo continued to be mainstays with the core group of Rebel heroes. During the relocation to Hoth, Threepio braved having his joints frozen by subzero temperatures to assist in Echo Base's command centers. Threepio's fluency in millions of languages allowed him to postulate that an intercepted signal was in fact an Imperial code, alerting the Rebels to the presence of a probe droid dangerously close to their base.


During the evacuation from Hoth, Threepio and Artoo were separated. Threepio, accompanying Princess Leia, left Hoth aboard Captain Han Solo's recalcitrant freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Although Threepio was nowhere near as skilled a mechanic as Artoo, he was helpful in translating the odd language of Falcon's main computer.


During a respite in the Bespin system, in the pastel-hued corridors of Cloud City, Threepio was blasted into pieces by an Imperial stormtrooper. His shattered remains were the first clue to the Rebel fugitives that Cloud City was an Imperial trap. The Wookiee Chewbacca attempted to piece together Threepio's remains, but lack of time and resources meant that Threepio would have to remain incomplete for the time being.


During a daring mission to rescue a captive Han Solo from the loathsome gangster Jabba the Hutt, Threepio and Artoo were sent into the Hutt's palace on Tatooine. There, they became the gristly crime lord's property. Threepio was pressed into service as Jabba's translator until Luke Skywalker came to rescue his friends.


Shortly thereafter, Threepio accompanied the Rebel strike force that was sent to knock out the Imperial shield generator on Endor. Although some would question the addition of a protocol droid on this military mission, it ended up quite fortunate that Threepio went along. On Endor, the strike team encountered an indigenous species of primitives that worshipped the golden droid as a god. The Ewoks, a tree-dwelling tribal people, proved to be valuable allies. Were it not for their allegiance, which was won by Threepio's impressive retelling of key events of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebellion would not have been victorious at the decisive Battle of Endor.


Mechanical Block


Characteristics: ST 7 DX 7 BY 10 IN 13 EG 8 PR 8 CM 10 PD 3 ED 3 SP 2


Powers: Full Automaton; Absolute Time Sense; Eidicit Memory; Lightning Calculator; Full Life Support (Except: 1 Hour Recharge Time/Day, Extended Exposure to Elements Can Degrade Operation); Damage Resistance 3/3; Universal Translator 20-; Audio Replication System (Mimmicry 20-); Protocol Routines (High Society 14-); Culture Database (KS: Cultures 14-); Anthropology Subroutines (SS: Anthropology 11-); Linguistic Subroutines (SS: Linguistics 11-).


Disadvantages: Social: Considered Property; Physical: Does Not Heal (Must Be Repaired); Physical: Common Droid Programming (Common, Total); Distinctive Feature: Droid; Psychological: Fussy and Worry Prone; Hunted: The Empire 8- (More)


Equipment: None.



Design Notes: I prefer to use skills to model abilities wherever possible as a means of simplifying design and mechanics. Threepio should probably have a datalink of some sort, but he's never seen using one in the films so I left it out. His droid programming requires that he attempt to preserve life, and that he obey his master, though threepio frequently protests ad naseum while doing so. As an automaton Threepio really shouldn't have EGO or PRE - or should have an onboard AI - but to simplify the issue I simply purchased the stats. Lastly, Threepio and Artoo regularly amble through hails of blaster bolts without ever being hit, but skill levels with DCV doesn't seem appropriate. I didn't attempt to model this strange statistical anomoly based on the "stormtroopers use the blaze away maneuver when protagonists are on the screen" assumption, but the droids might need some mechanical prophylactic against blaster bolts nontheless.


Note: The text for threepios background is a chopped down version of his official starwars.com databank entry and is done so in good faith, with a cite, and within the limits of fair use.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Absolutely! Please put a "created and owned by George Lucas' date=' translated into Hero by David Queenann" note on them. Also, I haven't run the numbers, so if you want those... you have to do them yourself.[/quote']


Hero Designer makes it easy! :D

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


R2D2 "Artoo"


A resourceful, spunky and adventurous astromech droid, R2-D2 has saved the day time and again. His little .96-meter tall frame is packed with all sorts of tool-tipped appendages that make him a great starship mechanic and computer interface specialist. It's his bravery, however, that has made him an invaluable asset to his owners and friends.


Artoo, like Threepio was in the service of the Royal House of Alderaan, House Organa. The influential family of nobles had secret ties to the burgeoning Rebel Alliance. While intercepting transmissions from Rebel spies, the Organa consular ship Tantive IV, was suddenly attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer laying in wait. The transmission carried information vital to the Rebellion -- the complete technical read-outs of the Empire's latest weapon of mass-destruction, the Death Star battle station. Unable to deliver the plans to Viceroy Bail Organa, Leia Organa instead hid them in Artoo's memory systems. She also tasked Artoo to continue her other mission, that of contacting the long-lost Jedi Knight and Republic General, Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Artoo commandeered an escape pod, and rocketed away from the captured consular ship, all the while dragging along his bewildered counterpart, Threepio. The pod crashlanded on Tatooine. There, the droids were taken captive by Jawa traders, and sold to moisture farmer Owen Lars and his nephew Luke Skywalker. Determined to complete his mission, Artoo ran away in the middle of the night, leaving Threepio and Luke to search for him the next morning.


Threepio and Luke eventually found Artoo, as well as Obi-Wan Kenobi. This started an incredible chain of events that culminated in the Battle of Yavin. Artoo and Threepio were crucial in assisting Luke spearhead a rescue mission to free Princess Leia from the heart of the gargantuan Death Star. Both droids navigated the complex Imperial computer system to provide the rescuers with timely assistance and status updates.


Once Artoo returned to the Rebel base with the newly liberated Princess Leia, Alliance technicians downloaded the Death Star schematics. From these, they were able to pinpoint a flaw in the station's design that could be exploited for explosive results. A small thermal exhaust port allowed access to the Death Star's sensitive reactor core. If hit with a precise proton torpedo volley, the entire station could be destroyed. The Alliance launched all available starfighters in an attack on the station. Luke Skywalker piloted an X-wing fighter and R2-D2 served as his on-board astromech, much like he did for Luke's father a generation earlier. Although Artoo sustained some damage in the attack, Luke successfully destroyed the station. Artoo was refurbished in time for the celebration of the Rebel victory.


Threepio and Artoo continued to be mainstays with the core group of Rebel heroes. Despite their constant disputes -- like the time Artoo took Threepio's complaining of Hoth's subzero temperature as an invitation to turn the heat up in Princess Leia's quarters, thus flooding her compartment with melted ice -- the two remained friends.


During the evacuation from Hoth, Threepio and Artoo were separated. Artoo flew with Luke to the mysterious planet of Dagobah, where Luke would receive training from the enigmatic Jedi Master, Yoda. Artoo was witness to Luke's growing skill and power, as the young Tatooine farmboy continued on his path to Jedi Knighthood.


When Luke's friends fell into an Imperial trap on Bespin's Cloud City, Artoo accompanied the young Jedi to the floating metropolis. There, he became separated from Luke, but he did find C-3PO, Princess Leia, and Chewbacca. The Rebel heroes were worse for wear, especially Threepio, who had been blasted apart by an Imperial stormtrooper. While escaping Bespin, Artoo helped reassemble his friend.


During a daring mission to rescue a captive Han Solo from the loathsome gangster Jabba the Hutt, Threepio and Artoo were sent into the Hutt's palace on Tatooine. There, they became the gristly crime lord's property. Artoo served as a waiter, distributing drinks aboard Jabba's sail barge. Little did any of the criminal dregs suspect that Artoo carried in him Luke Skywalker's lightsaber, which he launched to the unarmed Jedi. Supplied with his weapon, Luke subdued Jabba's minions and freed his captive friends.


Shortly thereafter, Artoo accompanied the Rebel strike force that was sent to knock out the Imperial shield generator on Endor. The generator protected the half-completed second Death Star high in orbit. Artoo attempted to bypass the high security lock sealing the Imperial generator complex, but was shot by a stormtrooper before he could complete the task. Fortunately, the Rebels were able to make their way into the complex, and destroyed the generator. Artoo-Detoo was repaired in time to witness the destruction of the second Death Star.

Mechanical Block


Characteristics: ST 7 DX 7 BY 10 IN 13 EG 8 PR 8 CM 10 PD 3 ED 3 SP 2


Powers: Full Automaton; Absolute Time Sense, Eidicit Memory, Lightning Calculator, Full Life Support (Except: 1 Hour Recharge Time / Day); Damage Resistance 5/5, Infrared Vision, High Range Radio Listen-Transmit, Astronavigation Routines (Navigation 14-), Starfighter Maintenance and Repair Routines (Mechanics 12-, Electronics 12-); Autopilot Routines (TF: X-Wing; Combat Pilot 11-); Computer Interface Routines (Computer Programming 12-; Systems Operation 12-); Decryption Routines (Cryptography 13-); Encrypted Mainframe (Cryptography 17-); Assorted Retractable Tools and Equipment (15 Point Variable Power Pool; Assorted Onboard Systems, Can Only Be Changed With Refit In Droid Shop); +2 SPD - Piloting Via Interface and Computing Only; Intepid (+8 Presence, Defense Only).


Disadvantages: Social: Considered Property; Physical: Does Not Heal (Must Be Repaired); Physical: Cannot Climb; Limited Fine Manipulation - Only Has Retractable Grasping Arm (Frequently, Major), Physical: Common Droid Programming (Common, Total); Physical: Hidden Commands; Distinctive Feature: Droid; Psychological: Talkative and Chutzpadic; Hunted: The Empire 8- (More)

Equipment: None.




Design Notes: In the films R2-D2 is seen using a variety of nifty onboard devices including a hologram projector, a retractable circular saw, a retractable arc welder, a retractable data-link, a retractable sensor sweep device, and an internal light-saber ejection system. I chose to model this with a VPP since he could pheasibly be modified in a workshop, and because he likely has other tricks up his can. Additionally, R2-D2 is not a normal astromech droid: he is stubborn and frequently seems to be following a hidden agenda, is seen to decrypt encoded systems on more than one occassion, and has his own routines are encrypted. This may be due to the fact that he was owned by the Royal House of Alderaan. Lastly like Threepio, Artoo regularly rolls along through hails of blaster bolts without ever being hit, but skill levels with DCV don't seem appropriate. As with Threepio, I didn't attempt to model this strange statistical anomoly based on the "stormtroopers use the blaze away maneuver when protagonists are on the screen" assumption, but the droids might need some mechanical prophylactic against blater bolts nontheless.


Note: The text for Artoo's background is a chopped down version of his official starwars.com databank entry and is done so in good faith, with a cite, and within the limits of fair use.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Before getting to the Force, and presumably lightsaber combat, we need a Lightsaber:




"This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age." —Obi-Wan Kenobi


A blade of pure energy emitted from a hilt, the lightsaber was crafted by the wielder to their own specifications. Because of the unique balance of the saber, with all its weight in the hilt, and the nature of its blade, it was very difficult for the untrained to wield safely. In the hands of an expert in tune with the Force, such as the Jedi or Sith, the lightsaber was a weapon to be greatly respected, even feared. To wield a lightsaber was to demonstrate incredible skill and confidence, as well as masterful dexterity and attunement to the Force.


"I see you have constructed your very own lightsaber." --Darth Vader


Through the millennia of their use, the lightsaber became synonymous with the Jedi and their values to uphold peace and justice throughout the galaxy. This perception endured despite the many early conflicts with Sith and dark Jedi who also wielded what the general populace often called laser swords. The ritual of constructing one's own lightsaber was an integral part of Jedi training, and involved not just technological skill, but also a close attunement to the Force. Whether by the fledgling disciple or the experienced master, construction of the lightsaber began with the acquisition of the necessary components with which to build the weapon.


A lightsaber could be any color presuming an adequate crystal could be found or synthisized. In general, most Jedi sabers were white, blue, green, or amethyst - while the Sith seem to have almost invariably chosen red. Presumably the Jedi shyed away from this color because of the association. All lightsabers contain some common basic components:


* A handgrip;

* An activation stud plate;

* A safety switch;

* An emitter matrix;

* A lens assembly;

* A power cell;

* A power conduit;

* A recharge socket;

* One to three focusing crystals.


A lightsaber blade neither radiated heat nor expended energy until it came into contact with something. The power of the energy blade was so great that it could cut through almost anything, though the speed through which it cut was dependent greatly on the density of the subject. Cleaving flesh, for instance, was a smooth and unobstructed action, while rending a hole in a blast door could take many long seconds. One important note about lightsaber wounds is that they rarely bled profusely, even when a limb had been severed. The energy blade cauterized the wound as it passed, and thus even a severe wound did not tend to bleed heavily.


Mechanical Block


Lightsaber: 2d6+1 ERKA, Attack Versus Limited Defense, Does Body, 0 End, No Range, OAF Lightsaber + Repuation: "Weapon of the Jedi" (large group, 14-) +1/+1d6 + 2 Negative Levels OCV (Only If User Doesn't Have WF: Lightsaber).



I want one.


Design Notes: The limited defenses specified for the lightsaber's AVLD are deflector shields (rare in the Star Wars Universe - blast doors seem more prevalent), magnetized blast doors and Mandalorian Iron, and the defensive application of the Alter Damage power.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Only thing that leaped out at me was that Han should probably have at least a familiarity with Fast Draw. Other wise the +1 his fast draw rig gives him doesn't serve any purpose ;)


So you're saying his equipment should include a fastdraw rig? :whistle:


Actually, I just assumed he'd use the hurry maneuver if he really needed to go first - like when he took a shot at Darth Vader in the Cloud City. Fast Draw does make sense, though. I'll do a quick edit.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Note: I'm writing up the individual force powers in a coming post, but am posting the system here as I can proceed with most characters without having that piece done. And, credit where credit is due: I've adapted elements from Nevenall's Jedi Academy Campaign, Killer Shrike's Magecraft Magic System, and NuSord Graphite's write up of the seven forms of lightsaber combat from Star Wars Insider - with some twists, of course.


The Force


There are enough debates about the nature of the Force, and the tenets of the Jedi Code (which was never spelled out in the films) that I will leave it to the Masters:


"The Force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together." --Obi Wan Kenobi.


"The Force surrounds us… and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." --Yoda


"Beware of anger, fear, aggression. The Dark Side are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." -- Yoda


"You do not know the power of the Dark Side." -- Darth Vader.


1. "The Force" (Force Sensitivity)


A character who wants to be a Force user must purchase "The Force," which is a dice pool that serves as a drama mechanic representing the Force being "with" someone: in gaming terms - force sensitivity. The Force must be purchased when the character is first created. Characters who wish to have a drama mechanic to influence play, but do not wish to be force sensitives, may purchase their own dice pool and define it accordingly (i.e., they might choose to define it as "better lucky than good"). Each die in the Force Pool costs 5 points.


At the beginning of each dramatic scene or adventure, as deemed appropriate by the gamemaster, the player rolls their characters Force Pool and divides the sum of the dice by six (rounding off). The total represents the number of "Force Points" the player may use during the dramatic scene or adventure in question. Spending a Force Point allows the character to attain one level of effect on the luck chart (as outlined in 5ER). The character may spend more than one point at a time in order to achieve more potent results. In general, The Force should not exceed 4d6 without permission from the Gamemaster.

2. "Force Mastery" (Force Skills)


Basics: To use the Force actively a character must, in addition to the abovementioned force pool, purchase the Force skill and related Force Familiarities, referred to as "Force Powers." The Force skill represents how much raw power the character can draw on (in terms of active points), and how skilled they are at doing so, while Force Powers represent specific force techniques the character has mastered. The Force skill is purchased as General Skills costing 3 points for an 11- roll and 2 points for each +1 to the roll thereafter. Force Powers cost 1 points each, and are dealt with in the Section 3: Force Powers. A character may draw on their Force Skill * 4 in active points, but suffer -1 to their skill roll for every 8 active points in use at a given time (rounded in the character's favor). A character may not call more than their highest Force Skill * 4 in real points in powers at any given time - nor may they run powers that are not thematically and actively related concurrently.


Skills Rolls Vs. PSLs: A character's skill roll represents the amount of power they can call on for powers within a particuliar category of force powers, and how easily it is for them to do so. Because a character's skill roll represents how powerful they are in the Force, a character who wants to avoid heavy penalties when calling on the force should purchase penatly skill levels for "Force Penalties" rather than simply buying their skill roll - and with it their power level - up. True, a character with a high skill roll will find trivial powers to be a snap, but a padawan shouldn't generally have a skill roll of 30- and access to 120 point powers just because the player wants handle padawan powers without penalties.

Free PSLs: A character who wants to eliminate some of the penalties incurred by the use of their power may opt to concentrate. Concentrating at 1/2 DCV gives +1 PSL, at 0 DCV +2 PSL, and at 0 DCV without being aware of their surroundings (Yoda style) +3 PSL. Alternatively, a character may use concentration to add +1 to their skill roll in order to gain access to more active points without pushing. Also, a character may apply Overall levels, or 8 point skill levels (where appropriate) to their skill roll to increase their skill roll (however - this does not add to the total active points the character can draw on).

Pushing: Characters who need more power than their Force Skills would otherwise indicate and do not want to concentrate, or need more power than even concentrating would provide, have two options: 1) they may pay five points of Long-Term Endurance for each +1 to their Force Skill (they still take skill roll penalties for each additional 8 active points), or 2) they may turn to negative emotions and motives and call on the dark side (see "Section 5: Call of the Dark Side). A Dark Jedi, however, may not call on the Dark Side in this way. He is already consumed by the Dark Side and suffers no ill effects for using the force to his own selfish and discordian ends, which is power enough.


3. "Force Powers"


Force powers don't really exist - they're just a mechanic for representing a Force users ability to manipulate the Force according to how it is portrayed in the movies. As a result, the Force Powers in this system are intended to be fairly fluid. Each Force Power is presented as a base power with various levels that can be purchased, and with options for modifying them on the fly, but the write up shouldn't be considered the final word. Insofar as the GM approves of particuliar use of the Force, and that use is dramatically and thematically appropriate, then... more powers to you. Whether or not the GM applies penalties to such quick thinking is up to them. The only real limitation is that Concentration cannot be applied to powers because it is used as an alternative mechanic above.


[section 3 Incomplete]

4. "Lightsaber Combat"


In addition to the lightsaber related force powers, a Jedi should generally purchase the relevant lightsaber combat skills. In Episodes IV-VI lightsaber combat followed the general style of Fencing a with a mix of basic hand-to-hand combat moves, whereas in Episodes I-III the styles seen were more reminicent of Asian martial arts styles. In Star Wars Insider seven forms of lightsaber combat were outlined for the Star Wars Saga. However, since my canonical baseline is Episodes IV-VI, I will be sticking with what was seen therein, and will presenting a broad set of maneuvers, skills, and options with edited notes of the "forms" that fit the style of the original films (Forms I-III and V).

Maneuvers: Basic Strike (Cut); Counterstrike (Riposte); Defensive Block (Deflect); Defensive Strike (Slice); Fast Strike (Lightning Attack); Offensive Strike (All Out); Martial Block (Parry); Martial Disarm (Disarm); Martial Dodge (Evade); Martial Escape (Disengage); Sacrifice Disarm (Aggressive Disarm); Sacrifice Lunge (Lunge); Sacrifice Strike (Reverse Slash); Weapon Bind (Blade Lock)


Skills: Combat Skill Levels; Penalty Skill Levels (Missile Deflection, Sweep); Defense Maneuver; Rapid Attack; Acrobatics; Analyze Style; Breakfall; Fast Draw; Sleight of Hand; Tactics; WE: Lightsaber (Default), WE: Barehanded; WF: Lightsaber; WF: Off Hand; WF: Thrown Lightsaber (Req. Telekinesis).

Talents: Ambidexterity


Powers: Battlemind, Alter Damage, Lightsaber Defense, Blaster Defense, Aggressive Negotiations.


Alternative: Lightsaber Combat could also be modelled with a load of combat levels and fewer, if any, martial maneuvers. This would be doubly workable if the Lightsaber Damage (above) was increased to 3d6+1.


Form I is the most basic form of lightsaber arts. It was taught to all Jedi initiates when they first come to the Jedi temple on Coruscant and was designed not only to teach them basic lightsaber skills (WF: Lightsaber), but to refine their attunement to the currents of the Force (Sense Force I). This is a cautious style geared towards defense rather than offense (Skill Levels usually alooted to DCV). Jedi studying this form are taught to fight defensively in a circular arc (Defense Maneuver II), and to sense opponents with the Force (battlemind), and to deflect blaster bolts (Blaster Defense I). All students were taught Form I, which served as the basis for further lightsaber training. Yoda is seen training apprentices (I shudder at the word padawan) in this art in Episode I, and presumably Obi-Wan had just begun to teach Luke this form on the Falcom in Episode IV.


Form II is the dueling form. It is an ancient form that was seldom practiced among the Jedi during the Old Republic Era because it is designed mostly for use against other lightsaber wielders, which the Jedi have rarely faced in the past millenia (skill levels shifted back and forth in hopes of gaining an advantage, and then to damage classes for the kill). Form II is one of the forms of choice for Sith who plan to face Jedi in duels for this purpose. Form II is a very precise, flowing form which looks similar to western fencing. It emphasizes parries, counterattacks and disarms. The Bind maneuver is a favorite tactic of Sith so that they can take the time to subvert the Jedi's confidence with dark words, and it is behoove any Jedi who expects to face them to know how to disengage. This is the Form Count Dooku used in Episode II, and is presumably seen during the duel between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader on the Death Star in Episode IV.


Form III was designed in response to the rise of the blaster as the main weapon of choice in the galaxy. It is a highly defensive form (Defensive Strike, Defensive block, Counterstrike, Defense Maneuver IV). It is said that masters of Form III are invincible (DCV Levels, PSLs for Missile Defelection). Practitioners of Form III expand greatly on the ability to deflect blaster bolts taught through Form I to the point that deflection becomes an instinctual reation (Blaster Defense IV).


Form V was developed alongside Form IV during an era when Jedi were asked to take a more active role in maintaining peace throughout the galaxy. It addressed a need for greater power amongst the Jedi. Masters who felt that form III was too passive developed this form. Their philosophy was that while a Form III master might be unbeatable, neither could he necessarily beat his opponent. As a result this form focuses on strong and powerful lightsabre attack moves (Fast Attack, Sacrifice Strike, Sacrifice Disarm, Sacrifice Lunge, Levels In OCV). A Form V master will observe his enemy for a short time (Analyze Style), then will take advantage of any weaknesses in his opponents style. Form V masters also exploit the ability of the lightsaber to deflect blaster bolts, turning this highly defensive capability into an offensive attack (Aggressive Negotiations). This form was used by Darth Vader against Luke in Bespin.


Note: Many Jedi develop the ability to use Missile Reflection with their Lightsabers even though they do not study Form V. This is merely indicative of a higher level of force sensitivity and skill with their weapon. However, most Jedi will not use this ability unless they absolutely have to (or against Droids and non-living opponents). Form V masters, however, specifically develop this ability to its fullest and they are generally the only Jedi who develop skill levels with this ability.


5. The Call of the Dark Side


A character who turns to fear, hatred, and agression to fuel his powers; or uses the force for selfish or destructive reasons; may find the dark side reaching out to aid him - and to swallow him up. If the character turns to the Dark Side for power, he gains +3 to his Force Power Skill (without taking any penalties for additional the additional active points this provides), an additional Force Point he can spend (see Section 1), or may use the Death Blow talent with his lightsaber. If the character did not call on the dark side for expressley selfish or destructive purposes (the character may well believe he is doing the right thing), or uses the Force for selfish or destructive ends even without calling on the Dark Side, he suffers the following side effect:


Call of the Darkside: 1d6+1 Major Transformation (To Fallen Jedi), Standard Effect (2 Points of Ego), Based on Ego Combat Value, Cummulative, 0 End.


Design Notes: When the Jedi's ego is overcome by the Transform he is consumed by the Dark Side of the force and his positive psychological limitations should be altered to fit the fact that he has become a fallen or Dark Jedi. Additionally, the Dark Side is addictive. Once a character has called on the Dark Side he will have opened the door for it to seduce him with the power it offers. In moments of stress, especially when the character's psychological limitations are being tested, the character should be required to make an Ego roll to avoid calling on the Dark Side. The GM may apply bonuses or penalties for other psychologial limitations that are in play, or may choose to require that the roll be made at 9 + (Ego - Transform Total) / 5. However, a character may opt to spend 2 Force Points (if they have that many) to negate the call if they fail their roll.


A character who calls upon the Dark Side for expressely selfish or destructive purposes then the Call of the Darkside is increased to 4d6 (6 Points of Ego!). However, a character who uses the Force to murder - note the specific connotations of the word - rather to take life in self-defense or the heat of honest battle, automatically answers the Call of the Darkside and becomes a Fallen/Dark Jedi.


Note: Whether or not a Jedi is subject to The Call of the Force for selfish and destructive actions that he does not use the Force for is up to the GM. It seems dramatically appropriate - especially if the act is rooted in negative emotions and crosses the line to evil - but that is a matter of taste.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Leia Organa


Leia Organa had accomplished much at a young age: a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a former member of the Imperial Senate, and a member of the Royal Family of Alderaan. Yet despite her stature, for many years, Leia herself was not privy to much of her true heritage.


It was common knowledge throughout the court that Leia was adopted into the Royal Family. What wasn't common knowledge was that Leia was born to Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi pupil who succumbed to the dark side and became Darth Vader. She was one of a set of twins, born in secrecy and protected from Vader and the Emperor. The Jedi hero and general, Obi-Wan Kenobi, saw to it that Leia was secretly transported to the planet Alderaan, where she was to be raised by Kenobi's friend Bail Organa. The boy, Luke, was taken to the distant world of Tatooine. Leia has few memories of her true mother, Padmé Amidala. All that Leia can recall is that she was beautiful, but sad.


Leia followed in her adoptive father's footsteps, and entered politics. She became the youngest senator ever in the Imperial Senate, representing Alderaan. As a senator, Princess Leia ran a number of "diplomatic aid missions" that were fronts for Rebel resupply missions. She used her diplomatic immunity and her consular ship to gain access to restricted areas.


One such mission saw Leia's ship intercepting vital Imperial plans stolen by Rebel spies. These plans, the complete technical readouts of the Death Star battle station, could be exploited by the Alliance to secure a sizable victory over the Empire. Armed with the Death Star plans, Leia was given a mission by her father to find one of the Republic's greatest heroes and recruit him into the Alliance. En route to the planet Tatooine to find General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia's ship was attacked by Imperial forces, and she was taken prisoner by Lord Darth Vader. She barely had time to hide the stolen plans into the memory systems of an R2 unit, and ordered it to find Obi-Wan on Tatooine.


As a prisoner of Vader, Leia underwent terrible torture aboard the Death Star. In addition to the mind probes, the Imperials forced her to witness the destruction of her home planet of Alderaan. Despite this, she refused to reveal the location of the hidden Rebel base, or the whereabouts of the stolen plans. Shortly thereafter, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo rescued her from the battle station and carried her and the stolen plans to the Rebel base on Yavin's fourth moon. Due to Leia's efforts, and the help of her companions, the Death Star was eventually destroyed.


Three years later, the Alliance had set up a new base on the frozen world of Hoth. Princess Leia was one of the commanding members of Echo Base. When the Imperials attacked Hoth, Leia took the initiative, and acted in a number of command roles, ordering the evacuation of the base. Leia's access to her own escape transport was cut off, but she managed to escape in Han Solo's Millennium Falcon.


Evading Imperial pursuit, the Falcon landed in an asteroid field so that its crew could repair the vessel. It was during these quiet moments that Princess Leia Organa fell in love with Han Solo. The two voiced their love on Cloud City of Bespin, where the Imperial forces tracked them. Darth Vader captured Han Solo, and Leia was forced to watch as the Dark Lord froze him in carbonite, and then handed him over to the bounty hunter, Boba Fett. Leia escaped Cloud City with the aid of its administrator, Lando Calrissian.


The Rebels eventually tracked down Boba Fett as the bounty hunter delivered Han's carbon-frozen form to Jabba the Hutt. Leia participated in Luke's plan to free the captured Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster. She posed as Boushh, an Ubese bounty hunter and infiltrated the palace, freeing Solo from his carbonite imprisonment. Her identity was revealed, and for a time, she had to endure the humiliation of being made one of Jabba's slaves. She repaid the gangster, however, by strangling the Hutt with the very chain that bound her.


Leia rejoined Alliance High Command in time to accompany General Han Solo's strike team on the moon of Endor. Their mission was to destroy the shield generator protecting the second Death Star. While on Endor, Leia became separated from the strike team, and befriended an Ewok tribe. Her diplomatic skills aided in convincing the Ewoks to help the Rebel force. It was shortly thereafter that Luke revealed their true lineage to her. For a time, Luke and Leia kept their true relation and their parentage a secret from all but their most trusted friends.


During the ground battle at the Imperial complex, Leia sustained a slight blaster wound. After the victory at Endor, Leia continued to demonstrate some ability in the Force, being able to sense her brother's presence.


Leia is a driven, dedicated individual. She has a forceful, some would say abrasive, personality. She is professional in all respects, but occasionally relaxes her guard to let her strong compassion and quirky sense of humor show. Leia is a petite, fair-skinned human female with brown eyes, and long brown hair that she often wears in an elaborate fashion.


Mechanical Block

Characteristics: ST 10 DX 15 CN 12 BY 11 IN 15 EG 18 PR 20 CM 20 PD 3 ED 3 SP 4 RC 4 EN 24 ST 22


Powers: The Force Is Strong In This One: 5d6; Force Skill 11-; +5 PSL: Force Skill Pens; Force Powers: Sense IV, Farseeing I.


Perks: Reputation "Darling of the Rebellion" +3/+3d6; Status: Old Galactic Nobility; Rank: Key Rebel Mover And Shaker; Numerous Diplomatic and Noble Connections 8- (Organization).


Skills: +3 Levels Blaster; +2 Levels DCV; +2 Levels High Society, Oratory, Persuasion; AK: Corsucant 8-; CuK: Galactic Upper Crust 8-; Climbing 8-; Combat Driving 12-; Combat Piloting 8-; Computer Programming 8-; Concealment 8-; Conversation 13-; Deduction (Quick Thinking) 12-; High Society 13-; KS: Rebel Alliance 11-; KS: The Empire 11-; KS: Galactic Politics 11-; LS: Basic (Idiomatic); Oratory 13-; PS: Imperial Senator 11-; PS: Diplomat 11-; PS: Rebel Agent 11-; Paramedics 8-; Persuasion 13-; Seduction 13-; Shadowing 8-; Stealth 8-; Systems Operation 8-; TF: Ground Craft, Hover Craft, Spacecraft; WF: Small Arms, Vehicle Weapons.


Equipment: Light Blaster.


Disadvantages: Hunted: The Empire 14- (More); Psychological: Idealist (Common, Strong); Psychological: Compassionate (Common, Strong); Psychological: Doesn't Suffer Fools or Foolishness Easily - Can Be Abrasive (Common, Moderate); Distinctive Feature: Noble Bearing and Demeanor; Rivalry: Han Solo (Rival Aware, Professional and Romantic)


Equipment: Robes, Light Blaster Pistol.




Design Notes: Princess Leia's core competency (her theoretical role) is rooted in her diplomatic and social abilities (Presence), but she has several other abilities. Firstly, she is Vaders daughter and Luke's sister, and shares their legacy in the Force. Indeed, while Luke seems oblivious to the Force until Obi-Wan starts training him, while Leia seems to have an innate ability to sense things without training, which is demonstrated at the end of Episode V when Luke calls out to her from the weather vane under Bespin, and in Episode VI when she simply seems to intuitively know certain things with absolute certainty at various points in the film. It is possible, therefore, that she is more connected to the Force on an implicit level than Luke. To represent this demonstrated sensitivity I gave her a high Force Pool, a Force Skill at 11- with the relevant Force Powers, and PSLs. Its really just a plot device - she's not trained in the use of the Force.


Next up, Leia has a high blaster skill. This is because, if you watch carefully, the "damsel in distress" is the only one who never misses what she's shooting at. Both this, and her DCV levels, could be handled via Force Points (Han and Chewie have comprable (or higher) OCVs), but it seemed reasonable to have it on the sheet. Her pilot related skills are there because she is seen to co-pilot the Falcon in Episode V, but aren't very high because its not her schtick. Also, Leia has an very high Ego score. This serves a double purpose: 1) it fits with her natural force sensitivity, and 2) she was able to withstand drugs, mind probes, and extreme (an understatement) psychological pressure. Lastly, Leia has a 20 COM. Carrie Fisher frequently made wry comments about how she was miscast because the scripts for Episodes IV-VI repeatedly mentioned how beautiful Leia was supposed to be. I'll leave you to be the judge of that.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


So, what's up with her remembering her mother when in that "Episdoe III" the woman died right there on the table?


She did, right?


Well, George hasn't remastered it out like Luke's 70's hairdo yet...


One fan interpretation, which was mentioned in a recent expanded universe novel, is that the memory is actually a strong force impression.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


I always took as her remembering Bail Organa's wife


That's also a prevalent fan theory. It turns out, however, that the official Star Wars site run by Lucas Films quotes the "remembers Padme via the Force" theory in the answer on its FAQ. Like Palpatine, George is crafty - he lets the fans explain away his inter-film continuity mistakes...

In the original films it wasn't a problem because we never knew anything about their mother other than what leia told us, and Obi-Wan's vague reference to Darth Vader having killed their parents to Luke. It was the prequels that introduced the problem.

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Not a big SW fan and not an expert on the minutia by any means, but the basics look good to me.


WilyQ is the Star Wars geek in our group, and once long ago when I ran a cross time cross continuity any thing from popular fiction goes campaign he played a Jedi Knight named Vexyr on the run from the nascent Empire before getting sucked into one of the space time anamoly's that formed the basis of the campaign.


This was pre HD (I think we were using HERO Creator by then, but it may have been in the HERO Maker days), so I dont have the character handy, but as I recall we modeled the Force with a pretty straight-forward Multipower, and his light saber was a No Range RKA AVLD does BODY built as what would now be called an Offensive Use Damage Sheild.


Vexyr was a very cool character and worked very well, feeling very true to the source material.


Using the Skill based mechanic for Force Powers is an interesting approach as well.


Keep sharing the goods!

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Okay, I have everything in this thread - with some edits - up on my site.


I edited the design notes, redid lightsaber combat (truncated it), altered the damage done by the lightsaber, and added an accidental change to the droids so that they would become non-functional if hit with large electrical charges (like the Jawa guns).


Its mostly just a shell for the data to go into, but the characters, force, and armory pages all have something on them - and they have better formatting, quotes, and pics (chrome). There are some dead links because I have to get data up for some things.


More to come...

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


Okay, I've added a build for an X-Wing to my site.






The Incom T-65 X-wing starfighter has become a symbol of the Rebellion's starfighter corps. Pressed into service time and again, the typical Alliance X-wing shows the scars from previous engagements, though the fact that it still performs as an advanced vessel of space superiority is indication of the ruggedness of the craft.


The sleek fuselage of the X-wing starfighter is 12.5 meters long. The long, narrow spaceframe is flanked in the aft quarter by four massive realspace engines. Each engine has an aerodynamic S-foil mounted on it. The wings not only serve as stabilizer surfaces in air travel, but also distribute deflector shield energy and serve as weapons mounts. The surface of each S-foil bears squadron and fighter markings.


Located midway through the ship is the X-wing's cockpit module. Behind the X-wing's cockpit is an astromech socket. The astromech droid provides astrogation data for the fighter's hyperdrives, and serves as a co-pilot and technician during flight. Three landing gears extend when the fighter is docked.


Mechanical Block


Characteristics: ST: 50; BY: 18; DX: 25 18; SP: 4; DF: 15; SZ: 6.4x3.2



Powers: Maneuvering Drive: Flight 65" X8 Non-Combat, 0 End, Persistant; Sublight Drive: Flight 5" (Megascale 1" = 100,000 KM, Extra-Time (1 Turn), Maximum SPD 1); Hyperdrive: Faster Than Light Travel 57 LY/Hour (Extra Time: 20 Minutes to Calculate New Course); Deflector Shields: Force Field 10 ED, Hardened; Particle Shields: Force Field 6 PD, Hardened, Ablative 14-; Environmental Systems: Life Support: Breathing Self-Contained, Radiation, Cold, Heat, Vaccuum, High Pressure; Excrete, Eat (1 Week); Easy to Fly: +1 Combat Pilot Skill Rolls; Laser Canons: 9d6 ERKA, 0 End, X4 Canons, +2 OCV, Forward Firing Arc; Proton Torpedoes: 14d6 RKA, X2 Charges; Sensor Suite: 40 Point Variable Power Pool, Tech Based Sense Powers Only, Adjusted At Base Only, Requires Skill Roll To Change; Sublight Comm System: High Range Radio Hearing plus Cryptography 17- (Only To Encrypt For Secure Channels); Navcomp: Navigation: Air and Space 11- (In-System Only).




This build of the X-Wing assumes that ranges for dogfights and space-combat have been abstracted and are not being worked out on a literal distance scale. As a result, not PSLs versus Range Modifiers have been purchased. Optionally, the sensor suite could handle this doing double duty as a targeting and range finder system. The X-Wing's Sublight Drives allow it to traverse 1 AU in approxiamately 30 minutes; while its Hyperdrive allows it to make a Galactic Trip in about 10 Weeks (which far outstrips its consumable supplies for the pilot).

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Re: Star Wars: Canonical Character Write Ups


These aren't characters, but rather some equipment I've toyed with. Hope they help:

10.....BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol: Multipower, 45-point reserve, (45 Active Points); all slots Independent (-2), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)

1u.....Blaster Mode: Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 (45 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) [4 END]

1u.....Stun Mode: Energy Blast 8d6 (40 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) [4 END]


13.....Ion Charge: Dispel Electrical Devices 10d6, Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3/4), Nonselective Target (-1/4), all electronic powers simultaneously (+2) (105 Active Points); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), Independent (-2), OAF (-1) [1 nr charge]


14.....Sorosub One Stormtrooper Rifle: Multipower, 60-point reserve, (60 Active Points); all slots Independent (-2), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)

1u.....Blaster Mode: Killing Attack - Ranged 4d6 (60 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4)[6 END]

1u.....Stun Mode: Energy Blast 10d6 (50 Active Points); Independent (-2), OAF (-1), Real Weapon (-1/4) [5 END]


19.....Thermal Detonator: Killing Attack - Ranged 5d6, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; +1/4), Explosion (-1 DC/3"; +1), Nonselective Target (-1/4) (150 Active Points); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), Independent (-2), OAF (-1)[1 nr charge]


4....C-Cell Energy Cartridge: Endurance Reserve (100 END, 0 REC) Reserve: (10 Active Points); Independent (-2), IAF (-1/2); REC: (0 Active Points)

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