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TK ninja idea, help needed.


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So I have been kicking around an idea for this character for many year.

I was thinking of going Gravity based powers but later changed it to telekinesis.



The running fast, impossible long jumps(leaping), break falls, disappearing and reappearing(invis/teeport), running along the ceiling or up walls(clinging) are all easy for me to do with the hero rules. With the Help Spidey and others gave me on Wraith I am getting a solid feel for the rules and what can be done.


This however stumped me, I want his to duel wield swords, with his mind. They would occupy the same hex he is in but his hands would be free for other things; punching, holds, blinding powder.


Would this be better simulated by upping speed for a multitude of attacks

Or would this simply be a HKA with the SFX of floating next to him,(or both) or would there be a different mechanic involved for this.


As always any ideas, discussion and thought are welcome. I love input so if there something you might have thought that I forgot that should be in any ninja bag of tricks let me know!


Character would be build with 250 + 150 of disads. =D



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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


you could give the hthka continous so it would take an action to activate the power but then you use your other actions for whatever

Point Cost Description End cost

34Weapons of the Mind: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points); OAF (Focus (requires 2 real weapons: ie Katana, Bo staff, ect.); -1), Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced effectiveness (+1/4)6

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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


you could give the hthka continous so it would take an action to activate the power but then you use your other actions for whatever


Point Cost Description End cost

34Weapons of the Mind: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6 (2d6+1 w/STR), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points); OAF (Focus (requires 2 real weapons: ie Katana, Bo staff, ect.); -1), Requires Multiple Foci or functions at reduced effectiveness (+1/4)6


Continuous doesn't work that way. It means that you make a single attack and it keeps working against that enemy without any more attack rolls.


What I'd suggest is to build it as a summon. Build the swords as an automaton with a limitation on their movement so they can only move with you, and give the power 1 Recoverable Continuous Charge. Then you take an action to summon the swords and they attack on their own.


Or, you could just build it as an RKA with No Range and Physical Manifestation. Then they float around and cut up your enemies without being somewhat restrainable, like a focus is.

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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


Uh, just a thought. As the stated effect calls for the sword to be ocupying the same hex anyway...


Extra Limbs, Fully Invisible (SFX Only; +1/2). 7 pts.

Two-Weapon Fighting. 10 pts.

Hell, throw in Full Ambidexterity, just to be sure. (The character's a Ninja, right?). 9 pts.


And as for things from the Ninja Bag-o-Tricks? Regeneration, say 1 BODY/hour, with resurrection (Not If Killed By Another Ninja). 13 points.

Only Ninja Can Kill Ninja. Determiner of who is a real ninja? Do they have this power? Yes? Then they're true Ninja. ^_^

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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


And as for things from the Ninja Bag-o-Tricks? Regeneration, say 1 BODY/hour, with resurrection (Not If Killed By Another Ninja). 13 points.

Only Ninja Can Kill Ninja. Determiner of who is a real ninja? Do they have this power? Yes? Then they're true Ninja. ^_^


Thats 100% pure awesome!


So multi limbs, summoned automatons, ranged RKA with no range are my options so far, correct?


Seems like the summon would fit the best so far. I guess.

That would leave open the option to get some range for later so they could be "throw" as well.



Thanks for the help so far, but I need more ninja trick Ideas!

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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


One way I'd do the floating swords would be as an Offensive Damage Shield with some limitations like must make a to hit roll etc. They'd attack whoever tried to hit him in HTH and would attack whoever he was attacking.


I'd then do the being able to use them at range as a second slot in a multipower - an RKA.


Hows that?

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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


I prefer Weldun's approach, myself - perhaps coincidentally, the one I was going to suggest. ;)


There's an added benefit to it too - he's got more than *just* swords he can do with it.


Need to fight while you hold the door open? No problem! Grabbed your opponent, need to Atemi Strike the guy next to you? You're good for it. Heck, he could even (dis)arm a bomb while fighting, as long as he stayed close enough - it would end up representing the sort of short-range, high-control TK that he really ought to have.

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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


I prefer Weldun's approach, myself - perhaps coincidentally, the one I was going to suggest. ;)


There's an added benefit to it too - he's got more than *just* swords he can do with it.


Need to fight while you hold the door open? No problem! Grabbed your opponent, need to Atemi Strike the guy next to you? You're good for it. Heck, he could even (dis)arm a bomb while fighting, as long as he stayed close enough - it would end up representing the sort of short-range, high-control TK that he really ought to have.


Me too, tre-cool...

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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


Arggh! I've been typing for half an hour, accidentally hit "back", and now I've got to do this all over again. I'm afraid I don't have the patience to be as detailed this time, but I'll try to cover all the bases...


Anyway, I'm with Weldun. Multiple limbs w. IPE, ambidex, and TWF gives a lot of flexibility for 26 points of so, beyond just using swords. The question is: do you want to be able to pick up anything or attack normally with your TK powers? If so, the multi-limb option is a good one, as is just plain old TK (if you want to be able to use your swords on the other side of the room). If you can only pick up the swords, OIF and "limited manipulation" seem appropriate.


If you wouldn't want the TK attacks to require much attention from your ninja, a couple OCV levels with Sweep and a couple DCV levels (only to counteract Sweep penalties) are solid investments. If he's that good at multitasking on a reflexive/instinctual level, things like damage shield and missile deflection make a lot of sense.


A plain old HKA is probably the cheapest option, but is way less flexible than TK or the extra limbs route. You're basically limited to hack-hack-hack, but is likely the best option if you're on a budget. The special effect is that your hands are free.


Adding SPD, with no limitations, is simple but doesn't fit the concept of extra attacks without extra moves to boot. Extra SPD (just for attacking) is a bit of a pain to deal with, IMHO. Kind of awkward to manipulate the SPD chart to fit the extra attacks unless you've got SPDs that dovetail together nicely, like 4 SPD (normally) + 4 SPD (only to attack), making a 4/8 SPD. Basically, phase 12 you could do whatever, phase 1 you do nothing, phase 2 you could only attack, repeat ad nauseum. A 4/7 SPD, on the other hand, is trickier. Not to mention this sort of limited SPD is much harder to line up attacks with - if you're close enough to attack before you limited SPD phases come up, your opponent could easily move before you get to use it. I've used a villain with a 4/8 SPD split in such a fashion, but being an immensly powerful brick who could whip stuff around kept the extra SPD useful. In other words, extra SPD (only to attack) = a bit of a pain, but possibly worth it if you've got unrestricted TK.


In short: multi-limbs equal flexibility with limited range. Fine manipulation TK equals flexibility at short and long range. HKA equals cheap! Saiyanslayer's method equals having an invisible friend watching your butt, doing what you want him to (so I think you could block with the swords, and attack with your hands). To me, Summon seems like a way of getting the powers for cheaper than you should, or an overly complicated way to do things (but I may be byassed due to my lack of experience with Summon).


OCV levels w. Sweep + limited DCV levels = extra sword attacks with no penalties to ninja's other actions.



Extra things for the ninja bag of tricks:


- stretching, coupled with tht multi-limb version, to get a little extra reach with the TK.


- telekinetically probing the environment and being able to recieve tactile stimulus through it, justifying a TK-based Spatial Awareness sense. Very handy for someone who plans on spending a lot of time in darkness! Maybe a little redundant with the goggles, but absolutely devastating when couple with regular TK (esp TK with IPE) - you could fight a guy using the swords in a different room, or fight while totally hidden!


- inches of Swinging or flight, representing being able to haul yourself around with the TK in various ways or being able to jump off of TK platforms in midair (or just lift yourself).


- TK-based force fields/walls, so you look like a defenseless guy in black pajamas with no overt armour when you want to.


- TK + martial maneuvers = ranged fun.


- TK-based flash attacks, to represent pulling guy's shirts over their heads, poking them in the eyes, throwing available crud in their faces, etc.


- TK-based entangles to represent grabbing nearby objects or available chunks of rope with the TK and wrapping your enemies up - even pulling their pants down so they can't run or some such thing!




TK is one of those effects that can justify nearly any power - it's just a question of "What do you want to be able to do?" and "How far do you want to go?"

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Re: TK ninja idea, help needed.


This however stumped me' date=' I want his to duel wield swords, with his mind. They would occupy the same hex he is in but his hands would be free for other things; punching, holds, blinding powder. [/quote']


I recommend Martial Arts Weapon Element:Telekinesis or Power:Telekinesis, Power Advantage: Area Effect Radius (2 Hex, +3/4) Selective (+1/4) , Power Limitation: No Range (-1/2).







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