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Armageddon 1946

Matt Frisbee

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This is a campaign I'm starting to develop -- hope you enjoy the fiction. :)


Armageddon 1946


Fear has been my unwelcome companion for nearly seven hours. I can feel sweat trickling down my sides under my blood-stained wool-lined bomber crew jacket as I gasp for breath. My body is shaking from exertion fueled by the raw, bile-tinged fear that has driven me through this ancient arboreal maze they call the Black Forest. Am I the lucky one to have survived the flak burst that sent my B-17 pin wheeling into the German countryside? Or does fate have a much more sinister end in store for me?

I whimper between breaths as my mind races through the possibilities. The most likely of these is capture by the Nazis, followed by days of torture and interrogation, then a horrific death in one of the dark rituals they use to sustain their beloved but completely insane Fuehrer. Nightmare tales of those rituals have leaked out of Poland – part the Nazis’ Final Solution in their continued genocide of European Jews – mass blood sacrifices of men, women and children to barely human creatures and rites to pagan gods of Germanic legend.

What used to be playful stories around the summer campfires of my youth are morbid realities now. The world got its first hint that something was wrong when the German dead rose to fight again in North Africa and literally had to be blown to pieces by terrified British troops. Island-hopping American forces got their own taste of the supernatural when Japanese soldiers were reinforced by supernatural spirits – Kami – that could not be stopped by any of their conventional weapons. For over a year, the Axis powers overwhelmed their enemies, coming to the brink of forcing their surrender.

But the Allies found ways to fight back. England’s Celtic Druids now hold the minions of Germany’s Teutonic magic at bay. America found new and powerful magical allies among its Indian nations, the Inuit and Hawaiians. In Russia, Comrade Stalin found a kindred spirit of sorts in Baba Yaga, whose command of the spirit world has held the advances of the Third Reich at bay. Surprisingly, Australia has risen to prominence among the Allies with their aborigine shamans’ ability to perceive and manipulate primal magical forces…

The sudden sound of a feral hound’s baying freezes my heart. As powerful as the Allies are, they are no help to me here. I am alone and have no hope of rescue or salvation now. I see humanoid figures approaching – giant misshapen forms shambling among the trees. I see one of the figures stop to sound a great horn of bone. The note is filled with malice and foreboding that steals all hope of flight.

The figure turns toward me with a grin and shouts something in a guttural language. Its head sports a full rack of antlers as the eyes glow like half-dead coals in a fireplace. The giant shakes a spear with a jagged point at me and begins to advance. I can hear the hounds that have pursued me running through the brush.

I load my service pistol with a clip of argent-core rounds, and draw a bead on the first slavering hound to reach me. The round nearly takes its head off, but the others are on me before I can fire again – shredding my jacket with their fangs. I kick and roll to get clear, losing the pistol in the process, only to find myself on the business end of their master’s spear.

With a howl of triumph, he raises the spear to finish me, but the thrust is never made. The sharp reports of bowstrings on leather bracers and the meaty impacts of arrowheads in flesh mingle with the enraged and desperate cries of pain from the hounds. The huntsman becomes the hunted and flees into the screen of trees for protection from the onslaught. Someone – a middle-aged man – screams something in Hebrew at the huntsman’s back, and then pauses to silence the whimpering of one of the hounds with a blow from a hatchet.

I rise slowly as the man turns to face me. His weathered face breaks into tired smile. “I see the Master of the Wild Hunt has welcomed you to Germany,” he says without preamble. There are four others with him, each sporting a longbow and a quiver of arrows. “I presume you’re American?” he asks.

I nod. “Is that standard weaponry in the Jewish Resistance?” I ask, indicating the bows.

“We use what works,” a young man with a scarred face among the others says to me, “Bullets don’t even make the Huntsman flinch, but he has felt the sting of sacred arrows before.”

“No offense,” I reply.

“No time for talk now,” says the middle-aged man, “The Gestapo has patrols out, searching for downed airmen like you. Even the terror of the huntsman’s horn will not keep them away forever. We must run.” And with that, the rest broke away at a trot and I was hard-pressed to keep up with them, even after only pausing long enough to retrieve my pistol. While my weapon might be useless against the Huntsman, it would certainly be of some use against the human monsters that wore black uniforms…

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Re: Armageddon 1946


Great thread start! You might also include that American physicists thought the atom bomb would ignite the entire atomosphere.

Or, in this timeline, were the scientists too busy understanding and developing supernatural defenses to work on the atomic bomb? That would explain the war continuing past 1945.


I can see some major changes in the coming decades of this world. The native Americans are going to be in a position to make some demands after the war (or at a critical juncture of the war). And the U.S. government may have to decide whether to accept their proposal (and perhaps lose control of large portions of the country), or refuse and lose the war to the Third Reich.


Is the proloferation and/or weaponization of supernatural forces known to the general public, or is this a carefully guarded military secret?


Nicely written intro -- it sounds like an interesting world to play in.

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Re: Armageddon 1946


Most awesome!


The first thing I thought of was 'what would rise to protect the USA'? In an ironic twist, 'Spirit World' of the Native Americans. They actually use the 'Navajo Codetalkers', among others; as their conduits....

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Re: Armageddon 1946


Great thread start! You might also include that American physicists thought the atom bomb would ignite the entire atomosphere.


Actually, I hadn't really considered it until you mentioned it. :) (Oops!) A quick web search and some genre contemplation has lead me to conclude that while the preliminary work at atomic fission has been completed, more pressing issues (like finding technological solutions to supernatural problems that the average soldier can employ) are occupying Allied Scientists.


For those of you who are historical fanatics, I've decided that the first Teutonic wartime rituals were conducted by the Nazis in mid-1942, while the first Japanese use of Kami occurs early in 1943.


The reason the war has dragged on so long is that the Axis powers turned a corner with their use of the supernatural during 1943 and litterally pushed the Allies to the brink of defeat before the Allies found their own supernatural resources to counter the new challenges.


-- Matt "Making-this-up-as-I-go-so-keep-the-questions-coming" Frisbee

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Re: Armageddon 1946


I can see some major changes in the coming decades of this world. The native Americans are going to be in a position to make some demands after the war (or at a critical juncture of the war). And the U.S. government may have to decide whether to accept their proposal (and perhaps lose control of large portions of the country)' date=' or refuse and lose the war to the Third Reich.[/quote']


That was an idea I considered while doing some brainstorming with my gaming group, but I've decided that the American government has sold our supernatural allies on the idea that things would be infinitely worse if the Axis was allowed to triumph. Presuming the war ever comes to an end, there are more than enough problems elsewhere in the world (such as the revitalized Aztecs and Incas in South America, or the power of Voodoo (sp?) magic in the Carribean) to keep things hopping for several decades...


Is the proloferation and/or weaponization of supernatural forces known to the general public' date=' or is this a carefully guarded military secret?[/quote']


I'm operating under the assumption that the supernatural incidents have been given a propaganda makeover by the various governments while the soldiers have been given full knowledge of what they are facing (though most have a hard time swallowing it until they confront it for the first time). While a mostly conventional war is still being fought, the truly important fights bring the full weight of the supernatural to bear on both sides. The introductory story deals with the "side effects" of having this sort of magical energy loosed upon the world -- especially since Germany is heavily involved in using it.


--Matt "Thanks-for-your-interest" Frisbee

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Re: Armageddon 1946


Most awesome!


The first thing I thought of was 'what would rise to protect the USA'? In an ironic twist, 'Spirit World' of the Native Americans. They actually use the 'Navajo Codetalkers', among others; as their conduits....


I'm still working on which Indian Nations have the magical "oomph" to make America capable of standing with the Allies, though I imagined that one tribe's abilities to "spirit walk" would allow America to offer the ability to conduct commando raids deep in enemy territory (bypassing the powerful protection wards and guardian spirits). The Inuit magics would allow some defense for the various Allied navies, considering that the Atlanteans have suddenly reappeared...


:) Yeah, I'm evil.


Matt Frisbee

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Re: Armageddon 1946


Wow. Fine openner. A little darker than our campaign group would run it' date=' but superbly done.:thumbup:[/quote']


Thanks for the encouragement. :) I do tend to run things dark, but I run for my audience and they like it rough. Plus, it is World War II. Though I love Kelly's Heroes I love Saving Private Ryan more. 'Nuff said.


However, if my graphic descriptions are offending people, I'll tone down the fiction a bit in the future.


Matt Frisbee

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Re: Armageddon 1946


Here's another story to whet your appetites. :) Enjoy.


“On The Hunt”

“I’m having a hard time believing you,” said the co-pilot for the third time. He glanced back at me as I sat in the improvised jump seat in the back of the B-24’s cockpit. Most of his face was covered by his oxygen mask, but the eyes told me enough about his opinion of the mission.

I’d seen the type before. The crews that flew these sorts of missions tended not to be ideal military material, having been ostracized from their original units. Before things got weird, they were the sorts to fly reconnaissance missions, where lone planes were both essential but expendable. The men (and women) of these crews tended to resist the implications of my sort of work, but to their credit, even if they thought I was full of it, they still flew the missions anyway. What those who survived thought of my work after a mission, I never heard – the OSS keeps me very busy these days.

I nodded in appreciation of his position. “The good news, lieutenant, is that you don’t have to believe any of it to perform your mission,” I replied. I didn’t add that I wasn’t afforded the luxury of disbelief – and very soon, so neither would he. “So,” I continued, “I would appreciate it if you keep your attention where it belongs. Even if we don’t find what I’m looking for here, there are still the Japanese air patrols to worry about.”

The captain grunted over her throat mike. “He’s right,” she said while making a slight adjustment to the engine throttle levers in the process. “Look sharp and worry about your part of the mission.” The co-pilot threw her a look, but straightened up in his seat and started paying attention to his flight instruments once again.

I stole a glance at the map in my lap. The southeastern shoreline of Mindanao Island dominated the upper left quadrant, while the rest of the Pacific blue was dotted with tiny islands. A crash landing there would be a death sentence as man-eating sharks populate those waters, along with other horrors Japanese Shugenja could summon from the depths.

“Cap!” someone yelled over the headphones, “Eight o’clock high! Way up there!” I recognized the voice as belonging to one of the plane’s waist gunners. “I see something gold up there,” he continued, “fluttering like a flag! Whatever it is, it’s big!”

I felt the familiar sick sensation in the pit of my stomach. I looked up to meet the pilot’s questioning eyes and nodded. Those eyes turned hard and grim in an instant as the professional pride took over. “Keep an eye on it, Jenkins,” she growled as she and the co-pilot wrestled with their control yokes, “we’re coming around for a look.”

The airframe creaked and popped with the stresses of that turn as the engines’ pitch climbed nearly an octave in response to the actions of the crew. I watched a swatch of naked sunlight traverse the interior of the cockpit as the plane came around. “Do you see it?” asked Jenkins as the plane’s wings leveled. The nose came up and the engines began to scream in protest as the bomber clawed for more altitude.

“Yeah,” I said suddenly, “We see it, Jenkins.” Still far away, the flash of gold against the deep purple of the high altitude sky was unmistakable. The great body of the thing rippled like an immense pennant, slowly undulating across the sky. “Tatsu,” I breathed as one might mutter a curse. This was the monster that had decimated a squadron of B-29’s just last month – shredding their airframes with glittering claws and smashing their wings with its immense tail.

“A dragon?” asked the co-pilot incredulously, “I don’t believe it!”

“It sees us,” said the pilot in a slightly dreamy voice, “It knows we’re here.”

Suddenly, I realized that its dance in the sky had some sort of mesmerizing quality. The creature, both beautiful and terrible, was now uncomfortably close, its features filling the flight deck windows from side to side. “CAPTAIN!” I yelled, “Snap out of it, or we’re dead!”

She shuddered, seeming to tear her gaze away from it reluctantly, panic briefly touching her motions as she realized my warning was true. The co-pilot was frozen in place, arms slack at his sides. I slapped at my harness buckle and lunged to his position reaching past him for the weapon triggers.

This particular B-24 had been selected for this mission because of its refitting for anti-shipping missions. The space in the nose of the plane usually reserved for the bombardier was packed with a brace of twenty-millimeter cannon and .50-caliber machine guns. The cannon rounds were high-explosives while the machine guns were hurling jade-core rounds tipped with diamond penetrators. Nobody knew if they would work.

“Roll into it!” I yelled, feeling faint. I realized that I had lost my oxygen mask in my desperation, but I had no time to retrieve it. The world was already starting to gray out due to my lack of oxygen. I felt the plane slew and suddenly, it was right there in front of me. It took all the will I had left to press the trigger.

The recoil of the fusillade was like running into a brick wall. The plane bucked and shuddered as my hand convulsed on the trigger grip like a drowning man’s hand on the blade of sword. And suddenly, it was gone, and so was my air, I distantly felt my body collapse to the floor as the world faded to black.


I woke up coughing on stale oxygen tank air, my throat dry and my lungs burning. The co-pilot was hunched over me, pressing the mask of the portable bottle to my face. I reached up and grabbed it. He nodded at me and then climbed back into his seat, leaving me to fend for myself.

It was several minutes before I felt like sitting up. I eventually found my own mask and put it back on as I crawled back into the jump seat. “Did it work?” I asked.

“Not sure,” replied the pilot, “the plane stalled out while you were firing and we lost sight of it while I was recovering it.” The plane seemed to have an additional vibration since I passed out. “Jenkins says it took about two yards off the end of the starboard wing before it went, so who knows?”

I nodded in agreement. “Thanks for taking the mission.”

The captain simply grunted and turned her full attention to her instruments. I sighed into the mask and closed my eyes.

“Maybe next time, tatsu,” I said to nobody.

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Re: Armageddon 1946


I'll recommend the comic limited series Arrowsmith for ideas if you haven't already seen it. Fantasy WWI instead of WWII, and set in a much-fuller fantasy world instead of normal world with emerging magic, but good stuff. Bits about trying to adapt magical processes to mass-production, magical versions of stuff (dropping bottled salamanders on positions instead of incendiary bombs, stuff like that).


With magic and the supernatural being potent weapons, different things will become critical resources and different places will become critical locations/targets, just as different people have become critical personnel. Silver is suddenly a vital war material for example. As the Axis had a head start, they might have taken some aggressive measures before the Allies got their act together - commando raid to blow up/desecrate Stonehenge, assassination attempts at various individuals identified as mystics, theft/sabotage attempts at antiquities collections/museums before they get nationalized and put under heavy guard. The B-17 from the initial story would have been as likely to be targeted at a mystical site as at a conventional factory.


Research into combining the old and the new. What alchemical concoctions can be made using modern chemical plants? If mystics can enchant properly prepared materials, expect to see them as the last stop in a production line, with the rest of the line effectively serving as "apprentices" doing the scut-work.


What compromises can be made with old "research"? If you have an old incantation to turn a spear into a ghost-killing weapon, will it work on a new rifle if you call the design the "1946SPR-1 'Spear" Infantry Combat Rifle" ?


Military chaplains would probably be more prominent, and would probably start being drafted in larger numbers. Even the Red Army might start making more use out of them if they get results. Perhaps strong ideological beliefs provide some defense/ability against the supernatural, even if not religious in nature? Soviet Commissars, the SS and others who subscribe strongly to their nation/faction's "code" could have an edge if true. "How many divisions does the Pope have?" may no longer be a rhetorical question, unless the Axis already moved against the Vatican in the early days of their magical ascendancy.


Intel - a whole extra layer to the shadow war, with ghosts, faeries and demons, crystal balls, voodoo dolls and the like being used alongside the normal human agents, codes and codebreakers, misdirection and subterfuge. Astrologers consulted at least as much as meteorologists when planning operations.


Maybe the allies invade Normandy instead of Calais due to mystical connections with the last successful cross-channel invasion? Can Axis agents stir up more trouble for the Brits in the Middle East if they can recruit some locals with connections to the Djinn? Will Britain be able to tap into the mystic resources of its colonials in Africa and India or will they make controlling these rear areas more difficult?

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Re: Armageddon 1946


*Grumble grumble grumble *

Ever since that bloody terrrible International Enemies book, everyone keeps insisting that my god is a Nazi, ignoring the fact that Teutonic myth names Wotan/Odhinn or Frau Holle as the leaders of the Hunt. The Big Horned Guy is a Celtic thing, and the addition of the Wild Hunt to germanic myths is a cultural import/holdover from the good ole days when Celts owned Europe.


Other than that, great campaign setting idea!:thumbup:

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Re: Armageddon 1946


I'll recommend the comic limited series Arrowsmith for ideas if you haven't already seen it. Fantasy WWI instead of WWII' date=' and set in a much-fuller fantasy world instead of normal world with emerging magic, but good stuff. Bits about trying to adapt magical processes to mass-production, magical versions of stuff (dropping bottled salamanders on positions instead of incendiary bombs, stuff like that).[/quote']


I'll check it out. Right now, however, the concept for A'46 is that magic is not a substitute for technology. I don't want to be running D&D with guns and Nazis. :)


With magic and the supernatural being potent weapons' date=' different things will become critical resources and different places will become critical locations/targets, just as different people have become critical personnel. Silver is suddenly a vital war material for example. As the Axis had a head start, they might have taken some aggressive measures before the Allies got their act together - commando raid to blow up/desecrate Stonehenge, assassination attempts at various individuals identified as mystics, theft/sabotage attempts at antiquities collections/museums before they get nationalized and put under heavy guard. The B-17 from the initial story would have been as likely to be targeted at a mystical site as at a conventional factory.[/quote']


Interesting points, all, and things for my further consideration as I continue to develop the background. I would say that artifacts and places of great magic would not be destroyed by either side unless absolutely necessary. Still, accidents in war can happen, so I may have to assemble a "hit list" of sorts for potential sites and artifacts.


Research into combining the old and the new. What alchemical concoctions can be made using modern chemical plants? If mystics can enchant properly prepared materials, expect to see them as the last stop in a production line, with the rest of the line effectively serving as "apprentices" doing the scut-work.


What compromises can be made with old "research"? If you have an old incantation to turn a spear into a ghost-killing weapon, will it work on a new rifle if you call the design the "1946SPR-1 'Spear" Infantry Combat Rifle" ?


I hadn't thought about alchemy as being one of the emergent schools of the new era of magic. (More research necessary here.) However, as I mentioned above, I would think that employers of magic would not make it an "assembly line" affair. Cavorting with mystic beings and energies is still a dangerous business that demands a price of those who dare to harness them. The Nazis are paying the price with the sacrifice of prisoners and innocent civilians in various dark rituals. The Japanese understand the price that must be paid in dealing with forces best left undisturbed, and have accepted them as only a warrior culture (at that time) can. The Italian situation between Mussolini and the Vatican has resulted in outright civil war there. The Allies were desperate enough in 1943 not to think about the consequences, thus are just starting to realize that the price of their salvation may be higher than they originally thought.


Military chaplains would probably be more prominent, and would probably start being drafted in larger numbers. Even the Red Army might start making more use out of them if they get results. Perhaps strong ideological beliefs provide some defense/ability against the supernatural, even if not religious in nature? Soviet Commissars, the SS and others who subscribe strongly to their nation/faction's "code" could have an edge if true. "How many divisions does the Pope have?" may no longer be a rhetorical question, unless the Axis already moved against the Vatican in the early days of their magical ascendancy.


Intel - a whole extra layer to the shadow war, with ghosts, faeries and demons, crystal balls, voodoo dolls and the like being used alongside the normal human agents, codes and codebreakers, misdirection and subterfuge. Astrologers consulted at least as much as meteorologists when planning operations.


Maybe the allies invade Normandy instead of Calais due to mystical connections with the last successful cross-channel invasion? Can Axis agents stir up more trouble for the Brits in the Middle East if they can recruit some locals with connections to the Djinn? Will Britain be able to tap into the mystic resources of its colonials in Africa and India or will they make controlling these rear areas more difficult?


All of these points are things I will have to consider in the near future as I firm up the mystical underpinnings of the campaign universe. Thank you for bringing them up!



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Re: Armageddon 1946


*Grumble grumble grumble *

Ever since that bloody terrrible International Enemies book, everyone keeps insisting that my god is a Nazi, ignoring the fact that Teutonic myth names Wotan/Odhinn or Frau Holle as the leaders of the Hunt. The Big Horned Guy is a Celtic thing, and the addition of the Wild Hunt to germanic myths is a cultural import/holdover from the good ole days when Celts owned Europe.


Other than that, great campaign setting idea!:thumbup:


Short and sweet, your god is not a Nazi in my book. As for the rest, I stand corrected and apologize for the inference. It is probably my complete lack of understanding of the mythology (or reality, if you will) of the area. While aiming for some level of accuracy, I also don't feel the need to be completely bound by the conventions of history as well, if the conventions in question get in the way of a good story. :)


That being said, I do appreciate the correction. I like getting things right where I can, though I'm sure there will be uncountable other factual errors as I work my way through this.



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Re: Armageddon 1946


Well, tales of the Vril Society associate it with the Nazis as a secret organization, one that included Adolf Hitler as a member, but it's a Pulp fiction invention. The link talks about some of the stories of Vril and the Nazis.

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Re: Armageddon 1946


One thing to consider: How much trouble are the Germans having holding onto the Balkens' date=' given all those vampires? :eg:[/quote']Somehow, I don't see the Nazis having any trouble recruiting their own vampires.


That's assuming of course that Hitler wasn't already undead after the 1944 assassination attempt. :fear:

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Re: Armageddon 1946


I'd like to recommend the book Operation Chaos by Poul Anderson as source material.


I think I remember that one -- it might have been in the high school library. Is that the one with a werewolf (who had a polarized flashlight to induce his transformation) and a witch? Plus they channeled a dead French mathematician through the witch's familiar (a black cat) to rescue their daughter from hell or something like that?


Otherwise, thanks for the suggestion. :)



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Re: Armageddon 1946


Somehow, I don't see the Nazis having any trouble recruiting their own vampires.


That's assuming of course that Hitler wasn't already undead after the 1944 assassination attempt. :fear:


Unfortunately for the rest of the world (including the Third Reich) The Fueher is still quite alive but genuinely crazy. That's because of the magic energy propping up his health is exacting a heavy toll on his sanity. The assassination attempt by Rommel and company never happened due to the success of the paranormal infusion into the armies of Reich. However, a special unit full of vampires is an idea to log for future reference.


You really want to get sick? How about a group of Loup Garou as French Resistance fighters? Hmmmm....



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Re: Armageddon 1946


Tentative Timeline for Armageddon 1946 (Part I)

DISCLAIMER: I’m not claiming any of this is true, so please don’t try to hang me from a sour apple tree if something here upsets you. I’m just trying to make an interesting game universe, okay?

Early January 1933

Adolf Hitler, reeling from the Nazi Party’s losses in the Reichstag elections the previous month, meets with the famous psychic Erik Jan Hanussen at the Hotel Kaiserhof in Berlin. Hanussen introduces Hitler to a reputed Teutonic sorcerer, Karl Drakkald. Allied files on the meeting are sketchy, but it is believed that some sort of deal is struck between the three for the ascension of the Nazi leader. On January 30th, 1933, he becomes Reichschancellor against all odds.

Late January 1933

Japanese Emperor Hirohito has a series of vivid dreams where he is visited by the sun goddess Amaterasu. She tells him that he will soon lead his people in an epic struggle and that he must make peace with the oni of ancient legend if the Japanese people are to win that struggle. In each dream, he is taught what he must do to bring the oni onto the side of mankind. Allied experts believe Hirohito consults with many monks over the next few weeks before deciding to proceed as he has been instructed.

February 27, 1933

Erik Jan Hanussen opens his pagan mystic hall in Berlin and claims to have a vision, seeing a “great house in flames.” Hours later, the Reichstag is gutted by a mysterious fire that is blamed on German Communists and paves the way for Hitler to take complete control of the German government and suspend all civil liberties a day later. Allied experts believe that it is the first genuine demonstration of Karl Drakkald’s pyromancery, with Hanussen’s “prediction” being staged to bring Hitler’s allies to heel.

March 3, 1933

A powerful earthquake and tsunami strikes the northern Japanese island of Honshu, killing three thousand people. Allied experts believe it is actually a sacrifice of sorts, part of the price of the bargain Emperor Hirohito has made in order to make peace with the oni. Though deeply saddened by the loss of life, the Emperor continues the rituals.

March 20, 1933

The first Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, is completed. Several buildings are set aside for use by Karl Drakkald and his recently selected initiates for the study of Teutonic magic, alchemy and the Black Arts. According to British Paranormal Intelligence, the first blood sacrifice of prisoners in the camp occurs before the end of year.

May 2, 1933

The Loch Ness Monster is sighted for the first time in the modern era. (Seventh Century manuscripts claim Saint Columba saved the life of a Pict from the beast around 565 AD.) British Paranormal intelligence (formed several years later) would point to the incident as the first indication that the ethereal barriers between the physical plane of existence and the spirit world were eroding.

July 20, 1933

Vice-Chancellor of Germany Franz von Papen and Vatican Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (who would later become Pope Pius XII) sign a concordat on behalf of their respective nations. It is believed by Allied Intelligence (though kept a closely guarded secret) that this concordat allows the Nazis to secretly funnel large sums of money to extraterritorial interests, including the ill-fated Easter Island Expedition some years later.

December 5, 1933

The 21st Amendment to the United States Constitution, repealing Prohibition, goes into effect. This marks the beginning of the end of the American gangster era, considered the greatest threat to Freemason control of the government since its founding. According to American Intelligence, Elders in the organization begin reporting disturbances in the “Foundations of the World” by year’s end.

March 1, 1934

Japanese forces take control of Manchuria, renaming it Manchukuo. Under the Emperor’s direction, rituals at several mystic sites in the area are conducted to free the spirits imprisoned there. Massacres of innocent Chinese attributed to the Japanese army are in fact perpetrated by the freed spirits as they take vengeance.

June 29-30, 1934

“The Night of the Long Knives” occurs in Germany as Hitler purges the Strumabteilung (SA) of political rivals. Though dozens are reported dead due to violence in the public media, many more are herded off to Dachau, where they become the victims of the increasingly vile sorceries of Karl Drakkald.

August 2, 1934

Adolf Hitler becomes Fuehrer, becoming head of state in addition to Chancellor. Secretly, he forms the Spiezell Dientz Gruppe (SDG) as a cover organization for paranormal action and research with Hanussen as its head of operations and Drakkald as the head of research.


More to come later...



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Re: Armageddon 1946


I think I remember that one -- it might have been in the high school library. Is that the one with a werewolf (who had a polarized flashlight to induce his transformation) and a witch? Plus they channeled a dead French mathematician through the witch's familiar (a black cat) to rescue their daughter from hell or something like that?


Otherwise, thanks for the suggestion. :)




That was the last story in the book. The first was the World War II commando raid (against the Saracen Caliphate!) in which they first met. Interesting bits: a switchblade broomstick used as a flying lance, a "greasegun" with a "tracer load: every 10th round argent", Tibetan prayerwheels that block the operation of nuclear weapons. Petrological warfare seems to have been a bust: you have to get a basilisk really close to turn someone to stone; changing a body's carbon to silicon gets a radioactive isotope (St. John's Wort plucked from a graveyard in the dark of the moon is the preferred rad poisoning antidote); and the aluminum suit that deflects the effect makes the handlers a great target for snipers.

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