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Three years later...


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Well it has been a very long time since i have been on the discussion boards or even played champions. Actually three years. But i managed to get my group back together and they want to replay their group from back then. Lo and behold the man from delmonte (thats me) he said yes.


So has anybody out there done anything like this with any of their groups could do with a little bit of help with plots and stuff.


Like I said its been a while.

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Re: Three years later...


Well It is 5e, Its the kickstarting. They were the foremost group in USA, but somehow VIPER (their major enemy) have managed to tear them apart at the seams and a new group have taken over, whilst they have all gone their seperate ways. I need some new Villainous act to bring this old team back together and to get rid of the old team. I know as soon as I kickstart this off I will be fine, its just brushing the cobwebs away.

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Re: Three years later...


Welcome back! It's always nice to see a prodigal returning to the fold. :)


A little more detail about your past and/or proposed campaign and group would be helpful. Do any or all of your players have experience with supers roleplaying and/or HERO System? Is your campaign set in your own original game world, or do you draw from any established comic or game universe? What's the overall tone of campaign you're going for - optimistic four-color, grim Iron Agey, or something in between? Are your PCs starting-level superheroes, or are they beginning as high-powered "big guns"? What's their relationship to the government and other superheroes? Are there any established major menaces (villain, organization, nation/plane/dimension) in your setting?

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Re: Three years later...


I've actually just done something similar to this recently (Two years later...). I had one of the NPC team members killed. It brought the Metro City Meta Human Task Force back together nicely and with a goal. It could work just as easily with any prominent NPC from the previous arc(s).

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Re: Three years later...


Well i did have my own world but the Champions Universe was so structured it was brilliant so had an adventure arc where the two worlds combined called the shattering.


So its a modern day campaign with supers in the 350 including disads.


characters are:-


Xzargon - an Iron man type character (team leader)

Bullvye - Minotaur who was teleported forward in time by a chronomancer

Psycore X - energy projector

Shinobu - Cyborg Ninja


also will be having at least one new character join


JT can you expand on what you did cos that sounds quite good

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Re: Three years later...


You could have the new group essentially get above themselves and 'take over' a few cities - only for their own good etc. Pretty much like Squadron Supreme and the old group have to come together to rid their old stomping grounds of the new team?




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Re: Three years later...


Or: If they had a base Viper could basicaly start raiding it, they trip a alarm, the automated defenses page the heroes, who all know that "THE McGRUFF DEVICE" is what Viper must be after, they can't let them have it, so they all gather at the base...

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Re: Three years later...


Well i did have my own world but the Champions Universe was so structured it was brilliant so had an adventure arc where the two worlds combined called the shattering.


So its a modern day campaign with supers in the 350 including disads.


characters are:-


Xzargon - an Iron man type character (team leader)

Bullvye - Minotaur who was teleported forward in time by a chronomancer

Psycore X - energy projector

Shinobu - Cyborg Ninja


also will be having at least one new character join


JT can you expand on what you did cos that sounds quite good


The last arc of my Psi-Lords of Metro City campaign had ended with the MCMHTF being disbanded and essentially barred from public service (Despite having saved the day). The charcters were disgraced and disbanded - Tempo had opened a Pizza Parlor (Really fast delivery), Dr Rockslide was doing research in Mexico, Dead-Eye helping S&R teams in Northern Canada, Blockade became a bouncer at a strip club, and Gargoyle had gone vigellante.


From the beginning there had been 3 NPC team members, Mr. Black had been a mole for a Psi-Lord all along, Skyrocket sold the designs of her armor to Israel and went into retirement, and Blaze dropped off the face of the earth.


Two Years later...


Gargoyle investigating a strange shooting death discovers that the victim is Blaze. Almost immediately upon discovering it she's captured by the MCMTF's replacements. Using her one phone call, she calls Tempo, who contacts the remaining team members who one by one return to Metro City to find out what happened.

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Re: Three years later...


Have an old villain of the original heroes (other than VIPER) return and discommode the new guard of heroes in an embarrassing / serious / fatal way and then proceed to wreak havoc / have their way with things / seize control.


The old guard have to come out of retirement to save the day once again. They eventually succeed. In the aftermath, they step up and resume their place as preeminent, or do something else as events indicate.

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Re: Three years later...


Some good juices flowing above already. Here are some suggestions. Hope they help.


1. Have an Arch-Villain type baddie kill the NPC group bringing the heroes out of retirement.

2. Have the NPC group become villains and the group comes out of retirement to "take care of their own".

2a. Real villains - they have had enough of her wook and now just want to be rich and powerful.

2b. Framed - they have been set up by an evil organization (the government?) into doing something bad. They may have been tricked, but they still have to pay for their crimes.

3. Hero Fight! - not getting the respect they deserve, the NPCs challenge the "old guard" to a public sparring match. After losing, they fade from the public eye (but maybe return later?).

4. Friends - Have the NPCs contact the heroes with some revelation about a common nemesis (Viper?). The teams join together to form a supergroup and combat their common enemy. Sometimes having NPC heroes as part of the "team" can add flavor to the time between story arcs.

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Re: Three years later...


A couple of ideas, kind of generic, but you might find them amusing...


1. What about they get pulled together again for a big fat paycheck... to do a "Where are they now?" kind of television show that brings them back together. It gives them some time to talk to each other again like old friends... when an old nemesis returns as well, seeking revenge for the last time or whatever.


2. This is a little more in the Dark Champions vein, but someone is stalking them... individually, they start noticing that someone is watching them, disappearing out of the corners of their eyes, going so far as to follow them home. This is, of course, scarey since Secret IDs and such can be threatened as well as family and friends. This person, in an overt act that confirms the character's suspicions, leaves a calling card in a worrying way. (e.g. a mask on their chest while they sleep, gives one of their kids a signature item that the kid takes for a toy... "Oh, a nice man gave it to me!") All of the former team members get one in one way or another. Perhaps its someone they know, perhaps its a symbol that was significant to them, but either way... it worries them, hopefully prompting them to call one another. If not, it escalates, getting more and more insidious and even dangerous... fake car bombs, etc. Someone is prompting them to return to their former lives at great attention. Someone with a vendetta? WHO?! Thus begins a kind of mystery beginning and its open to whatever kind of thing your group may prefer.


Just some thoughts.. =)

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