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Perk: Gold Cross Policy?

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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


gold cross would make a tape backup of your mind, and take a cell sample.. if you die they grow a clone and upload the backup.


the downside is cost, backups that are lacking vital data (including why those guys want you dead)... and the possibility someone could make a clone and send him to kill you.

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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


Duplication' date=' unable to recombine, no concious control, immobile focus, extra time.[/quote']


I was thinking Regen with resurection and a bunch of lims (Extra time, Side effect (leaves body, awaken elsewhere, only to heal after dying) Maybe for that matter a triggered Healing from death...

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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


The in-game justification is more difficult if your character does not have the cash to pay the upkeep on their clone and updated recordings. What was it, something like $10,000 per year? If your character does not have the lifestyle to support that, there is going to have to be a sponsorship of some kind (which, of course, comes with its own set of problems/responsibilities).

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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


Duplication' date=' unable to recombine, no concious control, immobile focus, extra time.[/quote']

True, I could have them do it that way, but for what I've got on the drawing board at the moment, doing it as a Perk just seems to make more sense me.

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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


The in-game justification is more difficult if your character does not have the cash to pay the upkeep on their clone and updated recordings. What was it' date=' something like $10,000 per year? If your character does not have the lifestyle to support that, there is going to have to be a sponsorship of some kind (which, of course, comes with its own set of problems/responsibilities).[/quote']

$10,000 sounds right, I'll have to get the book out of storage and look it up later.

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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


Glad I could help ... and I agree, it makes more sense as a perk rather than a power. Though, if statting the company and the machines they use, that's when I'd look at Duplications and such ...

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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


You're not reasoning from effect. Can both clones operate at the same time? Nope, only one set of memories. Why make the character pay points for that then?


Best way is regeneration.


You're too focused on the Special Effects. Let me ask it to you this way: I was a character that when he dies, he comes back to life with all his memories intact.


Tell me how you would build that power, and then explain to me what the difference is.

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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


Regeneration isn't really the way to go on this one.


First of all, the cloned body exists while the character is healthy. In a secure location, but a location nevertheless. This means that it is a plot device of the first magnitude. Just claiming that you regenerate from death sort of short circuits this avenue.


Also, there is a bureaucracy involved. The original character has to be declared legally dead before the clone is activated. This of course means that there can be all sorts of plot twists involving a critically injured but not quite dead character. Also, the bureaucrats can be bought off, mind controlled, threatened, etc. Regeneration from death doesn't allow any of these angles.


Also there is the mindtaping. This is an angle that has so many plot twists available, they're too many to list. Regeneration allows for none of these.


So, from a dramatic POV, regeneration is an inferior solution for many reasons. From a mechanical POV, regeneration fails a number of tests. It fails to accurately replicate the Gold Cross policy from the car wars timeline. It is simple, but not very accurate.


Just putting a flat point cost is an acceptable hand-wave. I don't see how you have to jump through the hoops of defining it as an existing power. It isn't even in the hands of the PC for the most part. Since so much of it depends on an entity over which the PC wields no authority or leverage, it might as well be hand-waved as an independent posession, not unlike a piece of equipment or a vehicle.



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Re: Perk: Gold Cross Policy?


In my Car Wars Hero campaign universe it's considered equipment. Equipment is paid for in cash, not points. Gold Cross policies are just something you can buy if you can afford it.


As for regeneration, it's the Gold Cross people who have the power, not the player. It's Regeneration, OIF immobile, UAO, extra time, requires DNA and mind backup tape. Even if you have a policy, there's precedent for Gold Cross to refuse to honor the policy, so you could even add no conscious control.

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