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a little help

ken julian

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I am just starting to play Champions and build my world, but I need a little getting started.

I'm trying to think of a name for a government agency like Marvel's S.H.I.E.L.D. or U.N.T.I.L. to deal w/ supers, but can't come up with a word that fits or sounds cool.

I need a name for a superhero group based out of Texas ( or any western state ) that is set in modern day but has a western or cowboy feel. I remember a group from a Hulk comic a few years ago called the Rangers that had members like Lonestar,Shooting Star.

Any help will be appreciated,

Thanks in advance,


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G.U.A.R.D.I.A.N.-Global Unified Awareness/Response Defense Information Action Network



Hmm, a cowboy/Old West feel for a super hero team eh?

The Rangers could be used again or perhaps "New Rangers"

The Posse' (But watch out lest folks think they are a street gang or rappers)

Five Points- As in, the five points of the Lone Star.

The Buckaroos


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Extra-human Legal Information & Tactical Experts.


This group would have the twist of NOT being a government run organization, but a private force of paramilitary specialists, detectives, and LAWYERS specializing in the new Super Laws.


This group would be availible for 'hire' by anyone with money and/or cause, depending on how you use them. They would help with things, like capturing a wanted super for law enforcement, ala bounty hunters, and providing legal support in such cases to make sure Supers are held to the same laws the rest of us live by, and then some! They would also offer protection services if Super threat was feared, or perhaps uncovering the serect ID of a hunted super. Kind of a good catch all team of good guy and nuisance all in one!


Who would use them?? A corporation whos factory was destroyed in a super's clash, a family whos daughter was 'accidentally' crushed in the landing of a thrown car, etc.


Who would sponsor such an enterprise used to gain information on Supers and tactical strengths and weaknesses of them??? Hmm.... story idea? Likely someone whos family was tragically affected by a super that was never made to answer for his actions. Has some good potential! :D

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MAD-DOG: Metahuman Affairs Directorate - Direct Operations Group


One Ive used in the past:


Project: PREDATOR: The Paranormal Research Experimentation Development Training Operations and Regulation Project Office


A division of the External Security Committee:

In 1972 the External Security Committee (E.S.C.) was formed under the cognizance of the N.S.A. to '..monitor activities, conduct research, collect intelligence, make threat assessments, develop scenario protocols, plan and conduct experimentation for the purposes of exploitation, and assume cognizance of and full presidential authority in all matters pertaining to the paranormal...'.

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The Bukaroo's (from "He is a bukkaroo" in the Hunt of red October (a joke about american wearing a gun > cowboy)


The Bukaroo's were formed after they saw many time the Hunt of The Red October and they liked been a cowboy

Their group use laserguided wips, Robot-engineered Bulls, and Flying Horses (drones). The old Revolver is the trademark of the Buckaroos in their sign.

Each year ending a Buckaroo is select to be Sherrif of the Buckaroos and the others serve as deputies. If they call other heroes to join they call it a possee

A flying HorseShoe serves as Headquarters for bring luck in battle.

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Ummm, yea, the Buckaroo's. Not even sure what sort of genre they would fit in without being the laughing stock of all meta-humandom. Maybe make them communist cowboys from former Eastern-Bloc countries, who with their new freedoms and influx of western media influences, really think they are Cool Cowboys. :) heehee Then they moved to Texas, to be honest injun Supes, dang-nabbit!

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I like a real-world-with-powers setting. In my longest running campaign, I ended up with:


The Meta-Affairs Division. Every municipal police force that can afford it maintains a few metahuman cops (usually low-powered) and a group of highly trained normals with heavy weapons. They're theoretically answerable on the federal level to...


The MIB (Metahuman Investigative Bureau) with their signature black-suited metahumans and extremely well trained normals. The MIB attract most of the higher powered civic minded supers that don't end up working in private industry or for the military.


The CIA, FBI (which theoretically oversees the MIB), Army, Navy, Airforce, NSA, and Secret Service all have their own Metahumans as well. Most of these Metas are low powered, but all are well trained and (where necessary) well armed.

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If you're still looking for a western flavored group, and since the Hong Kong Cavaliers is taken, you can't go wrong with The Regulators. Sounds official, has a range war vigilante feel, not too "Boy Howdy and the Dangedy Dangs" too be taken seriously.


For the Feds, I like non-anagrams. A name like Section 17 is far more intimidating than finding a cool word (STRIKE) and shoe-horning in an awkward name to fit the letters (Strategic Team for Regulating Italian Killer Extranormals).

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Originally posted by RevHooligan

If you're still looking for a western flavored group, and since the Hong Kong Cavaliers is taken, you can't go wrong with The Regulators. Sounds official, has a range war vigilante feel, not too "Boy Howdy and the Dangedy Dangs" too be taken seriously.


Yes, I second "The Regulators". I came up with a list of Western themed vigilantes for Dark Champions (4th Ed.) and that was the group's name.


R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The Reserve Executive for Super-Powered Espionage Crime and Terrorism. Just imagine the fun you'll have when the villains (or heroes) start singing the Aretha Franklin song whenever they turn up! :D


More seriously, it could be I.N.S.P.E.C.T., as above but instead the International (or Internal) Network against etc.

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Is my idea "Buckaroo's" so bad? Or is it too stereotypical american "i hate USA" whatever message ? It isn't : i like westerns and infact buckaroos is a real word (infact it is russian). Mine is far original= the others are based on SHIELD, SPECTRE, MIB (man in Black) , THUNDER-Agents (comics), ...

mine is based on the way Americans live : they have live with guns al their lives and eras . We fought our civial war (first in 1793 against the french and failed with pics, shuffles and nearly a gun) in our second official civil war we had guns (1830) the same as in us in 1776-1783. If i would create a superhero group on the belgians it would be the Beardrinking Lions and Coqs (French & Dutch group) or the RED D.E.V.I.L.S

(our national soccor team)

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