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Paladin Vows


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Stolen straight from KS's site:

Vow of Association: May not willingly associate or tolerate Evil individuals (Frequently, Limiting)


Vow of Acknowledgment: Must obey members of the clergy in a position of authority in whatever church or cause the Paladin Serves (Frequently, Limiting)


Vow of Accordance: Must act in accordance with the precepts of the religion the Paladin serves or loose all special "Only While Serving The God's Purposes" abilities. (Infrequently, Severe)


Vow of Atonement: Must go through lengthy quest or some other form of personal sacrifice to regain abilities if the Vow of Accordance is violated. (Infrequently, Severe)

I'd like to utilize these for a group of paladins called Pyroclasts that belong to the Cult of the Forge.


This is the primary religion for a culture of hyper religious Dwarves. I'd like to reword the names of the vows to reflect a "blacksmith" style feel in keeping with the "Cult of the Forge" naming convention.


Any ideas?

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Re: Paladin Vows


Vow of Association: May not willingly associate or tolerate Evil individuals (Frequently, Limiting)


Vow of Purity.


Vow of Acknowledgment: Must obey members of the clergy in a position of authority in whatever church or cause the Paladin Serves (Frequently, Limiting)


Vow of Utility, or Vow of the Tool.


"As the priest is the hand of the God, so I become the hammer in that hand."


Vow of Accordance: Must act in accordance with the precepts of the religion the Paladin serves or loose all special "Only While Serving The God's Purposes" abilities. (Infrequently, Severe)


Vow of Incorrodibility.


"I must keep my spirit free of corrosion and my character free of stain, not for my sake but for the sake of all Dwarves. For if gold rust, what then shall iron do?"


(Thank you, Chaucer)


Vow of Atonement: Must go through lengthy quest or some other form of personal sacrifice to regain abilities if the Vow of Accordance is violated. (Infrequently, Severe)


Vow of Reforging, or of Recasting?


Vow of the Anvil and Hammer ("I willingly place myself again upon the anvil...."





Hm, are they going to use an anvil for an altar?


Lucius Alexander


A paladindrome fights for truth and justice, coming and going!

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Re: Paladin Vows


Well Lucius seems to have this pretty well sewn up but here is my two penny's worth anyway.


Vow of Association: May not willingly associate or tolerate Evil individuals (Frequently, Limiting)


Are they expected to actively attack evil individuals or just avoid them? In the first case then they could swear the Vow of Smiting i.e. must battle evil not cooperate with it. (It has been suggested that smite is the root word of smith due to the action of striking metal).

Vow of Silver. (Pure).


Vow of Acknowledgment: Must obey members of the clergy in a position of authority in whatever church or cause the Paladin Serves (Frequently, Limiting)


Vow Of Duty's Chains.


Vow of Copper (Service, humble).


Vow of Accordance: Must act in accordance with the precepts of the religion the Paladin serves or loose all special "Only While Serving The God's Purposes" abilities. (Infrequently, Severe)


Vow of Tempering or Vow of The Tempered Soul.

Since tempering is intended to make metals stronger but less flexible, (I think).


Vow of Adamantium/Mythril/Gold. (Must be perfect/better behaved than others.


Vow of Atonement: Must go through lengthy quest or some other form of personal sacrifice to regain abilities if the Vow of Accordance is violated. (Infrequently, Severe)


The Journeyman's Penance/Road.


Vow of Ore. (Must be purified).


If these Dwarves take religion very very seriously then perhaps there are two factions of Pyroclasts who loathe each other due to differences of opinion on what to call their vows or how to word them. These factions may just try to outdo or humiliate each other rather than throwing a full scale war of faith. Depends on what exactly you want out of the religions in your setting. Could be an amusing way to keep the players on their toes though - "Are those the Dwarven Forge Paladins that like us or the other ones?" "I can't tell. Lets leg it just in case."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Paladin Vows


Law of the Crucible (Vow of Association): "As our spirits are purified, so thus must they cast away all impurities."


Law of the Furnace (Vow of Acknowledgement): "In the fires of others' needs and others' directions are we tempered."


Law of the Cast (Vow of Accordance): "As our oaths are our bond, so are these guidelines our boundaries."


Law of the Forge (Vow of Atonement): "Only through great effort and working of skill can our failures be made whole."

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