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Vehicle Disads?


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So I have this arrow based, Batman-like character and he fixing to get a vehicle. I don't want to do a ground vehicle because we have someone on the team who has that. So, I have my mind set to taking flight. I want to make something like the Bat Flyer. However, I'm coming up really short on disads. Any help, guys/gals? :confused::help::nonp:

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Re: Vehicle Disads?


You're making an Arrow Whirly-Bat? Cool.


There's the old stand-by Distinctive Features: Nobody else has a vehicle like mine. Lets the badguys know it's you coming when they spy the AeroArrow vectoring in and they can frame you by letting witnesses see your hoopty leaving the scene of the crime.


Special fuel or materials to make/repair it? Conditional armor (the whirly-bat gave like no protection at all.) Limited Range, maybe. Can only be repaired by special mechanics?

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Re: Vehicle Disads?


Based on the above suggestions, I'd say you have good cause for DF: Noisy as well as DF: Obviously [Hero]'s Vehicle.


But you hopefully shouldn't need too much in the way of Disadvantages. Just start out with basic air transportation and decent Characteristics, and add on to it later with more Experience Points.

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Re: Vehicle Disads?


DNPC if it comes with the wiley old mechanic who builds and maintains it and never ever leaves the garage (until it's time to be kidnapped of course)


Physical Limitation: Unreliable, on 11- something on it breaks..... when you're in a clutch of course.


A variation on this could be done with the Dependence disad too

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Re: Vehicle Disads?


You're making an Arrow Whirly-Bat? Cool.

Lets the badguys know it's you coming when they spy the AeroArrow vectoring in and they can frame you by letting witnesses see your hoopty leaving the scene of the crime.


Aero Arrow... I'll consider that. :thumbup:

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Re: Vehicle Disads?


Unluck if it's not quite perfected' date=' of course.[/quote']


Why limit it to that situation? The Enterprise(s) was (were) the flagship(s) of the United Federation of Planets, with the finest crew in the fleet, and things still went wrong all the time.


Just a thought....

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Re: Vehicle Disads?


There's always Hunteds, too. Maybe Foxbat thinks the AeroArrow is pretty cool and wants a FoxbatFlier of his own. Or perhaps the whirlygig isn't licensed, so the FAA is trying to clip your wings.


Or perhaps the vehicle is distinctive enough that it can be more easily tracked by one of your own Hunteds. So you have Hunted (8-) by VIPER, but they noticed that the AeroArrow makes a distinctive ultrasonic hum while in use, so they're able to go after you more, justifying Hunted (11-) by VIPER on the vehicle.


Is the vehicle a prototype donated by a company? A Watched might then be in order.

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Re: Vehicle Disads?


Had another thought, if the vehicle was designed by an outside company: Reputation. An anti-hero employee might slip the vehicle's specifications and blueprints past security and posted them on the internet. Sure, you caught the guy and had the info removed from the web, but it was up long enough for fans -- and a few foes -- to download it. (This could tie into a group DNPC, too.) So those fans now argue online whether the AeroArrow has a greater climb rate than the BatJet, or let slip the thickness of its armor, and so on. This means an enemy might dig up details (or find and kidnap a fan to get his hands on the vehicle's specs, if you also go the DNPC route).

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Re: Vehicle Disads?


Most of the obvious disads have already been mentioned, but I'll add a couple more:


Public Identity: Everyone knows what the Aero Arrow is, and that it's parked in a hangar behind the Police HQ when it's not in use.


Rivalry: The supergroup on the other side of town decides their vehicle has to be better than your group's, so they build one that has better engines/armor/firepower/etc. This can lead to a wonderful case of "keeping up with the Joneses". Any DNPCs (mechanic and/or pilot) become totally invested in this rivalry and keep pushing the PCs to invest more resources (XPs) into the vehicle. If the rivalry gets particularly nasty, incidents of sabotage could start happening ... either the other supergroup sabotaging your vehicle, or the DNPCs sabotaging theirs.

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Re: Vehicle Disads?



Is the vehicle a prototype donated by a company? A Watched might then be in order.


My character is actually an agent of PRIMUS and has most of his arrow designs made by them, so a watched for my vehicle could be done, seeing that I still spend more of my time with a city super team than I do with PRIMUS. Good call.

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