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Need ideas for Steampunk Over-The-Top Game


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I'm planning on using the HERO system to run an over-the-top Steampunk game. I love the genre, my friends love the genre, and the HERO system would work well with it.


One problem.


I have no idea what the intro storyline should be about.


I was thinking about filing the serial numbers off Half Life - putting the story into Tesla's lab instead of Black Mesa.


I was also thinking of running an alternate history -run-up-to-WWII where the Third Reich's tanks ran on steam and zeppelin combat was held over from WWII with armored zepplin flying fortresses dominating Europe...


What ideas would you go with?

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Re: Need ideas for Steampunk Over-The-Top Game


My favorite would be based on Anno's Nadia, the Secret of Blue Water, with a Neo Atlantean empire trying the seize the world at the end of the 19th century.


Another cool inspiration would be a sea monster hunt à la Jules Verne.

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Re: Need ideas for Steampunk Over-The-Top Game


Actually, I was wondering how to combine these ideas.


I was thinking of stealing Gearnsback 1 from GURPS Alternate Earths and having that society invaded by an extra-planar threat. Namely, OUR Hitler.


The reason that Germany never developed a nuclear bomb was because the top German physicists were working on interdimensional travel, with the goal to pillage the technology of multiple earths in order to better conquer Earth - and then, the multiverse.


The scientists on Gernsback, (the PCs) are at the original Nazi incursion and have to find a way, using steampunk technology, to run them back to the hell they came from.


What do you think?

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Re: Need ideas for Steampunk Over-The-Top Game


This sounds a bit more like Pulp Hero fodder, but the premise is interesting enough. Any further details you'd care to share? My take on WWII is a gem called Armageddon: 1946 -- where the Axis powers have unleashed magic forces upon the world that threaten not only to defeat the Allies, but destroy all of humanity as well.


Good luck with yours, though. :)


Matt "V-for-Victory" Frisbee

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Re: Need ideas for Steampunk Over-The-Top Game


I suggest Space 1899 or Castle Falkenstein.


Off the top of my head, this depends upon your start year but...


The superior scientists of Imperial China have developed a small(ish) steam engine of great power and coupled it to a small(ish) version of the Babbidge Engine. One of each is installed into hundreds of lifelike bronze warriors. The Empire has an unbeatable army which has already crushed Japan. Eastern eyes are turning to the West.


Chinese airships have dropped their warrior troops on San Francisco and the Western US seaboard is under attack from armoured junks using steam cannon targeted by Babbidge Engines.


Western scientists have failed to analyse an intact bronze warrior or Babbidge Engine. In captured bronze warriors the steam engine overloads with explosive force, destroying the delicate workings. With time of the essence the Diogenes Club has assembled a motley crew of heroes to infiltrate the Chinese production facility and steal the blueprints to the infernal Oriental machines. Once their weaknesses are known, effective counter-attacks can begin.

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Re: Need ideas for Steampunk Over-The-Top Game


I suggest Space 1899 or Castle Falkenstein.


Off the top of my head, this depends upon your start year but...


The superior scientists of Imperial China have developed a small(ish) steam engine of great power and coupled it to a small(ish) version of the Babbidge Engine. One of each is installed into hundreds of lifelike bronze warriors. The Empire has an unbeatable army which has already crushed Japan. Eastern eyes are turning to the West.


Chinese airships have dropped their warrior troops on San Francisco and the Western US seaboard is under attack from armoured junks using steam cannon targeted by Babbidge Engines.


Western scientists have failed to analyse an intact bronze warrior or Babbidge Engine. In captured bronze warriors the steam engine overloads with explosive force, destroying the delicate workings. With time of the essence the Diogenes Club has assembled a motley crew of heroes to infiltrate the Chinese production facility and steal the blueprints to the infernal Oriental machines. Once their weaknesses are known, effective counter-attacks can begin.


You can push this even further over the top: a true 3-D envelopment as the robotic bronze warriors also are delivered via the tunnel dug under the Pacific by mole machines.

Of course, this strategic tunnel links to the secret tunnels everyone *knows* are hidden under Chinatown.

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