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Characters you've always liked but who never fulfilled their potential...


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Everyone has characters they've created either as NPC's or PC's whom for whatever reason, never really reached their potential. I can think of three off the top of my head:


Streethawk: was an NPC when I was running an Australian Avengers game. She had wings, claws and enhanced vision, but wasn't really all that great a fighter. She was very much a minor character and she ended up pairing off with one of the PC's, but then the actual player stopped playing so his character retired as well. And when he went, Streethawk went with him....I would have liked to see her grow into a confident hero...


China: looks like a Chinese porcelain doll in leather, has the ability to mimic the strength of any and all within ten feet of her. I don't think I ever got around to using her as anything more than a background character, but I think she'd be quite fun and challenging to play in the right game. It's the sort of concept though that works better in a comic than in a game..


So what are yours?


EDIT: I just realised I said three instead of two....D'OH...that will teach me to post at 4am... :P

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Re: Characters you've always liked but who never fulfilled their potential...


Fallout: Once a relatively normal person, Fallout absorbed any radiation without releasing it suffering no ill effects from the exposure. Tricked, he was exposed to dose of radiation his body could no longer retain it's physical makeup. Although he retained his consciousness Fallout was an intellect trapped within a mass of living radiation. Originally, he was planned to be something of a Brick/Energy Projector. However, just covering the powers that explained his nature Fallout came up lacking in virtually all areas. In the play group he failed to fill any real roll so I tried to use him to support other player's actions. That said, most of the other characters had a much more down to earth character concept and were far more point efferent leaving Fallout in a constant state of playing catch up.


Still, I really liked the idea behind him, but the campaign broke up after the first major story arc. Should I get the desire/chance to play Fallout again I think he may see a kind of evolution as his body begins to reform making him slightly more humanoid. (His size also became a problem durrng the course of the campaign.)

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Re: Characters you've always liked but who never fulfilled their potential...


Captain Sun.....a typical costumed EP who wore glowing wristbands of the sun. He was boring in his original form. Simple one piece spandex with Spidey like mask with a sun emblem on it. Lame...lame lame..... I changed him to El Sol. He found the wristband of an Aztec Priest of Huichilobos (sp?) the Aztec God of the Sun....his costume is now an elaborate Aztec Mask with gold neck piece...(you know the look...remember Social Studies in school)....sandals, loin-cloth like thing.....anyway it gave him more of a unique feel. Same basic character but was changed from an white anthropologist to a Mexican National from the University of Mexico City......who could trace his ancestry back to the Aztecs. Definitely gave more flavor to the character.


Siphon: Speedster who has the "curse" of draining strength by touch. Has to wear gloves all the time, doesn't shake hands, etc. He started off as a Villan (yes we toyed around with doing the Villan Group but it never took off.) After much thought, he being a villan would be too vanilla to play.....and too powerful...no compunctions about draining people's strength until the passed out or died, etc. Made him a Hero who is traumatized by the memories of his powers manifesting (petting a cat when he was 13 and all of a sudden he drained the poor thing of all strength basically killing it.) Being an extroverted person by nature, I found it a challenged to role play an introvert (hey you would be too if you could never touch another person with your bare hands....)

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Re: Characters you've always liked but who never fulfilled their potential...


Well, for me so far, Reinard The Fox, the living cartoon character/detective modelled loosely from Batman/Daredevil with the wits of Bugs Bunny


He never reached his full potential because of GM's Block and the difficulty in keeping such a disparate team together in any logical manner (there was also a Superman-type and a mystic who seems to be away for a long time.) I've also gotten concerned there may not have been enough attention to the other players as this was an internet game.

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Re: Characters you've always liked but who never fulfilled their potential...


Definitely Dr. Elastic. Typical Stretch-o-morph with all the silliness rubber-people tend to bring with them. My favorite thing about him was his movement powers. Bouncy-ball form (leaping), Long Legs (Running), Parachute-form (Gliding) and Flippers! (Swimming.) Had the typical Stretchy guy humor too... making bad puns, you name it. Very much a Plastic-Man/ Reed Richards homage.


Sadly, his career was cut short when the GM of that campaign moved away about 7-8 sessions after the campaign started. :(

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Re: Characters you've always liked but who never fulfilled their potential...


Warning! Warning! Warning! Bad pun to follow! Read at own risk!


Now that that's over, the character I really wanted to develop more was a female villian, with shrinking and strength linked to it (the smaller she got, the stonger she got to about 60 STR.) The shrinking also drakened her until she was jet black. Presenting .... wait for it....


The Charcoal Brickette!:nonp::idjit:


Now you know why it never got any futher. I like the concept, but the name was not taken seriously. I may rename her and try again.

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Re: Characters you've always liked but who never fulfilled their potential...


Persona non gratis


No one would acknowledge that he existed. :D



Sort of reminds me of a third though....I did have a dude called Forget-Me-Not who had an always on mind-control aura which caused everyone around him to forget his existence whenever he was out of their field of vision....so his own team had to make sure there was always at least one teammate with him constantly so that he'd have someone to back up that that yes, they did actually know him....good as an NPC who appeared very infrequently....would be a nightmare as a PC.... :doi:

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