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(really) Super Tuesday


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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Badger-Doesnt care. Slightly too young anyhow. He would be the first president not completely human (father an alien, and I'm not talking Mexico here)


Frosty Bob- Well, if he gets a lot of female interns, he would be tempted. But, 4 years without killing anyone (first-hand anyway) would be just too much to bear. He could get the war vet vote (as he fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, first Gulf War, several foreign rebellion as mercenary between wars, etc).

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Millennium is the only one of my characters who would be interested in running.


First executive order, there are no such thing as "citizen rights," they are human rights, and any prisoner being held by any agency of the United States, Military or Civilian, anywhere in the world, have the same rights as if they were being held on US soil. This also applies to anyone being held by a foreign government or agency at the request of the US. All prisoners at Guantanamo will be given lawyers and trials, those convicted imprisoned in a Supermax facility on the mainland, those aquitted will receive an apology and compensation for the time interred. On a related subject, waterboarding is torture, and will not be tolerated.


Iraq. We have created a problem that we cannot solve. Go to the United Nations and humbly request a multinational peacekeeping force to take the place of the American forces (which will attract trouble as long as they are there), and act as Iraq's police and armed forces untll homegrown units are ready to replace them. On a related subject, give our 30 day notice that we will be canceling all contracts with Blackwater or other mercenaries, and requesting a Congressional investigation into why we hired mercs to begin with, and if the way Blackwater and its ilk are conducting business constitutes a threat to the security of the United States.


Would push for constitutional amendments calling for a flat tax and a consumption tax (national sales tax), both capped at 10%, and impose a 10% cap on the graduated income tax. Also a balanced budget amendment, the government no longer allowed deficit spending except for national defense, and then only with a 2/3 majority of both houses of Congress. Any obligation longer than two years can only be financed by selling tax-free War Bonds to citizens (in short, the President, a supermajority in Congress, and the people must agree to bust the budget). Only natural persons (not corporations) who are citizens will be able to purchase the War Bonds, but I realize there will probably be an after-market in them. This can be all in one amendment or in several. On a related topic, would also like an admendment that all federal laws automatically sundown, must be reviewed and voted on again by Congress after a specified period, I'm saying every decade.


While the amendment is going through the process, go for balanced budgets anyway. Everything is on the table except social securtiy, veterains pension and benifits, and military salaries.


Energy is our highest domestic priority. Institute a "Manhattan Project" for energy self-suficency. Must deliver energy in a cost-effective manner that does not increase our carbon footprint. Would be nice if it also allowed recycling of our garbage. In the mean time, build new nuke plants, offer a reward for anyone who figures out how to turn "nuclear waste" from a problem to a resource. Allow drilling in ANWR on one condition, all oil taken from there must be refined and retailed in the United States.


Put all governments of the world on notice. We value your friendship, but we are coming after Osama bin Laden, no matter where he is. If you capture him and turn him over to us, alive, in addition to the previously promised rewards you will have our gratitude and friendship. If you allow our troops free access and safe passage while we are looking for him, we will be out of your country as quickly as possible and will apologize and compensate you for any colateral damage. But if you put your troops betwen us and our enemy, this will be considered an act of war against the people of the United States of America, and may God have mercy on you because as Commander in Chief, I will not!

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


I've only ever played one character who would be eligible for the American presidency. And as it happens he did retire from superheroics due to a slight case of vampirism' date=' so I suppose if drafted, he'd be willing and available. I've never played a character who would give up superheroics for politics.[/quote']


Well, who says that a character, especially one with a Secret ID, has to give up the superhero career to become president? I think it could be interesting to see the Hero having to give the Secret Service the slip to go patrolling. Or showing up late for a fight because he had to find a way to get out of the state dinner for the Japanese Prime Minister.


Politics is frustrating and you never really know if you are doing the right thing.


And how is that any different from the rest of life, including superheroing?

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


All your characters have the same politics?


No, but any character I made who was old enough, eligible, and willing to run would have that platform. That's pretty much my politics. I have played characters who have wildly different political views from my own, just as I have played characters who have different religious views than mine.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


"OK' date=' but what [i']is[/i] the job?"


What constitutes victory in Iraq?


Destroy their ability to ever threaten us or our allies again (pretty much already accomplished), get the foreign terrorists (most of the real "insurgents") out, and make the country safe for their own people. Arrange and oversee elections so that everyone has an equal voice in their government, and maintain stablity long enough to ensure that everyone understands that reprisals for ancient wrongs and factional/tribal/religious in-fighting won't be tollerated. Might take a while, I know; but my answer to "when will we pull out of Iraq?" is "right after we pull out of Germany and Japan."

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday



Would push for constitutional amendments calling for a flat tax and a consumption tax (national sales tax), both capped at 10%, and impose a 10% cap on the graduated income tax. Also a balanced budget amendment, the government no longer allowed deficit spending except for national defense, and then only with a 2/3 majority of both houses of Congress. Any obligation longer than two years can only be financed by selling tax-free War Bonds to citizens (in short, the President, a supermajority in Congress, and the people must agree to bust the budget). Only natural persons (not corporations) who are citizens will be able to purchase the War Bonds, but I realize there will probably be an after-market in them. This can be all in one amendment or in several. On a related topic, would also like an admendment that all federal laws automatically sundown, must be reviewed and voted on again by Congress after a specified period, I'm saying every decade.


While the amendment is going through the process, go for balanced budgets anyway. Everything is on the table except social securtiy, veterains pension and benifits, and military salaries.


Energy is our highest domestic priority. Institute a "Manhattan Project" for energy self-suficency. Must deliver energy in a cost-effective manner that does not increase our carbon footprint. Would be nice if it also allowed recycling of our garbage. In the mean time, build new nuke plants, offer a reward for anyone who figures out how to turn "nuclear waste" from a problem to a resource. Allow drilling in ANWR on one condition, all oil taken from there must be refined and retailed in the United States.


Put all governments of the world on notice. We value your friendship, but we are coming after Osama bin Laden, no matter where he is. If you capture him and turn him over to us, alive, in addition to the previously promised rewards you will have our gratitude and friendship. If you allow our troops free access and safe passage while we are looking for him, we will be out of your country as quickly as possible and will apologize and compensate you for any colateral damage. But if you put your troops betwen us and our enemy, this will be considered an act of war against the people of the United States of America, and may God have mercy on you because as Commander in Chief, I will not!


I'm srealing most of this ;). Only thing I'd change, as far as these particular ideas go, is that I would work to eliminate the income tax instead of capping it. Although capping it would be a good first step.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


In the 2008 Presdiential Primary no candidate on either side has enough popularity to ensure a nomination let alone a win. Then your superhero character is contacted by a major political party, they want to know if you would run for President of the United States in 2008.

Would you accept the nomination? Where do you stand on the issues (War in Iraq, same sex unions, health care, etc)? Who would you choose as your Vice-Presidential running mate? If you win would you give up being a superhero for the highest office in the country for the good of the nation?


bwa-ha. Bwa-ha-ha. BWAHAHAHAHA *rising to crazed hyena cackle*


but let me start with Zero/Truman Golightly. Despite the name there really isn't any point to Truman running for president, of any party. He's prematurely balding, and that sadly is a state statistically under-represented in the Senate, let alone the Oval Office.


But 'balding' is not a claim you could make about the gnoll Vitus (unless Felicity is out for revenge again and armed with a can of Nair)


Indeed, if it wasn't for the inconvience of him being born in another universe and clearly not human, he'ld be an ideal candidate for a certain party that shall remain nameless. After all, he's entirely in favour of the death penalty, torture, unilateral action, a close relationship between church and state, stomping heavily on anybody that even looks like they're going to interfere in his interests, and ignoring the evils of any regime that doesn't.


But if we're going to be living in Bizarro-world and Vitus actually DOES win the election, I can very easily picture his victory speech, at least before his speechwriters have a go at it.


"When I was but a young gnoll in my humble desert tribe, I dreamed of becoming someone special, someone important. And look - now I'm the leader of an insane nation on a backwards planet in a deeply abnormal universe. Clearly the gods have an evil sense of humour."

The Diplomatic Corps are going to be very busy.


Not least because Vitus' respect for other organisations and cultures is... slightly skewed. Given a choice between The People's Republic Of China and a new Middle Kingdom under the leadership of Dr Lin Wu, he knows who he would prefer. After all, Lin Wu is a fellow professional.


Some of his plans might get mixed responses too. Death penalty for drug dealers, lords, importers, their bankers and accountants. Preferably in the form of bomb strikes on their residences in Columbia, etc. Local narcotic producers, however, will merely be taxed, heavily.


Presidential pardons for any supers willing to sign on with the US or UN schemes. Surprisingly a lot of these projects will be humanitarian in nature, and hopefully make the former villians true heros of Earth. Some comparison to the Labours of Herakles may be made. Weather control powers, nuclear waste-disposal, and civil engineering all look likely.


Vitus has no interest in lining his own pockets whilst in the role. Nor does he have anything against gay marriage - he already knows humans are perverse. Iraq he would have preferred ended with Hussein a greasy smoking smear, and a stern look at his more intelligent son. Vitus would LOVE to support the UN charter on the Rights of Women, especially if he finally got to use his Mass Emasculation spell, the one that castrates every rapist on the planet, with lightning.


Universal healthcare probably wouldn't cover cauterised stumps.


On the other hand, some funding would be quietly diverted to tracking down every possible hint of the continued existance of his species, anywhere, and towards recruiting and training the magically talented. Assuming Vitus doesn't get impeached before the year is out, the result should be government employees able to spy on anywhere, and locate anybody.



And 3 will be delighted to be First Lady. Especially since Vitus would probably have to consider promoting her to at the very least Consort, to suit the role.


It would probably also be useful that Vitus would be the first bulletproof president. He's going to need it.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


In the 2008 Presdiential Primary no candidate on either side has enough popularity to ensure a nomination let alone a win. Then your superhero character is contacted by a major political party, they want to know if you would run for President of the United States in 2008.

Would you accept the nomination? Where do you stand on the issues (War in Iraq, same sex unions, health care, etc)? Who would you choose as your Vice-Presidential running mate? If you win would you give up being a superhero for the highest office in the country for the good of the nation?


For Silverbolt, doing this would involve A: not being British and B: traveling back in time.

If asked to run for Prime Minister of GB, Silverbolt would consider very carefully, but in the end decline. Since a certain incident where he interrogated a supervillain using an angle grinder, Silverbolt feels that he's already severely tempted to abuse the powers he's got, let alone what he would do in charge of a country.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Thunder: "You want a Jewish president?"


Assuming she was old enough at the time, she'd run. And no one can run like Thunder.


Her domestic platform would be a manhattan+apollo+d-day invasion level project for energy independence, universal health care (You can stick with your current plan, or you can opt into a tax subsidized plan based on your income, because there are just too many people who can't pay for health care no matter how low taxes are), and education (Everyone who wants an education should be allowed to get one. Americas export product of the future would be R&D). Everything else can sort itself out.


Gay marriage: "Why are we defending marriage from people who want to get married? Heck, why is the government involved in what is essentially a private contract between two individuals to begin with?" Basically take the govt. out of marriage entirely.


Foreign policy: Throw economic and political weight into making Jerusalem a free city run by a council of secular Jews, Christians and Muslims. Fight to give the Palastinians their own state. Iraq is a frigging mess. Seriously ramp up the rebuilding efforts in the urban centers. Worry about stability more than "democracy." Taiwan is a country and is not part of China.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Out of the heroes I've created the only one close enough to running who likely have very little electability.


Apollyon was once a cultist who after betraying his circle was killed. His life was spared after forming a pact with the entity Abbadon. By now some of you may see there could be problems courting a Christian vote, conservative and or otherwise. Yet if we are assuming his track record speaks louder than his background it is still unlikely he would run. Apollyon is driven by a need to pay off his spiritual debt before his eventual death. However, if he was convinced he could do more good in office that on his own his platform may be something like this:


Iraq: Renegotiate all standing contracts using a standard bidding process, no no-bid contracts. Focus would be shifted to rebuilding and protecting local infrastructure, electric, water and sewage etc, weening the US troops out of the current policing status.


Economy: Not sure where to start Apollyon may take a ground up point of view on this, reviewing each peace of the budget looking to remove pork and outdated expenditures. In addition to this would be a review of tax code to remove loop holes and a redefining of the scales so that taxes were clearer to understand and easier for individuals to audit on their own.


Scientific Research: Apollyon would be a clear supporter of scientific research in all areas including alternate fuels, deep sea and space exploration as well as genetics and robotics. Although his abilities are magical in nature he views science and technological advancement as born from Prometheus's Fire and a way to understand the divine.


Social Programs: Trying to foster an understanding for communal good he would focus on education funding and increasing the national standards. In addition he would look to create public works projects such as new interstates. It is hard to say where he would stand on programs such as Social Security and Health Care as he has not been exposed to either nor would have a need for them, having acquired a small amount of wealth though his early years of hunting down dark cults and a supernatural immune system since his late teens. Although as an advocate for the greater good, and communal needs he would likely look for advisers in these areas.


Gun Control: Likely supporting less regulation of what can be purchased and increasing the fines/mandatory sentiences for gun related crimes.


Prisons: Likely a supporter of work release programs or limited work release. Inmates would wear tracking devices, much like current in home ankle bracelets and requiring them to spend non-working hours in the jails/prisons.


- - -


Edit: Forgot Same Sex Marriage


Same Sex Marriage: As marriage is a construct of religion Apollyon would push for a new Civil Partnership status to replace the term marriage and removing any religious bias from the Federal standards. In addition Civil Partnerships would not be limited to just two people, although it must be proven that all partners are consenting and of legal age to enter into a Civil Partnership.

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Microman II: Is an android well under the age limit.


Diomedes: Under the age limit.


Jack Frost: Under the age limit.


Hermes: Depending on how time travel counts, under the age limit. . . but more importantly, a citizen of another country. If he *were* somehow still brought in. . . the images of Hermes, POTUS, bring to mind certain context problems. Like "So, wait, you *can't* deal with horrendous anarchic regimes that do nothing other than tormenting their own people by going in, smashing the leadership, and bringing them into the 'United States'? Why not?"

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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Destroy their ability to ever threaten us or our allies again (pretty much already accomplished)' date=' get the foreign terrorists (most of the real "insurgents") out, [/quote']

Um, aren' they there because of us? Isn't our presence there attracting them?


and make the country safe for their own people. Arrange and oversee elections so that everyone has an equal voice in their government' date=' and maintain stablity long enough to ensure that everyone understands that reprisals for ancient wrongs and factional/tribal/religious in-fighting won't be tollerated. [/quote']

We don't have most of that in the US


Might take a while' date=' I know; but my answer to "when will we pull out of Iraq?" is "right after we pull out of Germany and Japan."[/quote']
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Re: (really) Super Tuesday


Adjusting Lady Silver's age (btw, she's a powerful wizard and possible canidate for Archmage) by a few years, she would probably run as a Democrat with Senator Obama as VP (this is not to say these are my political views, mind you).


Trying to make her views a reality might be tough though and involve a number of compromises. On the one hand, she'd be a big fan of entitlement programs like universal healthcare and poverty reducement programs. On the other hand, she is a big advocate of personal responsibility and people not acting as victims but instead contributing to their society. Would this lead to some kind of "moral testing" that she would never have considered when she was a leader by example rather than politics?


Another example might be illegal immigration. On the one hand, she's the forgive and forget sort but on the other hand, she knows that amnesty would likely encourage additional illegal immigration. What now? Cast a spell across the border? I bet the that some of the Christain right would be quoting, "that shall not suffer a witch to live."


It would be interesting overall- what does one do when now you are the decision maker instead of the advocate? Rather than the leader of one cause, you are the leader of a nation and the free world? When the idealist must deal with reality- what now?


Have fun!

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