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Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


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Anybody remember what book she was from? Are there stats somewhere? I was thinking that she might come in useful for my new campaign but can't remember anything about her besides the name.


Has anybody redesigned the villains in the Great Supervillain Contest for 5Er? If not, I'll probably do it sometime since this is just too much fun to leave alone.

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Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


I remember Lady Bug being in Classic Enemies for 4th edition. Not sure where she was from originally.


I was just looking at my 2 copies of The Great Supervillain Contest last night, actually. I don't know of any recent rewrites, though.

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Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


Ladybug was originally from 'way back in Enemies or Enemies II, but Haerandir is right that she was updated to 4E in Classic Enemies. The CE character sheet would be very easy to tweak for Fifth, since she's not much more than a flying brick with Focussed abilities.


I've seen no later rewrites of GSVC characters. That module was written before Third Edition Champs and even Champions III, so those characters would need a lot of work to update as they lack the later Powers that should be part of their concepts. The Crimson Claw in particular would be extremely vulnerable to exotic attacks that bypass his massive PD and ED.

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Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


Ladybug first appeared on page 16 of Enemies (Revised) (1982). As folks have mentioned, she was updated for 4th ed. in Classic Enemies.


JmOz has been working on updates for a lot of the older books, though from some of the last posts I'd read, he doesn't own a copy of The Great Super Villain Contest, which makes that one a wee bit tricky.


I've volunteered to provide info from one of my copies of that adventure, but I've not heard anything either way on that yet.

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Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


Yup, she was in Enemies I, page 16, pretty strait forward character to transfer over, nothing to special in rules changes, except she had a Distinctive Features that was better done as a Rep, 290 Points total


I do not share the files however, unles Steve or Darren give the A-OK on it, and no I don't have great super villain...


Sorry Fire, thought I had IM'd you, I appreciate the offer, but I got a few dozen books to do, so I am going to just skip that one until I get my own copy.

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Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


Just to hope that Steve or Darrin read this...


I would love to see official re-writes to some of the "classic" villains.


Thinking about it, I would actualy need to get approval from one of the Cryptic guys, now that I think about it...

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Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


Just to hope that Steve or Darrin read this...


I would love to see official re-writes to some of the "classic" villains.


At this point you've seen pretty much all you're likely to see. Occasionally I get a good idea to re-do a couple that I think are worth it (see, for example, Stronghold and HPA #21, The Stronghold Files, Vol. 1), but for the most part, any that I wanted to redo, I've already redone. Unless Cryptic asks me for someone specific (which is hopefully unlikely), the odds of my doing any more are slim. I'd rather go forward creating new stuff.

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Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


Well, I was hoping to save myself from some extra work, but no matter. I'll convert them myself when I get the chance. Now I just need to find my old villain books...


I guess I am more or less strolling down memory lane with my new group with some of this old material, rehashed and updated. I remember having a great time playing this adventure and wanted to share it again with new players. I haven't actually played champions since '95. I got back into the game a few years ago, just reading the rules and supplement books for fun. Believe me, I've been more than impressed with the 5th edition.


But I am not just redoing the old, there is great new material that I am using. currently I am posting that here http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=63018, but may move it to the blog spot. I haven't decided yet.


Thanks for the help...

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Re: Where is Lady Bug and the Great Supervillain Contest (old supplement)


Sorry Fire, thought I had IM'd you, I appreciate the offer, but I got a few dozen books to do, so I am going to just skip that one until I get my own copy.


That's okay. I've got my superhero games listed on a couple of my blog entries, so if anything there can be of use in helping to answer future questions, just let me know.


There are probably a number of us who're working through older books making personal updates, though I'll admit I've done extremely few for 5th edition. (I got a little lazy during 4th ed.'s tenure, Classic Enemies helped a lot.)

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