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Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


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Hi everyone.


Well its been a really long time since I've had need to post a question or two here. But here is the skinny of it...


For the past few years my group has more or less taken a break from Hero System. We've been playing Mutants & Masterminds, and Star Wars.


However we're jumping back to Hero System again for a Champions game.


Now I'm one to admit that I'm not the greatest with numbers and haven't played the game system as much as the other guys in my group. So asking for some help every now and then is called for. :help:


So what I'm looking to do is essentially create a document for myself that is essentially a "what I need to do/use" to create one thing or another. (BTW we are running 350pts, 100 Disadvantages.)



General Super Powers isn't an issue. Thats pretty easy for me, but I will always take suggestions on things I can do to optimize super powers for a character.


Psionics can be a little problematic as its one of the more powerful super power groupings one can wheel out.


Cybernetics are also problematic. For example, if your building a full conversion cyborg, do you put all of his powers into a Multipower, or do you just buy each individually and hope you got the points for it?


Magic is another big one. What sort of limitations would you commonly apply and that sort of thing?



So any helpful suggestions and write ups would be appreceated.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Well much if not all will depend on your GM. For example, there was a recent thread about how martial arts can be comboed with Telekinesis, and the general consensus was that it was a rules abuse. If only because it leaves the players who take melee martial arts as it's intended feeling like twits for not gaming the system.


Cybernetics I just build like any other super, but with different special effects and disadvantages like Phys: Needs specialized medical attention, or limits on healing and vulnerabilities and susceptibilities to electrical and magnetic attacks. From time to time I might add a limit like Phys: No arms if foci taken away (Infrequent, Total) and OIF - Removable Cyborg Arms.


Magic is a toughie, because GMs often have a problem with VPPs, which are often the best way to simulate magic. Experienced Champions GMs are well aware that the preferred tool of the munchkin is the mystic character. You can cram all sorts of otherwise unrelated powers together under that concept. Mystic characters should take the skills Power: Magic, KS: The Mystic World, and a grab bag of other KS's. The Ultimate Mystic is not the greatest of the Ultimate Books IMHO, but it does have some good jumping off points and info about different magical styles. In a superheros game disadvantages like gestures and incantations are strictly optional.


Seriously, you're just not being specific enough. What EXACTLY are you looking for help with?

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


My bad...although your info is a good start for me.


I guess things I'm looking for are Power Frameworks (what should go/belong in where); Limitations (appropreate for different power structures).


And maybe just some general guide lines for different generic character concepts like Bricks, Speedsters, Time Manipulators, Mages, etc.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Well the decision about whether or not to use a multipower is basically dependant on whether you can activate and fully utilise more than one power at at a time. If your cyborg can't simultaneously fly and shoot his arm laser at full power, then he should get a multipower. If he can, then they should be separate. A character like Iron Man has a dozen different attacks, but he chooses which one of them he's using at any given moment from a menu of options so he should use a Multipower for them.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


The multipower for cybernetics is one thing I was thinking of.


Lets say that you have 90pt Fixed slot structure.


You add armor up to, lets say roughly 50 AP, and then say increase in STR, Speed, Life Support, Optics, etc. This all totals up to 90 AP of points (lets just say).


Is this a viable way of doing say a Full Conversion cyborg, ala a Robocop like character?


And if that is a workable case, what sort of Limitations would one place upon the structure?



I'll post some stuff here too that I come up with.


As for my GM, he's pretty open minded and fair. If something is reasonable then he'll most likely allow it.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


The multipower for cybernetics is one thing I was thinking of.

Lets say that you have 90pt Fixed slot structure.


You add armor up to, lets say roughly 50 AP, and then say increase in STR, Speed, Life Support, Optics, etc. This all totals up to 90 AP of points (lets just say).


Doing that as a multipower costs more and accomplishes nothing. Nor is there any limitation which would be applicable to all those abilities.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Ok, this is something I was tinkering around with after playing the game Time Shift.


I tossed the idea aside for a while but spent an little while today looking over it since starting this thread.


This is the mess I have done up:


Time InCursion Tactically Optimized Combatant (TIC-TOC)

Multi Power (108pts)---AP: 108

[4u] Slow Time Part 1: Speed (+6 speed); Uses END (-6 END per Round, -1/2)---AP: 60

[2u] Slow Time Part 2: DCV (+5 DCV)---AP: 25

[2u] Slow Time Part 3: OCV (+4 OCV)---AP: 20

[5u] Pause Time: Environmental Control (1”, -5 DCV—20, -12 Speed--60); Mega Scale (1 kilometer, +1/4); Self Only (-1/2); END Cost x2 (-1/2)---AP: 100

[5u] Reverse Time: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Any physical location corresponding to physical location in current dimension, Travel backward in time by up to 5 minutes); Trigger (Defined with each use, activation takes no time, auto-reset, +1 1/4); END Cost x2 (-1/2); Limited (END must be paid for every phase that the PC moves backward in time from the activation, the maximum possible time jump backwards is still 5 minutes, -1/2); Limited (Time is rewound in real time, undoing and redoing effects that have taken place—including damage to others, but not self, the PC retains all memories of what has happened but no one else does, this allows them to redo some things to change an outcome, the PC physically moves back to a previous moment of time, reoccupying the space, there is no alternate version of himself there, -0)---AP: 108

TOTAL = 126


Now if I wanted to refine this particular cybernetic system, what should I do?


Another thing I was messing with was this, but its a bit more refined...I added Restrainable to it to possibly reflect the nature of the cybernetics, but am not sure if it would be appropreate to place such a thing on the above one:


Advanced Full Body Cybernetics: Multipower) 92pt Fixed Slots

[2u] Armor Plating (Armor): 10 PDr / 10 EDr; Hardened (+1/4); Visible (-1/4); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 37

[1u] Damage Resistance: 12 PDr / 10EDr; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Sensor Suite: +4 PER rolls w/all senses; Infrared; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 17

[1u] Flash Defense: +10 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Metal Fists (HA): +3d6 N; No END Cost (+1/2); Hand to Hand only (-1/2); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 22

[1u] KB Resistance: -5”; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Life Support 1: Self Contained Breathing; Fuel Charges (1 charge = 2hrs, +1/4); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Life Support 2: Safe Environment) Intense Heat & Cold, & Radiation; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Psi-Protection (Mental Defense) 6 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Power Defense: 6 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Improved Reaction Time: +1 Speed; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

TOTAL = 85

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Psionics can be a little problematic as its one of the more powerful super power groupings one can wheel out.


Cybernetics are also problematic. For example, if your building a full conversion cyborg, do you put all of his powers into a Multipower, or do you just buy each individually and hope you got the points for it?


Magic is another big one. What sort of limitations would you commonly apply and that sort of thing?


Not certain if it's the flavor you are looking for but you might want to take a look at:


Kazei 5




which covers much of the subjects you mention above in a 'near future/Dark

Champions' style setting.


Also, you might want to look at the pre-built powers (cybernetic and otherwise)





which is a sourcebook for converting the Shadowrun system and setting into

Hero terms.


Also at Starherofandom.com you'll find another view on psionics at:




Not that I'm saying you should just use these premades, but they might give

you a handle on how some others build such things in the Hero system. And

then you can move on from there..... :D


And BTW, welcome back to Hero !



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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Another thing I was messing with was this, but its a bit more refined...I added Restrainable to it to possibly reflect the nature of the cybernetics, but am not sure if it would be appropreate to place such a thing on the above one:


Advanced Full Body Cybernetics: Multipower) 92pt Fixed Slots

[2u] Armor Plating (Armor): 10 PDr / 10 EDr; Hardened (+1/4); Visible (-1/4); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 37

[1u] Damage Resistance: 12 PDr / 10EDr; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Sensor Suite: +4 PER rolls w/all senses; Infrared; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 17

[1u] Flash Defense: +10 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Metal Fists (HA): +3d6 N; No END Cost (+1/2); Hand to Hand only (-1/2); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 22

[1u] KB Resistance: -5”; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Life Support 1: Self Contained Breathing; Fuel Charges (1 charge = 2hrs, +1/4); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Life Support 2: Safe Environment) Intense Heat & Cold, & Radiation; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Psi-Protection (Mental Defense) 6 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Power Defense: 6 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Improved Reaction Time: +1 Speed; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

TOTAL = 85


No. Just...no. Why does the cyborg's armour just appear and disappear? And what about the nature of the cybernetics make them restrainable? If I wrestle him he can't breathe? Putting senses in a framework is a bit of a no-no just because it gets really cheap

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Advanced Full Body Cybernetics: Multipower) 92pt Fixed Slots

[2u] Armor Plating (Armor): 10 PDr / 10 EDr; Hardened (+1/4); Visible (-1/4); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 37

[1u] Damage Resistance: 12 PDr / 10EDr; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Sensor Suite: +4 PER rolls w/all senses; Infrared; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 17

[1u] Flash Defense: +10 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Metal Fists (HA): +3d6 N; No END Cost (+1/2); Hand to Hand only (-1/2); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 22

[1u] KB Resistance: -5”; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Life Support 1: Self Contained Breathing; Fuel Charges (1 charge = 2hrs, +1/4); Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

[1u] Life Support 2: Safe Environment) Intense Heat & Cold, & Radiation; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Psi-Protection (Mental Defense) 6 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Power Defense: 6 Def; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 6

[1u] Improved Reaction Time: +1 Speed; Restrainable (-1/4)---AP 10

TOTAL = 85


I think you need to reread the Multipower rules.


It would also be nice if you were able to take a look at some sample characters to see how they laid out their powers. The above format is unclear.


The biggest problem is logical: why can't this character use all these powers at the same time? How does he turn his armour off?


Also, how can these powers be restrained? Does this happen frequently enough to make it a legitimate disadvantage? Would you want to play the character if it did?


Personally, I think you are trying to be too cute. I'd just buy the powers straight up. Apart from the fuel charges on the Self Contained Breathing, which are fine, the rest of the Limitations above dodgy, and I can't see any sensible reason for having all this stuff in a Multipower.


Try again. ;)


Simple is good.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I would suggest something probably like an Elemental Control for most Cyborg Abilities, while having the Switchemup Attack powers in a Multipower.


Definitely have Defensive abilities outside of the Frameworks, it's just not worth it. Not to mention there are some problems doing so.


I would build a Cyborg Character just like a normal Brick like character. If the Brick has Natural Skin Armor, it's just Body Armor. A Cyborg would have the same - and if it is a Robocop Style, take on the limitation Visible or Always on (I believe these two lims are no-no's, but it is quite possible)


Really it is your attack and movement powers that will end up falling into a Framework - unless for some reason the Cyborg has some extraordinary defensive ability like a Force Field that can be put up, but they can't do something else. Also - don't forget about using the non-ultra slots. They may be more expensive but can possibly tailor the Multipower to be better utilized.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I believe the reason he's using Multipower is because he wants a modular cyborg body... He takes the armor off and mounts more guns, or whatever.


You should probably buy the MP with a limitation similar to the Gadget Pool limitations, such as 'Can only switch powers while in cybernetics bay, -1/2', or whatever.


Another thing to consider is, as assault and others have pointed out, is why he doesn't have all of his equipment slotted at once. I can think of several reasons: limited attachment points/internal space, limited computer processing resources, and weight.


I was toying with this idea on the bus on the way home, and the notion of restrictions based on weight (and the generator/motor power required to move the heavier cyborg chassis around as you added equipment), and the following build idea occurred to me. Build your Multipower (90 points or whatever) with 3 fully flexible slots for, say, +30 STR, +15 REC and +15" Running. This represents the cyborg stripped down to the chassis. Then, buy all of your equipment as fixed 'ultra' slots. As you install additional hardware, the increased weight and power draw reduces the chassis' effective movement and power regeneration ability. I'll take a stab at a writeup in a bit.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Is this a viable way of doing say a Full Conversion cyborg, ala a Robocop like character?


And if that is a workable case, what sort of Limitations would one place upon the structure?


Take a gander at:




for an example of an anime style full body conversion.....And another at:








for a 250pt version of a Robocop style conversion.



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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I was toying with this idea on the bus on the way home, and the notion of restrictions based on weight (and the generator/motor power required to move the heavier cyborg chassis around as you added equipment), and the following build idea occurred to me. Build your Multipower (90 points or whatever) with 3 fully flexible slots for, say, +30 STR, +15 REC and +15" Running. This represents the cyborg stripped down to the chassis. Then, buy all of your equipment as fixed 'ultra' slots. As you install additional hardware, the increased weight and power draw reduces the chassis' effective movement and power regeneration ability. I'll take a stab at a writeup in a bit.


Nice idea...I'm looking forward to seeing any write-up you come up with.




And I must spread some rep around....etc.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I believe the reason he's using Multipower is because he wants a modular cyborg body... He takes the armor off and mounts more guns, or whatever.


You should probably buy the MP with a limitation similar to the Gadget Pool limitations, such as 'Can only switch powers while in cybernetics bay, -1/2', or whatever.


Hmm. In effect that would be using an MP as a very constrained Gadget Pool. Interesting idea.


I have to say, though, that it's generally a bad idea trying to build complex characters like this until you have a good grasp of the system.


I still would just build the character straight up, and add the "clever" stuff later.


I have to admit that despite having played the game on and off for 26 years, I still build my characters the simplest way possible. Or perhaps that's because I've been playing it so long.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


This is all helpful stuff and is just what I'm looking for in feedback/help.



Luckily I do have a regular super-hero character I'm being allowed to play for the game that I used back when our group had a different GM and primarily played Hero System. He was about 268pts but is now 350pts. He works, only because most of the work was already done years ago...and he is very simple.


But I often like more complex things and I can't do "simple" all the time. So working things out now helps me for later.


I added the Restrainable (-1/4) limitation to show that if the PC were to be restrained, the cybernetics could be forcefully removed. Maybe another limitation would be more appropreate for expressing the fact that if restrained properly one could remove the cybernetics either with surgery or power tools.


But this all helps alot.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Psionics can be a little problematic as its one of the more powerful super power groupings one can wheel out.
They can be, yes. Multipowers are often a good framework to use for psionics, as it's easy to picture them needing to concentrate on one power at a time. Since psionics are a reasonable special effect and mostly cost END, they'd also be good candidates for an EC. Good limitations for psionic powers might include: Concentration (the most obvious one), activations rolls, side effects, and increased END. Psionics who focus primarily on mental powers can ignore most physical stats, and even DEX, and use the LoS range of thier powers to stay out of reach (or even out of sight) and out of trouble. Psychokinetics, need more DEX to use TK, Energy Blast, or whatever other powers they manifest, and can be tougher, protected by a psychokinetic force field or the like.




Cybernetics are also problematic. For example, if your building a full conversion cyborg, do you put all of his powers into a Multipower, or do you just buy each individually and hope you got the points for it?
Cybernetics have never been easy. The obvious impulse is to buy them as foci, but foci are only apropriate if they can be taken away, which is not often the case with cybernetics. You could buy cybernetic powers with charges (perhaps 'fuel' charges), limitations like the infamous "doesn't work in intense magnetic fields," activation, foci (for components that can be removed), restrainable (if your cyber blaster is only in your left arm, and a weak electric motor raises it into firing position, for instance, it could be easily prevented from working when you're grabbed, engangled or bound). You could also buy most cybernetic powers straight, but use Disadvantages to model the cyborg aspect - dependence on power sources, vulnerability to certain kinds of attacks, susceptibility to attacks that only affect non-living things, physical limiations and so forth. Cybernetics doesn't lend itself as obviously to any one framework. A highly integrated and efficient cyborg could even have no particular limitations or frameworks or even disads: just very high stats and some apropriate powers.




Magic is another big one. What sort of limitations would you commonly apply and that sort of thing?
Classic limitations on magic could include: Incantations, Gestures, Requires Skill Roll (possibly w/Side Effect), and Foci. Magic really lends itself to a myriad of 'limmitted power' limitations, since a given spell might arbitrarily only work at only a certain time, vs certain creatures, etc. One that I like is Limmitted Power: power comes from a source - the idea being that you invoke a demon/angel/god/spirit/whatever to gain the effect, and that entity can withold it when you're working at cross purposes with it, or if you don't occassionally do a little 'favor' for it. When I say I like that one, I suppose I should clarify that /as a GM/ I like that one. :sneaky: Magic really lends itself to the VPP framework, as magic can do virtually anything, and it's often just the matter of finding the right spells or correct enetity to invoke.
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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I added the Restrainable (-1/4) limitation to show that if the PC were to be restrained, the cybernetics could be forcefully removed. Maybe another limitation would be more appropreate for expressing the fact that if restrained properly one could remove the cybernetics either with surgery or power tools.


In that case, what you really want is an Inaccessible Focus of some sort. Restrainable is for things that can be grabbed and held onto in combat, but not removed from the character (like wings, for instance.) The way you have it written up now, someone could grab your armor and, I dunno, peel it open for other people to shoot through. I can see special effects where that would make sense, but I don't think it's what you're going for.


Here's a Multipower I threw together just as a sample of what I was talking about before. I don't really have the time or energy to think up everything that I'd put into a fully-realized character, but it's something to start with:


Cost Powers END

60 Modular Cybernetic Systems: Multipower, 90-point reserve, (90 Active Points); Limited Power (Character can only switch slots in cybernetics bay; -1/2)

4m 1) Spare Servomotor Capacity: +30 STR (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 3

6m 2) Excess Generator Capacity: +15 REC (30 Active Points)

6m 3) Light-Footed: Running +15" (6"/21" total) (30 Active Points) 3

2u 4) Modular Plating: Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (37 Active Points); OIF (Removable Armor Plates; -1/2) 0

3u 5) SMG: Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6, 4 clips of 12 Charges (Increased Reloading Time; +0), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (50 Active Points); OIF (Arm-mounted Gun; -1/2) [12]

3u 6) Sniper Rifle: Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6, No Range Modifier (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OIF (Arm-mounted Gun; -1/2), 4 clips of 8 Charges (Increased Reloading Time; -1/4) [8]

2u 7) Shock Gauntlet: Energy Blast 4d6, No Normal Defense ([standard]; Not vs. Hardened defenses, insulated or no nervous system; +1) (40 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), OIF (Cybernetic Fist; -1/2) 4

1u 8) Auxiliary CPU: +1 SPD (10 Active Points); IIF (Modular Internal Device; -1/4)

1u 9) Internal Rebreather: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); IIF (Modular Internal Device; -1/4) 0

1u 10) Upgraded Sensor Package I: Radar (Radio Group) (15 Active Points); IIF (Modular Internal Device; -1/4) 0


I'm assuming GM permission to include Special Powers in a Multipower, of course.


So, assuming the cyborg chassis starts with average characteristics (which is unlikely), you'd start out with 40 STR, 19 REC and 21" of Running. If you wanted to mount the SMG, you'd have to strip out 50 points worth of STR/REC/Running to represent that your chassis was having to deal with the extra weight of the gun itself, its ammo storage and feed machinery, targeting systems, and so on. So, figure maybe you go down to + 10 STR, +10 REC & +5" running. Then you want to equip the Shock Gauntlet in your other hand, that'll cost you the rest of your enhanced stats (apparently, those capacitors are heavy!). Or you could leave the gauntlet off and slap on the Armor, and still have enough left over for +1 STR & +1 REC... ;)


Notice that you can't put Visible on an Obvious Focus, so I left it off of the Armor in this build. Still, the Limitation value works out to be the same as in your build.


So, obviously you have other ideas for slots you'd want to have available. The nice thing about Multipowers is that they're very good for modeling these kinds of modular builds, especially since you can usually purchase a new slot with a session or two's-worth of experience.


clsage, at least, will probably recognize this as a variant of the build that I came up with when Arrgg was asking about power armor builds here. You might want to mine that thread for ideas, too.


However, the advice people have given you about making sure you have defenses and movement powers outside of your Multipower is good. Never, ever create a situation where you can accidentally leave your primary defenses shut down! Use the MP for supplemental defenses, like additional armor and Flash Defense, Force Fields, and that sort of thing. Similarly, I'd put most of the Life Support you've got in your build on the main chassis. Those sound like the kind of fail-safe options most designers would build into the core of a cyborg body, not strap-on or plug-in modules.


Looking at what I wrote up, I'm not sure I (as a GM) would be entirely happy about that +1 SPD item, but if you can't swap it out in mid-fight, that removes most of the issues with limited SPD, so I guess it depends. I can see having a bunch of internal computer modules you could swap in and out on a per-mission basis, like skillsofts and stuff, but that might make more sense for a different sort of cyborg.


OK, now I'm rambling.


Edit: Oh, right, I was going to talk more about the Focus limitation. You'll notice that in the Multipower above, there are three different levels of Focus. The flexible slots don't have Focus at all, because they're part of the cyborg chassis. They can't be taken away short of removing the entire cyborg body from the left-over meat bits, which is extremely radical surgery, and goes well beyond the realm of Foci (I call this the 'Spleen Rule'. Your spleen, after all, can be removed with surgery. It won't even kill you. But it's not a Focus). The guns and armor are Obvious Inaccessible Foci, because they're external, you can see them and watch them operate, but they're firmly anchored to the chassis when attached and can't easily be removed/disarmed/shot off in combat. The other systems are Inobvious Inaccessible Foci, because they're internal and can't be seen, but they could be removed by someone who had disabled your character and hit the appropriate buttons, opened a few access ports, or whatever. If they were so firmly imbedded in the character that they couldn't be removed except with surgery or advanced tooling, they wouldn't qualify for a Focus limitation at all.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


I added the Restrainable (-1/4) limitation to show that if the PC were to be restrained' date=' the cybernetics could be forcefully removed. Maybe another limitation would be more appropreate for expressing the fact that if restrained properly one could remove the cybernetics either with surgery or power tools.[/quote']


How often do you want this to occur? :)


Would once in every four or five scenarios be too often? That's pretty much what a -1/4 limitation suggests.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.



Here's a Multipower I threw together just as a sample of what I was talking about before. I don't really have the time or energy to think up everything that I'd put into a fully-realized character, but it's something to start with:


Cost Powers END

60 Modular Cybernetic Systems: Multipower, 90-point reserve, (90 Active Points); Limited Power (Character can only switch slots in cybernetics bay; -1/2)

4m 1) Spare Servomotor Capacity: +30 STR (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) 3

6m 2) Excess Generator Capacity: +15 REC (30 Active Points)

6m 3) Light-Footed: Running +15" (6"/21" total) (30 Active Points) 3

2u 4) Modular Plating: Armor (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (37 Active Points); OIF (Removable Armor Plates; -1/2) 0

3u 5) SMG: Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6, 4 clips of 12 Charges (Increased Reloading Time; +0), Autofire (3 shots; +1/4) (50 Active Points); OIF (Arm-mounted Gun; -1/2) [12]

3u 6) Sniper Rifle: Killing Attack - Ranged 2 1/2d6, No Range Modifier (+1/2) (60 Active Points); OIF (Arm-mounted Gun; -1/2), 4 clips of 8 Charges (Increased Reloading Time; -1/4) [8]

2u 7) Shock Gauntlet: Energy Blast 4d6, No Normal Defense ([standard]; Not vs. Hardened defenses, insulated or no nervous system; +1) (40 Active Points); No Range (-1/2), OIF (Cybernetic Fist; -1/2) 4

1u 8) Auxiliary CPU: +1 SPD (10 Active Points); IIF (Modular Internal Device; -1/4)

1u 9) Internal Rebreather: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing) (10 Active Points); IIF (Modular Internal Device; -1/4) 0

1u 10) Upgraded Sensor Package I: Radar (Radio Group) (15 Active Points); IIF (Modular Internal Device; -1/4) 0


I'm assuming GM permission to include Special Powers in a Multipower, of course.


clsage, at least, will probably recognize this as a variant of the build that I came up with when Arrgg was asking about power armor builds here. You might want to mine that thread for ideas, too.


Consider this build and/or concept stolen.....hope ya' don't mind. :D



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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Soo just to cover my grasp on cybernetics...


A) No Multipower unless used for modular aspects, such as weapons.

B) "Does not work in intense magnetic fields (-1/4)" is an approrpreate limitation for some cybernetic aspects.

C) "Restrainable (-1/4)," not appropreate for most cybernetic aspects. An IIF (-1/4) would be acceptable for some cybernetics.

D) Use Disadvantages to provide better "flavoring" for cybernetics and their limitations.



So a more amicable cybernetic body would be something like:


[8] Artificially Enhanced Strength: Characteristic (+15 STR); Not Figured (-1/2); Does not work in intense magnetic fields (-1/4)---AP: 15

[30] Armored Body: Armor (12 PDr / 8 EDr); Hardened (+1/4); Visible (armor plating, -1/4)---AP: 37

[9] Reinforced Body: Damage Resistance (10 PD / 8 ED are resistant)---AP: 9

[12] Enhanced Perceptions: Enhanced Senses (+4 all groups)---AP: 12

[11] Life Support: Safe Environment (Intense Heat, Cold, High Radiation, Low Pressure/Vacuum); Extended Breathing (1 END every 5 minutes)---AP: 11

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


This is all helpful stuff and is just what I'm looking for in feedback/help.



Luckily I do have a regular super-hero character I'm being allowed to play for the game that I used back when our group had a different GM and primarily played Hero System. He was about 268pts but is now 350pts. He works, only because most of the work was already done years ago...and he is very simple.


But I often like more complex things and I can't do "simple" all the time. So working things out now helps me for later.


I added the Restrainable (-1/4) limitation to show that if the PC were to be restrained, the cybernetics could be forcefully removed. Maybe another limitation would be more appropreate for expressing the fact that if restrained properly one could remove the cybernetics either with surgery or power tools.


If I restrained you properly I'm sure I could remove your arms and legs with surgery or power tools as well but that's not what restrainable means. Buying cybernetic implants as innaccessible foci could be a possibility if you expect other characters to be aiming at your implants and disabling them with attacks. You could make them vulnerable to malfunctions if you expose them to a magnetic field.

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


Ok, so what I have here is the idea for a "time controling" cyborg. I made some alterations to the "Tic-Toc" thing from before which should make it more presentable. It is based on the game "Time Shift" althought that was a suit and not cybernetics.


Time InCursion Tactically Optimized Combatant (TIC-TOC)

This is a modular unit inside of the body. It is roughly the size of a computer hard drive. It will not work with out an appropreatly adapted cybernetic frame or possibly vehicle.

[77] Tic-Toc: Multi Power (96pts); IIF (-1/4)---AP: 96

[2u] Slow Time Part 1: Speed (+4 speed); Uses END (-4 END per Round, -1/2); IIF (-1/4)---AP: 40

[1u] Slow Time Part 2: DCV (+3 DCV); IIF (-1/4)---AP: 15

[1u] Slow Time Part 3: OCV (+3 OCV); IIF (-1/4)---AP: 15

[5u] Pause Time: Dispel) 8d6 Dexterity; Continuous (+1); AOE (1 hex, +1/2); Personal Immunity (+1/4); Megascale (1hex = 1 kilometer, +1/4); NND (Time displacement technology protects = similar powers/gear as that of the Tic-Toc, +1); END x2 (-1/2); IIF (-1/4)---AP: 96

[3u] Reverse Time: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Any physical location corresponding to physical location in current dimension, Travel backward in time by up to 5 minutes); Trigger (Defined with each use, Zero Phase activation, Half phase to reset, +1/2); END Cost x2 (-1/2); Limited (END must be paid for every phase that the PC moves backward in time from the activation, the maximum possible time jump backwards is still 5 minutes, -1/2); Limited (Time is rewound in real time, undoing and redoing effects that have taken place—including damage to others, but not self, the PC retains all memories of what has happened but no one else does, this allows them to redo some things to change an outcome, the PC physically moves back to a previous moment of time, reoccupying the space, there is no alternate version of himself there, -0); IIF (-1/4)---AP: 72

TOTAL = 89



[10] Artificially Enhanced Strength: Characteristic (+10 STR); Not Figured (-1/2)---AP: 10


[30] Armored Body: Armor (12 PDr / 8 EDr); Hardened (+1/4); Visible (armor plating, -1/4)---AP: 37


[9] Reinforced Body: Damage Resistance (10 PD / 8 ED are resistant)---AP: 9


[30] Power Reserve: END Reserve (150pts / 15 Rec)---AP: 30


[9] Enhanced Perceptions: Enhanced Senses (+3 all groups)---AP: 9


[11] Life Support: Safe Environment (Intense Heat, Cold, High Radiation, Low Pressure/Vacuum); Extended Breathing (1 END every 5 minutes)---AP: 11


Cyber-Weapons: Weapons possess a cybernetic safety instead of a regular safety. They cannot be fire by anyone not adapted with the appropreate cybernetics. They are stored inside of the body. As a safety, a weapon cannot be drawn unless one is returned. If disarmed, a signal loss is detected and optional weapons can be drawn. Possesses 2 blasters located in the legs, one on each leg. 2 beam sabers located on the back. All come out of compartments extending up/out to be drawn.

[27] Multi Power (61pts); OIF (-1/2); STR Min (8, -1/2); No Knockback (-1/4)---AP: 61

[2u] Blaster Pistols: Ranged Killing Attack (2d6, Energy); Dual Pistols (+5 adder); Auto Fire (1-3 shots, +1/4); Zero END (+1/2); OIF (-1/2); STR Min (8, -1/2); No Knockback (-1/4); Beam (-1/4); No Bounce (-1/4)---AP: 61

[2u] Beam Sabers: HKA (2d6+1, Energy); Dual Blades (+5 adder); Zero END (+1/2); OIF (-1/2); STR Min (8, -1/2); No Knockback (-1/4); One-Half-Handed (-1/4); AP: 60

TOTAL = 31pts

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Re: Super Powers, Cybernetics, Magic, etc....getting back into the swing of things.


B) "Does not work in intense magnetic fields (-1/4)" is an approrpreate limitation for some cybernetic aspects.

You know, I probably shouldn't have mentioned that. :o Over the years it's become the poster boy for limitations that you shouldn't get any points for. Yes, it would be apropriate for a cyborg, in theory, but it's rare enough that you can't expect to get points for it - unless there are anti-cyborg types running around with EMP generators or some other reason you might encounter such a field now and then.


C) "Restrainable (-1/4)," not appropreate for most cybernetic aspects. An IIF (-1/4) would be acceptable for some cybernetics.
IIF for cybernetic components that can be removed with some effort, though not generally in combat, is OK - it'd be quite apropriate for a 'modular' cyborg who can swap out some of his own components.


Restrainable is actualy perfectly alright, too. A lot of cybernetic powers might be limitted to only one limb, or represent a pop-out bit of equipment, that, while it couldn't be removed short of surgery or something, /could/ easily be restrained in combat or when the cyborg is captured and tied up or whatever.


D) Use Disadvantages to provide better "flavoring" for cybernetics and their limitations.
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