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Robot Love Stories


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Re: Robot Love Stories


I remember reading in high school a story; I think a short story of the I Robot series. A doctor meets a prototype female robot and they fall in love and marry (secretly of course). The robot then ages as the human does. The story ends when the main character a robotic expert is called by the female robot asking him to deactivate her. Her husband has died and she wants to be with him.

Plot hooks:

1) The PC's find a human-robot couple on a world where such pairings are illegal. The couple is happy, do you turn them in?

2) Use the end of the short story above the robot wishes to "die"

3) A robot is used by a evil third party to get married and spy on a VIP, the characters find out and try to stop the plan. The VIP however is in love with the robot, not caring that his mate is a robot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Robot Love Stories


I remember reading in high school a story; I think a short story of the I Robot series. A doctor meets a prototype female robot and they fall in love and marry (secretly of course). The robot then ages as the human does. The story ends when the main character a robotic expert is called by the female robot asking him to deactivate her. Her husband has died and she wants to be with him.

Plot hooks:

1) The PC's find a human-robot couple on a world where such pairings are illegal. The couple is happy, do you turn them in?

2) Use the end of the short story above the robot wishes to "die"

3) A robot is used by a evil third party to get married and spy on a VIP, the characters find out and try to stop the plan. The VIP however is in love with the robot, not caring that his mate is a robot.


You know, Asimov's robots are interesting. I've always wondered whether they had some organic component to them; many of the robots are as clever and creative as humans, and can pass for them; some may not even know they're robots until they run headlong into the Three Laws.


WALL*E has many interesting features for gaming. The devloution of mankind aboard the Axiom (the movie blames microgravity, but the Axiom has normal gravity, probably artificial: the producers took so much trouble to get the physics to at least look right for everything else that I can't imagine them fouling this up) raises some serious questions about consumer societies entertaining themselves to death. Personally, I was amazed that the Captain turned out to be the sort of character he was. But I also wonder how difficult it would be for most of the Axiom people to adjust to walking on two legs, or indeed any sort of mobility at all.


And you don't want to see Buy 'N Large in your campaign. Willful ignorance of the Law of Unintended Consequences is not a good thing in a globe-controlling metacorp.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Re: Robot Love Stories


I remember reading in high school a story; I think a short story of the I Robot series. A doctor meets a prototype female robot and they fall in love and marry (secretly of course). The robot then ages as the human does. The story ends when the main character a robotic expert is called by the female robot asking him to deactivate her. Her husband has died and she wants to be with him.


The story is "Helen O'Loy" by Lester del Rey. One of the finest science fiction stories ever written and one of my all-time favorites.

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Re: Robot Love Stories


I recommend "Saturn's Children" by Charles Stross.The narrator of the story is a female sex robot that was intended to be a courtesan for humans.Unfortunately,by the time the story takes place,human beings have been extinct for two centuries.The novel is a description of her adventures up to the point where she (and her robot lover) go on a centuries-long interstellar voyage.

It is also a condemnation of slavery,as the various robot species were set up as slaves,and essentially most still are-though to the corrupt robot aristos instead of their human creators.

(Incidentally,I can't help wondering whether the aristos helped mankind to die.They're certainly ruthless enough.I also think the sterilisation of Earth and the establishment of the organic-destroying "Pink Police" were also an attempt to ensure they're never enslaved again.The narrator doesn't think so,but she's not exactly omniscent.)

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