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A: Fortune smiles upon you, my friend. It is a day of wine and roses. Or in your case, beer and pizza!

A - Is it a great day to live in Cleveland or what?!


Q - I can probably name three things I care less about, but you'll have to give me a minute.

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A - There's no excuse for that kind of meticulous attention to detail.

Q: [Applejack]"I found Twilight Sparkle's "to-do" list for the day. Can somebody help me lift it?"[/Applejack]


A: If Humpty Dumpty can't find better things to do with his time than sit on high walls all day, it's his own fault.

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Q: I find you lack of empathy for the egg-man disturbing. What did he ever do to you?


A: When life hands you lemons, don't make lemonade - grab life by the throat and tell him to take back his damned lemons or you are going to burn his house down! With lemons!

Q:  Why are you facing arson charges and the main evidence is a bag of lemons?


A:  Buffeted by Buffy.

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A: OK, I admit it. You were right about the demon-summoning spell. But you were wrong about the offering.

Q: See? Fourteen stale Oreos gone, fourteen spastic Boston terriers in their place! Not exactly the hellhounds we were after, but it's a proof of concept, right?


A: "Next time, we want Buffalo wings," is what those firey runes say in Abyssal.

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Q: What the hell? Why does this blog page vary in topics in discussion so badly? Skateboarding, surfing and pizza-toppings I get. But Martial Arts and the pros and cons of various martial-arts weapons versus robots and aliens? It just goes back and forth with no semblance of order!


A: And that right there is why Doctor Doom will quit within five minutes of actually taking over the world.

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A: And that right there is why Doctor Doom will quit within five minutes of actually taking over the world.

Q: OK, global warming is your problem now. And the African famines, that little brouhaha in the Ukraine, fixing Social Security, getting these damn freeways built, figuring out what to do with all those abandoned steel mills....


A: Puppies must be protected at all costs. Kittens can take care of themselves. Rabbits are yummy!

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