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Q: How many times to I have to tell you to stop using LSD? Eventually you are going to fry your brain to the point you are no longer interacting with reality. AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT?


A: Sorry, but I think my blood is more valuable to me than yours is to you.

Q: And here we have a great new product. It will provide near-instant travel -- Wait, Vlad, why are you looking at me like that?


A: Use the reverse-inversion principle.

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Q: Fancy meeting you here, Kazooie. And what brings you to our psychiatric practice?


A: You'd think that there's a playthough in this video game where you get to save her.

Q: Why are you having so much trouble with the new, improved Donkey Kong game?


A: That is the flux capacitor of doom.

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A: I have a genuine void.

Q: All these celebutantes pretending to have voids where their brains should be. It's an act! It's fake! So why should we give you, heiress to a vast fortune, a TV contract and a deal to distribute your sex tape?


A: Nab him! Jab him! Tab him! Grab him! Stop that pigeon NOW!

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A - Just how have you managed to remain immortal for 50,000 years, Mr. Savage?

Q - If you don't like the job I'm doing, you're welcome to try it yourself.

Q: What is the problem, Mr. Scott? There is a problem with the ship and you are only sitting here.


A: Nothing like bringing a crowbar to a swordfish.

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Q: Y'know, I get that our war with the Tyranid's has degraded to the point where the Imperium is using stolen Tau tech... but I really wish I could beat up the Tau-tech with a crowbar when the crap refuses to work! *CLANG* At least with Imperium tech, if it don't work, hitting with a hammer won't cause the frackin' thing to explode! I wonder if it's too late to join the heretics?


A: So that's when I whipped out my AK-57 uzzie radar lasar triple barrel double scoped heat-seakin shotgun.

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A: So that's when I whipped out my AK-57 uzzie radar lasar triple barrel double scoped heat-seakin shotgun.

Q: Almost lost the opening round of the Shameless Munchkin Rave-Off, did you?


A: The guy with antimatter-plated poison fangs and francium astatide claws got chased off by the guy dual wielding Old Spice and Right Guard.

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A: The guy with antimatter-plated poison fangs and francium astatide claws got chased off by the guy dual wielding Old Spice and Right Guard.


Q - What kind of mushrooms did you guys have on the pizza at last night's gaming session, anyway?


A - Nobody knows the trouble I've been....

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