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Cosmic Entity Adventures!


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Has anyone ever thought of or done a cosmic entity power level campaign? I’ve been thinking of running one were the players characters would be to Galactus what the average X-man is to Magneto (making the character far more powerful than Silversufer). So the players characters would be a bit under the power level of Galatus yet could possibly take him out. The Universe I’m thinking of is like Marvel and DC. Now I know what many of you (and I) are thinking. This would be impossible to run as a fun game and would get out of hand. However, I also know that this forum is full of many creative geniuses and I am hoping to get your insight and ideas on how you would run a campaign like this.

In the end, I’m hoping this will be a thread to turn to for ideas on Cosmic Entity Adventures! :celebrate

Problems I for see are:

1. How to paint the picture of what a player sees as a cosmic entity. What is the environment of a cosmic entity?

2. What laws govern them? And how to keep passive enough laws where the entities can still feel like cosmic entities. (So what if I just blew up a star and billions of lower life forms died.)

3. Who/what enforces these laws? (Have a few ideas, but am open to hear more)

4. What the hell do cosmic entities do together?

5. What could be an adventure for them?

6. Why would they be hanging out together?

7. What do cosmic entities care about?

8. Feel free to give cosmic entity ideas.

9. How do I keep the players from getting out of hand?:confused:

10. How do I keep the players from getting bored?

11. How do I think cosmic?

12. Any ideas or suggestions would be great.


Ideas I have so far are:

1. Create several cosmic entity NPC’s and races.

2. There are prisons for entities that break cosmic law. For example, in the center of every gallaxy there are prison planets that neutralize much of an entities’ powers and they cannot leave using their own powers (yes just like Star Trek V). Another prison idea is put them in a black hole; this place would be a void (a place of nothingness).

3. Create cosmic entities (enemies) for the player characters

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


General suggestion: read as much Jack Kirby stuff as possible. Fourth World stuff, The Eternals and so on.


Also The Sandman.


That said, I'd personally drop the power level a little from what you described. The PCs don't need to be quite so over the top to interact with these things.


Heck, the Fantastic Four deals with a lot of this stuff, and they're nothing special. The Legion of Superheroes deal with folks like the Time Trapper, Mordru and Glorith, all of whom are quite capable of reshaping reality in their own images.


Reality Storm, the Champions/Silver Age Sentinels crossover adventure, had standard PCs interacting with Cosmic Entities, even if it was rather peripherally.


If you really want to go high end, I'd stick with the Superman/Green Lantern/Doctor Fate power level. Near enough to interact with the Big Concepts, but still able to function on a more human level.


Too much alienation from the human level makes character development a bit difficult, IMHO. On an ongoing level at least. You can make a good story out of characters who are alienated in that way, but that can get old real fast.

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Too much alienation from the human level makes character development a bit difficult, IMHO. On an ongoing level at least. You can make a good story out of characters who are alienated in that way, but that can get old real fast.


You may be right.:( It is hard for me to imagine how to run such as high power level game and still keep things interesting.:confused:


I'm trying to look at this subject as with a can do attitude though. I don’t know if something like this has been done successfully, but I believe it can be.:drink:


I have run also sorts of RPG games ranging in all power levels but the Cosmic entities level for player characters.


I’m definitely going to look into the authors you mentioned.:) That sounds like an excellent idea. I’m also thinking of reviewing some mythical stories especially the Hindu myths. To get an idea of what the Universe may seem like to greater gods and cosmic entities.

Keeping the game interesting for the players is an important part of this project. I’ve was pondering about comic relief in the game. Because several cosmic beings in comic books seem to not have much of a sense of humor. But I’m a firm believer in comic relief in a game… And then I remembered Q in Star Trek and a few other cosmicly powerful comic reliefs in fiction. So I know that aspect of game fun can be played out. I also believe if there is a form of cosmic law for cosmic beings then there would be some order to the campaign. Plus if someone brakes a cosmic law then things might get real interesting story wise.

Everyone, please feel free to brainstorm ideas here. But remember I’m looking for a can do attitude. :thumbup:

Lord Liaden, thanks for the link. Champions Beyond sounds likes a great idea in the works.:celebrate

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Speaking of Hindu myths, try to find a copy of Lord of Light, by Roger Zelazny.


"His followers called him Mahasamatman and said he was a god. He preferred to drop the Maha- and the -atman, however, and called himself Sam. He never claimed to be a god, but then he never claimed not to be a god."


Thor would be worth reading too.


Captain Marvel (the Shazam! one) would be appropriate too. The whole Rock of Eternity setup is a cosmic concept if there ever was one. I'm thinking of older stories, though, since I've only got a vague awareness of the current setup.

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Um' date=' [b']assault[/b], I could make an argument that Doctor Fate is at roughly Galactus' power level. Maybe Wonder Woman or Zatanna would be more in keeping with what you have in mind?


That would be a pretty out there reading of Doctor Fate, but if you say so...


The Spectre would be more plausible.


Doctor Strange, as Sorceror Supreme, would be another possible inspiration.


And Hercules, of course.

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


1.How to paint the picture of what a player sees as a cosmic entity. What is the environment of a cosmic entity?


Depends on the entity and what their senses are, although in every case they probably see - and understand - much, much more than a “normal Human.”


"Held up before my eyes a glass

Through which my shrinking sight did pass

Until it seemed I must behold

Immensity made manifold.

Whispered to me a word whose sound

Deafened the air for worlds around

And brought unmuffled to my ears

The gossiping of friendly spheres

The creaking of the tented sky

The ticking of eternity."


2.What laws govern them? And how to keep passive enough laws where the entities can still feel like cosmic entities. (So what if I just blew up a star and billions of lower life forms died.)


The law of cause and effect, the basic karmic law of action and consequence. One thing such an entity could not be as I see it, is ignorant. Would you casually blow up a star if you would be minutely aware of the last moments of every one of the seven billion, three hundred twenty two million, five hundred sixty four thousand, five hundred and ten sentient beings who would perish? If you knew their names - excepting the one thousand three hundred and seven newly hatched whose naming days had not yet come?


"I saw at sea a great fog bank

Between two ships that struck and sank

A thousand screams the heavens smote

And every scream tore through my throat."


3.Who/what enforces these laws? (Have a few ideas, but am open to hear more)


By choosing and acting, entities inevitably enforce upon themselves the consequences of their own acts. Whether one's power is measured against stars or against mere molecules, all beings with Free Will must abide their own decisions; if choices had no consequences, would not Free Will itself be a meaningless mockery?


"All suffering mine, and mine its rod

Mine pity, like the pity of God."


4.What the hell do cosmic entities do together?


Play role playing games. Just because you have never seen your own character sheet (how could a character see its own sheet, anyway?) doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Sometimes they play Snits! and Snits Revenge!


Go read the Star Trek novel The Wounded Sky.


"We were very tired, we were very merry,

We had gone back and forth to Hades on the Ferry."


5.What could be an adventure for them?


A situation where worlds are at stake and the risks so great that even such Godlike beings stand a real chance of failure, especially if they don't co-operate.


“Ah awful weight! Infinity

Pressed down upon the finite me!

My anguished spirit, like a bird

Beating against my lips I heard

Yet lay the weight so close about

There was no room for it without

And so beneath the weight lay I

And suffered death, but could not die."


6.Why would they be hanging out together?


Many reasons. But among the more easily comprehended:


To stay humble. To walk the great gulfs of space forever alone, or remain isolated on some world that one can shape to one's own fancy, is to risk hubris and the delusions of arrogance; to court the temptations, ultimately, of solipsism.


“worlds seem mere marbles....a passing star, a child's toy”


To stave off loneliness.


For friendship, companionship, love.


"It well may be that in a difficult hour

Pinned down by pain and moaning for release

Or nagged by want past resolution's power

I could be forced to trade your love for peace

Or trade the memory of this night for food.

It well may be. I do not think I would."



7.What do cosmic entities care about?


"Worlds and empires and galaxies are all important, but....there is nothing more important than being kind to people."


8.Feel free to give cosmic entity ideas.


I do feel free.


"I raised my quivering arms on high

I laughed and laughed into the sky"


9.How do I keep the players from getting out of hand?:confused:


Perhaps the same way Buddha kept the Monkey King from getting out of hand...


"He's got the whole world in his hands"



10.How do I keep the players from getting bored?


Give them obstacles.


The definition of obstacle is “Something you must go around, over, under, or through.”

Not something you can ignore, and not something that stops you. When you're an avatar of cosmic power, there is no such thing as something that stops you.....but there are things that slow you down.


"Over these things I could not see

These were the things that bounded me.

And I could touch them with my hand

Almost, I thought, from where I stand."


11.How do I think cosmic?


Hindu myth is a good start. If you can get a good translation of the core writing of the Chinese Taoist sage Chuang Tzu (Or Dwong Zuh or however he's spelling his name nowadays) that would be good for being profoundly cosmic with a sense of humor too.


The previously mentioned The Wounded Sky is as cosmic as it gets.


Check out Schlock Mercenary, specifically the story arcs involving “Petey.” Don't let the name fool you, Petey grows into a seriously Godlike character.


Chaplain: You really do think you're God, don't you?

Petey: I'm just trying to do what I think a God would do, if He were in my position.


“And so I looked, and after all

The sky was not so very tall

The sky I thought must somewhere stop

And sure enough, I see the top.

The sky I thought is not so grand

I 'most could touch it with my hand.

And reaching up my hand to try....”


12.Any ideas or suggestions would be great.


Ask yourself – why am I doing this? When you have the answer to that, perhaps that will show you the path to tread.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has four feet but lost the footnotes. Quotes are mostly from Edna St. Vincent Millay, some from W. S. Merwin, a couple others......

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


I wouldn't go with 'Cosmic Entities'; that's meaningless unless you're fighting literally for possession of the universe, and boring the fourth time you do it. Cosmic-level HEROES on the other hand can be non-cosmic, and yet -- like Silver Surfer, Nova, Green Lantern, whatever -- have the power to ruin worlds, fight battlefleets five-on-zillion, that sort of thing. THEN you have 'cosmic' level events to rampage around. "The Ghael navy is out to destroy Kun-Jar!! We must stop them, for on Kun-Jar is ..."

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


I saw a Galactus write up for 4th edition. The points put into it were a little over 5,000. So right now I'm pondering the point cost for player's characters. Right now, I'm thinking around 1500-2000 points using 5e rules. I want them to be powerful enough to have a herald as powerful as Quasar or a green lantern. Just to give you an idea these Cosmic entities do now rule Galaxies. They may rule a star system or two. But they also may rule nothing. They have the potential to be the King-god of a planet if they want to.:king:


Here is the 4e write up og Galactus.



How many points do you think Galactus would be with 5e rules?

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


I'm afraid I can't help you any further, Knightgoblin. The level of omnipotence you're proposing is so far beyond my experience or imagination in constructing a challenging, playable campaign setting, with PC characters that can be related to and have motivations to cooperate, that I have nothing more to offer.

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Lord Liaden, I am sorry to lose you in this creative endeavor. I was really looking forward to brain storming with you. I read many of your board writings and you seem like just the person I would like to talk too. If you change your mind, please feel free to express your thoughts and ideas.:)


I would like to avoid having this campaign to over powered. So I propose an experiment…:eek:


Feel free to create characters (Cosmic Entities) and post them here. The base points for character creation is 2,000 points. If you decide to write a story or background for the character; try to put a few love interests in the being’s (cosmic entity’s) life. For example, it can be another cosmic entity, a planet, a race of people, an object, etc. Also try to right a background that would give a connection between the being and mortals throughout the Universe (Show some humanity in the entities background).

The purpose of this experiment is to see if a character made at 2,000 points is to powerful and/or is a character that players cannot relate too.

I look forward to seeing your creations.:drink:

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Lord Liaden' date=' I am sorry to lose you in this creative endeavor. I was really looking forward to brain storming with you. I read many of your board writings and you seem like just the person I would like to talk too. If you change your mind, please feel free to express your thoughts and ideas.:) [/quote']


You flatter me, K-g. :o My difficulty isn't actually with the number of points these characters are built on. I could certainly build playable high-powered characters on 2000 points if they're dealing on the galactic stage. What I'm having difficulty dealing with is the lofty position you attribute to them: rulers of the Galaxy, planetary gods, with "heralds" rivalling the most powerful comic-book superheroes. These are what in most games would be NPC movers and shakers, the "higher powers" who actually run things and to whom lesser beings, hero or villain, either answer to or unite to oppose. In trying to make them PCs, I would be faced with several questions:


If you're going to make them a PC "team," what challenge would be sufficient for them to confront collectively? How many times can you threaten to destroy the universe, before even that becomes boring?


What are the obstacles that they have to overcome, which is the essence of heroism? They're already at the top of the power pantheon, able to get essentially whatever they want. If they fail in any of their endeavors, who or what would they answer to?


Who can these beings meaningfully interact with besides each other? They're the rulers of, and virtual gods to, everyone beneath them. For example, a romance between a god and a mortal is never going to be in any way a meeting of equals.


What's coming to my mind is the myths of the classical Greek Olympian gods, immortal, masters of the cosmos... and totally self-satisfied and self-absorbed, relieving their perpetual boredom mostly through petty schemes to discomfit each other. Even those were conducted primarily through moving their mortal proxies like chess pieces. The only occasions they acted together were the few times a great enough menace arose to threaten all of them, like Typhon or the war with the Giants.


Now I could see a one-on-one game where a single PC "cosmic entity" might oppose the others; but I just can't visualize a way to make a group of these beings function together as a "team" over the long term, regardless of power level.


OTOH if you were to take the PCs down just one notch in their status in the cosmic order, I think this universe concept could work. :) You mention these entities having "heralds." If the heralds joined together, perhaps as the enforcers/champions/police of the cosmic entities, then you'd have a group comparable to the Green Lantern Corps, with the "entities" functioning as a governing council like the Guardians of the Universe. The heralds can be dispatched to deal with matters which, while still serious, are beneath the direct attention of their masters. They might even be called upon to bring one of the entities who has "gone rogue" back in line. Since they would only be functionaries of the supreme powers rather than the powers themselves, it would be much easier for them to relate to more normal people, and vice versa. And there'd be lots of potential for conflict with the expectations, orders, and laws of their masters, especially if the cosmic entities held differing positions on some issues.


2000 points wouldn't be excessive for this type of campaign. How does that sound?

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Both of you have great points. Most likely the campaign will have to be done like you suggest. :cool:

How I’m picturing things right now are that; the cosmic beings are 2,000 point characters that have a Herald (500+pts). They of course pay for their herald. I don’t see this Cosmic Being ruling any more than a star system. Most players I believe will not choose to rule a planet. And if they did rule a planet or a solar system. Their hegemony is meaningless when a 5,000+ pts Galactus type character comes to visit hungry. I definitely do not want to jeopardize the galaxy or universe with every adventure. I tend not to threaten the city with every adventure in normal super hero campaigns. Drama and soap stuff is the usual entertainment with a dash of violence here and there. I wonder, what would be the equivalent of a common four color super bank robbery type scenario in a cosmic campaign…?:confused:

I’m viewing these 2,000 point characters as what Silver Surfer maybe be like in a few millenniums. He may be a little more detached from humanity but still does cares about mortals and their affairs. He may have a sidekick (herald) who is more interactive with less powerful life forms.

I’ve come up with an example character for this game, but have not finished creating it. Right now I have finals to study for and my Senior Thesis to revise. I will return in a week to post a concept character. While I am gone from the boards I want anyone reading this post to feel from to make 2,000 point characters and post them here. I want to know what kind of concepts people could or would come up with using 2,000pts.:help:

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


If you're ruling a planet, you're not a universe-level 'cosmic' being. The Heralds of Galactus are not 'cosmic' beings; they're fantastically powerful, yes, 'Omega' level beings, but not 'I am the essence of Order/Chaos in the universe'. The level you're talking about is 'galactic', not 'cosmic'.


I think you need to refine your terminology; what you mean by 'cosmic' is different than what we understand by cosmic. For us, for the most part, 'cosmic' means 'an essential representative force in the Universe' -- examples in Marvel would be Death, Galactus, Eternity, Love/Hate, Order/Chaos, Eon -- all the folks that Thanos fought in the Infinity Gauntlet. They don't 'rule' anything; they ARE these things, and essentially separate from individual existences. What you're meaning are Silver Surfer, Nova, Green Lantern sorts -- people who COULD rule the world if they wanted to, but don't usually -- and who get involved in galactic events.


2000 points can be enough; 600 points can be enough. Remember, in the HERO system how 'super' your supers are is also defined by their opposition. You may be a 2000-point character, but if the battleships of the Imperial space fleets are 1600-point creations with armor that takes your OmegaBlast four or five shots to get through ... then you really are just a self-powered battleship. If Hero Vs. Starfighter is a roughly equal battle, then heck, they're just self-powered starfighters. Scale is as important in this as sheer point value. Are your characters going to have problems taking out a fighter? Are they going to have a tough time taking out a fighter squadron? Destroyer squadron? Or is a battleship group more their range of a one-on-lots tough fight?


Characters aren't going to be -- going to feel -- that they're operating on a galactic/cosmic level unless the opposition they're facing is appropriately scaled.

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


In my campaign, I have various gods and cosmic entities that work like this:


The Collective


There are certain races of people in the universe, people whose collective life energies in times of great need are bestowed upon a member of their race. These Avatars are given powers representive of their race and the memories of all those who have taken on this mantle of power are available to these avatars. The more numerous the race, the more powerful the god!


These memories assault the avatar in the form of flashbacks, dreams and visions. The avatar fights to retain his own identity even as the eons of other avatars' memories try to re-write them!


As the Avatar accepts more of these memories, he gains more and more power, transforming into something more than what they were. Once the memory transfer is compleate, the Avatar once again gains his memories. The collective power was mearly replaying history for the Avatar, and at the end adding his own history to the collective.


These Avatars, together known as The Collective must fight outside threats, keeping their race alive from any threats even those of other members of the collective or their own race who may not understand who/ what they are.


On a personal level, the Avatars must decide if they wish to retain their personal lives even knowing that they may endanger them from other-worldly threats that may not be so ignorant of the Avarats role or power.


You see the power sharing works both ways, as some malevolant force may try to control or destroy the Avatars race via their eymathetic connection to them! As well as more millitant races (who may or may not have Avatars of their own) who may try to conquer the Avatars star system!


And what of the origins of these special races? What other cosmic forces were responsable for their creation? What would happen if such a cosmic force returned and demended service? Would the Collective be able to set aside their deifferances and work together to bring down their own creator?


This set up allows for a more relatable character (say a human) who was suddenly empowered to cosmic levels. Other races may see such a being as a god or messiah, while others may choose to serve with humility. Meanwhile these Avatars must keep their people safe from outside threats or become weakened, or maybe this power comes from hope? If their people loose hope, they loose their power!


Having an outside boogyman return couls set up a great climax to the chronicle, and could be a sort of 'angelic revolt' against a mysterious 'creator'. the possibilities are endless here. Hope this helps or at least give you (and others) something to chew on! ;)

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


For your consideration...


I recently did a MSH TSR conversion to Champions and this is my version of the Silver Surfer. My group has used the house rule that super powers do 2x effect while real world effects are halved. I'd also keep in mind when doing any game with as many points as you are talking about that you'd need "Buckets O' Dice" for a lot of the fights.


Anyways not 2000 pts but it may give you an idea of what you could be looking at.


Silver Surfer




Val Char Cost

70 STR 60

35 DEX 75

45 CON 70

33 BODY 46

20 INT 10

28 EGO 36

36 PRE 26

14 COM 2


30 PD 16

35 ED 26

7 SPD 25

30 REC 14

90 END 0

94 STUN 3


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

14" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 409


Cost Power

157 The Board: Multipower, 157-point reserve

10u 1) Planetside: Flight 50", x4 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (157 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

2u 2) The Stars: FTL Travel (2 Light Years/week) (24 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)

40 None may stop my travels!: Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (60 Active Points); OIF (-1/2)


Silvery Form

17 Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (17 Active Points) applied to STR

40 Damage Resistance (30 PD/35 ED), Hardened (+1/4) (40 Active Points)

16 Hardened (+1/4) applied to PD plus Hardened (+1/4) applied to ED

50 LS (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: Immortal; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per year)

12 +4 PER with all Sense Groups

20 Power Defense (20 points)

20 Lack Of Weakness (-20) for Resistant Defense

20 Sight Group Flash Defense (20 points)

20 Mental Defense (26 points total)


445 The Power Cosmic: Variable Power Pool, 178 base + 267 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (445 Active Points)

[Notes: This allows his max EB with his Dex maxed out at the same time... the powers themselves are listed at his max abilitiy to use said powers according to the conversion chart so no he can not do 178 pts with of Healing.]

0 1) EB 14d6, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (105 Active Points) Real Cost: 105

0 2) EB 6d6, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; +1/4) (37 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2) Real Cost: 12

0 3) Telepathy 3d6 (Additional Class of Minds class of minds) (25 Active Points) Real Cost: 25

0 4) Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Sight, Hearing And Radio Groups) (60 Active Points) Real Cost: 60

0 5) Healing BODY 7d6 (70 Active Points) Real Cost: 70

0 6) Flight 50", x4 Noncombat (105 Active Points) Real Cost: 105

0 7) Major Transform 5d6-1 (70 Active Points) Real Cost: 70

0 8) +12 DEX (36 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power half power for 10 hours, full power 1 minute (-1/4) Real Cost: 20

0 9) +30 STR (30 Active Points); No Figured Characteristics (-1/2), Limited Power half power 10 hours, full power 1 minute (-1/4) Real Cost: 17


Cosmic Awareness

50 Cosmic Awareness: Detect A Large Class Of Things 13- (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, Analyze, Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees), Range, Sense, Targeting, Telescopic: +5, Tracking

50 Cosmic Awareness: Danger Sense (self only, any danger, Analyze, Discriminatory, Function as a Sense, Targeting Sense, Telescopic (+3)) 13-

212 Expanded Cosmic Awareness: MegaScale (1" = 100 lightyears; +4), Can Be Scaled Down 1" = 1km (+1/4) for up to 50 Active Points of cosmic awareness (212 Active Points)

Powers Cost: 1181


Cost Martial Arts Maneuver

4 Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort

4 Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort

5 Kick: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 18d6 Strike

4 Punch: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 16d6 Strike

4 Charge: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -2 DCV, 16d6 +v/5 Strike, FMove

4 Nerve Strike: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, +1 DCV, 2d6 NND

Martial Arts Cost: 25


Cost Skill

3 Analyze: Energy Readings 13-

40 +5 with All Combat

15 +3 with DCV

3 KS Inhabited Worlds 13-

3 KS Alien Species 13-

3 KS Galactus 13-

3 KS Cosmic Threats 13-

5 Navigation (Astral, Dimensional, Hyperspace, Space) 13-

3 Oratory 16-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Systems Operation 13-

2 TF: Science Fiction & Space Vehicles

Skills Cost: 86


Cost Perk

12 Contact Fantastic Four (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Very Good relationship with Contact) 14-

10 Contact Avengers (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Good relationship with Contact) 13-

6 Contact (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has very useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 11-

Perks Cost: 28


Cost Talent

3 Absolute Range Sense

3 Absolute Time Sense

3 Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)

5 Eidetic Memory

4 FTL Pilot

20 Universal Translator 13-

Talents Cost: 38


Total Character Cost: 1767


Pts. Disadvantage

20 Distinctive Features: The Sleekness (Not Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

20 Hunted: Galactus 11- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching) [Notes: Galactus can find his boys anytime, anywhere]

10 Hunted: Planests he helped destroy 8- (Less Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

25 Hunted: Thanos 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish)

20 Psychological Limitation: Driven to explore the universe (Very Common, Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation : Protective of Earth (Common, Strong)

20 Psychological Limitation : Heroic (Common, Total)

5 Reputation Former Guide to the World Killer: , 8- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group)

10 Reputation Hero: , 11- (Extreme; Known Only To A Small Group)

10 Rivalry Other Heralds: Professional (; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Harm or Kill Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)

10 Vulnerability to Galactus: 2 x Effect (Uncommon) [Notes: Face it... What Galactus gives Galactus taketh away]

Disadvantage Points: 165

Base Points: 250

Experience Required: 1352

Total Experience Available: 1331

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


HawksmoorSD, that is a most impressive writeup of the Silversurfer! I really like how precise you were with his powers under the Power Cosmic variable power pool.:thumbup::celebrate


I definitely will take the buckets full of dice problem into consideration.

My thoughts on resolving it are to multiply the dies in the ten's category by 3 and roll the last odd dices. i.e. Silversurfer's EB 14d6 would be 30 +4d6 damage. Of course I'd still most likely use hit location multiplies too:eek:


Roman Virtue, I like your Avatar idea. Question, I'm curious if you ever implemented that idea for a group of player Characters already at their full Avatar power potential? Also how would you or did you go about giving a reason such powerful beings to be grouped together in a campaign or adventure?

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Here is a brief background to an example player character. Can anyone tell me how to cut and paste a character from hero designer? I tried it and it was messy:ugly:. Thanks


In the beginning, Tahus was alone. He existed in the darkness of space. For eons he lived alone in the void of space. To bring comfort to himself Tahus gave up much of his power to create a race of beings to exist in the cold void of space with him. Like him, they were made immortal and given free will. For a while Tahus felt the warmth of a society. The loneliness he felt had subsided. Yet, Tahus grew tired of his creation bickering. Sacrificing more of his power Tahus formed life upon a plant (Jah) nearby. This life was not gifted with immortality, but still had free will. Tahus learned much from the life on Jah. Yet many of his first creation (the Ya-ni) manipulated the life upon Tah and a Celestial war began. After many millenniums of Celestial war (Between the Ya-ni) and wars upon Jah ( between the mortal Jahni people), Tahus cursed the Ya-ni by revoking their power to create a physical body (this act drained much of his power). Tahus left behind his creation in hopes to find other life.


Tahus Traveled the universe for thousands of years and found a race of simple people on the planet Wei. The people of Wei had advanced technology yet still lived in harmony with nature. To learn more about these people Tahu disguised himself as one of them and lived among them. After sometime, Tahus fell in love with a beautiful Wei woman name Xilia. He then took her as his wife. Tahus kept no secrets from Xilia. She knew who he was, what he could do, and how the Ya-ni and Jahni constantly implemented violence upon each other. Concerned about her religious belief of reincarnation, Xilia asked Tahus to not interfere with her mortal body: “When this body perishes it is my time to move into the next life.” Tahus and Xilia had a daughter named Lil. Like her father Lil was born with great power. After Xilia died, Lil and Tahus grieved.


Later, they later left Wei to explore the Cosmos together.


Currently the Ya-ni can interact with the physical world by possessing a Jahni. The Jahni are capable of advanced faster than light space travel and have conquered many Star Systems. Malnos, (the first created and the leader of the evil Ya-ni) is searching the Galaxy intending to find Tahus. He believes that if he kills Tahus that he will gain not only Tahus’ power but he will also gain Tahus original power before he created life.


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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Here is my attempt at posting a character...:nonp:





Val Char Cost

70/120 STR 60

22 DEX 36

35 CON 50

40/50 BODY 60

40 INT 30

44 EGO 68

30 PRE 20

20 COM 5


14/114 PD 0

7/107 ED 0

6 SPD 28

21 REC 0

70 END 0

93/103 STUN 0


6" RUN 0

2" SWIM 0

14"/24" LEAP 0

Characteristics Cost: 357


Cost Power

225 Armor (50 PD/50 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4) (225 Active Points)

40 Desolidification

40 Mental Defense (99 points total)

20 Power Defense (20 points)

91 Immortal Regeneration: Healing 10 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (250 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)

50 Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: Immortal; Safe Environment: Zero Gravity; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per year)

21 Flight 6", MegaScale (1" = 1 km; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (21 Active Points)

32 Faster-Than-Light Travel (6 Light Years/day)

10 N-Ray Perception (Sight Group)

3 Ultrasonic Perception (Hearing Group)

5 Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group)

22 Spatial Awareness (Unusual Group)

5 Mental Awareness

5 Infrared Perception (Sight Group)

12 High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)

10 Microscopic ( x100) with Sight Group

6 +4 versus Range Modifier for Hearing Group

75 Multipower, 75-point reserve

7u 1) Shrinking (0.0594 m tall, 0.0026 kg mass, -10 PER Rolls to perceive character, +10 DCV, takes +15" KB), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points)

7u 2) Growth (+50 STR, +10 BODY, +10 STUN, -10" KB, 86,016 kg, -6 DCV, +6 PER Rolls to perceive character, 15 m tall, 8 m wide), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (75 Active Points)

300 Star Power: Multipower, 300-point reserve

60m 1) Energy Blast 24d6, Affects Desolidified Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (300 Active Points)

60m 2) Sight Group Flash 48d6, Personal Immunity (+1/4) (300 Active Points)

750 Cosmic Power: Variable Power Pool (Cosmic Pool), 300 base + 450 control cost, Cosmic (+2) (750 Active Points)

0 1) Shape Shift (Sight, Smell/Taste and Touch Groups, any shape), Cellular, Imitation, Makeover, Difficult To Dispel (x2 Active Points; +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (198 Active Points) Real Cost: 198

0 2) Telekinesis (200 STR) (300 Active Points) Real Cost: 300

0 3) Force Field (50 PD/50 ED/50 Mental Defense/50 Power Defense), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (300 Active Points) Real Cost: 300

0 4) Aid Energy Blast 15d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2) (300 Active Points) Real Cost: 300

Powers Cost: 1856



Cost Skill

43 Power 31-

9 Inventor 20-

9 Mechanics 20-

13 Persuasion 20-

3 Scientist

4 KS: Milky Way Galaxy 13-

4 KS: Jah 13- [Notes: It has been some time since Tahus has been to Jah...Things have changed..]

2 KS: Wei 11-

Skills Cost: 87


Cost Perk

120 Follower

105 Vehicles & Bases

8 Contact 17-

Perks Cost: 233


Cost Talent

20 Universal Translator 17-

Talents Cost: 20


Total Character Cost: 2553


Pts. Disadvantage

10 Hunted: Some of the Jahni people are hunting Tahus 8- (Less Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

15 Hunted: The dark sect of the Yah-ni are hunting Tahus 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish)

15 Dependent NPC: The Jahni people 8- (Incompetent)

Disadvantage Points: 40

Base Points: 2500

Experience Required: 13

Total Experience Available: 15

Experience Unspent: 2

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Re: Cosmic Entity Adventures!


Roman Virtue' date=' I like your Avatar idea. Question, I'm curious if you ever implemented that idea for a group of player Characters already at their full Avatar power potential? Also how would you or did you go about giving a reason such powerful beings to be grouped together in a campaign or adventure?[/quote']


Thanks KG! Actually, I've have yet to introduce these characters at all, but have hinted at their existance.


As far a grouping them together, in the begining their inexperience would be a good reason to band together if for nothing else than to have help in discovering the mysteries of their powers.


Later, banning together against other Avatars that threaten their worlds would be a good reason, given the countless planets in the universe and the potental number of them having life.


The big climax to this chronicle would be the return of the Creator (or even "Creators") and the battle royale that would ensue as the Avatars fight off Armageddon.


Aferwords, maybe the people of various worlds begin to interbreed? What would this mean for the two races involved in relation to their Avatars? Would the creation of a new Avatar be in order? What would it mean after these crisis are over, would the Avatar then be powered down, yet still linked to the memories of his ancestors?


Ultimately, given the Avartas 'humble' beginings, the motivations can be as human (or whatever) as they are; as social being, humans would want to band together with others, perhaps they feel only the other Avatars could trully understand what they're going threw.


Curiosity is another good motive; I know if I were one of these guys I would spend lots of time exploring the universe first hand! Others, when exposed to the vastness of the cosmos and the realization of other life may become xenophobic, or perhaps agressive to other races. Could you imagine Hitler with the power of a cosmic god?


Again, the motives can vary and will likely be very 'human'. This was the primary motivation for me making these beings start out as just regular examples of their race. Because the higher the form of life the more complex and incomprehendable it's motives.


If you start out a campaing with; "Ok, you're death, the cosmic force of entrophy." How do you play that? it would take someone with some acting skill and the ability to think abstractly to pull off playing such a cosmic being.


If, however you say' "Ok, you're Phil, and today you were given power over death!" Well, anyone could understand what it would feel like to be Phil, as having powers you couldn't begin to understand thrust upon you!


Making characters relatable is essestial to good roleplaying, because if you don't understand the character how can you play him? I suppose you could play up the "You couldn't possible understand why a being such as I does the things I do." angle, but that would get old quick.

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