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The Fear Thing and the Child


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Not sure where the concept came from but The Fear Thing feeds on terror, the child has somehow bound the Fear Thing to it.


The Fear Thing




The Fear Thing


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

35 STR 25 16- Lift 3200.0kg; 7d6 [3]

23 DEX 39 14- OCV: 8/DCV: 8

20 CON 20 13-

20 BODY 20 13-

15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

48 PRE 0 19- PRE Attack: 9 ½d6

-10 COM 0 7-


16 PD 9 Total: 16 PD (16 rPD)

16 ED 12 Total: 16 ED (16 rED)

6 SPD 27 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

18 REC 14

40 END 0

48 STUN 0

Total Characteristic Cost: 192



Running: 6"/12"

Leaping: 8"/16"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

16 The Fear Thing Does Not Stop: Damage Resistance (16 PD/16 ED) 0

14 The Powers of Fear: Elemental Control, 34-point powers, (17 Active Points); all slots Side Effects (A chill fills the air around The Fear Thing when the Powers of Fear are used. (7"); -¼)

28 1) The Fear Thing Walks Through Dreams: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Related Group of Dimensions, Any Location), Usable Simultaneously (up to 2 people at once; +½) (52 Active Points); Side Effects (A chill fills the air around The Fear Thing when the Powers of Fear are used. (7"); -¼) 5

16 2) The Touch of Fear: Attack Versus Limited Defense (Power Defense; +1 ½) for up to 25 Active Points of STR (37 Active Points); Side Effects (A chill fills the air around The Fear Thing when the Powers of Fear are used. (7"); -¼) 4

26 3) The Fear Thing Comes Back: Healing Body 2d6+1, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent (+½) (96 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), Self Only (-½), Side Effects (A chill fills the air around The Fear Thing when the Powers of Fear are used. (7"); -¼) 0

Notes: No Healing Max (see FREd p. 120).

5 The Fear Thing's "Appendages": Extra Limbs (999) 0

34 The Fear Thing has Always Been: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing) 0

19 The Fear Thing Comes For You: +38 PRE (38 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only For Pre Attacks; -1)



15 Emotion Sense, Discriminatory, Perceive into a single other dimension

20 Universal Translator 12-



3 KS: Dreams 12-

3 KS: Magic of the Dream Realm 12-

3 Shadowing 12-

3 Stealth 14-

3 Tracking 12-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 208

Total Cost: 400


250+ Disadvantages

10 Dependent NPC: Alona Seed 14- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills)

Notes: The Fear Thing is linked to Alona and her desires. Bound by magick it does not understand The Fear Thing is pained by her fear and serves her when called upon.

25 Distinctive Features: Physical Personification of Fear (Not Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)

15 Hunted: Unknown (Cult wishing to steal the Fear Thing's power) 8- (Less Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Capture)

20 Watched: FM 14- (As Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

20 Psychological Limitation: Cannot Speak (Very Common, Strong)

5 Physical Limitation: Feeds on Fear (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)

25 Psychological Limitation: Bound By Duty (Very Common, Total)

20 Reputation: Living Incarnation of Fear, 14- (Extreme)

10 Social Limitation: Cannot interact with normal people (Occasionally, Major)


Total Disadvantage Points: 400


Background/History: The Fear Thing has always existed since the birth of waking though it has stalked the dream realms feeding on the terror of others. The Fear Thing was summoned by the child, Alona Seed, born into poverty the girl’s natural talents were overlooked and misunderstood by her parents. It was on her sixth birthday when her father came home drunk for the last time. Out of control he beat Alona and her mother screaming and saying they had ruined his life and that he would kill them both.


Gripped by fright Alona prayed that her fear could somehow protect her. Some believe that it is this prayer that called out through the darkness to it. In the eon’s prior never had one pure of heart prayed to the Fear Thing. They say what feelings it does have were swayed by this call and as it looked on in delight. The father cracked Alona’s mother’s skull sending a final wave of panic through the unknowing thaumaturge pulling the spirit of Fear from the realm of dreams into the waking world and so The Fear Thing was born.


Compelled by the child’s plea it’s form destroyed the father in an attempt to appease the girl. What it felt then was unlike anything it had known before. The child’s summons had linked the two, it felt what the child felt and for the first time it was afraid. The Fear Thing tried to appease the child but it’s every action merely sent new thrusts of terror into her. Entering the child’s mind it forged a pack with the young will worker. The child would never need fear again, for if she should it would come and it would take the fear away.


- - -


Lead Scientist Derrick Games: Final Analysis


The child was found living on the streets, worshiped as the living patron saint of the homeless. The pact with what she had named the Fear Thing intact. Taking her into custody the company spent the next year studying her. They learned quickly to keep her sedated. The Fear Thing was always watching. With the new strategic realignment of corporate philosophy the subject 12A7-41 - Alona Seed has been released for testing with the sponsored hero team. It is my recommendation that the child be kept under heavy surveillance at all times. Advanced indoctrination techniques have been used in the past to instill a sense of trust in the company and its actions. After having witnessed the Fear Thing first hand it is not advisable to test these limits. Good luck, please contact me if further information is needed on subject 12A7 – 41.




The Child




Alona Seed


Val Char Cost Roll Notes

3 STR -7 10- Lift 37.9kg; ½d6

13 DEX 9 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 4

8 CON -4 11-

8 BODY -4 11-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 14-

20 EGO 20 13- ECV: 7

20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6

18 COM 4 13-


2 PD 1 Total: 2 PD (0 rPD)

2 ED 0 Total: 2 ED (0 rED)

3 SPD 7 Phases: 4, 8, 12

3 REC 0

16 END 0

14 STUN 0

Total Characteristic Cost: 48



Running: 8"/16"

Swimming: 2"/4"


Cost Powers END

72 Thaumaturgy: Variable Power Pool (Magic Pool), 50 base + 22 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Zero-Phase Action (+1) (100 Active Points); No Conscious Control (Only Effects cannot be controlled; -1), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Must be in a heightened emotional state ; -¼)

3 +1 PER with all Sense Groups 0



150 The Fear Thing: Follower



5 Magesight



1 I can be a good girl: Acting 8-

3 Breakfall 12-

5 Please Don't Hurt Me: +1 with DCV

3 Shadowing 13-

5 Stealth 13-

4 Survival (Urban) 14-

1 Thaumaturgy: Power 8-

Notes: Thaumaturgy, meaning "miracle" or "marvel" and "work") is the capability of a saint or magician to work miracles. It is sometimes translated into English as wonderworking. A practitioner of thaumaturgy is a thaumaturge. In the Hermetic QabalahFor example, in the Hermetic Qabalah mystical tradition, a person titled a Magician has the power to make subtle changes in higher realms, which in turn produce physical results. For instance, if a Magician made slight changes in the world of formation (Olam Yetzirah), such as within the Sefirah of Yesod upon which Malkuth (the material realm) is based and within which all former Sephiroth are brought together, then these alterations would appear in the world of action (Olam Assiah). In PhilosophyIn his book, The Gift of Death, deconstructionist philosopher Jacques Derrida refers to philosophy as thaumaturgy. His reading is based on a deconstruction of the origin of the concepts of responsibility, faith, and gift.


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 252

Total Cost: 300


150+ Disadvantages

25 Watched: FM 14- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)

10 Money: Destitute

15 Physical Limitation: Size (All the Time, Slightly Impairing)

Notes: +3" KB

10 Psychological Limitation: Somber and Melancholy (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Stubborn (Common, Strong)

15 Social Limitation: 9 year old child (Frequently, Major)

20 Social Limitation: Creepy (Very Frequently, Major)

20 Social Limitation: Harmful Secret (Frequently, Severe)

20 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Very Frequently, Major)

Notes: Alona has undergon roughly a year of mental torture under the old guard. She has been primed to serve FM loyaly although she does not know this.


Total Disadvantage Points: 300


Background/History: Background listed along with: The Fear Thing.


Personality/Motivation: To describe Alona in a word, removed, her year under the “medical care” of FM has not been kind to the child. Medicated and removed from society she has drawn inward keeping to herself, rarely talking to others. During this time her talents, as they were have been stunted as scientists searched for some rational explanation for the source of her powers.


Although she is only nine she understands that her talents are not some mutation, though she lacks a way to control them. The last few months under the new corporate direction have done little to change the girl. She knows they want her for the Fear Thing and so long as they let her be she is willing to call him.


Quote: "I don't want you to be a bad man. Bad men make the Fear Thing come. The Fear Thing doesn't like bad men."



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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


I would agree for Rainbow Trail I don't think the Fear Thing and child would fit at all. In general I don't think they would fit most campaigns. The concept of an orphaned child is not something people want to be reminded of on a normal basis. The characters came from a concept of redemption. The Fear Thing protecting the child. The child protecting the homeless. The corporation that abducted her realizing what they had done was wrong and looking to serve the greater good with their mistake.


The Fear Thing is absolutely not a hero, when I was writing it I wanted to keep a feeling like it was more a force of nature than anything good or bad, it just is. What it does may not seem like a good thing but who really understands dreams and the importance of nightmares? As to the child, I think she comes from a place that understands what right and wrong are, but doesn't necessarily understand what legal is. With her I wanted to keep some kind of innocence, someone who has endured the worst but at her core has the capacity to do good things. As she calls the Fear Thing and it acts to insulate Alona from danger she does not become tainted by the corruption around her. Although, the Fear Thing may have affected her clothing style (see attached pic, not mine but I was in fact required to "borrow" it for Alona.) I'm not sure if this is true or not but I think watching the Professional and Edward Scissorhands the other day may have influenced me. I've also been a fan of Lenore for a while, so that may have soemthing to do with it as well.


One thing I had forgotten about but was reminded by Wyrm Ouroboros comments was this comic: Super Stupor

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


Heh, just realized I got my Trail and my End confused, damn them there Rainbows...


Although I don't think it's a horror campaign, the other player characters include a Demonologist who sold their sole and a Samurai escaped from the Underworld. The group they are part of is meant to offset the original player team so I think as a whole they serve a as stark contrast to the traditional hero mold. In this sense both Ghost Rider and Spider man exist in the same shared world, and for a time the same city but their stories and problems they dealt with were drastically different. Although they did manage a few crossovers. Including the dubious New Fantastic Four with Wolverine and the Hulk, although this may be more pandering to the fandom and hunting sales. I don't really remember anything about the storyline they were in just the cover.


As for the graphic novel, know anyone over at Slave Labor Graphics?

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


The characters for the second Rainbow's End team seem dark and gritty so far.


We have:

1) Hellfire based character

2) Demonesque Martial Arts/Weaponmaster

3) Scary Monster and his little girl

4) Zorro Brick - comic relief or dark mysterious avenger? We will see... lol

5) unknown

6) NPC - unknown


Could be very very fun role-playing wise.

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


The characters for the second Rainbow's End team seem dark and gritty so far.


We have:

1) Hellfire based character

2) Demonesque Martial Arts/Weaponmaster

3) Scary Monster and his little girl

4) Zorro Brick - comic relief or dark mysterious avenger? We will see... lol

5) unknown

6) NPC - unknown


Could be very very fun role-playing wise.


Hay now that's little girl and her best friend, he's not scary... :shock:

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


The most important part to me is these characters are interesting and can provide a great deal of role-playing possibilities. This half of Rainbow's End certainly is more dark than the other half. In that way, it fits very well, because of the history of the company that they work for and the history of the woman taking over the company.


Flenker-Matthews has a history of creating monstrous creations to do evil bidding against the Champions of Justice. I'm sure the first image of this team will be seen in that light.


In the end, this is a story of redemption, for many different characters involved. And if this campaign takes some twists away from "any real campaign", then that is fine with me.

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


This Thread may help you: Rainbow's End and Beyond


I take it you missed my point: How is anyone, not au fait and au courant with said setting, supposed to have any idea what the OP, and most of the posters to this thread, are going on about?


Please, people, if your post is dependent on some specific setting, say so in your first post, and include a link (or 2 or more) to full information on said setting. Otherwise you are talking only to (and for the benefit of) your "homies," and thus wasting other people's time, as well as space on the server so generously provided to all of us.


My thanks to all who heed this advice.

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


I take it you missed my point: How is anyone' date=' not [i']au fait [/i]and au courant with said setting, supposed to have any idea what the OP, and most of the posters to this thread, are going on about?


Please, people, if your post is dependent on some specific setting, say so in your first post, and include a link (or 2 or more) to full information on said setting. Otherwise you are talking only to (and for the benefit of) your "homies," and thus wasting other people's time, as well as space on the server so generously provided to all of us.


My thanks to all who heed this advice.


Sorry you feel that way. The Fear Thing and Alona backgrounds were written with only a single campaign specific reference that being the FM corporation. However, the previous background mentions the corporation so I did not feel the need to generize the second mention of it.


Later posts although referencing specific campaigns deal with the concepts of tone mood and game play not core details of the campaigns. More to the point you seem highly upset by these references. The information linked in the latter post was pulled from this forum and was available in the archive. I understand you may have only recently begun reading the Hero Boards but it may be a good idea to go back through the archives there is a wealth of information available.

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


I take it you missed my point: How is anyone, not au fait and au courant with said setting, supposed to have any idea what the OP, and most of the posters to this thread, are going on about?


Please, people, if your post is dependent on some specific setting, say so in your first post, and include a link (or 2 or more) to full information on said setting. Otherwise you are talking only to (and for the benefit of) your "homies," and thus wasting other people's time, as well as space on the server so generously provided to all of us.


My thanks to all who heed this advice.


You don't necessarily need background information on the campaign to comment on/review a character. Many people put characters up for review for campaigns that haven’t even started yet, so background wouldn’t even be available. For example, many characters put up for review have Hunted, Rivals, or Subject to Orders as Disadvantages. These are often not explained, and in no way impair the ability of anyone to review the character. The background of “being a supers campaign” would be the most you would possibly need, and that should be fairly obvious by the point level.


Excuse me' date=' but "FM"? "Rainbow'?s? (End|Trail)"? What background are you ass-u-me-ing all your readers have?[/quote']


The original post does not “ass-u-me” every reader having a background knowledge of anything. The responses may assume that, but that’s because people in the campaign were the first to respond to the general request for a character review.


“How is anyone, not au fait and au courant with said setting, supposed to have any idea what the OP, and most of the posters to this thread, are going on about?” If you actually read the OP you will find that the things you complain about are not even present. The OP does not “go on” about anything. There are exactly 2 campaign specific references and those are in the background of the characters. You can easily review and comment on the characters themselves without knowing what those are referring to. Also, those of us in the campaign, of course, commented on this thread. Yeah, we mentioned campaign specific stuff. So what? Anyone can still reply to the OP (comments, questions, suggestions, etc for the character) without understanding anything anyone else has posted, even by people not involved in the campaign.


Maybe I’m forgetting something. Please show me where in the forum rules it states that a private conversation within a thread is not allowed. I’m sorry if we talked over your head, but a simple request for information regarding our conversation would suffice, and either way, our conversation does not disable you from responding to the OP.


So, let’s review. 1) The OP is for a character review. 2) Some campaign specific information comes up in conversation between those in the campaign. That information in no way affects the OP or anyone’s ability to understand/respond to it. 3) You complain, and someone is nice enough to provide you with a link to information that may help you understand the conversation, an understanding which I repeat, is not necessary to respond to the OP. 4) Instead of saying thanks, or showing any type of gratitude for being included, you complain more. You have added nothing to this thread but pointless complaints. If anyone is “wasting other people's time, as well as space on the server so generously provided to all of us” it is you, not us.


Why don’t you ignore everything but the OP, and respond to that. See if that works for you. Otherwise, take a chill pill and drop the high horse, self-entitlement to understand everything anyone ever says attitude.

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


5) unknown


Could be very very fun role-playing wise.

This, I assume, would be Soundwave, who is a little out of place with the dark heroes of the group ;), though he has a bit of a history.


It does sound like the team will be a bit more gritty than I would have expected, but should be interesting. Especially since the heroes are all required to take a Code vs Killing, which means their grittiness may be more appearance than reality.


That being said, The Fear Thing is an interesting character... I'd check out the section on Emotion Control from the Ultimate Mentalist... a Mind Control to cause fear would be appropriate!


Used well, the Presence attacks will be plenty effective as well. I look forward to being their teammate.

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Re: The Fear Thing and the Child


It was suggested to me that my previous post may have been an extreme response, or something that should have been handled through the use of private messaging. If I offended anyone, including the individual I was responding to, I apologies. It was not my intention to personally attack the individual, or target them or their point of view as being less legitimate than anyone else’s. My response was largely due to the fact that I was offended. I found the implication that what anyone in our group had to say was somehow less important than anyone else’s opinions or posts, specifically that we were “wasting time” and “wasting space”, particularly rude. My response, however, responded in kind with a curtness that was overly rough and arguably rude itself. Again, I apologize.


On a separate note, it would be interesting to hear what someone outside of our group thinks of the character in general, whether they read the linked campaign material, or simply post their response based on the character sheet provided.

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