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I'm looking for help on constructing a power.


I'm making a character Manic Cheshire (the unwitted psionic projection of a very reserved goth/punk Alice). Manic has purple eyes when whose gaze you meet you cannot bring yourself to look away from.


That is the special effect, now how do I construct the power?



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Mind Control, Area Effect - probably radius, probably increased area or even megascale; 0 END, constant, persistent, probably always on; no range; one command - hold my gaze (-1?); target must meet gaze (-1?); broken if gaze broken (-1/2). Fortunately, it shouldn't require a very high effect roll, especially if you crank up Manic Cheshire's COM.

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Need some more specifics.


Does Mad Cheshire need to do anything to pull this off? Or is it automatic? In the former case, it is easier to do, because you don't need to make it Continuous and so on.


Can the victim do things, other than look away, or does he stand hypnotized? If he can take other actions, I'd call it a Flash against Sight, possibly with the Limitation that he can see Cheshire. Otherwise, I'd probably go either with Mind Control or the Mental Entangle already mentioned.

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Manic has no control over the effect his eyes have on others, it's automatic and cannot be turned off. It does make the nesessary eye contact for his mind control enhanced persuasion easier to obtain/maintain.


I thought about using a flash, but the person can still see, and maintains perefrial vision. Mind control could make a person keep his gaze, but what game effect would that have? A mental entangle doesn't seem right, because the person isn't hindered in any way, other than having to meet his gaze.


Can I, perhaps, build concentration (the disadvantage) at 1/2 DCV usable as an attack?



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Well, this one's a bit of trouble. The power affects people without action by the user (which would be Damage Shield but...) and at range (no Damage Shield for you). This gets complicated.


A recent Digital Hero (10, I think, but I'm not sure) had an article by Steve Long on expansions to the Trigger Advantage, I think that would do the job, though it would be expensive.


I think the easiest way to approach this might be to just give the character a massive Presence, with the special effect of "Aluring Eyes" (probably worth at least a -1/2 Limitation). Anyone meeting the eyes gets the Presence Attack and is drawn to stare into them.

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Them peepers


Just to clarify : Whoever is looking into the cats' eyes

can still move, fight, talk etc, as long as the target doesn't break eye contact?


how about :


Change Environment, 4" radius, -2 dcv, -2 sight per rolls, -2 ego rolls .. 0 endurance (+1/2), persistant (+1/2), allways on (+1/2), inherent (+1/4), trigger "looking into cat's eyes" (+1/2)

No range (-1/2) allways on (-1/4)

active 78 points, real 44 points


Note that when the cat is unconscious, the special effect makes the power turn off.. and that by simply moving away from the cat the target can escape it's effects. But the window of opportunity is there for the cat and it's owner to do some serious mischief.



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Rather than spending massive amounts of precious points, why not severely decrease it's power and make it a disadvantage?


Purple Eyes: Distinctive Features, Easily Concealed (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction): 10 Points


And while I'm at it, Manic Cheshire's other disadvantages (subject to change, especially with sugestions):


Reputaion: Anarchist, 14- (Extreem): 20 points

Reputation: Less than Sane, 14-: 20 points

Psionic Projection: Distinctive Features, Not Concealable (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only with Unusual Senses): 10 points

Feline: Distinctive Features, Not Concealable (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction): 20 points

Gorgeous: Distinctive Features, Concealable (Causes Extreem Reaction): 20 points

Self-Preservation Instinct: Enraged when near death and unable to escape (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14-: 15 points

Overpassionate (Very Common, Strong): 20 points

Mischivious (Common, Moderate): 10 points

Distaste for Submersion (Uncommon, Strong): 5 points

Claustrophobia (Uncommon, Moderate): 5 points


What do you think?



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Originally posted by PerennialRook

Purple Eyes: Distinctive Features, Easily Concealed (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction): 10 Points


And while I'm at it, Manic Cheshire's other disadvantages (subject to change, especially with sugestions):


Reputaion: Anarchist, 14- (Extreem): 20 points

Reputation: Less than Sane, 14-: 20 points

Psionic Projection: Distinctive Features, Not Concealable (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only with Unusual Senses): 10 points

Feline: Distinctive Features, Not Concealable (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction): 20 points

Gorgeous: Distinctive Features, Concealable (Causes Extreem Reaction): 20 points

Self-Preservation Instinct: Enraged when near death and unable to escape (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14-: 15 points

Overpassionate (Very Common, Strong): 20 points

Mischivious (Common, Moderate): 10 points

Distaste for Submersion (Uncommon, Strong): 5 points

Claustrophobia (Uncommon, Moderate): 5 points


This should become an "interesting" thread :rolleyes:


I'll probably be too nice, so Farkling, if you;re reading this, come curb my munchin tendencies ;)


60 points of Distinctive Features - NFL and I don't mean the football league. More appropriately, you should have one combined disadvantage for the various things that are distinctive. I might give you the psionic aura if I think enough people can detect it, but I'd also assume it makes it easier to find you with a Mind Scan, so maybe it should be a Physical Limitation instead in that respect.


Reputation (see "Distinctive Features"): Reputation: Less than sane Anarchist (14-; extreme) 20 points.


I'm interested to lknow what "near death" is for the enraged. I guarantee you will be there at some point in my campaign, otherwise the disadvantage isn't worth any points, so for your sake, I hope it's not "at negative BOD".


I'd want a bit more ddefinition for the psychs to assess how common or strong the will be in my campaign, but no immediate concerns.


MAKING UP THE POINTS: I would think a guy who's that distinctive looking would have a Public ID. Where's he going to hide? I would also expect a less than sane anarchist known to most of the world would have some Hunteds. These are probably reasonable areas to make up some of the points.


And, of course, there's the Universal Balancer - Unluck. [Rule 417a: When a player's disadvantages have been discussed and the polayer is incapable of accepting that the proposed point value is acceptable, the GM should accept the proposed point value. He should then immediately draft a backup character sheet on which the disadvantages are reflected at their true value, and apply dice of Unluck to achieve a balance. This should never happen to reasonable players.]

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As someone else around here states...

"I have my red pen ready"


Hugh has enacted the Summoning of the evil Professor Farkling...heh heh heh. Actually, pardon any offense I give...it is unintended...I am just not very diplomatic on the boards (or during character creation...ask my gaming groups).

My list of difficulties is as follows, and assumes a Superhero level game::


1) Okay...nifty mind control powers, magnetic gaze or phermones or some variation, and your disads are ALL psych limits, distinctive features, and reputations...

This would annoy ME in MY game. SuperAgnecies get focussed and destructive when I'm annoyed.


2) Those Distinctive Features need to be rethought...I would MAYBE give you one big one with "Gorgeous Feline Cat Person that haunts everyones fantasies"; I wouldn't let you take both those Distinctive Features...now you look like a player trying to design a character the GM is forced to psychically torture. Of course...those Reputations and Distinctive Features, properly played, would land you in jail or the hospital fairly quickly...A crazed anarchist is going to be hunted by law enforcemnt agencies whether you take the disads or not...and you will be forced to live in the sewers because of your distinctive features...until the transit workers or sanitation engineers find you.


3) I agree with Hugh...Distinctive Features at that level would mandate a Public ID in my campaign...and maybe even an "Infamous" or "Famous" Limitation....actually....look at this

40 pts Reputations

60 pts Distinctive Features

55 pts Psych Limits


Mutant/Genetic/Dr. Strangelove Powers and NO metabolic representations or animalistic tendencies or weak points. A flamboyant character who gets disad points for existing. Are you simply trying to avoid the "Susceptibility/Vulnerablility" categories because you have a sadistic StoryTeller?


Reputaion: Anarchist, 14- (Extreme): 20 points

I actually have little problem with this...

Reputation: Less than Sane, 14-: 20 points

Reputation implies it is bad press or an act...if he actually IS crazed, it is a Psych Limit...not a Reputation. And it would fall in with the Anarchist reputation...Anarchists are frequently seen to be "Less than Sane"...would you like to meet one?


Purple Eyes: Distinctive Features, Easily Concealed (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction): 10 Points

Feline: Distinctive Features, Not Concealable (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction): 20 points

Gorgeous: Distinctive Features, Concealable (Causes Extreem Reaction): 20 points

This all belongs in ONE Distinctive Feature...Gorgeous Feline with Purple Eyes...your distribution is point mongering (no REAL offense intended...I'm a blunt fellow). If you told the cops "but I am not Cheshire...as you can see, I have RED eyes, his are purple", they MIGHT not be affected by the presence attack/mind control, but if they ARE they are going to start issuing nationwide bulletins...


Psionic Projection: Distinctive Features, Not Concealable (Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable Only with Unusual Senses): 10 points

This should be a Physcial Limitation OR even a Vulnerability to Mind Scan (representing "Psychic Noise" from the Projection), or MAYBE both...if it is a MINOR Physical Limitation.



Self-Preservation Instinct: Enraged when near death and unable to escape (Uncommon), go 14-, recover 14-: 15 points

Hmm...I don't REALLY have a problem with this, other than the phrasing...this says you are Enraged if badly wounded AND unable to escape...so, you are Enraged when unable to run away and fight another day...like most heroes who are trapped and forced to fight to the death...hmmm....again with the Disads for existence. What are the Def and RDef ratings of the character...is near death even a possibility?


Overpassionate (Very Common, Strong): 20 points

okay...good...and the Enraged seems psychologically contradictory...Overpassionate implies he would get caught up in the fighting...ignoring his wounds...

Mischievious (Common, Moderate): 10 points

Ah...have you haven't lived until you've heard a character say "I shoot that damned PC who put the jalapeno's in the ketchup"...if you're playng in a group make sure they will put up with the Psych Limit...I've seen a few Kender and Practical Jokers left to fend for themselves...

Distaste for Submersion (Uncommon, Strong): 5 points

Mild Hydrophobia...a metabolic/feral limitation point to you.

Claustrophobia (Uncommon, Moderate): 5 points

Hmmm...perhaps the Enraged should be "if trapped or confined", and maybe kick the Claustrophobia up to strong. You could have a theme happening there...


Heh...if submersion causes an adverse reaction...you can buy a Susceptibility at a few points to represent HOW distracting it is to the character...These are 15 pointers if rated Common...personally I would allow at LEAST common, since throwing water on a cat person is pretty close to throwing fire at ice entangles.

(2d6 STUN from Water - Drenching/Submersion, Instant, signifies shock and outrage and immediate struggle to against the water)

(1d6 EGO Drain from Large Quantities of Water, every 5 minutes, EGO returns at 5 pts/hour, signifies - "Wet...i HATE wet! You rotten lousy...) This construction also dovetails nicely with the OverPassionate...


I have no other ideas without a full character writeup...I like disads to represent the character's full suite of personality and powers. Guess that makes me a simulationist and a narrativist... :)

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oh, and Hugh...I think I found a cheaper power for the eyes...what if it Cheshire's gaze applied negative skill levels to the target? There was a reference to that somewhere...


The riveting gaze is a PRE attack, and should normally cause the half phase hesitation the player is looking for, then if there are nefative skill level that apply to the person (can people really simultaneously meet his gaze?) meeting Cheshire's gaze. Repeated PRE attacks decrease in effect, so eventually the "fascination effect" of the delay and the negative levels will wear off... how's the logic on that?


Hugh? Shrike? any of the masters out there?

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Originally posted by Farkling

oh, and Hugh...I think I found a cheaper power for the eyes...what if it Cheshire's gaze applied negative skill levels to the target? There was a reference to that somewhere...


The riveting gaze is a PRE attack, and should normally cause the half phase hesitation the player is looking for, then if there are nefative skill level that apply to the person (can people really simultaneously meet his gaze?) meeting Cheshire's gaze. Repeated PRE attacks decrease in effect, so eventually the "fascination effect" of the delay and the negative levels will wear off... how's the logic on that?


Actually, I never took a run at the "meet his gaze" power. I got in on the disads remembering a player we used to describe as having characters with suites like "Dist Features: Beady littly Eyes (14-; extreme reaction); Hunted: More powerful someone who hates people with Beady Little Eyes(14-; NCI); Hunts peoplke who hate peopke with Beady little Eyes; Enraged (14/8) fighting peple who hate people with beady little eyes; Hates people who hate people with Beady Little Eyes" Start again with Big Nose and you've got about 300 points in disad's :rolleyes:


It never got that bad, of course - this was a "higlight character sheet" we wrote up for the player. And he was new to the game, so it came down more to learning the system, and the traditional abuse of tjose learning the system.


As for the actual power, I'm not that clear on the intent, but it sounded like once his gaze was met, the other character couldn't break his gaze. I think negative skill levels make sense if the character is still able to act, just not able to look away. It may go as far as Mental Paralysis if they're really locked in place.


I'd have to question how many people can meet his gaze at one time too. The other unanswered question is whether CC can manipulate his targets by turning his head - do they have to follow his gaze, or does that just break contact?


Originally posted by Farkling

Hugh? Shrike? any of the masters out there?


ooo...I'm flattered :D

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