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Advice: detecting magic from a distance


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"If there is any to see, then I at least am revealed to them," he said. "I have written Gandalf is here in signs that all can read from Rivendell to the mouths of Anduin."

Tolkein, The Lord of the Rings


I'm looking for advice on modelling such an effect in Hero (based on a similar effect in the second edition of MERP, if anyone remembers that).


I could simply rule, by GM fiat, that the Dark Forces have an certain chance of detecting spellcasting at great distances (eg, by rolling active points/5 or less), possibly reduced by the long range penalty, and that may be the best option.


But I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a reasonable alternative - building a disadvantage to apply to spells, or a perception which might reflect this.

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Re: Advice: detecting magic from a distance


I just made it a house rule that all magic, unless it is bought with a level of invisible power effects at +1/4, is visible to mages. It is a variant on "Mental Awareness" called "Mystic Awareness" which you get for free by buying a magic skill roll. You can also just buy Mystic Awareness for 3 points if you want.

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Re: Advice: detecting magic from a distance


All Magic should be visible to those senses built to detect it. Thus, the Dark Forces who are capable should have Detect Magic as a Sense. The more powerful the magic, the further away it can be detected.


Here's how I would run it:


the bonus to detect a specific magical effect is based on its Active Points divided by 10. Thus a 10 Active Point spell is a +1 to detect. A 60 active point spell is +6 to detect. Spells can of course be made more or less visible...IPE added to a spell (vs Magic) would make it nigh undetectable by magic senses. In adition the Side Effects limitation could be used to make it more visible...maybe by doubling the AP "penalty" to detect (thus a 60 Active Point spell would be +12 to detect!) by applying Images (to Magic senses) to the power.


Those individuals with the Magic senses could vary in their ability to detect magic from a distance, thus they can have varying levels of Telescopic applied to their Detect Magic sense. The Telescopic bonus and the "penalty" from the Active Points of the effect they are trying to home-in on add together to remove the Range penalties that are applied.


For Example:

The Witch King has highly attuned magical sense and has applied a +12 Telescopic bonus to his Detect Magic (which is also bought as a Sense). Gandalf casts an Utterlight spell to ward off a hoard of Orcs and goblins. The spell is 50 Active points, thus has a "penalty" of +5 to be detcted. This gives the Witch King a +17 to detect it at Range. This means that the Witch King can detect the effect at no penalty to his Perception roll from up to 500" away (1KM)!


I think that should do it.


The rest should depend on each individual creature of darkness on whether or not they can target magic, track it, sense it in 360 degrees etc.

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Re: Advice: detecting magic from a distance


Noisy (-1/2) to all spells, to the power framework, or as a "free" house rule on all magic. (I often require this as a house rule.)


Anyone with Magic skill can make a PER roll to detect it passively, or a Magic to detect it actively (this may be automatic if desired). A subsequent Analyze roll will reveal further information about who cast it and what type of spell it was.


The effect is the same as when Obi Wan detected the destruction of Dantooine.


You could apply some sort of range penalty if desired, but that should be negated by the AP in the spell. I would suggest a bonus to detect rolls of +1/10 AP in the spell, with a range penalty of 10 km or so.


It is possible that if all magic is noisy, you can "hide" in the everpresent background static; but if someone knows you, or if you use a large power, you will stand out. (Much like you normally ignore the babble of voices at a shopping mall, but you instantly recognize the familiar voice of your wife, and naturally pay attention if someone is shouting.)


In Gandalf's case, he was apparently a fire wizard (and bore Narya the ring of fire); I don't recall anyone else using fire magic in Middle Earth. All magic may be noisy, but any use of fire magic would be instantly recognizable as his handiwork (assuming this interpretation is correct).

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Re: Advice: detecting magic from a distance


I've noticed that Steve Long has been using Analyze Magic in some recent books to simulate this sort of ability. Urban Fantasy and The Atlantean Age come to mind.


"Analyze Magic is a valuable Skill in campaigns that feature lots of magic, such as most High Urban Fantasy games. It allows a character to evaluate the magical abilities and powers of a spellcasting character."


I'd allow an Analyze Magic roll of 3+ and an appropriate roll on "KS: Mystic World" identify the likely individual who casts a spell.

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Re: Advice: detecting magic from a distance


I use Noisy and a campaign rule on "exceptionally loud magic" based on AP. Instead of increasing the perception penalty it increases the unit of measure.


Less than 30 AP = Meters

31 to 60 AP = hundred meters

61-90 = kilometer

91-120 = ten kilometer

121+ = hundred kilometers


i.e. a 60 to 90 AP power is detected at 1-4 kilometers without penalty, 5 to 8 kilometers at a -2 penalty, 9-16 kilometers at -4 penalty, 17-32 kilometers at a -6 penalty, and so one.


A 135 AP power would be at no detection penalty for 400 kilometers and a -2 at 500-800 kilometers.


I don't use teleport so this balances things out but if you have insta-travel you'd need to really watch the disad or the players will go up in smoke once they have a powerful enough enemy.

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Re: Advice: detecting magic from a distance


I use Noisy and a campaign rule on "exceptionally loud magic" based on AP. Instead of increasing the perception penalty it increases the unit of measure.


Less than 30 AP = Meters

31 to 60 AP = hundred meters

61-90 = kilometer

91-120 = ten kilometer

121+ = hundred kilometers


i.e. a 60 to 90 AP power is detected at 1-4 kilometers without penalty, 5 to 8 kilometers at a -2 penalty, 9-16 kilometers at -4 penalty, 17-32 kilometers at a -6 penalty, and so one.


A 135 AP power would be at no detection penalty for 400 kilometers and a -2 at 500-800 kilometers.


I don't use teleport so this balances things out but if you have insta-travel you'd need to really watch the disad or the players will go up in smoke once they have a powerful enough enemy.


ah. Increased Active Points equals (or nearly so) +1 level Megascale Advantage. Nice.

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