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Brother From Another Mother

Kal'El Wayne

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Okay, this is one for those whose heroes have some kind of ambiguity.

So you are a member of a Super-Hero team, and you have a fully covering suit/look like you are wearing a fully covering suit. One of your comrades is a very vocal equal rights activist who uses his or her powers to promote that. S/He might be Korean, Homosexual, a woman who hates sexism, or whatever. And that's just fine by you. But as an Icon for that group of people, s/he gets an interview for a TV show. And while s/he's on the air s/he refers to you as being an icon for the same group. Which is unfortunate since you aren't! WWYCD?

Oh, obviously, if you're an android, s/he assumes that you are really a man in a power suit. If you've already claimed to be an android but not proved it, s/he assumes you were kidding. If you're an androgynous person s/he assumes you are the gender that you aren't. If you dated someone of the opposite gender, he assumes that you are bisexual. ETC.

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Re: Brother From Another Mother


Hmmm.... Would not work for Volt. He's pretty much declared what he is for and not, even though he's pretty much a private person.

Most likely would happen for Olorin, Black Tiger or Futurian as their origin is the foggiest to most people. Black Tiger would be tops on the list, since he is very private.


Black Tiger. -Oh God. Please let is be something he really is for or does not care. Otherwise, he'll call a very rare press conference and blast the person for their temerity. He'll keep the langauge clean, but muddy the person bad. And then challenge them to combat if they do not publically apologize.


Olorin. If he did not care, he'd tell the person to correct it. If he agreed he'd go pulbic agreeing, but making clear he was not consulted. If he disagreed, he'd go public and say so. And say why. He'd be pretty lighthearted about it. "Aw, they just assumed wrong. Should have asked first though. Have no idea how they came up with this."


Futurian. If he agreed or did not care nothing would happen. Otherwise he'd call a press conference. "Aw c'mon. What xxxx said is not true. Have no idea why they said it. They assumed. And you know what they say about assuming as it allpies to you and me. I am now removing me from the equation."

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Re: Brother From Another Mother


Most of my PC's would actually sit down and have a discussion with the character about respect and the nature of heroism. And god forbid I was playing the team leader, because that PC would be off the team! You do NOT, under any circumstances, exploit your fellow heroes for personal gain. That is unacceptable.

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Re: Brother From Another Mother


Multi-Man would consider keeping his mouth shut. He's hunted by his supervillain ex-wife, and any extra confusion would make his life easier. However, he's fairly well known among older heroes, so he would assume that any deception would backfire in the long run. Therefore, he would probably keep his mouth shut until someone asked him about it. Then he would say, "My teammate was mistaken about that, but I'm glad he thinks so highly of me."


Cortex would appreciate this kind of misdirection. In keeping with his public persona, he would keep his mouth shut and answer any questions with, "I am a private person, so I choose not to discuss any details of my personal life." In his secret ID he would spread the rumor as if he believed it was true.

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Re: Brother From Another Mother


Okay, this is one for those whose heroes have some kind of ambiguity.

So you are a member of a Super-Hero team, and you have a fully covering suit/look like you are wearing a fully covering suit. One of your comrades is a very vocal equal rights activist who uses his or her powers to promote that. S/He might be Korean, Homosexual, a woman who hates sexism, or whatever. And that's just fine by you. But as an Icon for that group of people, s/he gets an interview for a TV show. And while s/he's on the air s/he refers to you as being an icon for the same group. Which is unfortunate since you aren't! WWYCD?


Hmm. Well, I can easily see Zero getting involved in a situation like that - his suit is an all-over, and even his team mates are continually surprised that he isn't gay.


Zero wouldn't know how to react, tho. Beyond a "but.. but I'm not"


Vitus of Clan Scorpion. Ooooooh boy. No all-over suit admittedly, but that wouldn't prevent somebody trying to use him as an examplar of something or other. He has nothing against homosexuals, per se - he already knows that humans are a species of sexual deviants, and usually ignores any further examples of same.


Furry fans would probably want to claim him as their own (there's a distinct shortage of 7 ft tall anthropomorphic hyenas in the world, after all ) but I wouldn't want to be in their shoes if Vitus found out they tried anything disreputable with Vitus' public image.


Although there were those photographers claiming to be from Playgirl, who wanted a series of nude shots. Vitus was content enough to go along with that - he's confitable in his body. Altho oddly enough the photos were never published. Possibly because Vitus went from the photoshoot, straight to "20 cops missing, presumed dead".

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Re: Brother From Another Mother


Dr. Wonder- being the team leader, would have to lecture the character on his misunderstanding and how his/her statements effect the public opinion of the team. He would then insist that the character then release a correcting statement clearing up the confusion. If hte character doesn't correct their statement, they'd be suspended from the team until doing so.


Gunnodoyak- Would laugh it off & let people figure it out for themselves that the character obviously completely ignorant. Especially being that he's a very well known personality world wide!


Rush- Being the impulsive teenager, he'd probably break into the team-mates room with a willing partner & have gratuitous s-e-x on thei bed & let them figure out what had happened:)!

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Re: Brother From Another Mother


Hmm... well, let's see here.


Steele: Race wouldn't work (she's obviously caucasian - Public ID), gender wouldn't (obviously female), sexuality wouldn't (just ask the fellow players - no real secrets there!)


So it'd probably have to be politics... which, if she didn't actually agree with them, would probably turn into an expletive-laden public repudiation of said beliefs.


Steele... doesn't really do subtle. The whole brick thing, y'know.


Though if it was just mutants? No problem, she'd just point out that she's not a mutant, agrees entirely that they should have equal rights, she has the police report to prove she *isn't* a mutant, and that public speech at the IHA rally ripping the jerks a new one was primarily to force the hand of the psychopath running the show - she could handle the bullets and laser blasts better than the hecklers in the crowd could. It doesn't indicate any extreme level of devotion to The Cause.


If she was that dedicated, it'd be in her books, so keep buying them, just to see if she changes her mind!

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Re: Brother From Another Mother


Okay, this is one for those whose heroes have some kind of ambiguity.

So you are a member of a Super-Hero team, and you have a fully covering suit/look like you are wearing a fully covering suit. One of your comrades is a very vocal equal rights activist who uses his or her powers to promote that. S/He might be Korean, Homosexual, a woman who hates sexism, or whatever. And that's just fine by you. But as an Icon for that group of people, s/he gets an interview for a TV show. And while s/he's on the air s/he refers to you as being an icon for the same group. Which is unfortunate since you aren't! WWYCD?

Oh, obviously, if you're an android, s/he assumes that you are really a man in a power suit. If you've already claimed to be an android but not proved it, s/he assumes you were kidding. If you're an androgynous person s/he assumes you are the gender that you aren't. If you dated someone of the opposite gender, he assumes that you are bisexual. ETC.




Hmm, well Badger doesnt have any face concealment. (yeah, you're gonna have to see his face no matter how ugly. :rolleyes:) But, he will tear this character a new one, and that would be regardless of whether or not he were to be some type of supporter. He has worked hard for the people to just leave him the heck alone during any downtime. (he lives in the middle of the forest outside the city limits in a cave for a reason). He doesnt want that to be started up again anytime soon. Refuse to team up with said character on any mission or to trust them with anything for awhile, possibly not ever again.



Frosty Bob- Yikes, this could get messy, especially with certain issues. He considers himself very "manly". And he aint particularly politically correct with certain issues. (He has been around for a long time, and he has fought in every American war from at least WWII onwards, with rumors of earlier wars too, but he wont confirm or deny that he was around to fight in those)

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Re: Brother From Another Mother


Quetzlcoatl - actually put the guy up to it. His ancestry is half Japanese and half Ashkenazi Jewish, but he speaks Spanish (and about a dozen other languages) and deliberately chose a superhero ID that implies a Central American origin.


Lucius Alexander


House of the Palindromedary

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