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Blue Streak


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Okay, here's a character I've been working on;

BLUE STREAK (Jenna Mason)


Val CHA Cost Roll Notes

45 STR 35 18- Lift 12,500 kg; 9d6 HTH Damage (4 END)

30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10

30 CON 40 15-

15 BODY 10 13-

13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12-

11 EGO 2 12- ECV: 4

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

18 COM 4 13-


20 PD 11 Total: 20 PD (20 rPD)

20 ED 15 Total: 20 ED (20 rED)

8 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

20 REC 10

60 END 0

55 STUN 1 Total Characteristics Cost:


Movement: Running: 31”/62”

Swimming: 4"/8"


Cost Powers: 141

20 Tough Body: Damage Resistance (20 PD/20 ED)

11 Accelerated Healing: Healing BODY 2d (Regeneration, 2 BODY/Hour, Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Self Only (-1/2), Extra Time (2 BODY/Hour, -2¼)

13 Girl’s Got a Mean Left: HtH Attack +4d, Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2) (1 END)

10 Impact Resistance: +20 PD, Only for Move-Bys/Move-Throughs (-1)

62 Superhuman Running: Running +25” (31” total), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END, +1/4) (2 END)

(Notes: combat v max ~ 93mph; non-combat v max ~185mph)

15 Combat Running: Running 10”, Reduced Endurance (0 END, +1/2), Only to Make a Half Move in Combat (-1)

6 She Can Run Up Walls: Clinging, Feet Only (-1/4), Must Make a Full Move (-1/2) (1 END)

3 Athletic: Leaping +3” (12" forward, 6" upward)

2 Strong Swimmer: Swimming +2”

4 Distracting Costume: +20 PRE, OIF (-1/2), Only to Make Friendly or Seductive Presence Attacks Solely to Cause Target to Delay His Action in Combat (-1), Only Works Against Targets of Appropriate Gender and Sexual Orientation (-1), Only Works Once per Target per Scene (-1/2)

7 Earpiece Transceiver: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group), 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 6 Hours (Battery; +0); OIF (-1/2), Affected as Hearing group as well as Radio Group (-1/4)


2 Reputation: Vivid Contract Girl turned Super Heroine, 11-



3 Fast Reflexes: Lightning Reflexes; +2 DEX, Only to Act First with All Actions



Skills: 68

8 +2 CSL for Hand to Hand Combat

2 +2 CSL for Move-Throughs, Move-Bys and Grab-Bys

3 Acrobatics (15-)

3 Acting (12-)

2 AK: Nevada (11-)

3 Breakfall (15-)

3 Climbing (15-)

2 CK: Las Vegas (11-)

3 Concealment (12-)

3 Contortionist (15-)

3 Conversation (12-)

1 Deduction (8-)

1 Language: Spanish (basic conversation, English is native)

3 Paramedics (12-)

3 Persuasion (12-)

2 PS: Exotic Dancer (11-)

2 PS: Porn Star (11-)

3 Scholar:

1 KS: Adult Industry (11-)

1 KS: Aerobics (11-)

1 KS: Exotic Dancer (11-)

1 KS: Las Vegas Adult Club Scene (11-)

1 KS: Porn Star (11-)

1 KS: Superhuman World (8-)

1 KS: Video Production (11-)

3 Seduction (12-)

3 Shadowing (12-)

3 Stealth (15-)

3 Streetwise (12-)

1 TF: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 201

Total Character Cost: 335


100+ Disadvantages:

15 DNPC: Devin McLaughlin, best friend (Normal, 11-)

10 Distinctive Features: Very beautiful blonde in a very skimpy outfit (Easily Concealed, Causes Major Reaction, Detectable with Commonly Used Senses)

15 Hunted: LVPD (8-, Mo Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC Has Public ID, Watching)

15 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing (Common, Strong)

10 Psychological Limitation: Exhibitionist (Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Overconfidence (Very Common, Moderate)

15 Psychological Limitation: Upbeat, Passionate and Vivacious (Very Common, Moderate)

5 Reputation: Porn Star and Exotic Dancer (8-)

10 Social Limitation: Famous (Frequently, Minor)

5 Social Limitation: Profession (Occasionally, Minor)



Total Disadvantage Points: 110


Background/History: Jenna Mason was born in Las Vegas, the eldest of two daughters of a blue collar family. Her father was a telephone engineer and her mother taught English at the local High School. She had a normal, happy childhood and grew up bright, lively and vivacious and loved to dance. She did well at school due to a combination of her natural intelligence, self-discipline and hard work. She looked set to go to college when she graduated, and did in fact enrol, but a few months after her eighteenth birthday, she started dancing at a local strip club. Her parents and sister were, of course, not thrilled but Jenna was fascinated and received a real thrill from the attention she got. Plus, she found she had a real talent for it. After six months, she dropped out of college to dance at the club full time.

Her family were even less thrilled when Jenna made her first porn film when she was twenty and the resultant arguments almost split the family apart.

However, the porn industry was where Jenna found her niche. She found a real love for the work, made many friends, including Devin McLaughlin, aka Star, who would become Jenna's long term best friend, and won many awards. After four years, she was offered, and accepted, an offer to become a Vivid contract girl. Jenna also had an eye firmly on her future. So she made every effort to increase her personal clout, so she could choose her partners and insist on condoms in her scenes. She also learned about the production side, wanting to direct or actually produce her own movies.

Then disaster struck.

On the way back from a party with Devin, Jenna was knocked down by a drunk driver who fled the scene. She wound up in hospital, but for some reason no-one could figure out, she healed much faster than anyone expected. Superhumanly fast, in fact. She was discharged after a week and her boss, Jim Reese, told her to take a few weeks off to completely recover. Jenna didn't want to, but didn't argue.

It was during that enforced break from work that Jenna discovered that she had more than just an unnaturally fast healing factor. She was now strong, very strong, easily able to lift a car. She was fast, too, as she discovered whilst out jogging.


All this ends with Jenna wearing the costume and being a super hero for the first time.


Personality/Motivation: Jenna is bright, upbeat, lively and vivacious. She's the kind of person who puts 100% into everything she does. She truly loves being a porn star and dancing. She is also having a ton of fun being a super hero and "knocking the bad guys on their keisters" as she puts it, but it is also to do with her strong sense of social responsibility.




Powers/Tactics: Jenna, Blue Streak, is really strong, really tough and really fast. She has lifted a truck over her head, outpaced a police helicopter and the accident that put her in hospital back then would wreck the other car today. Her tactics are to play to her strengths: move fast, hit hard and take the punishment or dodge if facing an opponent who could . She's also been known to flash her breasts at them. After all, a glimpse of a perfect pair of 36Cs is enough to put anyone off their stride, if only briefly. But she can use that time to get in there and start punching - and, as has been observed by more than one onlooker, "that girl's got a mean left".


Appearance: Blue Streak is a very beautiful young woman in her late twenties with sky-blue eyes and long slightly wavy sun blonde hair, worn down past her shoulders. She stands 5'8" tall with a slender, toned build, and she makes an effort to stay in shape.



And a couple of images:






So, what do you guys think? And which cozzie do you prefer?

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Re: Blue Streak


4 Distracting Costume: +20 PRE, OIF (-1/2), Only to Make Friendly or Seductive Presence Attacks Solely to Cause Target to Delay His Action in Combat (-1), Only Works Against Targets of Appropriate Gender and Sexual Orientation (-1), Only Works Once per Target per Scene (-1/2)


I find it odd that stripping her makes her less distracting.

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Re: Blue Streak


I find it odd that stripping her makes her less distracting.


Well, sometimes the wrapping makes the gift so to speak. Partial nudity can be more alluring than total. It engages the imagination. Depends on how it's presented.


Costume aside, she might into some Endurance problems* but other than that it looks like a solid speedster.



*And characters with weakness are more interesting, IMO

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