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Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


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Is there a thread where we can post minor errata on old books, where they can be compiled? Minor stuff, like I just noticed the charged the wrong point cost for range levels and the 3D6 RKA on Scorch in The Mutant File. Minor stuff not worth it's on thread individually, but maybe can be compiled somewhere?




Okay, starting a quick one until a real errata can be found:


402 - Mind Games

p17, Mind Slayer's Multipower really only needs a 78 point reserve, not 80 points, as she only has two Ultra powers and the highest one is only 78 points. She could put her telekinetic Flight into her Elemental Control. She should have DF "Detects as a mutant" for 10 points.

p20, Soulfire's Killing Strike should cost 4 points, not 5. He should have DF "Detects as a mutant" for 10 points.

p24, Torment's first Ego Attack should cost 40 points, not 45.

p26, Omega's description says he has a variety of grenades, including blinding grenades, but the writeup itself just lists 2 Psiphon grenades, nothing else. Meanwhile all the other members of PSI have flash defense equipment, I'd guess to make his teammates immune to his ability to blind opponments.


403 - Classic Enemies

p8, Slick should have a Villain Bonus of 147, not 137.

p12, Neutron should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p18, Bora's Distinctive Features, as described, is worth 15 points, not 10. She should also probably have an additional DF "Detects as a mutant."

p21, Le Sone's point total should be 405 as written, not 401. Since he should get a bonus point in his PS, his PS: Diving should only cost 1 point, not 2. This brings his character point total to 404.

p27, Big John should have DF "Detects as a mutant" for -10 points. Also, his INT of 13 should cost 3 points, not 13. Big John should probably have a free Everyman PS: Engineer of 8 or less, since he was once one in his biography.

p37, Sunburst's Powers and Skills come to 254 points, not 284 points. This makes his total character cost 501, not 531. His PS: Business 13- skill costing 4 points, should probably be INT based PS: Businessman, and with the Everyman bonus it costs 2 points. This brings the total cost of the character down to 499.

p44, Lightning's Teleportation slot has 69 active points, not 62. You can increase the cost of the Reserve to 69 points, not 62, and the slot to 7, not 6. Also, since he gets a free point in a PS for his Everyman skill, his PS: Accountant skills should cost 2 points, not 3. This brings is total character cost to 207, not 200.

p46, Panda should have Distinctive Features of "Detects as a mutant."

p47, Raccoon should have Distinctive Features of "Detects as a mutant."

p48, Avar-7's powers come to 172 points, not 169 points.

p49, Beamline's Desolidification Multipower slot should cost 2 points, not 3.

p50, Black Claw should have Distinctive Features of "Detects as a mutant."

p51, Black Diamond's Susceptibility is worth 15 points, not 10.

p53, Black Mamba's Villain Bonus should be 51 points, not 61 points.

p54, Blowtorch should probably only have the gasoline limitation on his REC, not the END, so that makes the END Reserve cost 22 points, not 20 points. Since Burnout in High Tech Enemies have a Rivalry with Blowtorch, Blowtorch should probably have a Rivalry with him.

p60, Foxbat's gun should probably be listed as an OAF, not an OIF. The cost is correct for an OAF.

p62, Firewing's PS Gladiator should cost 2 points, not 3 because of his Everyman PS bonus. The END cost of his Force Field power should be 0, not 5. To save 30 points his Flight and Force Field could be in an EC.

p75, In High Tech Enemies Airstrike has Lazer listed as a rival, so you could probably add this rivalry to Lazer's write up too.

p78, Menton shouldn't be able to put his Danger Sense into an EC and it should cost 60 points, not 55. His Flash should cost 14 points, not 15. His Teleportation should cost 75 points, not 55. His Disguise skill should cost 13 points, not 3 (or alternately for 3 points it should only be an 11- skill.). Menton should have Distinctive Features of "Detects as a mutant."

P82, Power Crusher should have Distinctive Features of "Detects as a mutant."

p88, Sparkler's Force Field should cost 26 points, and her RKA should cost 71 points. Her combat levels are probably in RKA, since she has no EB.

p92, Utility's +8 ED and +8 PD should cost 12 points if purchased seperately, not the 13 points bought together. His Villian Bonus is too large as well.

p95, The column for magic and mutant are swapped.


406 - The Zodiac Conspiracy

p11, Virgo's Invisibility Multipower Slot should cost 2 points, not 3. She should have DF "Detects as a mutant."


410 - Kingdom of Champions

p118, The Clansman had some small mistakes in his write up. The cost of his stats was 132, not 32. His languages should cost 4 points, not 6. His Flash Defense should cost 6 points not 7. His WF should cost 12 points, not 11.

p124, Besides the corrections in the Errata for this book, Dr. Goldwing paid too much for his Transport Familiarity. It should cost 4 points, not 7, as his purchase of the Ground Vehicle category covered the tracked and ground effect vehicles he bought separately.


413 - Alien Enemies

p8, The Champ should have 52 calculated STUN, not 45.

p35, Luna's STR working while Desol should probably be "Only in villain ID" as her Desol only works in villain id. This lowers the point cost for it to 16 points instead of 20. Her stats in normal ID are DEX 10, CON 10, COM 26, PD 2, ED 2, SPD 3, REC 6, END 20, STUN 25.


416 - Classic Organizations

p41, Metalla's Flash power should cost 12 points, not 5.

p78, Cosmo's Martial Arts should cost 13 points, not 14 points. His 3 levels with his cosmic power shouldn't cost 24 points, as that's overall levels. I'd call them a tight group, so it would cost 9 points.


419 - Champions of the North

p46, Skylark's Invisibility slot for his Multipower should cost 1 point, not 2. If you want to keep it at 2 you could increase the duration.

p50, Ambrosia should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p55, Mirage should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p57, Star Sapphire should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p61, Polar Bear should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p64, Oracle should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p66, Gazelle's bolos should cost 14 points, not 10. She should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p74, Nightrunner should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p76, Rainbow should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p80, Psion's Force Field Multipower slot should cost 3 points, not 2. His Combat Level with his Multipower should cost 3 points, not 5. He should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p82, Compactor should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p96, Falcon should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p112, Redemption's Teleportation and locations should cost 53 total real points. He should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p118, Lord Dire's Universal Translater of 15- should cost 28 points, not 20.


421 - Champions Universe

p101, To Victrix I added "DF - Detects as a mutant" as a 10 point Disad. Then I lowered the cost of her TK levels to 6 points (they would be considered a tight group). Also, from a game mechanic point of view, her EC suffers from the Force Field being so low of cost. If you raised it to a 18 PD/13 ED or 25 PD/6 ED (from 18 PD/6 ED), then increased the EC reserve to 25 points (from 21), the resulting total cost is EXACTLY THE SAME, but you'd have more defense.

p118, Mind Titan's cost for PD should be 9 and cost for REC should be 2. Cost of Duplication should be 96. Cost of Telekinesis slot should be 22. Additionally he lacks a Distinctive Feature "Detects as a mutant", and he should probably have an PS: Architect 8- Skill. His Hunteds seem to all be more powerful and have NCI in order to be worth 20 points with only an 8 or less.


422 - High Tech Enemies

p22, Sci-Fi's Armor should cost 37 points, not 38.

p26, Master Control should probably buy Linguist as it would save him 4 points and cost him 3 points. His Interrogation and High Society should be 15- because of his high PRE stat. MC's Rival is listed as "Ironmonger", it may have meant to say "Ironmaster" who is a villain in Kingdom of Champions. MC's followers would be purchased cheaper as one group of 100 point or less followers, instead of buying them separately for the Black Guard and Silver Guard.

p29, Silverguard's Growth is 3 levels, not 1. Disadvantages add up to 101 points, not 100.

p38, Chainsaw's Endurance Reserve should cost 4 points, not 7, and his Chainsaw should cost 25 points, not 23. For some reason his REC in the reserve is slower than the other DC members. The Powers in Jackhammer's Multipower are greater than the reserve. For some reason he has less of a Reputation than the other DC members. Also, the picture clearly depicts the Jackhammers built into his suit arms (most likely OIFs), but they are listed as OAFs. I re-wrote both, see below.


425 - VIPER

p51, The "Pin" Laser Carbine should have 1 clip, not 2. The Fat Lady rifle is only 25 points. To make it worth 30, like the other rifles of its class, you could change it to 2 clips of 6 charges. The Stitcher costs 33 points, not 30, to make it 30 points like other weapons of its class you might want to make it 1 clip.

p69, the VIPER Commander's Force Field Belt only costs 4 points, not the 5 listed. If you increase it to 7/5 defense then you can keep it 5 points to make the character as a 200 point character.

p70, The Aikido package costs 36 points, but since all VIPER Martial Arts packages should cost 35, you can lower the KS to 11- to make it fit.

p72, VIPER Elite Air-Cavalry's stats are worth 72 points, not 74. Powers are worth 137 points, not 136.

p90, Pack Master's Mind Link shouldn't be part of her EC, but the point value is correct. Her Aikido Martial Arts should only cost 15 points, not 16. Her Invisibility should only cost 2 END to use, not 3. Her Science Skill of Psychology should be 14-, not 12-. She should have Distinctive Features "Detects as a mutant".

p91, Coral has 20 points for 4 inches of DEF 4 Tunneling, but it should come to 34 points. Her bite is listed at 34 points, but it doesn't seem to offer any explanation as to how they came to that number. Seems to be a 3D6 HKA with AP (+1/2), 1/2 END (+1/4) and increased stun multiplier (+1/2). So that's 101 active points. Then she has no KB (-1/4), Gradual Effect 1 minute (-1/2), No STR bonus added (-1/2), and an unlisted "DVC Concentrate", probably 1/2 DCV for (-1/4). That comes to 40 points. The high point variant says increase her SPD to 5, but she already has a 5 SPD. Perhaps they meant increase to 6?

p94, Kufi's Stun of 47 should cost -1 points, not 0. Her Armor should cost 10 points, not 17 points.

p105, Stealth's recovery should cost 2 points, not 4. If his blaster is a "standard" issue VR-5 it should have no KB and 15- Activation, which would be cost the 30 points listed. His Flight probably counts as "Restrainable" for an additional -1/2, which makes its point cost 40, not 60.

p116, Stalwart's Motorcycle should cost 19 points, not 20. His second Flash Defense should probably be vs. sound, not visual flashes. He should have DF "Detects as a mutant".

p119, Citidel's Multipower Growth slot should cost 3 points not 4. His STUN with Growth should be 67 points, not 68 points. His Driving 12- skill should read Combat Driving 15-. His DNPC should be worth 10 points, not 5. Half END on his STR should cost 15 points not 10 points. He should have DF "Detects as a mutant." The Caster Security Inc adventure mentioned came out in issue 22 of Adventurers Club magazine.

p131, Viperia's swimming Multipower slot should cost 6 points, not 5. She should have DF "Detects as a mutant."


427 - Allies

p9, Major Star's PS: Soldier should cost 1 point, not 2.

p13, Foresight's EC should have a 27 point reserve, her Clairsentience slot should cost 22 points and her Telepathy slot should cost 48 points. Her Martial Arts are only worth 14 points, not 15. She doesn't need Mental Awareness as she has Telepathy. She should have DF "Detects as a mutant".

p15, Gumshoe has the NCM disadvantage, which means his 25 STR should cost 20 points, not the normal 15.

p32, Barnstormer should have a Breakfall of 14- because of his DEX. He should probably get a DF Detects as a mutant, as it's described in his text.

p33, Lady Thunder should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p39, Zen Eagle's Constitution stats are listed as costing him 14 points, but they should only cost 12. You could lower his cost to 248 points as a character, or just up his Con stat by one to keep him 250 points.

p41, Zen Mouse has a problem with the cost of her Stun and Martial Arts. The Stun is listed as costing 3 points, and the Martial Arts costing 20 points, but the STUN attribute would suggest it cost her zero points, and the Martial Arts should cost 21 points. This would make her a 248 point character. I recommend increasing the Stun by 2 so she maintains her 250 point status.

p51, Twister should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p59, The Abstracted Man should have DF "Detects as a mutant."

p60, Shadowstorm's SPD bonus from his suit should cost 21 points. His Science: Holographics Technology Skill should cost 6 points, if INT based. He should have DF "Detects as a mutant."


428 - The Mutant File

All the mutant characters in the book should have a -10 point DF "Detects as a mutant", not 15 point.

p78, Lifeline's END reserve should cost 7 points if the limitation on them is -2, which is what it was in High Tech Enemies. Here it's unlisted in value, and gives 13 points cost for the reserve. He should probably have "Computer Programming" not "Cuter Programming".

p82, Scorch's 3D6 RKA should be a 4D6 RKA (based on the point cost and space in the Multipower slot). Her Range Levels should cost 9 points, not 15.


439 - Enemies For Hire

p50, Ronin's Mental Defense should cost 19 points, not 20. His DF "Detects as a mutant" should cost 10 points, not 5.


450 - Champions

pC59, The Tombstone Kid's Telekinesis should cost 20 points, not 13.

pC60, Mosquito's REC should cost 4 points, not 0. His EB should cost 20 points, not 30.


451 - Champions Deluxe

p302, Armadillo is paying 1 point too much for his HKA, and 2 points too much for his 1/2 END STR. This takes is total points down to 247. Also, his two Vulns and his Susc should have Limitations on them so they only work in the suit.


1050 - Mystic Egypt

p101, the Basic God character's cost for his Divine Power Pool should be 286 points, not 280 points.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Well, I'll do my best to add them as I find them. I'm conveting a couple of my favorites to Heromaker files, and so far more character have at least one mistake in the Math then are correct.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Well' date=' I'll do my best to add them as I find them. I'm conveting a couple of my favorites to Heromaker files, and so far more character have at least one mistake in the Math then are correct.[/quote']While that's great for a personal project, it has very little to no interest from the overwhelming majority here now on the boards.


Heromaker was dead and buried before I even discovered Hero 7 years ago.


Hero Designer v3 all the way!



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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Teflon Billy, I don't think you get it. The software has nothing to do with it, except that I happen to be using it to check the numbers. The thread is to make a running list of errata in the older books, no matter how you go about doing it. If you see some math error in an old book, note it here, and I'll add it to the list.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Teflon Billy' date=' I don't think you get it. The software has nothing to do with it, except that I happen to be using it to check the numbers. The thread is to make a running list of errata in the older books, no matter how you go about doing it. If you see some math error in an old book, not it here, and I'll add it to the list.[/quote']


The problem is that, the books published before 5e were rife with mathmatical errors. It was the way they were published. Most of the items/characers in those books have been updated for 5e and soon for 6e. So there isn't an issue as far as I am concerned. If there is a character in an old book that hasn't been updated that I wish to use, I will be updating the character to 6e. So getting the math right on those old characters is a waste of time.


If you take a look around at some of the old Hero archives (ie like the Red October BBS files) you might find that someone has already done what you want to do here.


Again with 5e's books being well errata'd and with new shiny 6e versions coming out I honestly don't see the need.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


I think that's what I was asking for, if it has been done. Would save me time. Anyone have a link?


BTW - I have no plan to "update" to 6th edition at the current time. In fact I may "retrograde" the new 6th writeups to older editions.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Thanks for the links, but I already knew about mytyhic greece and ninja hero one. I don't see technical corrections on the other pages you linked.


Edit - found one errata for the Champions 4th edition book, and one for VIPER. Thanks. Still missing the thing I'm writing through.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


For anyone interested, errata for the pre-5E HERO books: Champions (including the 4E Hero System rulebook), Ninja Hero, Mythic Greece, and VIPER; can be downloaded as ZIPped Text files from this webpage: http://www.mactyre.net/october/HEROGEN/Files.html . They're part of the archives from the great old Hero BBS, "Red October," currently hosted by the Mactyres on their website. That page, and the rest of the Red October archive, holds many treasures for Hero gamers, and I encourage you to explore it.


In addition, I'm attaching a file of errata from the 4E Champs sourcebook Kingdom of Champions, provided by its author Phil Masters:

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Well' date=' I'll do my best to add them as I find them. I'm conveting a couple of my favorites to Heromaker files, and so far more character have at least one mistake in the Math then are correct.[/quote']


So, how do you know that the Heromaker math is correct? ;)



Remembers some interesting errors in Creation Workshop.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


I tried checking Jackhammer and Chainsaw, from the book High Tech Enemies, and they both had numerous problems. For instance, Jackhammer's Multipower has several slots larger than his reserve. Also his Reputation is only 8-, while the whole rest of DC has 11-. His END costs on powers are all wrong. His Jackhammers appear to be OIFs in the illustration (built into the arms of his suit), but they are listed as OAFs in the write up. Chainsaw has the wrong cost for his main weapons, and for some reason the REC on his END Reserve is lower than all the other members of the team.


So correcting the above, I came up with these:


http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/CHAINSAW.pdf (256 points)


http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/PDFs/JACKHAMM.pdf (299 points)

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Why does every member of the team have to be the same?


Maybe there's a discount if they all buy their origins from the same place.


"I'm not only the president of 'Powers Club for Villains', I'm also a member."



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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


In this case the team seem to have a running theme, with near identcal technology. Jackhammer and Chainsaw have the same armor, with a different weapon. The End Reserve costs already don't add up for Chainsaw (his costs and values don'e even equal each other, so I assumed it's a typo that he's so low), so I changed Chainsaw to have an END reserve to match his companions. Jackhammer, meanwhile, sticks out for having a different reputation than all the other members, but the text clearly states he and Chainsaw joined together, and always work as a team. That's why I thought it made sense to have identical reputations.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


I could see that if it wasn't for the fact that EVERY member of DC has the same reputation, and they were all written so uniformly. So when I rewrote Jackhammer, I gave him an identical rep.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


BTW weapons attached with chains can still be OAF's they only need to be able to be disabled with a Grab Maneuver and weapon chains or not, it sounds like one can grab the guys and disable their weapons. (and the Restrainable Limit is a 5e and later limit)


Also for the Rep. I think that the maniac with the chainsaws WOULD be more memorable than the guy with the hammers. This of this like a rockband. Case in Point the Canadian Power Trio Rush. Most everyone knows that Geddy Lee is the lead singer/Bassist, Less people know that Alex Lifeson is the Guitar Player, and even fewer people know that Neil Peart is the Drummer. So when the guys go out they find that Geddy is almost always the one people recognize, followed by Alex and nearly no one ever recognizes Neil (for which I think he is quite thankful). (ie rep Rockstar 11- for Geddy, -8 for Alex and no rep for Neil (In the US as a whole, in CA and the US midwest they would be recognized more often).

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Did you look at the picture of Jackhammer? His weapons built into his suit's arms. It didn't look like it could be taken away with a grab maneuver. Maybe the artist and the writer didn't have the same concept in mind.


As for reps, I repeat ALL members of DC had identical reps, except Jackhammer. Not just the Chainsaw guy.


It would be funny if the Destruction Company attacked a government lab, some lab tech sees them, and they make rep rolls...


Some lab tech says "Oh my goodness, we are under attack by the noted violent high tech mercenaries Power Tool, Chainsaw, Live Wire, Burnout, Countdown!.. and some other guy."


Jackhammer "I'm Jackhammer!"


Lab tech "No, never heard of you..."


Jackhammer "AGAIN! What the heck?"


Chainsaw "Should have had someone proof read your character sheet Jack!"

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


Realm of stupidity there.


It doesn't matter if everyone else has a higher rep. There may have been an actual reason that was never disclosed as to why his rep is lower.


Hell, I have teams that some members are more noted than others. Look at Cap's first team of Avengers. Cap would have a higher rep than Hawkeye, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch combined.

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Re: Is there a running thread for minor corrections on old books?


I recall a Hulk/Avengers crossover issue some years ago where the Avengers are called in. The current team (at that time) of the Vision, Goliath (Clint Barton), Yellowjacket, the Wasp and the Black Panther (I may be off a character or two) show up. The response? "Where's Cap? Thor? Iron Man?" "We are the Avengers now."


Maybe Jackhammer tends to be less showy than his teammates, so he is less recognized and less well known. As to the jackhammers (OAF or OIF), perhaps one can rip some wires loose causing the jackhammers to be useless until a phase or so is spent reconnecting them.


Of course, changing the character to suit the GM's preferences is another option, but a little interpretation of the character as written can also resolve the issue.

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