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How to build a Vampire Template?


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I have been working on my Hero System Champions 6e campaign (which I hope to start later this summer). I hope to incorporate lots of different ideas to make this a Marvellesque Horror game - kinda wierd but since getting my hands on this system (I am a late to the game - only started with 6th edition) I want to push the bounderies a bit.


What I wanted to know is has anyone made a Vampire Template that one could steal? I am going to guess that it will be in the Beastiary when it comes out but I am going on vacation soon and it will be a great chance to work on things.


I did a similar thing in Freedom City with Mutants and Masterminds with Vampires "coming out" and being granted Constitutional Rights (yes stolen from the Anita Blake novels) - was very screwy for my PC's but they loved it and I was thinking of doing something similar with Champions.


So any thoughts or help would be great!





PS - Wish me luck!

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Re: How to build a Vampire Template?


About the Vampire template in 5th Ed Bestiary' date=' why is blood drinking defined as an RKA w/No Range, when it should be an HKA, since the vampire has to make physical contact with his victim?[/quote']


I think the argument is that a 60STR vampire can't really do any more damage with his bite than a 30STR vampire; the teeth are only so big. And if the damage comes from blood loss, STR doesn't have any bearing on it anyway.

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Re: How to build a Vampire Template?


Here are several templates of different Vampire types:


Buffy style - http://angel.fcpages.com/pavampire1.html (0 points)

Charmed style - http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/pavampire2.html (20 points)

Palladium style - http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/pavampire3.html (225 points!)

Underworld style http://home.comcast.net/~mathewignash/pavampire4.html (0 points)

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Re: How to build a Vampire Template?


Making the bite a RKA with no range is an easy way to remove the extra damage from Strength that is normally added to a HKA. I suppose that you could also just make it a HKA with a lim of no or zero strength added instead.


What kind of vampire are we talking about here? There are many different interpretations of the powers of a Vampire (just look at the variety of powers in Vampire the Masquerade) Just like when you simulate a character from any book, movie, TV..etc you need to know what they can do first and then build the powers/abilities to simulate.

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Re: How to build a Vampire Template?


Making the bite a RKA with no range is an easy way to remove the extra damage from Strength that is normally added to a HKA. I suppose that you could also just make it a HKA with a lim of no or zero strength added instead.

The Limitation value of "STR Does Not Add To Damage" is the same (-1/2), so it's mostly a matter of taste for blood.


These related threads below give a lot of suggestions, some further links, and display a variety of arguments on types of vampires:




Here is also some World of Darkness Hero writeups (for 4th edition but still useful):



TheQuestionMan has collected quite a lot of various horror resources, and game conversions including some horror games, respectively:




Finally, in the "How-do-you-build-a-vampire-template-in-6E" thread, Panpiper designed and uploaded a classic movie vampire template:


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Re: How to build a Vampire Template?


I just posted my version of the World of Darkness vampire template for 6E to the Other Genres board. I'm looking for feedback; makes for nice synchronicity that you're looking for something similar :) :


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