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Power Tricks: Fun Things To Do With Powers
This week we announce a new article series. We're going to be digging into fun and interesting ways to use different power boons. Check out the lead in post in the link below! 

Enjoying the weekly updates? Join the Patreon to unlock bonus content, polls, expanded story seeds, and chat with us on Discord. Every Patron helps us in creating Steel Aces and Metahumans Rising content. https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans

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#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising

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Golem, Chocolate

Dragon #228

Golem, Chocolate

Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: None
Intelligence: Non- (0)
Treasure: Special
Alignment: Neutral
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 10
Movement: 6
Hit Dice: 6 or 1
THAC0: 15 or Nil
No. of Attacks: 2 or 0
Damage/Attack: 1d4/1d4
Special Attacks: Breath weapon
Special Defenses: Nil
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: L (7’ tall)
Morale: Fearless (19)
XP Value:

650 or 0




A chocolate golem is a sight never to be forgotten. Stories describe chocolate golems of every size and shape, including giant rabbits, chicks, dragons, reindeer, scarecrows, humans, humanoids, vampires, and other fantastic creatures.

Two types are known: hollow and solid. Bittersweet, milk, or even white or flavored chocolate may be used in construction. The hollow chocolate golem requires at least 500 lbs. of the finest quality chocolate. The chocolate may be poured into a specially created mold or may be sculpted and the middle hollowed out. Making the solid chocolate golem requires at least a 1,000 lb. block of fine chocolate. The golem is then sculpted from the single block.

Either golem may be embellished with edible paints, frosting, or small candies.


Combat: The deluxe chocolate golem (6 HD) typically serves similar purposes as other golems – as sentry or guard. They are sometimes used as security for large parties thrown by kings and other royalty. They appear to be nothing more than edible room decorations but can be ordered to attack. Thus, the golems offer a more innocuous presence than armed guards.

The deluxe golem attacks with both fists for 1d4 hp damage each. Approximately 25% of deluxe golems also have a breath weapon of sorts. Such golems are filled with fruit-flavored liqueur, whipped cream, peanut butter, or marshmallow. The golem can spew forth one gallon of filling every three rounds until its supply (typically 1d6 +6 gallons of filling) is exhausted.

A golem’s THAC0 is 10 for purposes of spraying filling and it can hit one victim. The golem’s spray causes no damage (although golems filled with chunky peanut butter cause 1 hp damage) but blinds a victim for 1d4 rounds. There is no saving throw.

The lesser chocolate golems (1 HD), often called “party golems”, are typically commissioned at great expense for children’s parties by royalty. The party golems are capable of nothing more than walking, sitting, or standing. They never attack.

Party golems are always hollow and are filled with small trinkets and candies. Children make a game of whacking the golem with a stick or pole until it shatters, spilling its treasure and shards of chocolate for partygoers to scoop up.

Chocolate golems exhibit varied reactions to spell effects. Electricity affects them normally. Hold, paralysis, and sleep spells have no effect. Cold-based spells improve a chocolate golem’s Armor Class by 2 (making them AC 8 ) for 1d4 rounds. Cumulative cold-based spells have no additional effect.

Any heat-based or fire spells function fully against a chocolate golem, but with a dangerous side effect. The blast of heat instantly causes a spray of hot melted chocolate in a 15’ radius. Any creatures within this area suffer 1 hp damage per die of damage caused by the spell. Thus, a golem struck by a six-die fireball causes 6 hp damage to all creatures within 15’.


Ecology: Like all golems, the chocolate golem is a manufactured creature and has no place in nature. They are created only through magical means.

A priest of at least 11th level can create a chocolate golem through extensive ritual, preparation of the chocolate figure, and use of the following spells: purify food & drink, prayer, commune, and animate object.

A wizard of at least 14th level must cast fabricate, geas, and limited wish following the construction of the chocolate figure and extensive preparatory rituals.

As part of their enchantment, chocolate golems are stable at temperatures up to 125°F. Enduring any temperature beyond that causes them to lose 1 hp per turn. When a golem loses 50% of its hit points from melting (whether magical or mundane), it is affected as if by a slow spell.

Anyone wishing to purchase a chocolate golem can expect to pay a minimum of 700 gp for a hollow golem, 1,000 gp for a solid golem, and 1,200 gp for a filled golem. The wizard’s labor costs and additional 2,000–3,000 gp.

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4 hours ago, tkdguy said:

Tastiest monster ever!


It also makes for a curious status symbol in most fantasy tabletop RPGs. Those TTRPG settings are partially if not fully Eurocentric and, as we know, the cocoa bean is native to South America; correspondingly, the cocoa bean in a fantasy world is likely to come from a land "across the ocean" or "faraway". I don't know how many beans are required to create half a ton of pure chocolate, but I imagine they're going to cost quite a bit in a quasi-medieval world.

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Some trivia about the instructor.

"Not official stuff"

  • He/him/his
  • He was never vaccinated for chicken pox, measles, rubella, and mumps, because he contracted each of them before the vaccines were developed
  • He peed on the Berlin Wall shortly after it was built
  • He never lived anywhere longer than 3 years at a stretch until he went off to college
  • He was homeless at the time he started the General Exam for his PhD candidacy
  • A couple of months later, he was the guy who called 911 after a drive-by shooting into the house across the street
  • He has a framed, melted Frisbee that was present during the fire in his apartment in grad school; sometimes this has been visible behind him during Zoom lectures
  • He can prove he was on the Internet in 1985
  • He applied for, and was offered, a job with the CIA as he finished grad school (he turned them down)
  • He edits Wikipedia, and his ID there is "-- snip --"
  • He has been the Physics Department's representative on the College's Health Professions Advising Committee since its inception in 2014, and was co-chair in summer 2020
  • He ran a D&D campaign for his daughter and several friends (all but one were SU students) over summer 2019
  • He participated in the March for Science in April 2017 and the march with the Global Climate Strike right before Fall Quarter 2019 started
  • He was too worried about COVID to have participated in any of the BLM marches/rallies/civil disorder in spring 2020
  • He was ecstatic to see Comet NEOWISE from his front doorstep in Seattle in July 2020, using the same binoculars which he'd used to see Comet Halley in 1986 and Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997
  • His new primary physician took his PHYS 106 class about a dozen years ago
  • He got his second dose of COVID vaccine on March 9, 2021, and COVID booster on December 7, 2021.
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Steel Aces: Playing Jacks 2, Page 6: Duck & Cover
As flames continue to spew from the Slither Tank, Ronin makes a snap decision. 

Wondering where the April Adventure Seed went? It's going live next week. Don't worry, we didn't forget, we also didn't want to tip off tonight's players, as a team of heroes experience it live as part of Fool's Moon's Queer & Present Danger 36 hour Charity Stream. 

It's live now, so tune in for some great games, then check out Metahumans Rising at 1 AM EDT/10 PM PDT

Enjoying the weekly updates? Join the Patreon to unlock bonus content, polls, expanded story seeds, and chat with us on Discord. Every Patron helps us in creating Steel Aces and Metahumans Rising content. https://www.patreon.com/Metahumans

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#Metahumans #Superheroes #TTRPG #TTRPGSolidarity #TTRPGRising #Comic #SteelAces #LGBT #LGBTQIA

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